"Do you like that?"
Immediately, I let go of the huge television.
"N—No. Brother, I was just amazed because it's so big," I say, flustered.
"Then why don't we buy it and change the one in your room? To be honest, the one in your room is quite small—"
"It's fine. I don't even use it a lot!" I say just to stop him.
Sure, I was a royal princess before but I have never overspent at all. I grew up being neglected so I learnt to value things. Besides, he already bought a lot from the very first store that we entered!
Serra, you are one lucky girl! Your brother bought everything I touched! He probably wants to spoil you for all those years that you weren't with them...
I feel a pang in my chest knowing that even though it is me inside, everything that they are doing aren't really meant for me. I feel bad for receiving but I also feel jealous...
They may be a family of badly branded people but they truly love Serra.
I softly smile.
"We've been entering random stores. Would you like to shop clothes now? I heard that you aren't really fond of your clothes at home."
I wanted to turn him down but I realized that this may be a chance for me to get a proper set of clothes.
Remember, clothes mirror the personality and dignity of a person. I shouldn't just wear whatever. I have to be presentable. Brother Jwo already bought a lot but father handed me his card earlier. I feel ashamed taking it but I have no choice. Clothes are necessities. Besides, I am not going to waste his money. Yes. That's right.
Smiling, I nod and walk inside while holding my brother's hand. He was planning to accompany me but I figured it'll just bore him.
"Why can't I help you?" he asks with a frown.
"I want to...surprise you with what I will pick, brother. I...uhm...I will be back immediately so please rest here for a while and wait for me," I say with a grin.
Fortunately, after years—I mean minutes of convincing him, he surrendered and let me go on my own.
I know that boys don't like these stuff but the main reason why I left him is really because I still find it awkward to be alone with him. He's not even that talkative so I've been trying my best to read his expressions. I hope we can talk more comfortably soon.
For now, I'll just take a look around...
My eyes goggle as soon as I look at the price tag of one of the dresses near me. A six digit dress?! Really?
I'm used to wearing pricey dresses but I never paid them. They were tailored by the royal taylor so I never really cared about the prices. But of course, living in this world and studying it makes my jaw drop at this price. This...is obviously a sophisticated store with expensive products.
What a waste of money. This is a really cute dress but the price makes it not feasible to buy at all.
Suddenly, a hand grabs the dress away from me.
"What the hell?" a girl whispers to no one in particular while raising her brow at me.
Clicking her tongue, she looks away and scans the dress.
What the... Did she just take it away from me when I'm still pondering if I should buy it or not? What a disrespectful girl. She's just a little bit taller than me but she lacks manners.
"Excuse me?" I call out to teach her something.
Unfortunately, she's as hard as a stone. She didn't even look at me.
Annoyed, I repeatedly called for her attention.
"Ugh! What is this kid even doing at this store?! If you're lost, get out of my way and go find your parents," she replied with a grimace.
I bite my lower lip in frustration.
"You're wrong. I am not lost and I was planning to buy that dress," I say.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to spend that much just for one item but I wanted to teach this girl a lesson.
Much to my dismay, she snorted.
"You? Buy this dress?!" she rolls her eyes and laughs. "Kid, you might want to ask your parents first if they can afford this dress. I bet you're just here on a whim. Just get lost."
"Why are you so arrogant? That dress doesn't even seem to fit your size so why are you so adamant to buy it?" I ask, my arms crossed.
That made her exhale harshly.
"What do you care?! This? I'm buying this for my dog so why do—"
"Serra, what's happening here? I was worried since you're taking too long on choosing but..." brother Jwo chips in, his eyes staying only at me.
"Oh! What's this? A back—"
To agitate her more, brother Jwo didn't even look at her and instead, calls for a sales lady.
"Pack everything. I'm buying them all. Send all the clothes that fits my sister to this address. And then send the rest to this orphanage," brother Jwo firmly says while handing a black card and two other cards with different addresses to the sales lady.
She looks dumbfounded but immediately heads to their cashier. The other sales people then surrounds us. They are probably checking if we can really afford to buy everything.
