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Tsuki Akaima: A Shut-in Man who became a Hero.

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Tsuki Akaima is a powerful isekai protagonist that wandered around the world of Yggrrasyl to find the Scary noice he's hearing all night.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - The Shut-In Man

"My name is Akaima Tsuki, I lived alone after my parents died 3 years ago. My Aunties and Uncles supported my everyday lifestyles such as foods, drinks and clothes. I am a High School Student". (In the Morning)

Tsuki: No, I'm Late, Why on Earth does this Alarm didn't work?!. (I rushed to school) "beep, beeep, beeeep" (on that day, the driver didn't see me running and I've been hit by the car, and died)

Sekai God: Young Man, What's Your Name?

Tsuki: (Where did it come from) I am Akaima Tsuki! (I shouted) Who are you?! and Where am I?!

Sekai God: I am Kamikasa, A God from another world.

Tsuki: Kamikasa? (Wait, did he just say a God from another world?) Another World?

Kamikasa: Yes. I am giving you powers, enough to make you survive the another world.

Tsuki: Wait a Minute, Do you mean you'll send me on what you called Another world after I died?

Kamikasa: Yes. I saw that it's not your fault on dying so young, that's why I want you to live again but in another world.

Tsuki: All right then, what do you mean another world?

Kamikasa: Yggrrasyl, A World where magic exists.

Tsuki: (Magic?!) Do you mean I can use Magic on that world?!

Kamikasa: Yes. I've given you every powers I have, I will now rest for a hundred years.

(A gate opened)


"Tsuki falling while screaming"

Tsuki: Ow ow ow, that stupid Sekai God dropping me 100 feet on the ground, but it doesn't hurt as much at all...(That's strange..)

"Tsuki arrived on the west of Yggrrasyl by falling in the sky)

Tsuki: Magic huh, which means I can hold swords in here to...looks like I have to do what I can to survive this world.

"Tsuki started walking and thinking on how can he survive on the place he's in now, suddenly a group of soldiers are fighting against a monstrous creatures."

Soldier 1: Don't Hesitate! Surround It! Archers!! Fire!

Soldier 2: Captain!! He's badly Injured we have to retreat now!

Soldier 1: Alright, Retreat!

Tsuki: (Wait a Minute, is that a sword?! I've been practicing katana this lately) wait, do I have weapons on me?? I have to help them or else they'll die, I don't know how to use magic, so I have to rely on weapons first. "Accidentally opened a Storage box where there's a katana on it"

Tsuki: What in the world is this?! No, wait I don't have time to think how did I do this, I have to help them first.

"Tsuki ran with his Katana"

Tsuki: Get Back!

Soldier 1: Who are you?! Get out of here! That thing will kill you!

Tsuki: I'm a traveler, Get back!

Soldier 2: Captain, I need help! He's badly Injured!

Soldier 3: "Mourning" Ow, Captain... I'm sorry, I should've listen to you...

Soldier 1: Idiot, Stop Talking, I'll heal you now.

Tsuki: (yosh, I can handle this, just believe in yourself and save those soldiers who are badly injured) HAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Tsuki cuts the head of the monster and made a slight injury of himself by the monstrous creature."

Tsuki: Ahh, It's over. Thank Goodness.

"Walks toward the group of soldiers"

Tsuki: Are you okay?

Soldier 1: Yes, I'm fine. Thank you

Soldier 2: Yes.

Soldier 3: Yes, I think I'll live.

Soldier 1: Who are you? and What's with that weapon of yours? It's not like our swords?

Tsuki: am....I am Tsuki Akaima. N-Nice to meet you all.

Soldier 1: Tsuki what's that weapon of yours??

Tsuki: Ahh..this? It's called a Katana... I'm actually a traveler and I've been finding places to spend the night, and you?

Soldier 1: I am Karmic Evangeline. Captain of the Cronnos Squad, the Top 3 Squad of the Kingdom of Agathe.

Soldier 2: I am Rogers Heustas. Vice Captain of the Cronnos Squad.

Soldier 3: I am Luke Evangeline, Captain of the Archers of Cronnos Squad.

Tsuki: (Evangeline?) Does that mean...

Karmic: Yes, He's my little brother. and Rogers is our cousin.

Tsuki: I see. (That's why they're so desperate to heal him, I see.) Wait, What is this place actually??

Karmic: This Is the Forest of Agasia. We actually came here to find the other squad that been attacked by these type of monster, these are called Hamadryad. A Gigantic Three Headed Lion.

