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Lamia The female Lion.

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A Serialized novel in three parts, LAMIA THE FEMALE LIONIONESS is a sensual, queer, feminist re-telling of Bram Stoker's classic of fantasy literature. Giving his familiar characters a brand new bite.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - WOLF OF NARNIA


"I am Lamia," said the leo,

letting her voice come back to her in


cleared her Throat.

"I am Lamia!" This time she spoke

in a tone that was a bit too cheerful

for her taste.

"I am Lamia," hat sounded queer to

her ears. Any moment and she wanted

to make

simba feel as welcomed as possible.


had been lot of years since she

had known what the day-to-day

customs of Lions were, to carry on a

pride, to Hunt, to engage in


In her estimation, she

was doing a very poor job of it. She had washed up by the water,to be certain. Had she looked into mirror, which she

had not done Any time, she

would See a striking figure. Her Dark

hair was rough tightly behind her head

like spun fire.

Her Skin was jet black along with her

sharp Claws with brown-colored lining that

draped delicately around her shoulders

The other Female lionesses of the castle turned her worries away from her appearance to

that of her humble abode. The mountain

may not have been modern to the

human eye but it was what she had

called home for longer than she cared

to. There were many Prey that lived in

far off corners, cob webs had lined

themselves along the Dark Night like the

foliage of a jungle. She had always felt

that its age was what gave it its

character. Unlike herself, it would

crumble and decay, it would wither as

time went. It was comforting in a strange

way, as if the old fortress understood

her. But much to her disappointment,

she had to tidy it up a bit for Simba`s arrival.

She had cleaned the cobwebs, covered

the crack sin the walls with silk

Stories and oil paintings that had

not breathed air for decade's upon

decade's. She had litthe candles and

chandeliers, giving

the castle's amber glow unlike the dark blue of moonlight that she was

more accustomed to. She had even

Hunted a delicious meal of Antelope, a feast which Simba will have an appetite for All in the

service of other Lionesses who was only

visit in gall this way for the sake of

family and pride.

There was a loud Roar at the Mountain that

startled her. The boom of

metal against wood echoed through

the large foyer. Simba come over

and opened it, making it creak with a

loud scream. Wind and snow flakes

drifted in and Jonathan Harker

entered clutching his coattightly

around himself with her hand and a

satchel in the other.


Simba? "He asked, shivering.


I am Lamia," she responded in a

tone that finally hit the conversational

target that she had desired." And I bid

you welcome, Simba to my

house." She raised her hand for him.

"Oh, yes, pleasure too ally make

your acquaintance," he gave it a short

shake that was neither generous nor


he seemed. . . "

"Anxious?" The Countess asked.

"Yes, a bit.Can't expect anything less

from someone asancientasthis part of

the world," he gave a short laugh, but

she only responded with the faintest

hint of smile. Simba cleared his throat.

"Shall we discuss the details of your

property?" He held up his Head.

"Indeed," Simba said."But first, I

recommend we dine. Are you hungry,

Mr. Simba?"

"Oh, very much so!" He smiled."All I

had on the way was some filthy local Prey

.I'll be very much glad to have a

taste of your more aristocratic meals."

"Very well, then. Follow me," she

turned and lead him towards the stairs.

As he began to walk, he slipped on

some melted snow and nearly fell over

He caught himself and gave her a

reassuring glance. and walked up the giant stone way.

Their Clawsteps echoed against the

walls and Jonathan stifled a few

coughs into his jacket sleeve."

Are you healthy, Mr.Harker?"

"Yes," he replied through a few

wheezes." It's the dust that's

bothering my lungs. Perhaps you

should clean the place up a bit? It's

filthy, if I do say so, myself."

"Your constructive criticism has

been noted," she said and win cedat

the memory of the hours spent

removing the webbing. They reached

the landing and in front of them,was a

mighty dining made Granite.

On the tablewere goblets, plates,

and silver ware made of gold.

