Chereads / The Lost Heiress and her Precious Butler / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 The Walton Heiress

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 The Walton Heiress

"Nghhh" Desiree felt her body ever so heavy.

She tried moving her fingers yet it was hard to move at all.

Her eyes slowly opened as she tries to figure out where she is or what happened before she felt this heavy.

"T…tubig…" she said speaking in her native Filipino language.

Her voice was hoarse as can be.

It was so hard to speak.

Her mouth was dry from sleeping.

A man nearby who was talking to four different guys walk closely upon her.

He reach for a moist bottled water from the young lady's bedside.

He open a sealed drinking straw and poured out the water in a clear glass cup.

The man assisted Desiree to sit up a little bit in order to not suffocate from drinking water.

"Sino ka? Nasaan ako!?" The moment Desiree had finished the glass and quenched her thirsts that was her first question. She asked who is the man, her eyes wide open upon realizing that she is in a totally unfamiliar room, asking where is she at.

Looking around her, the bed was frilly and one of those Princess like bed. One with canopy and the surrounding isn't cheap either. It is with a scene where you can see during the Disney princesses setting. The furniture was full of decorations artsy style. Expensive, stylish.

The moment Desiree realized that she isn't home neither somewhere she could recognized, she sat up as fast as she could and closes in her back leaning to the head board. Pulling the blanket towards her to hide whatever skin she could show to these strangers.

"Dayuhan!?" She screamed 'foreigner' in her language the moment she realized the five men around her are all strangers of a foreign origin.

"Miss…" one of them kneeled by her bed and followed the other four.

"Anong naghahanap dito!?" She asked using her native language 'What's going on here!?', making her more confuse why are these strangers kneeling in front of her. She never met them before nor have done something that is worthy of them kneeling down to her.

"Miss, we are here to serve you and to bring you to your grandmother." One of them speaks up looking up to her, meeting her eye to eye while the others have kept their composure looking down on the floor.

"Serve?… bring??? Grandmother???" Perhaps Desiree isn't very intellectual towards English language because she was only able to pick up a couple words from the language that the stranger was speaking of.

She peeks inside her blanket only realizing that she is wearing nothing at all.

"Clothes!? My clothes?" She started panicking pulling more of the blanket towards her wrapping almost around her body.

"I think she is looking for her clothes, her school uniform isn't dry yet…" One of the stranger said.

"Yes clothes, where is clothes?" Desiree nodded as she understood a little bit of the stranger's words. Desperately wanting to get her clothes back.

It is when the man who saved her from earlier grinned at her with malice on his smile.

"Yes we have some clothes ready for you, your wardrobe has enough clothes that a girl like you would've fancied…" the man said.

"Yes clothes!" Desiree repeatedly said the same words.

Desiree started crawling out of bed while dragging the sheets with her to cover around her body.

"You can follow me, I'll show you your wardrobe." The man says while reaching his arms towards Desiree.

The other four men in the room stood up side to side. Two on Desiree's left side and two on her right side, seemingly guarding the young lady.

"Who are all of you?" Desiree desperately asked in English language while reaching her savior's hand.

The man who saved her was gentle, he let out a little bit of squeeze to Desiree's hands and gave the back of her hand a little kiss.

"My name is Ernest and I am one of your Butler from now on." The man answered her as he stand back up from giving a little curtsy and a peck on the back of Desiree's palm.

"Ernest?" She repeated.

"Yes." Ernest was glad that the young lady had called him in his first name.

"I am Butler Bryan, I am you're second Butler after Ernest. My specialty are spying techniques and I can fly any types of aero transportation." A red head man who is wearing a black suit started his introduction while giving a respect towards Desiree. Head is still down on the ground with his one arm across his chest while the other arm is perfectly suited beside him.

"I'm your third Butler, name is Lance. If you have any questions regarding cars and motorcycles I am your best man!" One with dirty blonde hair introduces himself.

"Zachary Addams, fourth Butler for Ms.Desiree. I can cook and bake anything… you just tell me what you desire and I will make it for you…" the one with a long blonde hair tied up to his back introduces himself.

"Leonard Addams, I'm the lowest Butler assigned to young miss! I believe we are almost about the same age, I have no specialty because I am still learning. I may not be as talented as Leader Ernest and the others but I am still ready to put my life on the line to make sure my young miss is happy and safe." The one with a blonde clean army cut hair introduces last.

"Butler?" Desiree's head seems to be spinning just trying to understand English language from the five men surrounding her.

There was nothing suspicious about them at the moment, it doesn't seem like they are trying to scam her out of nothing.

Their graceful movements made it more comfortable to stay in that place.

Ernest guided Desiree towards the closet. As soon as he opened the door, they walked inside a huge walk-in closet with variety of outfit surrounding corner to corner.

In the middle of the walk in closet is a glass cases full of expensive jewelry and one of the corner has a trifold full body mirror and has a full vanity of make up goods that one like Desiree herself could only imagine ever buying.

"Wowwwww!!" Desiree seems like a child who just opened a secret garden full of treasures at this point, her hand clasps together while her eyes are basically beaming with sparkles as her whole surrounding sparkled with different colors.

"These are all yours to use. I can help you with dressing up or I can have one of the maids help you dress up if you would like." Ernest finally spoke up as he is pointing his both arms wide open to the whole wardrobe.

The four men patiently waited for their cues by the door lined up properly like how royals have their servant waits for them to tell their orders.

"All yours? You mean mine?" Desiree asked for confirmation while pointing at herself using English language to communicate with these foreigners.

"Yes." Ernest has a beaming smile on his face as he affirm the answer to Desiree's question.

