Chapter 9 - Attack on Idiot

Footsteps clacked along the hallways, and the passing employees bowed to their CEO as he passed by, with his assistants letting him know about his schedule for today and all the reports that needed his immediate attention. However, aside from the incessant talking of the assistants that took turns in disturbing the silence of the top floor, the employees noticed something strange.

It was the peak of summer heat. Even if the CEO chose to dress down for today, why was he wearing a turtleneck? Wasn't it too hot for him to do so?

Actually, the very reason why Sinclair was not in his usual business suit could be traced back to Ainsley's actions. That idiot decided to test the physical defenses of the fish monster. Yes, the graceful yet imposing form of the moonlight dragons was reduced to 'fish' according to that human. Sinclair couldn't take it—what more of those who looked down on mortals?

'It's so hot.' Sinclair didn't let the assistants noticed that he was actually sweating quite badly underneath the thick, hugging turtleneck long-sleeved shirt he had on. As if he couldn't just put that on—else, he would be giving the maidens a show; he had to throw on his thinnest long coat to match with it. He could actually just put his suit jacket on, but that was too thick.

"Mr. King." The first secretary closed the door of the inner office behind him, leaving the two others who had gone to their stations outside. He gave the CEO a good look before lifting a brow. "Are you running a fever? Do you feel cold?"

"Yes, but I'm fine." Sinclair thought that he could lie straightly at the face of his first secretary. Stuart was from the Stein family that had served the moonlight dragon clan for a very long time. This first secretary was Sinclair's ward that followed him ever since Stuart reached the age of service and until Sinclair was reborn for the seventh time.

This was something that set the moonlight dragon clan apart from the others. They get reborn almost every hundred thousand years as if the moon that went through its phases. Every time they did, their powers would only grow stronger. However, since Sinclair chose to be reborn away from his clan island, his power growth in this rebirth was quite stunted. Still, he continued to be the most powerful among all of them.

With Sinclair among the mortals, Stuart had to constantly change his covers for the people not to realize that he was immortal. Right now, he was Sinclair's secretary. As Sinclair continued to not hold his aging, soon, Stuart might have to assume a new name and face. In the future, he might even be a nephew.

That, however, did not stop Stuart from knowing that something was wrong with this. The mere fact that Sinclair blatantly lied to his face made the secretary doubt the matter. "Master, did the human do something to you?"

"…whether the human did anything or not, it's not really something you should mind." Sinclair gave up. "Stuart, fetch me a superior-grade healing salve. I'm not willing to use my remaining power to heal a wound. It's not deep or prone to infection. Some rabid dog just bit me."

"Master, I don't think you should leave it as it is. A human bite is far more—"

"Stuart. My healing salve, please."

Stuart frowned, but he still bowed down before leaving to fetch one from a store. It was good that their city had followed the steps of that precedent immortal city in the mortal realm. Those things that took weeks to be delivered from their home realm could be found in a few pharmacies along the streets.

When Stuart left the office, Sinclair quickly took off the long coat that he refused to give to the third secretary outside. He then pulled on a drawer to take out a small mirror. After that, he hooked the collar of the turtleneck and checked on the neck wound given to him by that idiot.

It was not his fault that Ainsley's room didn't have an air-conditioning unit that made the room so hot even at night, so much that he had to open his button-up shirt. It was also not his fault that the idiot was like a tornado that rolled around so much in his sleep. Moreover, the dragon's heart kept on resonating as if wanting to give him power even just from the energy it could radiate through skin-to-skin contact. Why did the idiot attack him?

Test the defenses of a fish monster—tch. Sinclair couldn't help but bare his snake-like fangs as if comparing the human bite mark to what his teeth could do. His canine teeth were like the vipers that were big enough to sever even the thickest human artery. If only Ainsley wouldn't die from the poisonous bite of a moonlight dragon, Sinclair would have bitten back.

Then again, he started to comfort himself as his fangs receded. If this was Ainsley's way of slowly accepting the fact that his best friend was not human, so be it. Please, dammit, let it be not a bite next time. Or it could be… just not enough to force Sinclair to die from the heat of wearing winter clothes in the summer.

After all, the moonlight dragons were closer to the sea serpents than to dragons with six limbs. They just refused to be grouped with their cannibal neighbors in the Atlantic. The moonlight dragons were more suited for the cold and humid places; overheating was indeed fatal for them.

"Just so you wait, you idiot. I will get even with you."

"Mr. King, is that…?" Sinclair didn't realize that the third secretary had entered even if she knocked accordingly. He then glared at her as he released the turtleneck's collar. "If you say something again, I will bite you."

As for the culprit, he was prancing in the streets on his first morning of not dealing with work at all. It would be so awesome to be second-generation rich if they could frolic like this every day. Sadly, Ainsley was only 'adored' by the boss enough to give him a one-week break. Still, it wasn't like he wanted to be a NEET and suffer.

Ainsley then found himself standing in front of a closed shop. It was not yet ten, so the shop was still closed. The black curtains helped him see his reflection quite clearly. However, the smile on his face faltered. He then started to recall the features he saw on Sinclair last night…

"If that was me… how would Sinclair react?" Ainsley narrowed his eyes, reevaluating his feelings about the truth. If he wanted to keep Sinclair and everything between them to stay the same, he needed to get over the fear. "This is so shameful. How could I even get scared—?"

His words trailed off… because he heard noises coming from the neighboring alley. He then walked to get a view of what was happening… only to be jumped at by another person!