The blustery wind was bitterly cold when the hand reached to Samantha's shoulders. 'Aa!!' she screamed as hastily as she could. Turning slowly towards the hand, expecting it to be the dark hands of the unknown figure but in turn it was of a boy, seemingly of her age. Making the scene quite relatable and more awkward, accidentally being followed by Samantha's screaming. "Please don't scream, it'll dry your mouth as well as screech through my eardrums, and what possible harm can I get you in" Calming herself she said "You you're a boy and not the cloaked figure, How in the world did you get here when you were not here a moment before" the amusement was clearly sensible by the voice.
"Ah a, I landed here a second ago, I hope you would have seen the flashy light through which I have landed myself" he said "Into this unknown place standing before you" he murmured again.
"A flashy light, it seems like magic or power or magical power OR the best MAGICAL SUPERPOWER"
"It's kind of common, by the way what's your name? You didn't introduce yourself"
"Neither did you, anyway I'm Samantha studying Middle school at 'Bay Yale Middle school', Bristol along the harbor-side. And you"
"Eric, my name's Eric, I'm at the middle level learning at Blakons Power administrating school"
"Administrating superpowers, it appears so intriguing; it feels like I'm really going on an adventure but unlike Moby Dick, it's like I'm goanna live a speculative fiction world."
"Speculative fiction Ha, Well can you please tell what that thing is over there"
"In that man's hands over there see"
"That, it's a cellphone, God please tell me from which place is this boy from, He doesn't even know what a Cellphone is"
"16th century, Griffin-meadow, Kingdom of Goaloth, anything else"
But before he could finish his sentence, there came aloud shout, both of them could hear it. And then suddenly Samantha vanished before his eyes. He called her but she didn't return. He was alone again in this unknown place with no one to guide now.
Samantha woke up on her bed, her head feeling dizzy. Not again, she was in a middle of a serious talk. Around her was her sister and the loud noise of her parents arguing was audible from downstairs.
"What is happening to you Saman? The parents are really getting worried now, you fainted and were moaning in the sleep and you're talking about horrible views, really horrible. I'm also a bit worried now" hugging her little sister Christi whispered "Take care".
"What now"
Thinking about the situation Samantha chose not to say anything, "Nothing, Good night"