Journal Entry 20
Day XX
I'm done with the fourth feature, which is the chess and the last feature, which is the crane machine. As the world surfaces with beauty and everything how I thought of it, I feel like everything's coming to an end as well.
I would only build a total of five worlds, so this might be the last entry that I'd write as well.
It is possible that all I have expressed may vanish into thin air without having meaning or value to anything or anyone, but I am glad to be able to express myself.
All the questions and worries were never answered, but I was able to think of them.
I thought and thought, but no answer came.
But for some reason, it does not feel as meaningless and fruitless.
It is highly possible that everything really comes to an end and I would fail.
But until then… Until then, I hope that they will be okay. Please hang in there, wherever you are, whoever you are. I hope my sincerity reaches you.