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The second canto

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Chapter 1 - The second canto

Antik Kingdom surrounded by beautiful green hills.The Mitka river flows past the Antik state.The Mitka river captivates the mind with its amazing beauty. It is said that the river was born during the reign of the third great king of the antik kingdom, Inca. During the reign of king Inca, the people of the antik kingdom were living a very good life. But it would not be tolerated by their eternal enemy Meldora. Meldoras enmity with the Antik for hundreds of years. Meldora king Mickey. Suddenly one day Mickey, the king of the Meldoras, invades the Antik kingdom with his huge army. The Meldora troops moved very close to the Antik Meldora kingdom. King Inca had very few troops and no more weapons. The black cloud of danger descends on the life of the peace-loving Antik resident.The King Inker had a daughter named Mitak and a son named Paltik. Paltik was very young then and Mitka was a beautiful 16 year old girl. Mitka was very brave. He loved his father very much. Mitka was a fan of Pinka, the god of energy, from a young age. One day Pinka, the god of power, was happy to worship Mitka and blessed Mitka. The blessing is that Mitka will be able to take on different forms as he wishes. He will be able to be a bird, a human being, an elephant and a human being as before. But there is a condition in it. He will never return to his form. Mitka did not tell anyone about his blessing. In this direction Mickey Tar entered the antik kingdom with a huge army. At that time King Inca was preparing for war. King Inca went to see his beloved wife Mini and his sons and daughters for the last time. King Inca loved his wife very much. Inca Queen Mini came into the room and the two of them looked at each other. Mini's eyes were watering. The queen was in her lap. King Inca wiped away Mini's tears and kissed Poltik's forehead. The Inca queen told them to take care of themselves. Saying this, Inca Rani left the room and went to her daughter Mitka's room. Inca loved her daughter Mitka very much. Mitka looked at his father and grabbed him and said I will go to war with you. On hearing this, King Inca smiled and said, "Stay with your mother." King Inca went to war. On the other hand, Meldora's troops moved deep into the antik kingdom. The Inca army withdrew and Meldora fought a fierce battle with the troops. The Meldoras had a huge giant force and they were very good at magic. King Inca began to cut off the heads of the demons one by one with his sword. The Inca troops were helpless against the huge Meldora giant forces. At that time a woman's voice came rushing towards the battlefield. Then the battlefield seemed to come to a standstill. Everyone is looking at the threat of the woman floating in the air, panic in everyone's eyes. The more the word came to the battlefield, the more the fear of death grew. The woman entered the battlefield. Wearing a white robe, he was riding on a white horse without the hair of an electric sword. He was coming to roar with lightning speed. It was as if a lioness had entered the battlefield. The giant began to cut off his head one by one with lightning speed. Meldora's soldiers trembled with fear. King Inca stared in surprise. Inca said Mitka you! Raj Kumari Mitka came to her father and said my King I have come to be a martyr for my motherland. On hearing this, Raja Inkar's eyes filled with tears and he grabbed his daughter. Then the father and daughter started fighting together and started destroying the enemies. Mickey saw that Inca's troops were destroying the base, and that the father and daughter were destroying his entire army. Then he came up with a plan. Mickey divided her army into two divisions, one with Inca troops, and the other with unarmed civilians. Their houses were set on fire and women and children were set on fire. The Inca soldiers became helpless, they would not fight, they would save their families. If they go to Dotana later, their families will be destroyed by the end of the war. King Inca went after the thought. Then Princess Mitka came to her father and told him about his divine power. Mitka says he can take on different forms if he wishes and he can finish all the soldiers in Meldora. Hearing this, Inker seemed to come back. Mitka says but if I kill someone in the form that my body will take, I will not be able to return to my previous form. Hearing this, the sky seemed to fall on Inka's head. Yet the great King Inca did not stop him. King Inca shouted that it was time for Mitka to be martyred for the motherland and it was time to repay the debt to the motherland. Show such might that the enemies flee in fear of death. May your name be included in the list of the best warriors in history who have sacrificed their lives for their country. Go to Mitka to ensure your victory. Then Mitka took the form of a river and roared forward with a terrible roar. He swept away all the enemy forces with lightning speed and crushed their bodies. One of his soldiers, including Mickey, could not return alive. Since then, the Inca Empire has been protected by the Mitka River. At this point King Inca returned to the kingdom feeling distressed. Queen Mini was devastated to hear this news. Don't be happy to win the war in the antique kingdom that night, don't smile. There was no light in the kingdom, only an unknown silence. King Inca is sitting, there is no sound, he is looking at the ground like a living corpse. The wounded soldiers were being treated on this side. Queen Mini broke down in tears. The next day the sun rose but the palace remained silent and the dining table and the royal daughter could not be seen. The prayer room was left empty, and the beautiful smile could no longer be heard in the flower garden. The flowers in the flower garden seemed to be waiting for someone. Did they not know that he would not see them again, would not give them water, and would not talk to them? King Inca was walking towards this river when he came to the river Mitka and saw that the river was trying to say something. King Inca stared at the water with his two eyes dripping with water. These tears were probably his answer. Thirty years have passed. Thirty years later, the king's son Paltik grew up. She is as beautiful as she looks. Paltik was skilled in wielding a great sword. He was a heroic warrior. In this direction King Inca gradually began to grow old. Then King Inca thought that Paltik should get married this time. So he started sending people in different directions. They started looking for suitable partners in different states. One day an old soldier named Itaro came to the royal court. He told King Inca that he had a worthy companion in the kingdom of Mokapoko. Tochi