Chapter 144 - She Grew Numb

Sinclair and Ainsley had separate rooms for show, the couple using Sinclair's room last night. For some reason, Ainsley had a feeling that it would leave an aftertaste if their friends found out the real nature of their relationship and ended up saying awful things to Sinclair. Well, Ainsley knew that he wouldn't mind getting physical and busting the lip of the first person who would say so.

That was why Ainsley still had to escape from his own room in the middle of the night to come see Sinclair in his. He entered right after Sinclair opened the door for him. "Sinco, are you okay? Did you discuss something with that chick? Is she a moonlight dragon?"

"That's the Waning Crescent Dragon, a primal dragon like Elder Full Moon." Sinclair just finished calling Stuart about the matters that happened. "Did I scare you for leaving with a woman?"

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