Chereads / Death and Rebirth: A Hope for a Different Life / Chapter 13 - Chapter 12: Waking up Pt 1

Chapter 13 - Chapter 12: Waking up Pt 1

"Notice, Healing process at 98% completion. Preparations to regain consciousness has commenced."

My eyes fly open as I jump up to a sitting position. "Stupid system, does it have to be so loud." I pat my chest to try and slow my heart beat as I feel it try to beat its way out my chest.

The table with food isn't there anymore, instead I see the faint outline of a door across the room . "I guess that's going to be the way out. Hey System, how long have I been unconscious now?"

"Host has been asleep for 145 years."

"I thought it was supposed to be a total of 158 years? Why am I waiting up so early?"

"When Host's emotion were in an unstable state due to the beginning stages of puberty, Host physical body reacted by shedding tears. This alarmed the Hosts family and village, making them think that the Host was in pain. As a result, the warriors of the village set out and abtained rare and valuble medicial plant known as a Lyrain. It has extremely strong healing capabilities for both body and soul which has sped up the healing process."

"Is eveyone alright?! Is there anone that was hurt?"

"Most of the village warriors were injuried but not irreparately so. Given the danger in obtaining this plant this is the best outcome and was only possible because the warriors, when not guarding Host, have been training nonstop for the past 145 years. This has allowed them to attain great strength, espically the Leader of the guard. All individuas are now completely healed and going about their usual routines"

I let out a breath I didnt know I had been holding, "Thats good as long as everyone is ok. Has there been any major events while I was asleep?"

"There has been multiple events while Host was asleep, both major and minor. The villager made it to their instended destination apprioxmently one week after host lost consciousness. They started by building a comforible place to lay the Hosts, then bult the village around it. Since then more Moonelves fleeing from the tyrianny of the current King have found refurge within the village and have been paying respects to the Moon Goddess temple and the Host since then. The village has since grown into a Large town and the temple has been upgraded to a stone building with the host within a protectve barrier designed by a Fellow that fled the Capital after speaking out against the King when they tried to change the beliefs and practices followed by those who worship the Moon Goddess. When the Fellow learn of Hosts existance they immediaty knelt before you and made their vow. Luckly, the only individuals that knew of the Host's existence lived in a far removd village so the Kng is not yet aware of the procence of a new Priestess."

"What's a Fellow? Also can you just stat talking like everyone else. Saying Host in evey other sentence is really irritating."

"Request accepted. A Fellow is the same as a priest from your old world. Only those who have the same eyes as yourself would be considered official Priests or Priestesses."

"Good to Know. How is my family and the town doing? Is there enough food and water? Are there any immedate threats or concerns?"

"Due to the Kingdom system that you unlocked, the town has been thriving under the original Village Chiefs leadership. Luckly, the Village Chief was acknowledged as the temporary leader before the events leading up your injuries. This allowed the Village Chief to access both the Priestess and Kingdoms systems temporarily, while you were unable to do so. You can choose to continue to allow them access even after you have awakened."

"That's great! Although I'll technically be 145 years old when I wake up, in human years that's like 14 so it'd be best for the Chief to keep doing what he has been doing." I say that but really I'm just happy that I dont have to be the one doing what is no doubt a crap ton of paperwork and responsibilities just yet. I contiune to look around the room as the door slowly becomes more visible and solid.

I dont really know what's going to be waiting for me in this new world but I don't really have the best impression based on my first week of life. I will give it my all tho to make sure that both my family and people can live peaceful lives.

"Notice, the doorway will be complete in 30 seconds."

I watch as the door finally completes itself. My heartbeat races as I approch step by step. Once I'm in front of the door and as my hand reaches out to grasp the doorknob, I hesitate. I question whether I will be able to live up to these expectations as a voice in the back of my head whispers to me about how I failed to meet them in my last life. As that though appears in my head, I felt chill down my back as I quickly step away from the door.

What if I cant do anything right just like with my last life? What if I ruin the happiness they have achieved in the last over hundred years? What if I'm just not good enough? I head is spinning with what ifs as I fall the ground, I cant catch my breath as I clutch my chest and tears stream down my face.

"Why now? I havent thought about my old life in so long. Why is it coming up now?" Suddenly I feel a warm current flowing gently through out my body as I hear the faint echo of voices.

"What's wrong with Yue?! Why is she crying?! Breath! Please, breath! My sweet baby girl, Mommy's here. Everything is alright! Honey, quickly call the Fellow and the Head warrior. I'll keep casting my healing magic until they get here."

"Kevin! Fellow! Chief! Something wrong with Yue!"

Suddenly, I hear a paniced voice I've never heard before "What is it? Whats wrong with the priestess?"

"She suddenly started crying and having trouble breathing!" I can hear the tears in my mothers voice as she starts to panic but I cant stop myself. I just cant seem to catch my breath.

"Savior! Quickly, Fellow please help the priestess!"

"Yes, yes! You're right Kelvin! Please move aside my lady."

I feel the warmth with me start to fade as it gets harder and harder to breath. "No come back, Mom!"

I hear a gasp, "Yue! Yue, grabbed my sleave! Oh, Yue it's ok! Mommy will stay right here! Can you hear me, my sweet girl!?"

"My lady , you must move so that I may check the priestess."

I hear my father step in, "No! Yue obviously wants her Mother close. If you need more space then take down the barrier for a moment."

"Roland is correct. This the first time the priestess has been reponsive in over a hundred years! Do your exam without moving her mother." I hear the familar voice of the Chief speaking up for me.

"The chief is right! The priestness is still a child and if she wants her Mother then you'll just have to find a way to accommodate her. As Head Warrior, the priestesses wishes are absolute. I know I sound unreasonable but the priestess as been comatose for so long for us. If we can grant such a small wish then we will."

I don't recongize this voice but it sounds familar. He must have been one of the Villagers that were with me from the beginning.

"Alright, I see your point, but no one else. We dont have time to be agruing with the priestess in this state."

I hear the muffled sound of glass breaking as a hesitant but cooling power flows within me. I'm still having some trouble breathing but it's definatly taken the edge off.

"Hmmm, I think the priest will wake soon, however she seems to have been through a trauma. Though I don't know what that might be, both of you should stay with her. Having her parents here will help to calm her."

"I will stay as well. As Head warrior it is my duty to guard the priestess."

"Very well. Just don't interfere and don't pressure the priestess with your good intentions. Even after she wakes, the priestess will need time to recover her strengh and stablize her mind."

I hear the Fellow and someone else walking out, probably the Chief. Suddenly I hear one of them stop and after a moment of silence say "I'm so sorry, Yue. This old man wasn't able to protect you or your family when you needed it and now..... I can guess where your trauma came from and I am ashamed that I couldn't prevent it. That I was so weak. I hope you can forgive me, my priestess." Then I hear his foot steps resume as they fade away until they're gone with the click of a door closing.

The clicking of the door closing left the room in silence. I felt another warmth in my other hand which I can guess must be my Dad.

"Yue, please forgive me. As a Father it was my duty to protect you and your mother, but I failed and forced a crushing burden on you. As an infant you had to take a life because I wasn't strong enough..."

"No, my love." I hear my mother stop him, "As her mother that duty also falls to me, so Yue, can you forgive Mommy too. We're so sorry and we'll spend the rest of ours lives proving it, just please...."

I hear her voice break as I feel something wet stream down my hand as my father takes over for her, "Please, wake up our darling moon, our brightest star."

As I listen to them I feel the pain start to fade away and all I want is for them to hold me tightly.

"Mom! Dad!" I cry out for them as I rip open the door and rush out to meet them.