Chereads / DARE I SAY I'LL TAKE THE LEAD / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2 Intentions of connected interactions

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2 Intentions of connected interactions

{ JOIE }

A week passed by after Nicolas visited me and I must say the change albeit a bit much is pretty good, he added twelve more knights for security, the staff increased a bit from ten to twenty which is a definite good news to my ever so awesome butler.

But the best change for me is with the atmosphere in this place. Though not too much, its just more lighter and calmer especially the hall...more specifically the flower display ,from the carnations to sunflowers which conveniently is in this place's flower garden.

But as much as a good thing this is and don't get me wrong its nice to meet one of the main characters here though...

If I were to be actual plan that day was ruined because of him too.

How so?

Well you see the plan was after the music room, I was going to explore the garden because an important plot device, quite literally in fact, is within that place and according to the third book that I should possess because the main villain knows its existence by finding a book about heirlooms by the library.

I also noticed something very important during my stay here.

You see after some careful observation, I realized that this place I'm living in is an imperial manor within the a few miles of the forest of the main imperial palace...its just not visible from the outside because of an enchantment that the first monarch who built this place.

It is nice and all but the caveat to that to me is that the bearer of the birth mark of Sol and Nuar can't leave this place for long until I come of age...which isn't really the case since when I did a few attempts of going beyond the border radius I was able to do so but I'm still skeptical since I haven't tried to stay out for a longer period time and it's said that if I leave the curse will hurt me so I'll put that on hold for now.

I honestly think that was the biggest flaw in the book is that curse.

It was inconsistent to how her curse gets triggered given that set of rules as there were instances that she uses disguises or uses shape shifting magis to go but it was clear she can't stay too long as it did have limits like she can only go out for an hour or it extended by 3 hours when its night as that is the only time that's indicated in the book but again it's a plot hole that was only addressed in book 2 last chapter by the male lead.

Its weird but its one of the rules of this enchantment but then again its good for me since limited interaction would mean I could plan better for the up coming events and avoid threats.

Upon exploring this place a certain room that I found lock by the near a room by the third floor, reminded me of something important at that time ,this manor isn't as what it seems.

As I remembered from the story, this place was called "The knell Manor" for this deceitful facade of paradise beneath it's majestic garden and beautiful 18 century inspired architecture, a sinister secret unfortunately I know especially why it's beautiful like this.

I paused and breath deeply as I managed to finally finish final push count on this push up. As I shakily pushed my body up from the floor afterwards rolled and lay on the floor face up as how sticky sweat fall off my face panting.

That...was... painfully exhausting

Let's do another one to get strong.

I got off of the floor and prepped myself for my other workout which are just stretching ,10 reps of sit ups, push up, squats, running in place.

I know it's off for this character but I can't afford to die with one being physically weak to hold on the ability to maintain mana and control it let alone die from it.

But damn I didn't expect my body to be this damn weak...luckily I'm steadily gaining some body mass and endurance.

After a few more of that gruesome exercise, I went ahead to my bathroom which the walls are of white with gradient baby blue marbled flooring and royal blue crystal bathtub with a water magic base water spout which works as a faucet in a way.

This place is so classy especially for a fantasy setting.

I'm so glad the author though of plumbing and water resources and the best thing is that the bathtub has the best mineral crystal to help relieve pain and muscle soreness. I happily got in tub and took a bath and gently released my mana as I match it to my breathing.

I'm still not sure how mana works and flows here and I'm just basing this to all the anime and fantasy stories I've read but I'm figuring it out since the author ironically didn't clarify how to control mana but did a long talk on how it's magic works. Which is very complicated on my situation now, I hope I can use my magic properly soon hehe.

After that relaxing bath I managed to get changed into a simple yet elegant mint dress and did a loose fish braid and went out of my room via kicking the door open.

