Chapter 20 - Chapter 19

Before leaving she flexed her scales and double checked that she was invisible with a puddle just out side. 'How long was I in there that it looks like it has been raining?' she asked herself. QuiverWing spent the rest of the day picking wild herbs and putting them in the basket, she found a variety of herbs ranging from poppy's to bugberrys to mints. After a while she saw Wrath hunting in the filds, she must of relaxed her scales to much because he noticed her. "QuiverWing nice to see you out here" he said once he was infront of her.

"I'm collecting herbs" she looked down at the basket.

"I see, but it seems full now want to hunt with me?" Wrath said.

"It is?" to QuiverWing it looks half way done.

"It can wait, right?" he said.

"Not really a lot of dragons need them" she mentioned.

"Really? wow your job doesn't give you free time" he pointed out.

"Well dragons need to be healed and that doesn't happen instantly" she explained.

"True but I'll like to know your opinions on what to do to prevent injuries" Wrath looked at her waiting for a response.

"How are they getting corte so easily? do they need to work on there sneak?" QuiverWing wonderd.

"They weren't sneaking they attacked the gards" he explained.

"Why? they have armor and metal on there claws to do extra damage, they should be sneaking" QuiverWing felt as if she was scolding him.

"Good point I should tell them to sneak" he nodded, "well do have time to hunt right now?" he asked again.

"Umm not to sure Scorch might need these right now" she said.

"I'm sure he will be fine, he has the garden to get extra herbs" he was basically begging at this point.

"No the garden isn't as healthy as it should be, because of all the moving" she corrected.

Wrath looked disappointed and he hufft and went back to hunting alone. 'I can't be everywhere at once, he just have to learn that' she thought and went back to gathering herbs once she flexed her scales. It didn't take long for her to finish and she headed back to the cave to plot agents Petle (that's what the dragons have been calling it). QuiverWing relaxed her scales when she got to the herb station and she saw that the herb pots were running low and the dragons there look in pain, she saw that the poppy petals were all out. "QuiverWing, do you have poppy petals?" Scorch asked a little desperately.

"Yes I picked a lot of them" she said handing them to him. She then organised them to the labels that Scorch carved in the wooden slabs. She then noticed a lot of the peppers were missing, "were did the peppers go?" QuiverWing asked Scorch who was handing out the poppy petals.

"Dragons have been getting colds and the garden doesn't grow them quickly enough" he sighed.

"I saw a lot of peppers out there so I can go out and get them" she offered and Scorch nodded.

"Yes that will be very helpful" he then went to helping the dragons.

QuiverWing finished organising the herbs, then picked up the basket and flexed her scales. It didn't take long for her to find the peppers, she then picked as many as she could. She then picked a couple more herbs on her way back and she bumped into Wrath when she was at the entrance, he had a lot of prey in his jaw. He couldn't speak with his mouth full so he just nodded and squinted his eyes, "hello" she responded. She then went back to the herb station and organised the new batch of herbs. "Could I have one of those peppers?" asked one of the cloud slashers.

"Here" she handed one of them over to the cloud slasher who obviously has a cold. She and Scorch spent the rest of the day healing dragons from there injures and others from there colds.

Scorch was the first to bed that night and QuiverWing joined him later, she found him on his bed fast asleep. She moved slowly as of not to wake him up and then she only felt exhausted when she closed her eyes and drifted asleep. She woke up to Scorch nudging her shoulder again, "come on we have another day of work" he said sycasticly.

"Right" she stretched and followed him out of the sleeping chamber. Through the cave entrance she saw the dim light of dawn, "can I sleep for a little longer, no-one is awake" she asked Scorch.

"No we have a lot of work do, plus due to the garden not doing its best I need you to get some herbs from the wild" he explained.

"Nooo I just wish to rest" she cried sycasticly.

"You can rest once all the sickness fades and all injuries are healed" Scorch said.

"I still don't regret becoming your apprentice" she shared her opinion.

"Alright" Scorch laughed.

She grabbed the basket and headed out flexing her scales, she spent hours out there and she saw a red snowflake flower. 'The red snowflake herb the resion why me and Scorch came here' she thought excitedly 'Scorch is gona be happy to see this'. She put it in the basket and made sure to get anuther one for seeds, then she walked back to the cave and once she got in she relaxed her scales. "Scorch! Scorch!" QuiverWing called.

"What? is something wrong?" Scorch shot up from replacing vines.

"Look what I found" she pulled out the red snowflake and she saw his eyes widen.

"You found it" his voice was shallow with surprise.

"Yep and we got the seeds" QuiverWing wagged her tail, Scorch looked light headed. "You ok there? do you need tulip juice?" QuiverWing laughed but was still concerned.

"I'm ok it's just that I haven't seen it in years" he picked it up gently and got the one with the seeds and walked towards the garden then paused. "You ok?" she walked towards him.

"This garden isn't the best, we should wait for when we have a better one" he looked thoughtful.

"How long would they last?" she asked.

"All seeds can last for years, from what my old king told me they last upto 20,000 years" he answered.

"Wait you never saw one before" QuiverWing confronted.

"No but I've herd of it" Scorch shrugged.

"Oh well what does it do then?" QuiverWing wonderd.

"I was told, when you boil it in water it can heal aches and pains, infections, swelling and rashes" he responded, "I've been looking for it through out my life".