"Oh my gosh! If I sell these things, my mother won't need to ever work for at least a year or more! They all look so expensive!" Desiree can feel her problems floating away as she imagine getting money from these material things. While speaking in her native Tagalog language.

"Well Miss… Should we get you dress up?" Ernest ask again.

"Oh yeah! I do it! You.. all out!" Desiree finally realized that she is still holding on to a bed sheet to cover her body from these butlers. She tried so hard to speak English at them.

Then she pushes them all out of the wardrobe with one hand while her other hand hold securely at the bed sheet she is holding to cover herself up.

The moment Desiree was sure that all five men are out of the room, she let a sigh of relief out.

She leaned her back at the door and gently slide down to the floor.

Sitting down on the floor while reminiscing how her life has been the past seventeen years of her life and the event that leads her to where she is right now.

She's finally able to speak in her language without bleeding her head out to her nose trying to speak another language that is just second to her natural language.

"What's going on with me? All I can remember are gun shots, blood splattered everywhere and everyone was screaming… Were those just my imagination or did it really happened?" She said while looking around the entire closet.

"This closet is bigger than our whole apartment entirely… Did I understand them correctly? These things?… are all mine?" She continued speaking to herself and started walking around the closet to check the designer clothing hanging around the room, color coded accordingly.

"If that's the truth then I can sell these things and have my mom stop working… she's getting older and all she does is work and take care of me. I wonder if my dad was here, maybe she doesn't have to work as hard as she does now." She says while taking one of the floral dress out of the shelf and putting it in front of her while looking at the mirror.

She then shook her head.

"Wait, what am I thinking about? If that bastard of a father I have comes back, do you think he's going to love you Dessa!? He left you when you were still inside your mom's womb. Doesn't that mean he never cared about you? He hurt your mom and made her suffer all those years! Forget about that hope that life will be better when your dad is here." She said continuing her anguish towards herself being reminded of her father who she never ever met.

She walked towards one of the dresser.

"I need some underwear…" she said while peeking inside the drawers in one of the dressers in that walk-in closets.

She then got one of the bras out only to find out that the cup is a little bigger than her front.

"Damn! What the heck!? Victoria's Secret… these are C-cups!!! I'm barely even B-cup!!! These guys are very much perverted! I'm only just seventeen and they think I have that huge breasts! Perverts!!!" She blushes and threw the bra away from her.

Only for that bra to land on top of the head of someone who just opened the door.

Cough cough cough…

The man fake coughing to get Desiree's attention.

"Waaaaahhhh!!!" She screamed after being surprise to see that the man is now just a few feet away from her.

"You're still not dress?" The man said while reaching for the bra that just accidentally landed on his head.

"Uhmmm… bra… big… this small." She tried so hard to communicate with the man in English. She pointed at the bra on the man's head and her front chest that is barely covered with the bedsheet.

"I see… we bought this things before we met you. Average American girls your age usually have their breasts about this size but we forgot to think that you are half Filipino. And mostly Asians have smaller chest than average world wide range for chest." The man tried to reason with Desiree while his face is a little flushed.

Then he put the bra back to where it belonged and started walking towards the corner of the closet to reach for a dress.

Desiree just watch the man pick something and walk back to her side.

"Here, try this one. This one has a built in padding in it and a seam line to catch your breast. You won't even need a bra to keep your front hidden. I think it will look good on you." The man said as he put the dress in Desiree's hand then walked out of the room to give the girl more privacy.

"T…Thank you!" She said.

The man just wave his hand up in the air as he closes the door behind him.

Desiree is finally dress, she look at the trifold body mirror to see if she looks okay in the dress.

The pink Lolita dress that the man who saved her has given her made her look like a doll. The frilly tiered pattern in the skirt made her feel like a Princess. Although it's just below her knee length it showed her the feel of walking like a Princess as the skirt floats around as she walks.

"Damn this one's so good. Is this really me?" She ask as she turn around the mirror.

Looking every angle of the dress that fits her like a glove.

Then she heard a knock on the door.

"Lady Desiree! Are you done? I can help you with your make up if you want!?" The blonde hair with clean army cut came inside the room when the man made sure that Desiree is already dress.

"Make up? No need." She refuses speaking in English.

"I'll use nude colors so it won't look so tacky on you!" The man who is about her age just simply held her hand while pulling her towards the vanity dresser and sat her down on the ottoman as he started doing her make up without even taking her side about how she didn't want any make up.

A few minutes have pass by and the man is done with her make up.

"Tadah!" He said after he stop putting anymore make up on Desiree's face.

"Wow!!!" Desiree was surprise after looking at the mirror. "It's really me?" She says in broken English.

"I didn't even need to put that much effort into it. You are a natural beauty!" The man said.

"Thank you!" She yelp excitedly feeling bashful.

Then the other four men came in the walk in closet to check out Desiree.

Somebody click his tongue.

"Not bad… for being the Walton Heiress." The man who said it is the same man who save her earlier.

"Walton Heiress?" She asked.

"Yes. Your grandmother wanted us to get you back to the US and claim your name in the family." The man who save her continued telling Desiree the purpose of them being there.

"Grandmother? US? I don't get it." Desiree started to feel really confuse at how fast things are going.

"The massacre at the school may be link to those jealous relatives of yours. They want you dead so the Walton inheritance will be split towards everyone instead of going to the proper Walton heiress. Right now, your grandmother is at her death bed and only wanted to see you claim what is supposed to be yours." Her savior just keep getting more deep into the history without even having any pause through it.

So far Desiree found out that she is a lost heiress of the family by the name of Walton.

"I want to see my mom." She started panicking after hearing all these revelation that these strangers are telling her.