is the only daughter of King Kito in the kingdom of Mokapok. My king Princess Toochi is as beautiful as she is a good archer. Princess Toochi is the perfect life partner for Prince Paltic. On hearing this, King Inca laughed and said, "You are talking about Kito." My dear friend of Kito. We studied together in school when we were young. My friend Kito is a very kind and very big hearted person. I have not met him for many days. King Inca further said Etaro go with my news now. King Kito's whole family was invited to the antique kingdom. On hearing this, soldier Itaro set out for Mokapoko with two soldiers. King Inca said Minister Kilat should arrange everything for the guests. Mokapoko State, a two-day drive from the Antik State. First a day's journey by ship, then on horseback across the Imprin forest to Mokapoko State. The palace of Mokapoko is very beautiful. The palace can be seen from a distance. There is a huge diamond on the top of the palace. After the light of the sun, the light of that diamond is spreading all around. That light can be seen from far away. After entering the palace through the main gate, the road will take you inside the palace. The moving road can be divided into two parts, one can come through one part and go through the other part. This whole machine runs with the wind machine behind the palace. The wind blows in the high wind and the road moves in this direction. The fan is made in such a way that it will rotate exactly the same in very low winds and high winds and the road speed will remain the same all the time. There are many more things in that palace that you will be surprised to see. At this point Itaro entered the palace with two soldiers with him and conveyed the news to King Kito. Upon hearing this news, King Kito was very happy and presented Etaro with many gold coins. Itaro spent a day at the palace in a special feast that day. The next day, with the permission of King Kito, they set out for their own kingdom. When Itaro came to the kingdom, King Inca said everything openly and King Inca was happy to make Itaro the head of many gold coins. The next day, the huge antique kingdom was decorated in a colorful way. King Inca stood at the far end of the kingdom with his troops to welcome his friend Kito. In a short time his friend Kito and his whole family and his state ministers, generals, intellectuals came. King Inca welcomed his friend Kito and his entire family into the antique kingdom. The two friends walked towards the palace to talk. Residents of Pur Antik stood on both sides of the road to welcome the flower to the past. Special receptions of the past were arranged in the palace. Everyone had lunch together. Guests are taken to special places in the state in the afternoon. King Kittor said that the power of Mitka will be written in golden letters in the history. All countries will be an inspiration to lovers. Hearing this, King Inca became emotional. Then everyone came back to the palace. In the flower garden inside the palace of Prince Paltik and Princess Toochi, they talked about their minds. "I've seen you a long time ago," he said. I have fallen in love with you since the day I first saw you. Princess Toochi said how is this possible. It's been a while since you've seen me. Besides, I have never been outside my state, so how did you see me? Prince Paltik laughed and said that I and some of my friends had gone hunting together. We did not find any prey in all the forests on this side. Then we decided to go hunting in the Imprin forest on the other side of the river. I crossed the river and entered the forest. I came to your kingdom in search of prey. I pitched a tent in the Imprin forest near your kingdom. I spent one night there and woke up the next morning before sunrise. My friends were asleep then. I went out alone with my bow and arrow to look for prey. Walking, I came to a lake. There were many lotus flowers in that lake. When the first rays of the sun follow that lake, then the beauty of that lake increases. I was still occupied when a deer came to the lake to drink water. Suddenly I saw the deer and ran away in fear. The scene I saw then was the best moment of my life. Then I saw that there was a beautiful lotus flower in that lake. Awesome, her face is drawn, her eyes are thin, her lips are like roses, her look has fascinated me. I was bewildered to see him. After a while I saw some infantry of your kingdom come and you entered the palace with them. Then I realized you are the princess of this kingdom. There is no research and I am sure. After that I came back to the tent. I hunted in the forest that day, spent the night there and left for the state the next morning. Back in the state, I heard that my father started sending people to different states to look for my daughter for marriage. On that occasion I sent our faithful soldier Itaro to my father with some gold coins to teach him everything. He went and told my father what I had taught him. Princess Toochi smiled and said with a little angry face then I see everything you planned you cheated. Prince Poltik says with my life to get you and I am ready to cheat. Are you willing to marry me? Tears well up in Princess Toochi's eyes and she says you love me so much how can I get you back. Princess Toochi and Prince Paltic both laughed. The sun went down, the evening came down, and the night meeting took place. King Inca proposed to his son Paltik. King Kito was very happy to hear that. King Kito asked his daughter Toochi if she was willing to marry him. Princess Toochi agreed to the marriage. King Inca was very happy, he said, then the friend changed to a relative, the two friends started laughing. King Inca said the wedding date would be announced tomorrow in front of all the subjects of the state. King Inca ordered the soldiers to convey the news to all the people that the next day all the people should be present in the royal court. The next morning, the people started coming to the royal court in groups. The royal court turned into a huge public meeting. Then King Inca announced that Princess Toochi would have a happy marriage with Prince Poltic on the island of Sand Heady next Saturday. All the people of the state were invited there. A week later, the wedding took place on Sandy Head Island. The kings of the friendly kingdoms of the two kingdoms and their families came there and the kings of different kingdoms came there. Inca residents all came there. People started coming to the island in huge ships. Only ships were seen at sea that day. Only the ship can be seen in that direction. However, the marriage went very well and everyone had lunch. Then King Inca said goodbye to everyone and one by one they all started returning to their respective kingdoms. King Kito said goodbye to his daughter and said goodbye to everyone