Journal Entry 18
Day XX
If, for a lifetime, a human stays inside Grand Blisscade, it is possible that they would never get tired of it. But that does not guarantee either that they will never get bored of the games no matter how endless the machines and the paths and labyrinths it has.
Humans are frightened with change, but gets weary with permanence.
The features I've thought of are completely mediocre and do not really incite thrill or 'change'.
I wonder what they would prefer when it comes to it…
Would they just return to their original world and end their life with it?
Or would they endure the unchanging and unmoving world I have created?
Would some people prefer having a boring and completely eventless life with only addiction and fun in their lives?
They would never despair and become miserable.
And they would never feel meaning to their life as well.
Is pleasure enough to make them stay and make them feel fulfilled? I wonder if people truly value the sense of fulfillment that they always mention.
To me, everything is just black and white. It's just one way or another.
I can't understand humans and I feel frustrated and sad because of it.
But I never thought there's really any value to having a life fulfilled if it means despairing and getting black days once in a while.