As I did the guards, who are by my door guarding me were so surprised when I busted the door open that they screamed and literally jumped which made me laugh so hard I was holding my stomach shaking and crying

"Why did you have to scare us like that, your highness! That's so mean!" Dylan Moore a newbie guard with a very clumsy personality but is handsome as hell with his fluffy curly brown hair and pale mint eyes, whined as his pale face gain back some color as he was clenching his chest

"Y-your highnesses please don't do that again. We're needed alive to keep you safe" Keith Pehsche also a newbie guard with the most luscious soft long black hair I had ever seen with the face reassembling those statues you see at art galleries with that sharp look making him intimidating but good looking to which is not helping him much to be approachable with his dark red eyes, said as he steady himself back to posture

"Oh come one you two, you shouldn't even be that surprised I knocked before kicking the door open" I argued as I crossed my arms and huffed

Though that's not true,

"You did not your highness. You just kicked it open" Keith replied with a sigh

"Okay fine. I'm sorry"

"Aww it's alright little princess! We promise we'll be more alert from now on okay" Dylan calmly said as he knelt down and patted my head

"Anyways why are you out right now princess? Are you going somewhere?" Keith asked

"Yes. I'm planning on going to the library to get some books so that I can read some of them at the garden tea house" I explained as I pointed the small building by the garden

The two guard smiled and went with me to the library to help me with some of the books I needed maybe I can figure out magis spells here given this certain condition I have right now.

These two may seem like kind light hearted knights especially Dylan but these guys are scary talented with the art of close combat and sword play though Dylan is more of a strategist than Keith but his battle sense is sharper than Dylan.

These two albeit newbies no, but give them a few months they'll be high ranking and recognized knights though with both of them aiding the first climactic scene in the story three months from now at the snow palace dungeon.

Still I'm not sure how Nicolas convinced these two to guard me. I mean he sure was irritated on how I'm not even guarded knowing I'm a imperial member with ten maids and a head butler who's big and well built but quiet old.

Though to my lovely brother's knowledge those said personnel are very capable people especially the butler who was an ex mercenary/assassin who was once known for being quiet, quick, and brutal...according to the book that is.

I'm the protagonist in this story now and I won't let such valuable people off the hook especially when they're all so surprisingly good to me after all.

Though walking through these halls with escorts are nice all but it's not helping me do proper recon on the area I'm supposed to go later. But luckily for me while walking I noticed that my room window is above the path way to the garden which made me smile.

Looks like I found my fast blind spot to go through then.

When we reached the library, the two guards helped me on getting my books and even recommended me some to which to my surprise was more of Keith than Dylan.

Though I swore in the story, this place has a librarian with an apprentice. I wonder where they went, oh well.

As we went out that place and headed to the garden, I saw Nicolas by the garden with his aid, is talking about something important to to what looks like the head butler here.

Why is he here? Well since he's busy I shouldn't bother him

So we went another way but as we were near the garden's fountain I was greeted by... Nicolas?

Huh? Wasn't he with the head butler guy and

Wasn't he by the other side of the garden a while ago, How did he get here without being able to notice it?

"Your highness" the two greeted as they bowed

I sorta panicked so I quickly bowed "Good morning big brother!" I loudly greeted with a weird squeak

Shit...that was embarrassing

"That sure is a loud greeting, my sweet little.. sister" He said rather in a teasing but oddly his eyes were coldly staring at me

Is this kid in some sort of bad mood or something?0

"Oh-uhm I'm sorry about that I just... didn't expect you'd be here. I thought you'd be very busy" I explained as with a hint of annoyance in my voice

He looked at me rather confused which made it feel awkward but somehow, I realized something was off when I saw him smirk...I'm not sure as to why but Nicolas seems off, he's usually not the type to tease so cheekily like this.

"Oh but I am here so I am not , dear sister, should I not be?" he jokingly asked with a creepy smile grin

"No, but it just caught me off guard that's all" I explained. The two knights looked at worried but I smiled letting them know its nothing to worry about.

Although, I did a quick mental scan of this guy from head to toe and there I saw the culprit of the weird feeling I'm getting.

His eyes...

Did it had a mole beside it?

I remembered he didn't had one the last time I checked and his amber eyes are brighter than I remember....Wait a sec... could he be the other twin....Nathaniel?!

He went quiet a bit but I noticed his look at me as if he's figuring something to say...which I should be the one doing since you're not suppose to be here or meet me yet!!

How on earth is this even happening?