and went to his kingdom. Ring Inca returned to the kingdom with his son and daughter-in-law K and the residents of his kingdom. On that moonlit night, the princess Toochi came to the roof and stood alone. The whole sky was full of stars. Fireflies were flying on all four sides. The view from all four sides was very beautiful. The beautiful call of the distant Matka river was floating in the air. At that moment, Paltik came and grabbed Toochi's eyes from behind. Touchi removed his hand from his eyes and saw that Paltik had brought him a pair of earrings made of blue diamonds. He was very happy to see a pair of Toochi pendants. Paltik said this is my small gift for you on our first night. Be very careful this pair of pendants bears the mark of this sacred bond of our love. Toochi put a pair of earrings in his ear. In this way, a good month was spent happily and peacefully. But suddenly one day Kelak, the son of Meldora's king Mickey, invaded the antik kingdom. This time the power of antikes is much higher than before. Kelak came with hundreds of ships to occupy the antique antik kingdom. In this direction King Inca ordered Prince Paltik to bring Kelok before me alive or dead. Paltik formed a huge army with skilled soldiers. Meanwhile, the young queen Toochi king Inca did not agree at first and later agreed to the request of the politician. King Inca said, "Mother Toochi, you will lead all the soldiers of your kingdom who are coming to fight with us." Yubrani Toochi said, "All right, father." They both began to prepare for battle with permission from King Inca and Queen Mini. Toochi opened her earrings and put them in the chest. The Inca forces are led by the Poltik and the Mokapoko forces. Their two forces together formed a huge force. The Meldora forces are very insignificant to their forces. Thousands and more ships were ready for battle. Toochi and Paltik began to devise tactics. First the skilled archers were placed on the ship in front of them and the skilled spearmen would carry shields and spears to protect them. And the ships behind them will have huge swords. When the ship of Kelak's army came very close, Toochi ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows. The soldiers shot arrows and made the condition of Kelak's forces worse. At his command, the archers surrounded Paul's ship and fired arrows from all sides, killing many of Kelak's soldiers. According to Paltik's order, Talya's forces entered through the middle and fought face to face with him and easily defeated Kelak's forces. The archers snatched the bodies of the soldiers of Kelok. Kelok was taken prisoner and brought to the court of King Inca. Maharaja Inca ordered that Kelok's head be shaved and all the kingdoms be rotated. According to the order, the soldiers shaved Kelok's head and started touring the whole state. And the people of the state, who were standing on both sides of the road, started spitting on Kelok, kicking his shoes and cursing him. Kelak was then sent in a boat. Soldiers, the people of the kingdom began to rejoice. King Inca welcomes his son and daughter-in-law and you are the pride of the antik empire. People of all ages greeted the soldiers with flowers and began to appreciate them. The next morning, king Inca addressed a large public meeting. "I will not be able to stay with you in the days to come," he said. I have given son-like affection to the people of my kingdom during my rule. I have tried to be by your side in danger. We have tried to make this antique empire one of the best empires in the world. Today is my last time. To move this antik empire forward and create the best empire in the world. I proclaimed my son Paltik as the king of the antik empire. Everyone shouted for the victory of King Inca and the Politicians, and everyone applauded and welcomed their new king. A few months later, Paltik started running the state quite well. Many years after the death of King Inca, a shadow of mourning fell across the kingdom. Millions of people came from different places to see their father-like king once. Kings of different friend kingdoms came to say goodbye to their friend for the last time like this. King Inca fell asleep at Senjiro's grave. It has been a year since Queen Toochi became pregnant. With this happiness, King Paltik decided to go to the navigator. The next morning, Rani Toochi took the pair of pendants from the box and put them on her ears. Paltik and Rani Toochi went out to the naval base with some soldiers. They traveled far away from the state to travel on the river. When night came, spices were burnt on the ship. Suddenly, black clouds began to form in the sky. In a moment, it became dark all around. A terrible flood started and the river became turbulent. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. The queen floated on a piece of wood from the ship and came to a terrible forest called Lok. That forest is full of wild animals. There is no way Queen Toochi can get up and go into the forest. The queen began to tremble in the winter when her labor pains began and after some time she gave birth in the forest. A handsome boy was born. The queen placed the baby Tike beside her and looked at the baby at a glance. After some time the queen became unconscious. Only the sound of a baby crying could be heard in that silent forest. Hearing the sound of that cry, a huge wolf came there.The baby survives in the face of a wolf. The wolf's sharp teeth began to bite the baby's soft body. The baby's pit began to bleed, and the wolf's mouth began to drip with blood. The child started screaming. Suddenly the child's screams could no longer be heard and the forest became silent. On this side, King Poltik and a soldier with him remained unconscious on a distant island. The wolf puts the baby on the ground under a tree. The wolf was licking the blood on the ground with its tongue. At that time a monkey in the tree was sleeping. Hearing the baby's cry, the monkey woke up. The monkey watches the baby from the top of the tree. When the wolf came a little farther to lick the blood, the monkey took the opportunity to take the baby and climb the tree. The monkey took the baby and climbed the tree and the tree into the deep forest. The child survives and is taken to a cave at the top of the hill. There is a monk inside that cave. The monkey took the child to the monk. Seeing the child, the monk hurried off and took her in his arms. They started a fire inside the Tari cave and started treating the child with various herbal medicines. The monk was skilled in all sciences and could do many impossible things. He put the milk of the wild cow he kept for himself in the baby's mouth. In this way the baby slowly heals the baby. Monk Ben's ferocious beasts can easily be tamed. This monkey is a monkey.When a person comes to this forest