Mermaid take the aryan and his sister to his home town . Mermaid which take them are the king of the town . The all mermaid of the town gave them respect and they reach to the castle of the mermaid . Mermaid name was Aquamen. He introduced himself to Aryan and his sister . Aquamen said that we lived under water about for billionlls years ago . We are the powerfull then normal human beings . We have all technology which can used by humanbiengs on the land . We are more advanced than humanbiengs we have technology of talking with animals like fishes ,octopus etc. Let's go for dinner you are ours visitors . Then they sat on the dinning table the dinning table is full of different of food like cake ,pizza,burger,cahpatis ,rice ,rajmas ,chole ,juices coldrink ,coffee ,tea and there famous sweet dish donuts they loved to are donuts. The all food which are served was vegetarian food. The mermaid konw that they both are vegetarian.