Tsuki: (Hamadryad..huh) Have you seen them already??

Rogers: Yes. but suddenly we were attacked by Hamadryad and some of us had badly injured, thankfully no one died.

Luke: That monster is an E class monster.

Tsuki: E Class?!

Karmic: Yes. but you defeated it in just 2 minutes.. really who the heck are you..

Tsuki: Ahh hehehe...just a traveler..

Soldiers: Captain, we are ready to move, those who are injured are treated perfectly fine and healed.

Karmic: Alright let's get going.

Luke: Tsuki-san, you said you're finding a place to spend the night...right?

Tsuki: Yes, Why?

Rogers: Ohh, perfect timing, we are actually heading back to the Kingdom of Agathe. Come with us there's a place there that you can spend the night.

Tsuki: (I see. so this is like a game.) Alright I'm coming, thank you.

"After a long walk, Tsuki finally arrived at the Kingdom of Agathe"

Tsuki: (It's Huge) Is this..?

Luke: Yes, welcome to the Kingdom of Agathe.

Karmic: In that corner, there's an Inn, you can rest there and take a good nap, thank you for helping us Tsuki-san, we owe you big enough.

Tsuki: You're welcome Karmic-san. Bye.

"Tsuki walked towards the Inn"

Tsuki: (Aga Inn...huh)

Lady: Welcome!!

Tsuki: Ahh!! What the.. you scared me.

Lady: I'm sorry.

Tsuki: It's fine, is this the Aga Inn??

Lady: Yes It is. I'm Anna.

Tsuki: Tsuki. How much does the room take on one night??

Anna: About...2 silver

Tsuki: (2 Silver..huhh..) ( Wait!! Do I have money?!!)

Anna: Umm..sir??

Tsuki: Y-yes?? what is it??

"Tsuki suddenly finds out how to open the storage box, and find if there's money in there"

Tsuki: (F-Five Million Gold?! What the hell is this?!)

Anna: Umm sir?? are you renting??

Tsuki: uhh..ahh Y-yes...Umm...then I'll rent it for 1 gold coin.

Anna: Yes, right away sir.

Tsuki: (What the hell, I've never seen something like this)

Anna: Sir, It's ready now... here's the key to your door on the second floor, have a nice stay!

Tsuki: Y-Yeah.

"Tsuki went on his room and thinks on his magic briefly"

Tsuki: Magic.. huh.. (Actually what are my abilities.. seriously I don't even know what's my abilities)

"the next day, Tsuki went out on the plains and tested his magic"

Tsuki: hmm... let's see.. How on earth do I activate magic..huh...hmm

"Tsuki spent 30 minutes thinking about it and can't find the answer"

Tsuki: Ahh!! Jeez!! How on earth do I activate it!

"Luke sees Tsuki on the Plains, came closer and greets him"

Luke: Ohh, Tsuki-san, what are you doing??

Tsuki: Ahh Luke, Nothing special, I was just thinking about magic.

Luke: Magic huh..If you want I can teach you.... I'm actually not capable of every elements but I know them All.

Tsuki: Seriously??

Luke: Yes. Magic has 6 elements; Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light And Dark. These are the elements of Magics, I have an attributes of Fire and Earth. I was a Magician before I became the Captain of the Archers of Kronnos Squad. Magics has chants like; Fire, Wind, Earth and Water, Grant me powers and burn those things in front of me, Fire Ball.

"Luke made a fire ball and shoots it"

Tsuki: Wow, That's Awesome!

Luke: Now, Tsuki-san, Try the Chant and Imagine it like what I did before.

Tsuki: Eh?!...uhhmm..uhh... Alright...( Imagine.. Imagine...what was the chant again..ahh Fire ball)

"Tsuki made a Fire Ball on his hands without saying the Chants that Luke said earlier"

Luke: "shocked" (Seriously...He made the fire ball with no chant.. just who really is he..)

"Tsuki shoots the fireball without the chant"

Luke: Just who the heck really are you? Tsuki-san? You made the Fire ball without the Chants I said did you..

Tsuki: Ahh..yeah..That..I forgot the chant and I just thought I would imagine it on my head..and yeah...hehehe.. I'm sorry, I broke your pride.

Luke: Ahh...N-no, no need to apologize Tsuki-san

"Tsuki practiced magic by the help of Luke, He made all the elements and partially mastered every attacks and defenses of the elements, which he will still be learning more and more"

Luke: "shocked" It's my first time seeing a perfect element user...

Tsuki: ehh?!! seriously?? I have all the elements?? EHH?!!!

