"…wait, are you going as the actress herself?" Ainsley was shocked. Doing a double-take at Sinclair, Ainsley knew so well that he wouldn't pass off as a female no matter what. He was not like Alice who could magically transform himself into an alluring woman. Well, perhaps not magically…
Sinclair finally found an ensemble that he felt would suffice. He hung it from the hook on the dresser's door and began to take off his clothes as if he was stripping for a shower. "Didn't you say that you want to see what I am going to do about it? Are you expecting me to sully my reputation or feed a defenseless woman to them?"
Upon understanding the point, Ainsley blinked. Still, he wasn't convinced this was going to work. "Sinco, there's no way they would buy this. Just think of what the others will say if Remi Milton accepted you as the actress instead!"