in danger, this monkey comes and informs the monk, then the monk goes there and rescues the endangered people and brings them to the cave and treats them to save their lives. The monk is no less than a deity. The next morning the sun rose and some time later King Poltik's knowledge returned. Then he goes around looking for Queen Toochi like crazy. Toochi Toochi started shouting. At this point, Minister Mack also brought a ship to look for the king. Mack also finds the king on an island and rescues him from there After that, they started looking for queen Toochi in different directions. At last they came to the forest, where they saw Queen Toochi lying unconscious. From there the soldiers rescued him and brought him to the ship. On the ship the queen regains consciousness. Then she started looking for her child and started screaming. Some kind of king poltik handled him. Paltik ordered the soldiers to rescue the child anyway. The soldiers began searching for the place where Queen Toochi had been unconscious. But they did not find anything there. There they saw the footprints of wolves. Following those footprints, they entered the forest. Some distance away he saw a wolf lying under a tree. There was blood on it. The soldiers ate this baby wolf. They then killed the wolf and brought it to the king. The soldiers said the wolf had eaten the baby. On hearing this, the king sat down on his knees and began to weep. Then they left for the state. After some time, the pirates suddenly attacked from two directions. As if on the brink of death. They had a fierce battle with the pirates. Two pirate ships surrounded their ship from two directions. Paltik did not fight that day. The pirates easily imprisoned them. The pirates looted all the jewelry of the twenty maids on board and did not find any jewelry with Queen Toochi. When the river swam during the flood, all the jewelry from his body went to the river later, only the earrings were paired. One of the pendant pairs goes after the forest and the other goes after the ship. When the robber Sardar looted the gilt and returned, one of the earrings of the queen on the ship got stuck in his shirt. Gilt returns to their secret dormitory and sees the earrings unzipped. Seeing such a beautiful earring, Gilt never sold it again. He put the box in a very good way. Meanwhile, the king returned to the antik kingdom. Queen Toochi sat in a room and kissed him. There was no sound as if she had become a living corpse. In this direction, the monk starts looking for the mother of the child. The monk asks the monkey and when the child survives, the monkey takes the monk to the tree from which he had rescued the child. The monk follows the footsteps of the wolf there. There he sees an earring under a leaf. The monk returned to the cave with the pendant. He took care of the pendant. Many years passed and the child began to grow. The monk named the child Hiltaro. Twenty-two years later, Hiltaro was a handsome, well-built young man. The monk Hiltaro was made a scholar of various scriptures. The monk developed him into an expert in all disciplines like armament, medical science, accounting, logic etc. One day the monk called Hiltaro and told him about Hiltaro's childhood. He said to Hiltaro, Hiltaro, now you go to find your family.The monk gave him the earring that was found at his birthplace. The monk said that this pendant in his son Hiltara was probably his mother's earring. Go and find your son in different parts of the world. Then he started preparing to go to Hiltara. The monk gave some herbal medicine and some food in a bag in Hiltara. There was an eagle named Sky King in Hiltara. With the permission of the monks in Hiltara, the eagle went to Hiltara with the eagle sky king to find his family. Walking in the hiltara, walking in the deep forest, crossing the deep forest, a fast flowing river from the crocodile and the water elephant stays in that river. Then Hiltara brought some dry wood from the forest and made a raft with that wood.He crossed the river by that raft. After crossing the river, the deep forest is so dense that the sun cannot shine through it. The prince continued to walk through that forest in Hiltara. It was very dark. After sitting on a tree in Hiltara, he started a fire under that tree. On that night, he ate the dried food given to him by the monk in Hiltara. Tired Hiltara falls asleep early. When Hiltara was sleeping in the middle of the night, a poisonous snake from that tree was coming to Fanatul to bite Hiltara. At that time, the eagle Sky King saw the snake and he immediately grabbed the snake and went up to the sky.Sky king sits on the trunk of another tree and eats the snake. In this way, the eagle continues to protect him without the knowledge of Hiltara. Another quality of the eagle was that it could see events from afar very well. The next day, in the wee hours of the morning, he started walking again in Hiltara and crossed the forest to the state of Macapaco. When he came there, he was surprised to see many people. He had never seen such people before. Seen from a distance, a lamp was burning on the top of the royal decoration. When he saw this, he walked towards the palace. When he came to the palace, he saw that there was a large diamond at the top of the palace. Hiltara tried to enter the palace but was pushed out by Darayan. Then he left from there.What is the irony of fate? King Hito's grandfather in the kingdom of Mekapaeko, this is his uncle's house in Hiltara, but he is not allowed to enter the royal palace. He then moved to a market in Hiltara. Now he wonders how to find his family. With an intelligence in mind, he went to a jewelry store with his mother's earrings. And Gold Smith asks if they've ever made a pendant like this before. All asked Gold Smith but got no correct answer from them. At that time, the state of Macapeco in Hiltara moved beyond the state of Giltata, a very poor state in the desert. The people there struggle with the environment and survive. Even though he is poor, he is hospitable. There he took refuge in an old woman's house in Hiltara.The old woman's two grandchildren have risen. This tie was the main occupation of the people in the desert. In this way their family runs. That night was spent in the old woman's house. The old woman's great grandson is very friendly in Milara. Very soon Hiltara and Milara became friends. Show those earrings to the old woman at Hiltara at night and tell her all the facts. The old woman said that the people of this state are very poor that is why the people of this state wear so much expensive jewelry. And there is only one gold smith in this state, he only makes jewelry for the royal house. You can meet him once if you want. The next morning when he went to get permission from the old woman to go to Hiltara, Miller