Chereads / In Love with a Troublesome Dragon CEO [BL] / Chapter 167 - The Goal of the Trial

Chapter 167 - The Goal of the Trial

When Ainsley said so, the old man inside him started laughing. Then, his laughter grew louder and louder as if letting the whole world hear him. Ainsley didn't know what was happening, but he could only answer to Sinclair if ever he made things worse. He wanted to save Sinclair and Roth; the primal dragon was his only weapon. What was he supposed to do?

Stuart was only listening to Ainsley's voice. After the human grew silent, he then whispered: "I will take responsibility for your actions, Ainsley Leneghan. I am so sure that Master would call on the sleeping dragons to save his brother if he had the options.

"He only had one little brother, after all. He couldn't afford to be Unequivocal who could only cry in resentment. It's just that… if we ended up killing more of the serpents, they would blame Master for everything. Would that be okay with you?"

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