"If cherishing you is a formidable thing, then I'm willing to take the risk," From me, to you.

When Hei Bao arrived at Gou Feng's high-end bar, he parked his car in the parking lot and got out, banging the door and walking away. The loud booming of the music echoed in his pointy ears as he entered the entrance. His frown became even more frowning. His bad mood had already reached its apex. He strided up the stairs, passing by some ladies who were seducing him and others who were flirting with him.

He paid no attention and kept walking through the VIP Room, where Cheung Qi was. When he opened the door, he was greeted with such a sight. Cheung Qi was kissing a girl in the middle of the large sofa, while the other was kneeling in front of him.

Both ladies were dressed indecently and provocatively, exposing almost everything that should be concealed. It was obvious what that kneeling lady was doing, with her head moving while Cheung Qi was holding a handful of her hair.

Hei Bao's nose was infiltrated by the odor of a strong perfume and something disgusting. He creased his brow even more and crunched his nose. He shut the door behind him, and the booming sound had vanished.

The empty bottles of expensive wines and liquor were strewn across the glass table, while the ones that hadn't been opened yet stood motionless. Hei Bao walked over to the other sofa and sat down quietly.

He poured his wine into an empty and spotless glass and took a sip. The noise around him doesn't bother him in the least. He had already heard and seen far too much.

He sipped his wine and poured it again, repeating the process for the next few hours. He finally put down the glass after the last drop of wine had passed through his throat.

"You're taking a lot longer than I anticipated," Hei Bao finally said.

Cheung Qi stopped kissing the girl and pushed the other girl's head away. He smirked and turned to face Hei Bao. The ladies changed their clothes and then went to Cheung Qi. They exchanged a few words with Cheung Qi, which energised the room. Not without first seducing and flirting with Hei Bao.

They exited the room with embarrassment after being rejected, closing the door behind them and leaving the two alone.

Cheung Qi poured his wine, drank it all, then refilled the glass. Hei Bao grinned as he crossed his legs and spread his arms in the sofa-post.

"You were more patient than I expected," Cheung Qi said, smirking at Hei Bao.

Hei Bao retorted, "Shut it."

"What about her?" Hei Bao inquired.

Cheung Qi enquired, "What? Who?"

Hei Bao simply stared at him. Cheung Qi finally nodded and opened his mouth again.

"Chu Yan?" inquired Cheung Qi.

Hei Bao was expressionless as he stared at him.

"I like her," Cheung Qi said in response to Hei Bao's stares.

"Then why the hell are you still doing this?" Hei Bao asked, his brow furrowed.

Hei Bao poured wine into his glass once more, lifted it near his mouth, and took a sip.

"Just because I like her doesn't mean I'll stop doing these things; I like her, not love her; and just because I slept with her once doesn't mean I won't sleep with other girls again," Cheung Qi replied bluntly.

Hei Bao set the glass down on the table, crossed his legs, and looked Cheung Qi in the eyes.

"So, what's the deal with those sparkling eyes I see whenever she's around?" Hei Bao inquired.

"I don't understand you," he said.

"I thought you understood why I'm like this," Cheung Qi said abruptly, looking Hei Bao in the eyes.

Cheung Qi abruptly fell silent. They were once again surrounded by a thick layer of air. Cheung Qi opened his mouth again and finally said what was on the tip of his tongue that he had been keeping hidden inside him.

"I know I said it before, but that horrible memory still lingers and messes up my FUCKING HEAD!!" Cheung Qi growled, covering both of his eyes with his left hand.

"Every night...," he paused.

"Every night that haunts me in my dreams and AWAKENS ME EVERY DAMN TIME! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT TO FUCKING DO!!" Cheung Qi finally opened his eyes and growled at Hei Bao, who was sitting calmly on the other sofa.

They were enveloped in silence.

"I just asked once, and you just erupted like a volcano, fool," Hei Bao picked up his glass and drank the entire contents before putting it back down. His expression changed and he returned his gaze to Cheung Qi, whose head was bowed low.

"Don't you have anything to say about me?" Hei Bao inquired.

"Do you even feel sad right now?" Cheung Qi asked, his head still bowed.

"Yeah, I'm crying a jar of tears," Hei Bao replied.

"Fuck you," Cheung Qi yelled.

Cheng Qi straightened up and sat down. He stood up and walked into the cabinet, which was pinned to the wall, and opened it.

He picked up the folder that had been lying there for an hour and walked back to the sofa where he had been sitting earlier and sat down again. He raised his hand and handed the folder to Hei Bao, who was standing nearby.

"How did you know I had something to report in the first place?" Cheung Qi inquired.