said he would go with her too. Milare said it is the responsibility of the friend to stand by the friend in danger.After that, the two of them said goodbye to the old woman and went to meet the gold smith. But they did not get any good news from there.The two friends crossed the Giltato country in the desert to the Elastic Sea and from there boarded the island kingdom of Mohan. The main occupation of the people here is fishing and extracting pearls from the sea and selling them in other free states. Coco, the king of that kingdom. His only daughter Ila was the most beautiful woman in the world and an expert in all sciences. Ila loved to hunt. Hiltaro and Miller Mohan decided to move to the state capital. They started walking in front of the huge forest. As they were walking through the forest, the capital of the Mohan kingdom, they were walking in the forest. At that time a girl's scream was heard. Hearing those screams, they went there. That girl was Princess Ila. Ila was sitting on a horse with her bow and arrow in her hand. And two lions were coming to eat him. So Ila had to scream out of fear. At that moment, Hiltaro came and jumped on a vine and the princess sat on the horse. Ilar killed the two lions with a bow and arrow in his hand. Then they got acquainted with Princess Ila and they talked about their problems. Princess Ila took them to their capital, Princess Ila. Hiltaro searched there but did not find the expected results.That night they stay in the royal palace. The next day they said goodbye to the king and from the queen. From there he set out for the ice kingdom of Jimu. They walked to the sea. At that moment, the princess Ila came in front of them. Descending from the horse, Princess Ila grabbed Hiltaro and began to cry, saying that she could not live without Hiltaro and that she would go with Hiltaro. Then Hiltaro says Princess I have no existence of my own and Hiltaro leaves saying where to take you. Ila used to come to the sea dock every day and sit and cry. In this direction Hiltaro moved to the ice-covered Jimu kingdom. At the entrance of the kingdom, a madman began to tell them not to go to this kingdom. All the people in this kingdom became ghosts at night. They laughed when they heard this and said that after many days I heard such funny things. They entered the kingdom. There he took refuge in a rich family. In this house the landlord and his wife and two sons and daughters live. The landlord treated them very well and let them stay in the best room of the house. When the sun went down, evening came very quickly. Hiltaro noticed that the eyes of the landlord and his family were turning red like blood. Then he came out and saw that everyone's eyes were red and their behavior was strange. Hiltaro remembered that man. Hiltaro did not tell his friend Miller about it. With Hiltaro Miller, they finished eating and closed all the doors and windows of their room. Miller fell asleep when Hiltaro didn't sleep that night. Suddenly in the middle of the night, there was a loud knock on the door of their room. Miller woke up and told Hiltaro Miller everything. Hiltaro looked through the window and saw that people from all over the state had come. They were all ghosts. They can do things that are impossible for ordinary people to do. Miller was scared. At that time, two or three people broke down the door and entered the house and started saying that they would eat blood. Hiltaro killed them, broke the window and fled with Miller. The two of them started running and everyone started running behind them. Hiltaro and Miller enter a very old house and flee to a room in Chile. He spent that night there and everyone in the state started looking for him. They spent that night there with great difficulty. The next day they came out of the room in Chile and were surprised to see the scene they came out of. I saw that everyone was back to normal, their eyes were normal and the violence was no longer visible. The two friends were surprised to see this scene. The two friends went to the shelter again Talking to them they all talked like normal people. Kiltaro told them all about last night's incident. But they couldn't remember what happened last night. The wise Hiltaro began to search for the mystery. Another interesting thing is that there is no king in that kingdom. Hiltaro goes to the oldest library in the state to find all this. While searching for different books, he suddenly saw a many-year-old book. The book was quite old. Open the book carefully. The book was written by a scientist named Kito from this state. After reading the book, Hiltaro learned that the scientist had predicted the future long ago. It was written in the book that the scientist was shocked to see a subject while doing research on space. Outside of our Milky Way galaxy, many light-years away from Earth, heavy stars explode and turn into sweaty stars, creating some rays. Scientists study this ray. He researched and saw that this ray was coming towards the earth. He researched and found that if this ray was applied to a person, then that person would be like a normal person during the day but they would behave strangely at night. At night they want to eat other people's blood and their memory is very weak for 12 hours. That is, they will remember what they do for 12 hours of the day within 12 hours of the day but will forget everything after 12 hours and will be able to remember what they will do for 12 hours of the night within 12 hours of the night. But after 12 hours you will not be able to remember it. The ray will have a terrible effect on the people of the area where it will be worn, but it will not have any effect on the escape of animals and trees. The characteristic of people affected by this ray is that they will not be able to go outside the area where this ray has hit. If an outsider enters their area, he will treat them like normal people during the day but will kill and eat them at night. Another thing is that those who are affected by this ray will never kill themselves. And never go out of that area. Those who come from other states and stay in this state at night will not be able to return alive. The text of the next page was not well understood as the book was very old. Hiltaro said Miller, who entered the state during the day and did not leave the state during the day, did not understand anything and did not understand what was happening in the state. But those who enter the kingdom more will not be able to return alive. Because those who enter more of the state come and go in the afternoon, they can no longer return. As a result, no one knows the secret of this kingdom. So when we were about to enter the kingdom, how did the man who stopped us know the secret of this kingdom? If he is wearing this book, we have to go to him no