Chapter 163 - Rational

It took hours to get these feelings in check. How could the mention of my son cause me to feel. I could've became one with my emotions and allowed them to take me out of this void but I can't allow Alexander to control me anymore.

I know I'm naive when I have emotions. They are weakness and I refuse to be weak. I know I love him and that love is impossible to run from. Thanks to Chasity I am finally free of my chains.

"So we meet again. How have you been?" Someone said from being me. I think I've only met one person with a British accent. "Klaus. What do I owe the pleasure?" I asked knowing he was my only ally.

Being emotionless did not take away from logic. Being emotional did and most people thought I just acted because I felt nothing but I acted because I wanted to. Nothing was holding me back. Hesitation was a weakness and you only hesitated with emotions.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing. I assumed the worse since magic went out in all dimensions besides a few." Klaus stated causing me to turn around to face him.

"All magic is gone?" I asked. This was news to me. Was Alexander ever going to tell me? "I see you have been living under a rock because it's been out since you unfroze time." Klaus stated.

"Are you here to take away my magic for my crimes?" I dryly asked. I wanted to get straight to the point. "Of course not. I was going to ask if you could help bring the magic back but it seems like I came at the wrong time to ask for a favor." Klaus sighed.

He seemed disappointed. Was it that obvious that I was emotionless. "Just because I cant feel doesn't mean that I won't help. I still have my wisdom." I stated as I turnt back around to look at the sea.

"It's beautiful here. I could see why you came here." Klaus completely ignored my statement as he came to stand next to me. "It is peaceful. I came here to be free of my problems." I said as I sat down and just looked out at the endless water.

If I could feel I think It would be a peaceful and free feeling. "I'll help you but on one condition. You never give up on me even when I seem I don't want help." I stated. Having freedom was everything.

"I can do that. How about you come to my realm with me?" He offered up. If only. "I can't teleport out for some reason I'm stuck." I stated as I put my head on my knees. I tried leaving as soon as I got rid of my emotions but I couldn't.

"Alexander seems to have found a way to keep you here. Can you still turn back on all magic from here?" Klaus asked. I closed my eyes and looked. My mind was like a labyrinth. After a few minutes of looked I found the source of all magic.

I released the magic from within me. Gold flowed out, it twirled around and flowed through the water. I took control of it, watching as it twisted with the water. The magic may be close to me but it was reaching far. It was mending the broken connects of all realms..

"You know if I had emotions it wouldve taken more time to convince me. With just logic and nothing holding me back it's like my thoughts and mind have never been clearer." I stated. Even though I killed without caring that did not make me irrational. It just made me heartless.

Being Irrational would be killing everyone and everything and not caring. Emotionless is killing someone because I can and because they deserve it or I needed to set an example.

"I see it. You are better like this. It's like you are one with yourself." He absentmindedly stated. He was watching the magic flow everywhere. It was taking longer than I thought It would to fix the bond.

"Alexander can't die. I tried killing him today. Even when he was restrained he couldn't die." I randomly stated. Klaus looked like he knew already. "I know. I would've tried killing him if he wasn't completely immortal. I'm glad I knew before I made a deadly mistake." He said.

Who was he and how did he know so much? He was special. "How do you know so much?" I asked as I looked back out to the sea that was now glistening gold. Klaus was a mystery that I didn't mind finding out.

I seen out the corner of my eye him looking at me. He was considering if he could trust me or not. I Would do the same thing. In a world full of bored and demented gods you could never be too careful.

"I'm a temple God. I know a lot and I'm almost as powerful as you but you have all magic besides a few things. While I have light protective magic." He stated as he stood up. I turnt my attention back to my magic realizing he stood up because it was finished.

Everything was glowing bright. The water was sparkling. "Can you see if it worked?" I asked as I stood up too. Klaus was special. He could help me save all dimensions. "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere please." He pleaded not waiting to see if I would or not.

"Klaus would've been the perfect husband. I don't know what happened to have fate give me to Alexander." I spoke out loud to myself. "Someone messed with fate but it's never too late to create your own path."Klaus said from behind me..

"That was fast." I stated as I looked up into his purple eyes. So beautiful. If only fate wasn't so cruel. "It was confirmed instantly. Good job." He smiled to me. He looked angelic. How had I never noticed how perfect he was.

"You need to find a way to be able to leave. I'm assuming there's a bond of some sort that's powerful enough to prevent you. You need to find Tod." He suggested. His words were soft. He was a nice guy.

"I think I killed Tod. I'm not sure." I thought out loud. Definitely should've kept that to myself. Klaus groaned obviously knowing without Tod the bonds were permanent. Bonds were different..

The only way to break them is if you were more powerful than the Bond itself or If you could find a loophole to have the bond no longer be valid. Without Tod I couldn't find the loophole. "This sucks." I tried to make it sound like I was sympathetic.

"You need to go back. Someone has to know other than just Tod." Klaus said as he gave me a sad smile. "Keep your emotions at bay Mazaya. You are better like this." He said before he was teleporting out. I guess that was my cue to go back