Chereads / In Love with a Troublesome Dragon CEO [BL] / Chapter 92 - Causing Trouble

Chapter 92 - Causing Trouble

With the kind of description they gave, Ainsley was now very certain. However, he couldn't think of a reason why it would even happen. Why would that guy who kept on spending money start working for some? That was absurd in Ainsley's opinion.

As if seeing an omen, the waiter actually froze when he saw the familiar face. His eye twitched, but he shouldn't cause trouble. After all, he was here for a reason, a person he didn't want to upset. He had already decided to live the way Sinclair had, and having relationships to cherish was part of it. That was why the Full Moon clan seemed to have been very disappointed instead.

"Hello, Table 46." Roth had to ignore Ainsley altogether as he served the orders of the big table. No one even realized that he was carrying so many wavy dishes like he was holding pillows on both arms. The only thing they noticed was the small smile he had on his face. It looked strange to them, on someone that resembled the frosty CEO Sinclair King.

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