Chereads / A Dragon & Her Yoga Teacher / Chapter 44 - [Bonus chapter]Of filial piety and respect

Chapter 44 - [Bonus chapter]Of filial piety and respect

As it turns out, Kavan did grow a proper backbone and some balls.

"I told them that I am marrying you on my own terms and that I am going back to Penang with you, after grandfather has recovered and is out of the ICU," Kavan told her.

"And your mother is okay with that? I don't believe it!" she exclaimed. Surely his domineering mother would never allow this. Not forgetting his father and Uncle Darun. Kavan shook his head ruefully.

"She had a fit and told me that I will be disowned and I told her that they can go ahead and disown me then, I am not a puppet for them to string along as and when they like!" he said.

As if him mentioning his family had summoned them, just in cue, his mother, uncles and father came outside while Reesha and her parents trailed behind.

"Oh no. Here we go again," Sabrina muttered under her breath. "I sorely wish I can zap them into toads," she added. Kavan grinned at her.

"I would love to see that," he murmured in reply. "But for now, let me deal with them, just don't say anything, don't let them rile you up," he said. She nodded.

"Kavan! You can't discard your own family and the whole fortune, our family legacy of generations, for this woman!" his mother's strident voice rang out across the grounds. A few passersby turned to look at them. Some even stopped to stare at what appeared to be a drama unfolding. Sabrina wondered if any of them will be taking out their phones to start recording. It might become a funny tiktok video or a meme. One never knows.

"Ma, I have had enough of all these, so my decision is final," Kavan replied his mother. His tone much lower and spoken in a calm manner.

"You want to marry her, then do it next week, we are not stopping you! Why are you dragging it? Is there something you are hiding from us?" his mother pushed on. Kavan glared at her. It was so obvious she knew but why is she forcing him to say it out loud? What can she accomplish from that.

"Yes, sounds fishy…you are so into this girl here, so why are you reluctant to marry her?" Uncle Darun chipped in. Uncle Darian merely stood at the side to watch them.

"I am not reluctant to marry her, we are getting married but not in such a rushed half assed manner," Kavan replied.

"Just say it out loud so that your father and uncles can hear this! There is something this gold digger is hiding from us," his mother said.

By now, a small group of curious onlookers had gathered a few feet away from some. Some are even recording the whole scene. Sabrina couldn't resist. This will be fun to put his mother and family members a peg or two.

"Yes, I am hiding something for sure, my ample fortune which is much larger than what you humans have," she said. Then she realised her error. She should not use the word 'humans' as if she is not one. Dang it.

"Ample fortune? Hahaha. Don't make me laugh girl! I had you investigated, you don't have a single cent to your name!" the middle aged woman retorted and then her eyes widened after she realised she had given herself away. There were murmurs from the crowd.

'Oh my god. She hired investigators to check on her son's girlfriend?' they murmured.

Kavan's mother had practically admitted to investigating Sabrina. Sabrina was glad that they had missed her mistake of using the word 'humans'.

"Of course not, all my assets are not in cash form," she replied. Kavan grabbed her hand and squeezed it, as if telling her to stop.

"You should be so lucky that I am remotely interested in your son and here you are, acting all high and mighty just because you are rich, puh-lez, you have the EQ of an idiot, all the money in the world can't help you," she retorted, disregarding Kavan. There were murmurs of approval from the crowd, some even clapped.

Kavan's mother spluttered in rage. Her face turned so red, it looked like a tomato about to burst. Sabrina tried not to giggle at the thought and continued to glare at her.

"How dare you! Kavan, look at her. Total disrespect for her elders, this is the sort of woman you want?" she turned to her son while pointing at Sabrina accusingly.

"Ma…" before Kavan can say anything more, Sabrina stepped forward.

"Look here, respect is earned. Why should I respect you just because you are older? What logic is that? So far, you have not done a single thing to earn any respect from me!" she retorted. There was another murmur through the crowd. Some of the women actually cheered.

Honestly, humans and their so-called 'respect your elders' bullshit. Technically, she is older than everyone here so by right they should be respecting the heck out of her. Even the dragons doesn't do this. They respect those of higher rank and ranks were not given due to age but due to powers and skills.

"Look, Ma, stop this right now, otherwise I will leave and never come home again,"Kavan gave his mother an ultimatum. Her eyes bulged in shock and rage.

"You are taking her side over this? Have you no sense of filial piety? We are your family!" she spluttered. There were some in the crowd who agreed too, murmuring in agreement.

"I have always been filial but you forced my hand in this, so consider it your fault," Kavan replied coldly.

"Fine! If you leave with her, forget that you have a family here. You will no longer be part of the Chokshi!" his mother issued him an ultimatum in return.

"Fine! Then goodbye!" Kavan replied. He grabbed Sabrina's hand and then dragged her with him as he stomped off. The crowd behind them parted immediately to let them through.

A niggle of guilt assailed Sabrina as she kept in steps with Kavan to leave the hospital grounds. It is one thing to stand up to his family but to make him break all ties with them sounded slightly extreme. No matter what transpired. They are still his family. She stole a glance at him. He looked coldly furious. This is so unlike her calm and patient yoga teacher Kavan.

What has she done?