Elena agree with Sofia and they trio back to home.
Elena reach home, she found Robin's parents were sitting in with cup of tea, she smile over them embarrassingly, her mother come forward and said to change her clothes while holding a cloth in her hand. Elena still lost in Prince curse story but she went back to house to change her clothes. Soon she return in blue gown, (as in above picture) blue suits her very well.
"here she is" her mother make her sit next to Robin's mother.
"Elena..." she lost.
"Elena" her mother call her again, she look at her mother.
"where you lost dear?"
"Ohh I'm sorry, please continue"
"Elena, we discussing about your marriage, are you agree with this proposal?"
"Ohh... Who?" Sally shock when she ask that.
"Elena, what's wrong dear, she talking about Robin darling"
"Ohh... Oh yes... Ummm oh no what I'm saying" she blush and run up to her room.
"Ohh my girl, she is little shy"
"we knew her since she born, but still I want to know her willingness, so when we should held engagement ceremony?"
"as you wish" they keep talking with each other down and here Elena dancing in joy in her room.
Prince return to Palace they go to kitchen and handle those berries and cherries to servants and demand to make juice.
"as your wish my lord"
They return to main hall and sit on their places, next to King throne.
"but today was fun" Jimin really enjoy.
"yes you are right"
"I love berries" Jungkook add.
"yeah, Cara collected them, think twice Jungkook if she work here then she will give you daily those berries." Jimin make fun of him.
"aahhhh... I can collect them by myself"
"Ohh really? Then tell me which are raw and which are sweet enough?" Taehyung testing him.
"aahhh... Ummm... Sweet one are... Soft.. And raw one is hard.. Huh easy"
"Ohh come on Jungkook accept you don't know how to determine them differently"
"Oh ok fine it's not my job, servants will do for me"
A guard present in front of them and ask to send a messenger. They allow, the messenger is from Sapphire Kingdom he handover the letter to Taehyung, he read it and smile slightly.
"what's in it?" Jungkook is curious.
"not your business" he hide it behind him.
"aaawwww, look brother I'm asking you respectfully, if I want I can snatch it from your hand too"
"Oh really then get it" he run, Jungkook run back to him, he include Jimin in his team, they both chasing him in palace, they playing cat chasing game, Taehyung again and again spoof them.
"today I'm gonna get that letter" Jungkook promise himself.
"Jimin why don't you cover him?" he shout.
"behave" Jimin object.
"what behave? I'm chasing him here and there you just laughing at there"
Taehyung laughing at them.
"is he laughing on us?" Jimin ask.
"yes, and who is here who getting clowning by him?"
Jimin up his sleeves, he gesture Jungkook to come from his behind meanwhile he keep him busy with him, and finally Jungkook caught him from behind he wrap his arms around his chest so tight. Like this 👇

Jimin took that letter from his hand, before he open it, Taehyung fall down on floor, Jungkook pick him in his arms immediately, his eyes were close, they both sit next to him and shaking his body, King who watching them from above he also get tensed.
"Brother... Brother..." Jungkook slowly slap his face.
"Taehyung... Taehyung what happen... Open your eyes" Jimin rubbing his hand to warm his body.
"Doctor..." Jungkook shout for help.
When he open his left eye, and smile at him, both amaze and they hit his arm.
"aahhhh..." he scream in low voice.
King who also come down, he too take a relief breath after knowing that he pranked his brothers.
"you just took my breath before a sec" Jungkook says.
"Taehyung please, don't play with our heart, it's like someone took my soul away"
"Well, I was testing my brother's love for me"
"so this is how you testing your father too?" King says. They stand properly and bow to him.
"my king"
"yes my prince, you just took my breath tho"
"I'm sorry my lord" he smiles.
"no don't say sorry, this is the first time I feel like a alive person, having feeling , seeing you three having good times, teasing each other running like this makes me feel like father not a king and that's a great feeling" he proudly says, they smile at him he spread his arms wide they walk forward and hug him warmly.
"so, can i know what's the message in this letter?"
Jimin handle that letter to king, he read it and smile.
"Congratulations, my Prince" he congrats him.
"that's means... That mean... His marriage date get fix?" Jungkook shows excitement.
"yes, prepare the whole kingdom for my Prince marriage ceremony, decorate every village every three in forest like a bride"
"as you order my lord, I take this responsibility" Jimin comes forward for this responsibility.
"and yes, prepare functions in village we held entire week celebrations before marriage, and you guys decide what games you want to add and how it would be like"
"don't worry father, I'll see forward for this" Jungkook happily accept the responsibility.
"and what do I do?" Taehyung asks.
"you preparing yourself brother, being groom isn't that simple" they both start teasing him and leave them alone.
The King and Taehyung walking in Palace together.
"btw, i want to discuss something"
"yes father?"
"actually i had decided that before your marriage I select my throne King"
"Taehyung... Please let me say"
" since you birth my wish always that I choose my eldest Prince as my next King"
"father, I think Jimin is best for"
"Jimin is best, he is kindest he is pure he is respectful , Jungkook is soft heart person, he is perfect his skill amazed me every time whenever I look at my little boy who grew up so fast, I proud them both really, I love you three equally and you three have same place in my heart, but a Kingdom needs a king and I found my Next king in you, as I wished my dream comes true, if you are not eligible then I never handover you my Kingdom a real King can took the kingdom. I don't say that your brothers are not good or they not having qualities but my heart says you are perfect for this kingship. My boy believe in you, you are not wrong just because of a curse you can't change your destiny, yes this written in your destiny. And I know you know what's wrong and what's right? Always listen to your heart, you are my biggest treasure, you know why our kingdom is most powerful kingdom among all?, cause we have you, when you born my life changed totally like God gift me his best gift I understand you suffer a lot and that's why you are strongest, you are mature, you are brave and kind cause you know how is pain. " he finish his speech.
Taehyung nod he place a kiss on his head.