Chereads / In Love with a Troublesome Dragon CEO [BL] / Chapter 77 - Drown in the Feeling

Chapter 77 - Drown in the Feeling

It was so strange. Ainsley felt like he actually passed out after feeling so much pain from Gavyn's torture. Even if it was not the worst, Ainsley Leneghan was a normal human in a first-world country. None of them could expect Ainsley to endure such pain, especially when there was nothing to fight for. He was on that seat to be tortured for fun, after all.

However, it felt so quiet. Ainsley had no idea what was happening around him. All that he knew was that he felt like he could hear Sinclair talking to him. It's just that… he couldn't say anything in return. He felt like his throat was crushed, as well as his eyes that he couldn't roll. It felt like he was in another dimension, only listening to Sinclair cry for him again.

Yes, this was the second time. The first time was in the hospital that night. He could vaguely remember the words Sinclair spoke to him, but the emotions that flowed into him were deeply etched in his heart.

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