Chereads / Mobile fleet vol i / Chapter 9 - Chapter ix the fog surveillance

Chapter 9 - Chapter ix the fog surveillance

The fog is on the move heading to Maine,a cold syate, hopefully this cold will slow it down. The alarm went off, everyone ran in,Don stop shooting pool I got surface, " its on the move I have a Drone tracking it,just the fog but going to Maine we need an air , and ground surveillance. Said, radar, time to do what I do,"( meet me in the Hanger, you going to get that lesson and date tonight, I will be in one minute,) I got out of the pool, and put my clothes on and walked out,,"( see you there, I am there to,) he put his pool sticks on the He load his guns, and pack up his bath we both walked in the door, they turned around, " are you both crazy no,said. Mr. General, " you're commanders head of this fleet, said. Mrs. General, " you need air, I hook the sky cam up get in close, shoot the sky, that will get us some ready to train ready to fight theses things, I said. " plus we need to is mutant or fog, you need us sir and ma'am. Said, Don. ' we to need to be ready and prep this we can do rescue and assaulted, said. Mr. General 2#, " okay go be safe, Kayla get close but not to close. Said, Mrs. General, " got it, I said. " and Don surveillance the city, get an population it is, and get screen shot of thefog,get everything get out, before it get thee. Said, Mr. General, " call me in I come load for the pick up, I said. We walked out down to the hanger,a women from the city looked at him, he his eye catch, I pop your hatch, " you flying just do what I said and be okay, I told him, we got in , " pull back on the handle bars gently he pull back, as the platforms sound we take the sky, we fly down the sky, " will that was easy, said. Don. " did you get the food, " yes,bank left slightly, I said. So he bank left we are over the state of maine, but behind us is the fog that coming in slow, "( we are over the state mom,,) we ent low and lands o the ground,I slide the hatched bck,we jump up, he grab me in use me," this is it the date but you did a good job, " it is not over yet, you don't like? I kissed himback," uyes, no ,it is not over. See you latwr,he ran down the city, "( sir I in the city head dwn to set up,)_ report, Don,I got back in, I closed the hatch, for back in the sky, from having a day off,taking at night, an commander life I must say, back to my story, at the we are in place as I alongside the fog the camera turned " ( stay with it Kayls, )-(" on it mom,) I said, Don set up in the city. "( I am ready here I start county heads dad, )_said, Don. This is going to be an long night, this need to be done to give us the edge to fight back. Back to my story, " ( good job son) said. Mr. General, I sed camera footage to the base, " still we don't know what it is, ( Kayla ,) -(* beats me sir, ) I said."( the count is up to 100 so far.) Said. Don, " is there way we get a sample? Said. Mr. President, " we do not have an science and we can't risk her flying in, said. Madam Secretary , " ( thank you commander patrol the sky and stay near,) said. Mr. Emerald, "( you welcome , Roger and out,) I cut the camera off and bank right and fly dwn the sky, " ( Don how are you doing son?) Said, mr. General, "( good I am in the city, the count is now up to total of 120 so far, haven't be spotted," sir the fog is thete, said. Radar, I head back around,"( Kayla.) " its heading your way Don, I be their soon, ) I said. "( okay looking forward to w rapping up,) said. Don, " ( we might have to go on that date this morning, Lang get the others get Sky dogs into the air,) I command, "( on it,Sky dogs move!) They all said, they got onto their jets and left the platform," ( is the carrier ready Mud dogs get to the Carrier, for get picking me up,) he pick the gun, the fog is over the city. Out of it zombies came stacking out, he ran up firing, i fly low in fire at them, hitting them in the heads, "( careful commanders, Sky dogs your commander need you,) said. Mrs. General, " ( we almost there commander!) Said, Joseph, "(see you when you Get here,) I spiral down clipping with my wingdps, the carrier landed and they run up and fire at them,I bank right as my team fly down the sky,I joining them, " ( mobile is it getting risky now lets make this fun Sky dogs goal take out Zombie flyers

100 mutants

120 zombies flyers, clear the sky, said. Mrs. General, "( you have an hour thirsty to get get it done,) said. Mr. Emerald, now you talking this calls for game music, I cut my music on," ( Mud dogs, game time your goal is 

300 head shots

Get the city clear

Take out mutants, ) said. Mr. General, "( you also have an hour and thirty,) he smilrd," mud dogs game on take them down, they aim for their heads doing killshoyts,"( Greg clear scan the people into the carrier.) Said, Don. *( on it don A team with me move!) They ran up the city, Dana walked into the base, we bank lrft, Zombie flyers at two clock, ( cut your guns and target modes on, we taken the sky and all down,) I said. We cut the target mode and our guns on, we fly at them firing at them. An life as commander is never dull, this is mobile this is it all about! Back to my story. " Mud dogs has 56% head shots, and Sky dogs took down 79% zombies flyers, said. Radar, "( how the ground holding?) Asked. Mr. General 1#, back in Maine, they study coming, " back stop, aim for the head, ( Greg how we doing? The ground is holding,) said. Don, " please even your home stake what you need and get scan, this is a national alert, we have transportation available for you, to take you to safety. They pack their bags and left their houses, they green which means cleat,"( we are in the clear and moving out.) They lid them to carrier, "( good, ) back at the base, "