In the palace, a large and extravagant room, the king is seated in the comfortable bed leisurely smoking and drinking his favourite wine.
"Your Majesty, Gavon is in the capital city and he didn't pay a visit till now. Do you want me to send someone to invite him?" Calvin politely informed Gabriel.
Gabriel sipped his wine and asked "Calvin, how many years have you been working for me as my personal advisor?"
Calvin perplexed by his sudden question but informed "It's been more than 30 years, Your Majesty"
Gabriel nodded his head and inquired again "From how many years have you been looking at Gavon?"
"From 21 years, Your Majesty," Calvin answered.
Gabriel inhaled the smoke and released it to form circles in the air before replying "So, you are observing him from his childhood. Still you didn't understand him?"
Calvin dropped his head down without saying anything.