matter what. But friends, if we leave now, it will be night to get out of this state. Even if I leave early tonight to hide tonight, it will be night to go out of the state and I don't know if I will be alive tonight. Miller said then we will not be able to return alive. Hiltaro is silent and does not say anything. When Hiltaro went to put the book, he saw a red Swiss. He pressed this Swiss tee and immediately a tunnel door appeared in the middle of the library. Then they carefully opened the tunnel door and knocked inside the tunnel. As soon as he entered the very dark tunnel, the tunnel door closed and he got very scared. They started walking and the next morning they came to the end of the tunnel. They came out of the tunnel and saw that they had moved out of the state to the place where they were first entering the state. When they came out, they were very happy to see the man in the distance who had prevented them from entering the kingdom. Hiltaro ran up to him and said who are you. The man was shocked and said how did you come back alive. Hiltaro then told him all the facts. Then the man said I am scientist Kito. Hiltaro said then you are the author of that book how did you survive how did all this happen. Scientist Quito said, "Listen to me. I found out about this ray while researching space." I figured out how fast this ray would hit on what date and where on earth. I told the king about this, I said empty the kingdom for 1 week and after 1 week when the effect of this ray is gone from the kingdom, you will come back to this kingdom. But our king did not pay any attention to my words and the people of the kingdom called me crazy and they kicked me out of the kingdom. For this reason alone I am healthy. This cosmic ray hit the weight of the earth on Esther, splitting it into two parts, one part of the Hubahu sea and the other part of our kingdom. Hiltaro said there is no cure for this epidemic. Quito said there is a way to get their blood at night so I can make medicine with that blood. Hiltaro goes there alone that night. As soon as he left, the people of that kingdom surrounded him. They come to kill him. They fight with Hiltaro. Hiltaro punches them one by one and throws them away like a ball. They can't fight with Hiltaro anymore. Then they started to run away, then one of them was caught and blood was taken from him and brought to Kito Laboratory. There, Quito prepares the medicine very quickly and prepares the medicine. The medicine has to be given at night, otherwise the medicine will not work. This medicine was spread in the air so that it could be given to everyone quickly so that the medicine could enter everyone's body through inhalation. Is made it will have no effect on the body of a healthy person. Hiltaro, who was wearing ice outside, took the medicine and spread it in the air. The wind was blowing very loudly that night and the medicine was affecting the people of Jimu State very quickly. Hiltaro returns to the laboratory with medication. The next morning, when the sun rose, the four sides seemed to be illuminated by the light. There was no fear of death anywhere, as if the kingdom of Jimu had regained its new life. Hiltaro, Miller and Quito Jimu entered the kingdom and the people there became like before. After they remembered everything, they realized their mistake. They all apologized to scientist Kito and expressed their gratitude to Hiltaro.The people of Jimu Kingdom declare scientist Kito their king. Kito became the king of the kingdom there. Hiltaro snatched his mother's earrings from his bag and asked John who was there. Everyone replied that they had never seen such earrings before. Quito asks friend Hiltaro this is an earring car. Hiltaro said it opened all of my mother's earrings. After hearing all this, Kito said, "Friend Hiltaro, we pray to God that you may find your mother very soon." "From today on, we are two lifelong friends. Tell me whatever help you need. My door will be open for you forever." I will help you with life even if you need it. Hiltaro grabbed Quito and yelled at him to say goodbye to everyone. At that time he saw the common people of this state arranging their horses for Hiltaro and Miller with two horses, a lot of coins, and some dry food. Hiltaro was very happy after they left Jimu State on horseback. They traveled from one state to another in this way. Eventually they entered the kingdom of Meldora. The state of Meldora is huge. Humans and giants live together here. King Kelak of this kingdom used to torture the common people of that kingdom inhumanely. They looted everything from their homes, picked up children, worked with them and tortured women. The state government officials were corrupt. Meldora is not a living hell. Hiltaro and his friend Miller were riding their horses when they saw six men on the way killing one man. Then Hiltaro fights them with his sword. Unable to get along with Hiltaro, they fled. Hiltaro begins his initial treatment under a tree where the injured man was brought. The man was cured within a few hours of the herbal treatment given by the monk. Hiltaro asked who you are and why these people want to kill you. The man said my name is Gilt. I quit this job long ago as the leader of the pirates. The people who came to beat me are my team. Hiltaro says why would your teammates hit you. Gilt said I quit this job a long time ago. They want to kill me because I can't tell anyone all the secret information. Anyway who are you. Where did you come from to save my life? Miller told all the facts. Gilt then said, "Stay in my house as long as Hiltro is looking for his family in our kingdom." Gilt takes them to his house. Gilt is not married, he lives alone. From Hiltaro Gilt's home he continues to search for his family. Many days have passed since the whole state began to search very well. It has been many days since the search in the whole kingdom was over but he could not find any trace of his family. Hiltaro returned home disappointed. The next day, as he was about to leave, Gilt brought a small sindhu, and from there he made a pair of earrings, so I have nothing to give you. Hiltaro cried when he saw the pendant and said, "Where did you get this pendant? Where did you get this pendant from my mother?" Gilt was startled by Hiltaro's words and then he looked at the two pendants together and saw that the two pendants matched exactly. Gilt said many years ago today I had looted the ship of King Poltik of the Antik kingdom. I locked all the soldiers in the ship and looted the jewelry of the maids who were there but did not get any jewelry from Queen Toochi. When I open the dress back home I see a beautiful earring stuck with the dress. The pendant was very beautiful to look at so I take care of this precious pendant in Sindhu. I think Hiltaro can find your