Luke: Yeah Tsuki-san you're amazing!

Tsuki: N-No...not really.. I'm still learning things tho..

"Luke went back to the Squad and Tsuki travelled far enough from Agathe to test his magic abilities"

Tsuki: Hmm.. Let's see, this katana is pretty sharp than I imagined tho..(Let's see, If I add Lighting on the Katana I think this should work) "Added Lightning on the Katana" Wow!! It worked!! Yes!!, now let's see If this thing is powerful.."Slashes the katana and made a lightning slice on the air" Holy...this thing can also be long ranged huh... awesome!! but I have to save this..this thing's dangerous enough to use when there's someone around..I have to perfectly master it first..(now let's see If I can add every elements on this katana) "Tsuki spent the day on adding elements on the katana" Awesome!! I can add all the elements in it! I now have a lot of attacking skills such as; Lightning Strike, Air Cut, Flame Strike, Dimensional Slice, Lightborne Katana, Hardened Sharpness, Ice Slasher, Flame Strike Second Form, Water Judge. "Lightning Strike: A short and long ranged form of katana, it can only be activated when said so. Air Cut: An invisible long range cut generally formed by swinging the katana, it can only be activated when said so. Flame Strike: A blade katana that contains fire on it powerful enough for a melee range attacks, it can only be activated when said so. Dimensional Slice: An attack that formally uses Dark Magic a silent powerful attack that cuts through dimensions where it can cut you through obstacles without harming the obstacle, it can only be activated when said so. Lightborne Katana: A glowing katana, usually uses light attributes to activate and can break all curses, it can only be activated when said so. Hardened Katana: A katana that is actually hardened by Earth attributes and strong enough to break the strongest things that are on the way, it can only be activated when said so. Ice Slasher: A katana formally generates ice when used and can freeze the target on its death, it can only be activated when said so. Flame Strike Second Form: Just Like Flame Strike but the Flames are Blue and more powerful than the Flame Strike, it can only be activated when flame strike is activated and when said so. Water Judge: A katana formally generates water and can be used to make the katana longer when long ranged are on the tight spots, it can only be activated when said so.

Tsuki: Wow, I'll be very careful on using those, for now this katana is usually strong enough, just how powerful those things when used, Jeez I'll have to be very careful on those things I made. I have a lot of things to learn, not just these things I have on me..I have to be strong enough to fight and survive on this world, all I need is to find food, drinks and survive... it's just like the mmorpg camping game I used to play before...yeah, I memorized it and stored it on my head...good good... I can make it and survive...for now I'm going back to the Inn, it's getting pretty dark now, I'll stay there for 3 more days and then leave, when I took all the equipments I need.

"Tsuki went back on the Aga Inn and slept"

"In the Morning, Tsuki walks by the shops and bought stuffs he needed to take of his journey on leaving the Kingdom of Agathe"

Tsuki: Yosh, I think this is far enough...I have here some recipes of making good foods because I can't really remember how to make one, yeah..then I have here a large backpack that can carry enough resources that I bought, and I think I'm ready enough to take Journey.

"Tsuki went back to the Inn and taked Anna for taking care of his foods and drinks, everytime"

Tsuki: Anna, here...a present from me, you took care of my stuffs... It's not that big but I hope you accept it.

Anna: Oh my, Thank You Tsuki-san... Wow it's beautiful... you've got tastes on giving a present huh, I never thought I can have these necklace that I've been wanted to buy before. Thank You so Much Tsuki-san.

Tsuki: Ahh...y-yeah, you're welcome hehe.

"Anna smiled and kissed Tsuki on the cheeks before entering the Inn again"

Tsuki: "shocked" Wh- wh- What the hell was that..."blushing because of embarrassment"

"Tsuki thanked the Kronnos Squad before leaving and went on a journey in the east of Kingdom of Agathe"

Tsuki: It's getting dark, I should build up a camp right next to that tree, and I'm pretty tired to. I've been walking like 3 days now and I can't find a village.

"Tsuki made a camp and sat on the campfire he made"

"When time passes, Tsuki heard a noice coming from the right side of him"

Tsuki: What was that, I just heard a scary noice from the right side... the heck was that..

"Tsuki stayed up all night thinking about the scary noice he heard"

Tsuki: I stayed up all night thinking about that scary noice from a far... It's like a loud roar coming from super far...and it's pretty loud enough that I can hear it. Just what the heck was that.. I don't really know but It's like a joint forces of roars from a far.. because I heard not just one roar and all of them are different from each roar I heard.

