Chereads / In Love with a Troublesome Dragon CEO [BL] / Chapter 108 - Will You Eat Me?

Chapter 108 - Will You Eat Me?

As Ainsley had not explored even the castle before, he didn't even know how beautiful the rooms were. It was like he was walking inside the chambers of a very powerful and wealthy king from all the decor and gold that he saw. This place must have been heavily guarded.

The two had just entered the room where Full Moon Rosen used to own. It was his room in this big house before he moved out for good. The remnants of the past were all in their pristine states as if they were frozen in time. Ainsley could even begin thinking of making off with some of them and selling them to collectors. Surely, none of these would be selling less than a company.

It's just that… Sinclair removed his jacket and his shoes. He felt the bed that was cleaned thoroughly upon the news of his visit. He lay down just like that, inviting Ainsley to join him in the silken sheets and the firm mattress. The boyfriend followed suit with his actions and obliged to lie down next to him.

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