family as soon as you go to Antik State. Hiltaro said then I set off for the state of Antik. Gilt said you sent one of his skilled soldiers a month ago to poison King Inca of the Meldora king Kelak Antik kingdom. But the king could find out through Paltic spies. Paltik then grabbed the soldier, cut off his head and sent him to King Kelak. Anitk King Inca declared a ban on foreigners entering their kingdom. Hiltaro said there is no way to enter the state of Anitk. Gilt said there is a way to make the road as smooth as possible. Listen to what the gilt says. I heard that the king of Meldora will attack the kingdom of Anitk again to avenge his humiliation. It needs a lot of soldiers. You join the army and when you win the battle with Anitk you will be able to enter that kingdom. Hiltaro joins the Meldora army as he is told, and King Kelak is pleased to see his tactics there and makes him head of the giant army. The hero Hiltaro builds room warriors by training monsters. A few days later, Kelak Hiltaro said goodbye to everyone on the morning of the battle. Hiltaro went to war with two of his mother's pendants in his chest pocket. Hiltaro went to war with a huge giant force. Hundreds of ships went to war. On this side the Poltik came to war with thousands of ships. There was a terrible battle, Hiltaro alone began to kill hundreds of soldiers, the whole river turned red with blood. Seeing the battle of Hiltaro, the Inca soldiers became frightened and fled. The Sen chief of Paltik said to Raja Paltik, "One of the great warriors of my king Meldora's army has come. This mighty warrior has killed hundreds of our valiant warriors. The soldiers are fleeing from the battlefield. What shall I do now?" What! Who is that warrior? Now I will kill him. Politic came to Hiltro. Politic saw that a handsome man would not be old enough to stand in front of any warrior. Seeing the battle of Poltic Hiltro, Maine thought I had never seen such a hero in my life. Poltik said, "O boy, get out of this battlefield. Kelak now sends children to fight." Oh boy, if you have the love of life, leave this battlefield. Hiltaro laughed when he heard this and said that he did not come here to return but to return after winning the war. Paltik got angry and said then fight with me. The battle with the father and son began with a terrible battle. No one could cope with Kaur as if two lions were fighting. 3 Both of them were bleeding. King Paltic thought he would lose to an ordinary warrior at such a young age. He broke all the rules of war and took the opportunity to insert the secret knife Hiltaro from behind. Hiltaro pushes Poltic away and Hiltaro goes to the ground later. Slowly, Hiltaro stood up and attacked again, this time hitting him on the chest with a sword. The color of the river Mitka turned red with blood from Hiltaro's chest. Hiltaro got up again and attacked Dara Lane again with the sword. This time Paltik hit him with a very strong sword. Two earrings from Hiltaro's chest pocket hit the seat on the floor of the ship and Hiltaro rolled on the floor and the ship's floor turned red with blood on his chest. The two pendants on the floor were very familiar to Paltik. He picked them up in Paltik's hand. "Where did you get these earrings?" Anitk Hiltaro said this pendant my mother has my family in your kingdom. Paltik says you are lying. Hiltaro does not say that this pendant protects one of my monks where I was born in my mother's forest. Hearing this, as if the sky had broken over Paltik's head, water started dripping from his eyes and he started shouting that he is a son. Hiltaro cried with his head on his chest and said, "What have I done? My own son's body is bleeding." O God, what have I done? My son is crying. The soldiers of the two groups started shouting this. The soldiers of the yoghurt party saw this scene and stopped fighting. Everyone came there. The soldiers quickly started treating Hiltaro with Anitk. The soldiers of the two kingdoms appeared in the kingdom of Anitk. There was no violence between them. As if they had become best friends with each other. So many people's blessings on which he can have something. Hiltaro survived the ride. They are sitting in a room on the second floor of Rani Toochi Prasad. He has no idea what is happening in the state. He is just looking out the window. At that time King Paltik actually handed over the pair of pendants to Queen Toochi. Queen Toochi asked where she found this pair of pendants. When the pair of pendants were lost with my son, the queen cried. King Paltik wiped away the tears of Queen Tochhi and said that this pair of pendants had brought our son back to us. Saying this, Poltik took the queen's hand and took her to Hiltaro. "This is our son, Queen Hiltaro," she cried. The queen said, "I have been waiting for your way ever since you left me for so many days." At that moment Hiltaro regained consciousness when he told Queen Toochi who you are any you cry for me. Queen Toochi said I am your mother. King Paltic said, "Son, I lost these earrings in the forest with the two queens." We lost our children there. You are our lost child. We are thankful to God that we got you back. Hiltaro was overjoyed to find out who his family was and how he survived his childhood. A week later, Hiltaro recovered completely. The whole state was arranged in a beautiful and charming way so that relief came back to everyone. Hiltaro Meldora told the troops to return to their kingdom. The soldiers said we would not go without you. We are no longer trying to justify the tyranny of the oppressive King Kelkar. Hiltaro said, "You soldiers of Kelak, you can't betray him." The Meldora soldiers then set out for their country. On this side Kelak can find out everything through Gupta Char and he inhumanely tortures the families of the soldiers. Then the soldiers and the common people started revolting against the king. Kelak then committed suicide by consuming poison. The common people there put one of them in power. On this side the people of Antik are happy to have their prince, they are more than happy to think that because of Hiltaro the enmity with the Meldoras has come to an end and they have become the friendly kingdom of Antik. King Inca one day invited the inhabitants of the whole kingdom and there announced Hiltaro as the future king of the Antik kingdom. The whole kingdom was overjoyed at King Inca's decision. Hiltaro set up hospitals, schools, and laboratories in that state, and they became modern. In this way three years have passed. Again, as if a black cloud of sorrow was gathering in the state, a new disease suddenly attacked a village in the western part of the state. As a result, many people have already died and the epidemic is spreading across the state. The people of the state were terrified and the news of this