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be here around this time because he's supposed to be training with one of the strongest Swords master and earth magician Cairo Valerian at Terran.

So him being scary as hell...

I swallowed the lump that's forming in my throat and gave him a small but timid smile

"I'm sorry big brother I'm acting like this. You just feel different, are you even big brother Nicolas?" I innocently asked slightly shaking because if this is Nicolas's twin I have to play my cards here carefully

In the novel he's a devious guy and is really good at sniffing people out. He uses anything off to that poor person against them like a certain fire nation princess.

But to my advantage I can get by this easily since my character has never once seen this kid and has not met him once so a good old fashioned "I'm confused and scared" little girl.

He just chuckled at me sorta giving off a teasing feeling but I noticed the two guards were sorta setting their foot slowly almost in a stance and slightly moving their hands on each other's waist reaching their swords slowly so this guy won't notice.

Which made me mentally panic and quickly poked their back and looked at them with caution.

You nut-jobs!!

He's a royal prince!!

Do you want to die early?!

They seemed to understand and held their hands away. I sighed and pat these two on the back to sorta calm them down.

Don't worry guys I got this let's just wait for his response so we can get out of here with less emotional damage and psychological jab.

When this kid calm down he smiled with an obviously irritated look which I can assume is not aimed at me but to his brother "That guy? Of course not...dear sister. I'm his twin that means I am your brother too silly girl. I'm Nathaniel" he proudly said as he puffed his chest and confidently held both his hips

"Ohh... I see. Nice to meet you your highness Nathaniel" I greeted cheerily which oddly made widely making him look close to someone who is high... ugh...that's so creepy stop doing that!!

For a handsome kid he sure has a scary smile

"Please don't call me "your highness" you're a princess , a royal like me. It would be nice to be called big brother though" he said as he patted my head

I was about to say something when we heard someone calling my name and to my relief it was Nicolas running with his aid not too far behind him

"Joie! What are you doing here?" He asked quickly grabbing my hand and moved In front of me blocking his brother

"Eh uhm I was on my way to the garden to read with sir Dylan and sir Keith" I explained

I noticed Nicolas glanced at Keith who was holding my books at that time as I heard him say "I see " before looking back at his twin

"Isn't this a bit rude BROTHER. I was talking to MY sister. Where had your manners flew by" I heard Nathaniel pointed out rather menacing tone but teasing tone while tilting his head up a bit with a sarcastic smile

"I don't care. What are you doing here?!" He snapped

Oh my, what's up with these two? Were they always this hostile?

"Are you alright your highness" Dylan whispered to me with a worried look

I smiled at him and slightly stepped back to Dylan and Keith's side as this free drama is unfolding In front of me

"I'm here because I want to. Now get your butt out of here dingus. You on the other hand know this area Is forbidden yet here you are. What are YOU doing here? Oh and really Nice you have to hide the fact that I have a cute little sister here? How could you dear brother, I didn't know you up were selfish now and rebellious, I wonder how father would react if I told father you were ignoring his orders " Nathaniel asked with a smirk and obvious sarcastic tone

"What is it to you if I am? You're here too! I'm here to visit Joie to check up on her" he explained clenching his fist as he desperately holds his anger in

But this seemed to not bother Nathaniel at all and walked towards him with a scary mischievous smirk on his face "And with whose permission? Because I'll love to have a word with father about this" he taunted right to his face

Nicolas did not say a word as he's also trying to calm himself, which if you ask me Nathaniel has a good point.

"See, my point exactly. Our wittle perfect Royal Nicolas finally broke a rule but not just any rule but a grave heavy one. Tell me what's the to point of me arguing Nic when you're not in the right this time." Nathaniel calmly said with a rather condescending smirk as he cocked his face to Nicolas as if he's taunting him to punch him

Nicolas went silent and didn't retort which made Nathaniel smile more as if he won a game.

He then looked at me and gave me a warm smile...okay again creepy...stop

Though if it were me though I wouldn't just answered "Since you knew , why did you followed me?"

Though to be fair, if what Nathaniel said is true, then If he ever get caught regardless of his explanation or reason he won't slide easily.