"Tsuki heard a scream from near and made him snap out of what he's thinking"

Tsuki: Wh- What the hell was that?!

Someone: HELP!!

Tsuki: Where is it!! Jeez Where is that scream coming from!!

Someone: Someone Please Help!

Tsuki: To the Left! I'm Coming!

"Tsuki draw out his katana and put it on his Belly side"

Girl: Someone Help!

Tsuki: Crap! a Hamadryad and it's three of them!

Girl: Please Help!

Tsuki: I'm coming! Hang in there!

"Tsuki used Air Cut and Flame Strike to defeat three Hamadryads"

Tsuki: Are you Okay?!

Girl: Y-yes, Thank you.

Tsuki: You're bleeding, wait I have some sort of torn clothes here, let me.

Girl: "blushing" th-thank you.

Tsuki: Can you walk?

Girl: I don't think so..

Tsuki: Hop in, I'll carry you, is there any village in this place??

Girl: Y-yes It's from there, and it's my hometown..."blushed when realized what Tsuki said" wh-wh- what?! n-no, no I'm fine.

Tsuki: Just hop in and I'll carry you back to your hometown.

Girl: a-alright "hopped on Tsuki's back while embarrassed"

Girl: (t-this is embarrassing) u-umm it's over there.

Tsuki: Right, Hang on just don't move and you'll be fine.

Girl: A-alright "while blushing"

Villager: "shocked" Rachelle!! what happened to you?!

Rachelle: I was attacked by Hamadryads and ran, thanks to him and I survived, He quickly heard me and acted without hesitations.

Villager: Ohh!! Thank You!! Thank You so much, for saving my daughter!

Tsuki: Ahh, Y-yeah, I just heard her screaming help then I ran where the voice came from and I just saw her bleeding so I helped her.

Rachelle: "blushing" T-thank you so much for helping me.

Tsuki: Yeah, It's nothing.

Villager: I am Rachelle's Father, Kamaza Ryuoo, and I'm the Elder of this Village, We welcome you, Traveler and Thank you so much for saving my daughter Rachelle.

Tsuki: Ahh...y-yeah, I am Tsuki Akaima, Nice to meet you all.

Rachelle: "Blushing" A-Akaima-san, I really really thank you.

Tsuki: Ahh yeah, I guess you're fine in here now, maybe I should go now.

Rachelle: w-wait "blushing" if you'd like come with me, I'll cook some foods for us, I bet you're hungry fighting three Hamadryads.

Tsuki: O-okay.

"Tsuki followed Rachelle and Kamaza on their house and talked"

Tsuki: Thank you for having me, I'm coming in.

Kamaza: Well then, Akaima-san...

Tsuki: Ahh Tsuki's fine.

Kamaza: Well then, Tsuki-san, my daughter was pretty good at cooking, you'll see when you tasted it..

Tsuki: Really, Yosh I can't wait to try it!

"Rachelle's Face turned red while cooking'

Rachelle: (What is this feeling...My heart's pounding..)

"Rachelle finished cooking and made dinner"

Kamaza: Rachelle, what happened on there?

Rachelle: Ahh, Father.. I was on my way home when delivered the things you said to deliver, but I just got attacked by Hamadryads first it's one then there's two more while I'm running away, one of them caught me by their claws and got me injured, then I screamed for help...good thing that Akaima-san came and rescued me, I thought I was hopeless back there was going to die...Akaima-san defeated three Hamadryads in an instant like it was nothing.

Kamaza: What.. Tsuki-san beated Three of them?! Even the Top 2 Knight Squads of every Kingdom can't beat it easily...

Tsuki: Every Kingdom??

Kazama: Yes Tsuki-san, there are 4 kingdoms in this world; Kingdom of Agathe, Kingdom of Domalia, Kingdom of Castela and the Strongest Kingdom, the main capital, Kingdom of Yggrrasyl. But It's surprising that you just beated that E-Class Monster that easily..

Rachelle: Yeah Father! Akaima-san is so cool back there, by the way Akaima-san, what was the sword you used back there and what's with the lightning and flame on the sword...

Tsuki: Ahh this?, This is called Katana, It's a single bladed sword powerful than normal swords that every knight uses...and that was my abilities, Lightning Strike and Flame Strike..

Rachelle: Really? You're Amazing!!

Tsuki: Ahh, hehehe, I'm still learning things tho..

Kazama: By the way, Tsuki-san, where were you heading back then when you heard Rachelle's voice?

