Chapter 84 - Her New Pets

It was actually almost dinner time that Ainsley was in the kitchen instead. He was taking a look at his food stock and thought of anything that he could cook that would fit four people. Then again, he was unsure if those two other dragons would stay for dinner. He also didn't know that Stuart was not a real dragon, only a member of the clan as one of Rosen's servants.

That was why when Sinclair called out, Ainsley didn't hear him. It was strange for Sinclair not to receive an answer from Ainsley, so he quickly looked for the other just by sensing him. The overlord dragon then unwillingly got up from the comfortable couch before walking to where Ainsley was. "Ainsley, let's head out for dinner. No need to bother cooking for them."

"Out again?" Ainsley frowned before leaving the kitchen to get into better clothes. After all, they were going to a restaurant.

Or so he thought.


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