"I don't know. Gut feeling?" Hei Bao replied, opening the folder without looking at him.

Cheung Qi drank another glass and took a sip. He noticed a change in Hei Bao's expression when he looked at him. Cheung Qi noticed that he was both shocked and frowning while flipping through the pages and reading the file, so he decided to ask.

"Another murder report from C City?" Cheung Qi inquired. Hei Bao looked at Cheung Qi and frowned.

"You... Did you even open this?" Hei Bao replied, referring to the folder he had been given.

"No, Gou Feng gave it to me earlier," Cheung Qi replied, taking another sip of his drink.

"He gave it to you?" Hei Bao inquired, frowning even more.

"Yeah, why are you asking so many questions? What's written inside anyway?" Cheung Qi wondered again.

For a brief moment, Hei Bao remained silent. He looked down at the already closed folder before returning his gaze to Cheung Qi.

"It was a report of killings, but not in C City this time," Hei Bao replied, still frowning.

"It's in Green Forest Village," Hei Bao explained.

Cheung Qi felt as if a loud thunderclap had just rang in his ears.

"...What?" Cheung Qi was taken aback. He placed the glass on the table and approached Hei Bao.

He snatched the folder from Hei Bao's grasp and opened it, harshly flipping through each page as his gaze traveled from top to bottom.

"What the fuck is this?!" Cheung Qi exclaimed half-heartedly as he continued to flip the pages, wide-eyedly reading the same thing. After finishing his reading, he slammed the folder down on the table, washed his face with both hands, and ruffled his hair.

"Have you read the last one?" Hei Bao asked, not looking him in the eyes.

"What?" Cheung Qi was perplexed.

"A'Shan has a bite mark on her neck," Hei Bao said after a brief pause.

"She was one of the children who were killed in the battle between vampires and those humans," he went on.

Cheng Qi could only close his eyes tightly and then open them again a split second later. He walked over to the couch where he had been sitting before and slumped back. He rested his head on the couch and closed his eyes once more.

"She must have that mark as well," Cheung Qi said, not opening his eyes.

"I saw it in her wrist," Hei Bao replied.

Cheung Qi remained silent for a brief moment.

"You said she looks a lot like Fei Nian," Cheung Qi said flatly.

Hei Bao hummed, "Mn."

"Then why did they kill her if she's related to that woman?" Cheng Qi inquired.

"Perhaps because their plan failed," Hei Bao replied. He poured another drink and sipped it.

"What plan? To kill you?" Cheung Qi inquired, his gaze fixed on Hei Bao.

"Mn," Hei Bao hummed.

"You know, there's always gotta be a cost for every failure you make," he went on.

"What's the big deal? What will they get if they kill you?" Cheung Qi wondered.

"What the hell are you asking me?" Hei Bao questioned.

"We don't even know if she's related to that woman, but how did that cretin Rong Qiqiang find that village and wreak such havoc?" Cheung Qi.

"I can't really tell you because I wasn't there when it happened," Hei Bao says.

"Can you at least answer correctly?" Cheung Qi finally asked, irritably looking at Hei Bao.

"What? I'm just telling you that I wasn't there when it happened, so stop asking stupid questions," Hei Bao yelled at Cheung Qi.

Cheung Qi remained deafeningly silent. He can't seem to stop moving. He would occasionally keep checking his watch, stamping his foot, walking back and forth, or sitting down and biting his nails. His actions annoyed and irritated Hei Bao. He couldn't take it any longer and opened his mouth to speak.

"Could you please stop doing that?" Hei Bao roared at Cheung Qi, startling the other.

"What? What am I doing?" Cheung Qi wondered.

Hei Bao's expression said,


"Are you concerned?" Hei Bao inquired after a brief pause. Cheung Qi gave him a quick glance.

"I...I don't. I'm not.. I—I don't know.." Cheung Qi stammered, unable to find the words to say. He mumbled,

"Shit," as he covered his face with both hands.

"You don't need to be concerned," Hei Bao said after a brief pause.

"Gou Feng and the others are there," Hei Bao said as he sipped his wine.

"You should have told me sooner," Cheung Qi said, his voice relieved.

"You never asked," Hei Bao retorted.

"Anyway, why are you here?" Cheung Qi inquired, remembering Hei Bao's presence in the bar.

Hei Bao did not respond and remained silent. He took another sip and set the glass down on the table. He was confronted by Cheung Qi. His expression was so solemn that it piqued Cheung Qi's interest in what Hei Bao would say. He finally opened his mouth after a brief pause.

"How did you feel when you first met your mate?" Hei Bao finally asked, which surprised Cheung Qi.

To be continued.