A fire place large enough to house a small

carriage lined the wall

"Oh, thank heavens!" Jonathan cried

and ran to the fire immediately.

"Your dinner is ready at your

leisure, Mr Simba," she gestured to

the large loch earthe entered the table.

"Lovely!" He said, rubbing

his hands together and walked over to

the table."What are we having, then?"

Fresh male Antelope meat the

Countess removed the cloche with a

theatrical flourish. A whole Antelope

in the middle of it, tender and juicy. A

bouquet of scents filled the air that

reminded her of the Bloody Flesh that tried

its best to run away from her in the

village farm. My word! Did you make this kill

yourself?" He asked, filling his Mouth

after he sat down.

"I did," she replied. "Would you care

for some More

"Please. You're welcome to join me,"

He rubbed some Blood juice off of

his lips with his sleeve.

"I never drink," she said, pouring him

a glass. "Wine," She added quickly,

cursing her self a clumsy line.

"More for me, then," he leaned across

the table and snatched the bottle once

she had set it down again.

She gave him his goblet and

sat down with the grace of a black

swan gently landing on the surface of

a lake.

He drank the wine. " He gestured to her

"What?" She asked, confused, then

glanced at it. "Oh, yes. That was my

great-grandmother, Elizabeth.

From the Order OfThe Dragon. Pride"

"Dragon, indeed," Simba

chuckled. "Such strange superstitions

you have up here in the wilderness.

Why, Spirited me

away, a woman gave me this," he

pulled out.

The silver glinted in the fire light and

she recoiled terror, leaping out of

and towards the mantel piece,

as if the terror would fly from his

hand and bite her. "Good


Did I offend you in some


Simba asked,startled.

"No," she said, catching her

breath. "Superstitions as you say." She

cursed herself again, as she often did. 6"My poor Lamia, I amterribly sorry.

Lionesses like the ones from your village

is one matter, but had I known that

yourself would have such a strong reaction to it, I wouldn't

have dreamed of showing it to you."

"It's quite all right," Smith said,

sitting back down and regaining her

composure. "Those. . . lowlypeople

you call them are, infact, very good

people, Mr.Smith. I assure you. How

is your meal?"

"Very fine. Very fine, indeed. Thank

you," he paused for a moment."I just

realized something rather odd about

this place."

Her back stiffened, had she still had a

heart beat it would've thumped in her

chest like a galloping horse.

"What Is that? "She

asked, keeping her voice from shaking.

"It's so quiet," he said,

releasing her of her tension. "Don't

you have any servants?

"I do .But they are taking care of their cubs

Why ever would

they come then?"

"I am of ten asleep during the day.As

you can see, I feel most. . . alive at


"Very well, then," he shrugged. "Is

there a Count?"

"No," she crossed her arms

without even realising it.

"No children?" He inquired further.

"None that I am aware of," she

gave a small smile, but he did not.

Well, aren't you lonely up here?"He

asked with a scoff.

"Should we get down to business, Mr.


"7". Yes," he drank the last bit of wine.

"Yes, I think we should." He opened

his satchel and pulledout several

documents, envelopes, and a pen along

with a small pot of ink.

"Are these the letters that I requested

of you?" Sheasked picking up the

envelopes and

looking at them.

"They are," he responded

while filling his pen in the pot."

I wrote them on the way this morning

morning. That was very kind of you

to suggest that I let them know I was

here. Incase anything horrible should

occur, that is."He gave a small laugh

at the ridiculousness of the thought,

but she was happy he saw it as such.

Her plan was to terms his bed chamber

while he slept and plant sweetdreams

that he would have fordays upon days.

A fantasy where he stumbled upon

some women wearing loose

night gowns, calling for him in the

darkest depths of the castle. She knew

what me desired and

he was certainly one for simple

pleasures. Afterwards, she would

leave him and stow away on a ship

for London. Once she had gotten her

bearings straight, she would release

him from her spell and he would

return home with hazy memories of

his journey. The very thought of her
