Chapter 140 - Admire Him

It was a bad thing, indeed.

It was just now that Ainsley realized what Sinclair meant by what he said. He didn't really think that Roth would work him to death. Even the old man was laughing at his misery. It wasn't like this with Dominic since the old man didn't want to distract Ainsley in the middle of a battle. However, this was a normal soldier training for the moonlight dragons.

"Can't we… do this another night? I'm… I'm dead…" Ainsley whined. Was he the type to handle hard physical labor? No, he would rather challenge his mind.

"No. You need your physical strength to cater to your magic." Roth only huffed as he walked while drawing his fingers on the top of his dragon claws. "You already have great magic. If you make use of it, your body will tear apart. You can't even handle decimating a cannibal. We're not going to stop until you build enough defenses. On your feet, Ainsley Leneghan."

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