As if Stuart's words had dragged Sinclair back to reality, the CEO remembered why he even dared to fake a booking with the woman in the first place. He then looked down at the card that Stuart handed to him again. It was a rather professional-looking business card; however, the woman was indeed an escort from a website that catered to their services.
Ainsley then patted his friend's shoulder. "It's okay. The girl is pretty, after all. Geez, you looked so stiff. You have been talking to girls before, right?"
"Yes, but I never made any of them think that I am interested in them." Sinclair then handed the card to Stuart. "Run her clients for the last two weeks. Find anything that could lead to Roth's card and the cash card I asked for the last time. Locate her address, too.
"Hmph, so what if you don't work on Wednesdays? I'm not a client." He huffed as if he just tried to regain his morality. No, he wasn't that kind of male creature.