Chereads / In Love with a Troublesome Dragon CEO [BL] / Chapter 201 - Why did She Have to Die?

Chapter 201 - Why did She Have to Die?

Already dead?

Ainsley almost froze in horror upon hearing those words. There were simply too many things that should have happened before Sinclair could arrive at such a thing. Moreover, what if Roth found out? What would that guy do?

"A-Already dead? How could you be so sure, Sinco? I don't think we have enough evidence to—" Ainsley stopped himself. He just used his fist to block out the rest of the words that he wanted to say. There was no way that Sinclair would scare him like this.

"I am connected to the island through my designation as the overlord. I can tell if there were deaths around me, and I can briefly have a glimpse of the souls collected by the White Coal Cove." Sinclair paused to sigh and momentarily display a sad expression. "I have felt her die within the bounds of the island, but I just… don't know how to make it believable to you and Roth.

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