Chapter 83 - Secret Woman

As if knowing the very moment before Ainsley would explode, Sinclair simply held out a hand and pressed a thumb on Ainsley's lips. "That's just a conjecture I have with the minimal amount of evidence that I have. It could be more or less threatening than that. No need to yell at my face for something so small."

Still, Ainsley grabbed his hand off and pouted again, albeit more hostile than the one from earlier. "But what are you more comfortable with? Which entity did you want the old man to be?"

"Hm? The primal Full Moon dragon."

"So it's better that way?" Ainsley scowled as if he understood the implications of it. More likely, he was just nervous from hearing the word 'primal'. However, he was only answered by Sinclair's chuckling… which sounded like concealing the old man's laughter underneath it. Was the being laughing at him as well?

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