The arrogant girl though looks even more shock but brother doesn't seem to care.
"Y—You! How dare you?! I bet you're just lying! Y—You can't possibly have that much money! Ha!"
"Ah. One more thing, leave that one dress she's holding but include it to my bill," he says to the sales person close to us.
"What?! You asshole! No need. I can pay on my own! Stop with the act and—"
But of course, the sales lady comes back with a huge smile. She bows ninety five degrees to us while giving the card back to my brother.
I am not sure how she managed to calculate all the products at once but maybe they have some sort of a list or ledger. She's fast.
"Thank you so much for purchasing a lot! We will surely deliver everything as fast as we can and as careful as possible. As a token of gratitude, the owner would like to send you an extra set."
An extra set?! And did my brother really bought everything in this store?!
My brother nods before looking at the rude girl again.
"What act?"
And with that, he pulls me away from that store.
Did...that just happened?
I don't dare say a thing after that. I don't know. Maybe, I'm just speechless because of the extent that brother Jwo is willing to go through for Serra.
One dress already costs a lot but he bought everything. As in everything!
I haunch in front of a huge teddy bear. Brother Jwo is buying something on the other side of the store so I can freely touch anything as of the moment.
"Should I buy you? You're really cute... You're probably the only thing that I want to buy in this huge mall but...I feel uncomfortable with spending money that's not mine at all. And...brother Jwo already spent a lot..."
I sigh and immediately stands straight when I get a glimpse of brother Jwo walking towards me.
"Do you–"
I quickly shake my head, knowing what brother is pertaining to. He should fix this bad trait because if this continues, we might live on the streets soon.
"Brother Jwo..." I call out and he moves closer to me. "Can we go home now?" I ask, a little bit awkward.
Fortunately, he surrendered and held my hand. I didn't know where we were headed but soon, the image of father's bored face came into view. Brother Samsik and Brother Yona were also surrounded with this gloomy atmosphere.
"What happened? Why do you all look so...down?" I ask and the three of them looks away.
I wanted to ask further however I am afraid they might get annoyed. I'm not really sure how much they adore me...I mean Serra.
What if one day, they decided I am not worthy of their attention anymore? What if they get tired of spoiling me and—
Suddenly, father carries me before starting to walk.
"It doesn't matter. Where did you go? Did you eat again or did you buy something?" he gently asks.
I pout before biting my lips. How could I think of such negativity when I can just live at the moment? Nevermind what will happen in the future. I will just treasure every moment.
While walking back to where our car was parked, I told father about how brother Jwo spoiled me earlier. Of course, I didn't mention the girl for I am scared of what they might do to her.
It took us fifteen minutes before we got back to our car. Again, brother Yona put on my seatbelts for me. I was about to sit comfortably when he reaches for my wrist.
It was a thin golden bracelet full of jewels as ornaments. The jewels are in different shapes and the colors are vivid! It looks so beautiful!
"Sorry. All the large crystals look too mature for your age so I got that instead. Maybe next time."
I smiled before half-hugging him since I am already tied to my seat. "Thank you, brother Yohan!"
"H–Hey! Get off. I just accidentally bought that because I couldn't find anything interesting to buy. Also, I bought you some learning materials. You can use them back at home," he announces before smiling confidently and sitting comfortably.
That made me loose my smile. From my peripheral vision, I saw my father smiling lazily.
As much as I want to groan, I decided to show my gratitude instead. After all, it's not everyday someone gives me things. My brother from another world never gave me one...
I wake up from father's call. I didn't realized I had already fallen asleep. I must be really tired.
"I was planning on carrying you to your bed however, you still need to change your clothes."
Father looks behind and nods. It takes me a minute to realize he was calling for Rizza to take care of me.
She immediately holds me.
"Wait. I'm heavy–"
I blink thrice while processing the fact that my personal maid can carry me like she would carry a pillow. I wanted to show more adoration but I'm too tired so I just put my hands around her neck.
I just want to sleep.