Emmmm,What a rotten smell seems am still in the garbage .....as i opened my eyes as the sun shined bright on them .
Yh i live in the alleys of Metropolis
scavenging for food in the garbage
or some times steal from those in the market ,am Sharon by name ..
..16 by age an normal like all humans who live in the dark side of society
so this city is ruled by the demons and we the humans are actually used as slaves ....with the slave crest and alll
so a test is done every year for alll 16 years old to activate their powers given to them by their light lord or their dark lord
so me I actually belong to none as i didn't have a slave crest nor a mark of divinity
the test is going to take place in three days and i plan to get on the boss sooo
time to go about my normal business if i may say soo myself i am a master theif after allll.