Worst of all people like Nathaniel might use it against him and as for Nathaniel he'd come off as a caring sibling and might probably lessen HIS punishment but not Nicolas.

But still the best thing these two will get is probably a light punishment since they're kids...I do hope so

I quietly walked to Keith and Dylan whispered to escorted me out of that tensed area to which they agreed.

We went to the garden unnoticed by both twins.


After hours of reading and arguing with the two knights about a some thing money related because little me asked how much they earn as a knight.

We happily packed up but before we left I took a leaf from this Fauna tree which is known to have heart shaped leaves with a spiral on it that make sweet sounds like a flute when blown and a bit of mana infused in it.

It's a small detail the author putted in according to an interview because the author loved the idea of plants being enchanted instruments or weapons

I blown it while we were walking which made the two knights looked at me in awe before happily listening to me play it.

As we were though I noticed that the part of the garden near my room has tall tree beside besides my window which is conveniently close to a place in planning to attempt to go

As I went on playing the leaf I saw a familiar face whom I assume is Nathaniel because of the scowl on his face and the nerve-wracking feeling I got from him earlier, is sitting by the fountain alone.

Oh my this is bad...I'm a sucker for sad lonely kids! Should I go or let him be?


I should go he looks like he needs someone to hug him.

So I stop playing and kindly requested for the two knights to wait for me when I told them Nathaniel was there by the fountain.

The two reluctantly agreed but Dylan warned me to run if anything bad happens by the pole nearby which they would be on standby though I don't really understand why are they being that cautious of him but I did nod to help them feel at ease.

As I walked towards him and closely looked at him though he doesn't seem all that bad.

Even when I was reading this story I never really understood he was seen as such a bad guy, I mean he's a jerk but he's always used it when it's called for it because according to him in the story nobles thick ego filled skulls and stubborn stupidity won't reach basic reasoning.

He used that skill well in a ton of cases especially when he played a key part of being a double agent gaining Joie's trust to reveal her deeds to the emperor three years from now eventually saving the country.

Though I'm not the same Joie so I don't think that major thing would happen anymore...since I know what I'll do when that time comes and let's just say I'll make sure none of that ever happen because I'll nip the bud before it grows. I like my peaceful life now thank you.

That said I don't like anyone looking this upset because of a fight. Damn I suddenly missed my older brothers...I wonder if in this heaven would they see me here too?

So I gently went to sit beside him and sighed which made him look at me rather tiredly and then smiled and asked "You're tired too sis?"

I smiled at him too and replied" I am but not too much. Reading made me really sleepy"

He just chuckled a bit as he turns his head towards the floor with a forlorn expression.

"You know, you feel nice to talk too for someone I've just met. I hope we have more time to just talk" he said patting my head still looking at the floor

"Well you are still here so let's talk here then" I happily offered. He seems like he needs to that's all

He just smiled at me with pained eyes...could it be that there's something bothering him? That's new...but then again he is just a kid after all.

"Are you okay? You don't look good" I asked gently sitting beside him on the fountain's end a bit away from him

His eyes widened slightly however it quickly became a glare as if I offended him weirdly enough though I'm not sure in which line of what I said was offensive.

Well I can't force someone to tell me something they don't wanna share so I took a deep breath and sigh to release some tension in me and scooted away from him a bit

"I-I see, I'm sorry if I said something bad. If you don't wanna tell me I won't ask again...your highness. I'll just ugh take my leave're highness" I politely excused myself as I stood off the fountain edge

He suddenly grabbed my hand which scared the daylights of me

"Wait! I-Stay... pl-please. I-I apologize for that. I was caught off guard that Is all. I am... just slightly surprised" he said as I felt his trembling hand holding mine

I sat back and sighed "I see. It's alright. So what was bothering you?"

"Well it's just...I just feel like I did something wrong again. I just... want that guy to not get in trouble since this place is a forbidden area and all but he just makes me so irritated for nagging me, the things I said sounds so bad" he tried explaining his intentions to me which made me gently smiled at him and patted his shaking back

Well would you look at that, ain't he a sweet kid. But also weird that isn't what the novel portrayed him with his siblings. He's said to be a bully and a selfish kid?