Tsuki: Ahh, I was told that the Kingdom of Castela was on the east side of the map, so I traveled east and suddenly heard her voice.

Kazama: Ahh, Right... it's getting dark Tsuki-san, You should stay here, and take a rest. Rachelle take care of Tsuki-san.

Rachelle: Yes, Father.

Tsuki: Thank You, Ryuoo-san.

"After that, Tsuki slept in the couch of the house of Kazama and suddenly woke up by hearing the same noices he heard back then"

Tsuki: It's that roaring thing again, I wonder what really it is.. It's like a thousand of Monsters are about to come.

"In the Morning"

Tsuki: Good Morning, Rachelle-san

Rachelle: G-G-Good Morning A-Akaima-san "while blushing"

Tsuki: Rachelle-san?? is something wrong??

Rachelle: Ahh, no no no no nothing....(my heart's pounding!, I just dreamt of Akaima-san being my husband, what am I dreaming and thinking about) "while blushing"

Kazama: Good morning Tsuki-san

Tsuki: ahh Good morning Ryuoo-san.

Rachelle: I- I'm going to cook breakfast.

Tsuki: Okay.

"Rachelle walked towards the kitchen while blushing"

Tsuki: Ryuoo-san is Rachelle-san okay??

Kazama: I don't really know, she's not like that but when you came here she's acting pretty weird.

Tsuki: the way, Ryuoo-san..

Kazama: What is it??

Tsuki: Have you heard a scary roaring sound last night like it was a thousand monsters?

Kazama: No, Nothing, Why??

Tsuki: Ahh, Nothing (Why didn't he heard it..It was so far but it's really loud like a thousand monsters roaring at the same time)

Rachelle: Breakfast's Ready

Everyone: Thank you for the food!

Kazama: Tsuki-san, are you going to leave the village already?

Tsuki: Yeah, I've got a long way to go, in order to be in the Kingdom of Castela.

Kazama: Ohh yeah, why are you heading to the Kingdom of Castela?

Tsuki: A friend of mine said that there's a school in there to improve my abilities and strengths, I'd like to enroll there and pass the exams to myself an official adventurer... because I'm just a traveler... traveling from village to village...

Kazama: Ahh Okay, then?? what's your level?? I heard that Castela School accepts students level 15 and above.

Tsuki: There are levels?!

Rachelle: My, You don't know it??

Tsuki: Actually...Yeah..I never heard of it because I'm just a traveler...

Kazama: Here, I've got this from the Kingdom of Castela, It will tell your Name, Age, Level and It will tell the attributes you have and strengths...

Tsuki: Right...

"Tsuki touched the crystal and it shows the information of Tsuki; Tsuki Akaima, Male, Age: 16, Attributes: All Elements, Strength: Cannot Determine, Level:10,000"

Rachelle and Kazama: "Shocked" EHHHH?!!! a-all elements...a-and the strength cannot determine, which means your strength is higher than this crystal and level ten thousand?! Tsuki-san Who are you really?!

Tsuki: EHH?! WHAT?! T-Ten Thousand?!! SERIOUSLY?!!

Kazama: I didn't expect that your level is that much high, and most can access all the elements in this World...

Rachelle: Awesome! You really are Awesome Akaima-san! That's why you're moves are faster than the wind back then! you really are amazing!!

Tsuki: I'm not.. I'm still learning tho..

Kazama: Tsuki-san, this is for you..It was cooked by Rachelle and this will help you reach your goal because I added an adventure potion that helps you reach your goal in just 3 days...

Tsuki: Thanks, Rachelle-san and Ryuoo-san. Well then I'm off!

Rachelle: Take Cafe Akaima-san!

"Tsuki went off and left the Village and took it's path to Kingdom of Castela"

Kazama: You Like Tsuki-san, Rachelle?

Rachelle: EHH?! uhh.. Father!! How did you know?!! Jeeezz!!!

Kazama: "laughing" you're my daughter.

"Tsuki travelled far enough and it's getting dark so he decided to place a tent and rest"

Tsuki: Rachelle sure is cute tho...maybe I should go there again after I passes the exam of being an adventurer.

"Tsuki heard the scary noice again, wondering where did that came from and made a goal"

Tsuki: That noice again..where the hell did that thing really coming from..yosh I have a goal, When I finished the exam and became official adventurer I'll look for that noice.

"Official adventurer means you can go everywhere without being arrested by the knights of every Kingdoms because it's forbidden in the world that adventuring without official adventurer card"

"In the morning, Tsuki successfully arrived at the Kingdom of Castela. and A new Journey will begin".