epidemic soon reached the palace. Hiltaro and his friend Miller quickly rushed to the scene. They began to search for the disease. They discovered that the disease was spread by polluted air, contaminated water and contaminated soil. Hiltaro treated the victims. Hiltaro sent a letter to his scientific friend King Quito of Jimu Kingdom through his pet eagle sky king. Quito moved to Antik State within days of receiving the news. He came here to make medicine and apply it to protect the people of Antik State. The disease is under control in just one week. People seem to have chosen hapchere. King Paltic tells King Quito, "Quito, you are not just a hiltaro friend. You are the friend of the people in this kingdom. The kingdom has got new life because of you." Politic gave many gifts to Kito. Quito grabbed Hiltaro and left for his home country with permission from everyone. A month passed. One day, Hiltaro stood alone on the roof of the palace, watching the scenery. It was at this time that King Paltic arrived and was to speak with Prince Hiltaro. As he spoke, King Poltic asked Hiltaro, "Son Hiltaro, do you know how many canto?" Hiltaro said the king is a canto as far as I know. Politic does not say that the canto that is kept for good people after the death of the son canto is the first canto, then the world is the second canto. Look son canto gods they never fight themselves and they love the environment they don't pollute the environment so canto there. But our people continue to kill for their own power without any reason, just to pollute the environment. They are doing a lot of damage to the environment for their own comfort. The incidence of more deadly diseases will increase in the future. We humans are sitting on the branches of the tree to cut a little comfort to cut the base of the branch. But we never thought that if we cut the root of that doll we would die later down from the tree. Son, today the world is going to be in great crisis. If we can stop environmental pollution, then our world will become a canto again. Saying this, the king went to Paltik. Hiltaro remembered those words and thought about them all night. The next morning, Hiltaro discussed with state intellectuals how to stop environmental pollution and warned everyone about it. One of the scientists present at the discussion said that the prince should not only stop the environmental pollution of our kingdom, we should not stop the pollution of the whole world, otherwise there would be no benefit. Hiltaro then decided to travel the world and go to each state to explain in detail about the environmental pollution of the subjects of the kings there. King Poltik was very happy with Hiltaro's decision. He told Hiltaro that he was proud of you, son. But look, Son, the day will come when the whole world will be proud of you. Hiltaro went on a world tour with permission from everyone and talked to the kings of different countries. A few months later, Hiltaro did not return to the kingdom. At this point the Maharaja decided that Hiltaro would actually marry her. So Miller arrives when he has to discuss the matter with Queen Toochi and others. When Miller heard everything, he was frightened and told the king that Prince Hiltaro Mohan loves Ila, the princess of the kingdom. The king was pleased to hear that Queen Toochi had invited Princess Ila and her whole family to Miller and brought them with her. Then, while Miller was on his way to the kingdom of Mohan with a large army, King Paltic came and raised a white flag in Miller's hand, saying that when he was in danger, he would show it and the danger would be cut off. Miller marched with his troops and a day later he arrived in the kingdom of Mohan. Seeing Milaro's huge army, Mohan king thought that perhaps enemies had come to occupy their kingdom. He then told his troops to get ready to attack. The idea of ​​playing this battle was raised by the white flag given by the king of Miller, but the Mohan soldiers did not attack. After that Mohan told the king of the kingdom all the things and then the king agreed very much for the happiness of the daughter. Miller set out for Antik with them. There was a tiger lying in the middle of the road. Miller went and showed the white flag to the tiger. The soldiers all laughed when they saw Miller's action. The princess said that Miller's flag was raised only to stop the fighting. The next day, when everyone returned to Antik, King Poltik welcomed them all and brought them to the royal palace. Seven days later, Prince Hiltaro returned to the kingdom. Princess Ila was standing in front of the gate of Raj Prasad when Prince Hiltaro saw Ila, got down from his horse and came to Ila. Hiltaro says how did you get here, Ila says did you get your existence back this time. Hiltaro was surprised. He went to the king and said, "Father, I have been able to understand all the kings. They have all agreed with me." This time environmental pollution will stop. 3 King Paltic said very good. Hiltaro went to Miller and said, "You told the king about Princess Ilar. No one can do this without you." Miller says I can do this for a friend. Two days later, Ilar was married to Hiltaro in a huge ceremony. Thus they began to spend their days happily in peace. A few months have passed and nowhere else in the world are there fights, environmental pollution and shutdowns. The whole world seemed to be the second most beautiful canto. Suddenly one day a monk came to the kingdom of Antik with a huge lion. 3 Seeing the monk, everyone started running. 3 The monk went inside the palace. Seeing the monk, all the tools in the hands of the soldiers went to the ground. They started trembling with fear. Someone came to the monk and grabbed him and cried. Hiltaro said Gurudev after many days I saw you how you are. The monk said I am fine son you have found your family. King Paltic and Queen Toochi thanked the monks. The monks talked to them for a long time. Hiltaro grabbed the lion by the throat as if the two friends were watering with the eyes of the lion they had seen many days later. Sanyasi Singh survived and started walking towards the temple of Pinakar, the god of energy, inside the royal palace. Everyone started following him. This temple was closed for many years. The monk opened the door of the temple and entered and locked it from inside. It has been a long time since the doors of the Sanyasi temple have been opened. There is only one door and no window in that temple. Many times the monk is not coming out of the temple. Everyone wondered if the monk went inside the temple and got sick. Hiltaro then broke down the door and entered with everyone entering. Everyone saw that the monk and his lion were not there. There was only a statue of the god Pinak many years old. No one saw the monk and his lion anymore.

The End