Could it be was something like a misunderstanding?

Oh no...I feel so bad for this guy, opening something so normal like this shouldn't make you a trembling mess like this. Just how long have you've been keeping it all in you poor guy.

"It's okay to feel like that...big brother. You're allowed to cry here if you want. I'll stay" I assured him as I scooted closer to him and leaned my head on his arm

I just felt his silent sniffles but eventually he started to cry. It wasn't a loud cry that I was expecting but a rather soft whimper of frustrated sighs and small squeaks... which if you think about it is way too much control than he had to which is really painful for me to understand because in a way I get his pain

After a few minutes of crying he took a deep breath and sighed as his head was relaxing on my shoulder as his fluffy brown hair tickles my neck.

"Are you feeling well now?" I softly asked

He just hummed his response which made me smile as i gaze at the big but magnificent tree in front of us as its beautiful maroon leaves fell upon us like snow.

" I something to be afraid of big brother" I asked

His puffy face looked at me with sad eyes then he sighed. "If I am to be honest with you, I don't know. But I do know now that you're not as bad as what I expect you to be"

"Is that a good thing?"

He just chuckled and patted my head again "Yes it is"

I smiled and offered to play him a song on this leaf which he just nodded as we both enjoy the melody and the garden's peace.


After a few minutes in the garden. Joie slept while Nathaniel gently carried her up and headed to the exit on which he saw the two guards on standby

"Your highness" they both greeted with a bow

"Lift your head sirs. Would you help guide me to her room?" He politely asked the two knights to which reluctant at first, obliged

As they were walking the two knights noticed that the little prince is looking lovingly at the sleeping princess which made them smile and ease up.

When they got to her room he gently put her to bed and tucked her to sleep all the the while leaving a peck on her forehead.

He sat by her bedside and sighed. "I wish Melissa was like you" he muttered

"I don't think her highness would like that" Dylan joked which earned him a glare from the prince

"But still your highness what truly was your reason to be here? You're not the type to get careless with such high risk of punishment" Keith asked rather bluntly

Nathaniel smirked and replied" Well If I'm being honest ... I wanted to check on what my goodie goodie brother is been up to risking himself in trouble just like that but knowing I have another sister here is a treat"

"I see I guess our prince does get lonely from time to time" Dylan joked earning him another piercing glare

"Jokes aside, what do you think of your sister your highness?" Keith asked oddly blunt

"Hmmm well I think she's a very interesting girl" he said with a soft smile

The two smiled as well as they left her room.

As the two knights escort Nathaniel outside the magic barrier to a safer location. He bid them goodbye and quietly went in the palace with a smile knowing he met someone interesting



It was the death of night when Joie woke up and stretched she looked at the big window as the moon shine which made her smile.

She quickly but quietly got off her bed and opened her big window and checked if there are any people awake.

"Well this night is perfect for a quick trip to the main castle"

So she went back in and grabbed a few sheets of long blankets and went back to the terrace and tied it tightly to one of its pillar.

After that she grabbed a chair and went up on it then the terrace as she gently pulled the long blanket and took a deep breath.

"Okay Jean...think of it as rock climbing. Just focus till you can safely reach a strong branch." She chanted as she swallows hoping she can go down safely

As her vision started to blur she took another deep breath and closed her eyes as she try to calm her trembling body calm down as she was tying another blanket she attached to a pillar around her waist.

After a few seconds she jumps as she holds on the blanket for support she manages to land on the branch of the tree she saw earlier, breathing heavily as her beating heart echoes unto her entire body

She sighed deeply as she looked up then looked down while she was looking for a bush to jump on to which she manages to find and leaps onto.

As she groaned and muttered "This place better be worth all this ugh"

She carefully walked into the garden till she manages reached the way near the fountain undetected nearly noticed by two soldiers who were on patrol.

As she peered up to check if the coast was clear she carefully touched the fountain's surface and as she did she found a loose tile which was acting as a design. She gently tapped the tile until it broke revealing a black ring with a Sapphire gem embedded on it.

When she touched it she was engulfed in a strange blanket of light and disappeared from the fountain.
