Four days had went by. How do I know even though the sun doesn't set? I don't I'm just guessing by when I can force myself to sleep. Nothing I do works to get time to start. I have basically abused Meridith and I'll be surprised if she doest have back pain that never goes away from all the times I climbed on her shoulders. I had to try something and standing on her shoulders was one.
"It's been Four days and I've learnt my lesson. You can unfreeze time." I whispered to Alex. I had been crying to him for a while day now. I was lonely. I was so lonely to the point where there is no food on the table now, I basically put it on everyone. I started raiding the kitchen yesterday but got bored. "You have to wake up. Please." I cried out.
Silence. "Omg you can't be serious. I finally get my magic and now I'm suck again." I cried out. I turn to look at Alex before kissing him. He was smirking which makes no sense since I was yelling and angry before time froze. He was obviously evil and demented. I guess I might as well explore the restricted rooms. I was able to open up the dining hall door finally so that's a plus.
My plan was to go through all the non important rooms and end in the important rooms because if I started big I wouldn't have it in me to finish the smaller rooms. Two days later and I realized I should've started big because that was not worth it and my feet are starting to hurt. My baby has been kicking me non stop. He's helping me stay sane. At least if this becomes Permanent it can be him and me.
Unfortunately though that's a long time away. I go back to be with Alex every day because I'm lonely. Even with the baby I still need him. "You better wake up now. After I rest I'm going into all the royals offices. I'm going to check yours last. I'm going to pull Every book out and read everything. You better hope I don't find anything." I threatened him hoping it would do something. It did nothing huh.
After falling asleep for hours on Alex I woke up well rested it was time to explore. I went to the garden first to grab Stormy. I needed a partner. My baby kicked me a few times but he couldn't do much but kick so he wasn't any help. I needed something to carry and lucky for me snowy always was sleep. As I made my way down to the restricted section I wondered if maybe I should check Meridith's office first.
As soon as I got to Meridith's office I was jittery. I was really doing this. As I went to open the door my baby kicked. It's like he was saying no but I didn't care. I put Snowy in one hand and opened the door with another. Instantly it opened. "Yay me." As I looked around the room I wasn't happy. It was packed, this could take me days to go through. I set snowy down and got to work.
Three days later and all I really found out was that Meridith is definitely evil. She has done some horrible things in history during all time lines and in all dimensions. Royals are definitely evil. The last thing I had was a box that wouldn't open without a code. I've been trying to crack it for awhile now and nothing. I wonder if I could break it. I threw it on the floor as hard as I could and it still did nothing.
"Omg." I screamed as I kicked it. It instantly set on fire. Shoot. I hurried up and put it out with alittle bit of magic. After a week my magic was back so using it was pretty easy. "yes we did it." I yelled to my baby. He was my best friend since it's just been us. A motionless snowy hasn't helped out at all. As I bent down to go through the safe I froze.This was a safe about me. '
Mazaya: The Goddess of Wisdom and creations birth: Real unknown, fake: 4/18,
Birth location: real unknown, Fake magical realm.
Real parents: Father unknown, Mother The Goddess of absolute light powers.
Fake parents: Father The God of gods, Mother The Goddess of light magic.
Abilities: All Neutral, dark and light magic except emotions and love.
Type of God: Real Temple God, Fake Royal
My whole like is a lie. This is my birth document. Why does she have it. I started to go through all the other documents and they were all written by the Goddess of time.
It was all a lie I went back to the supposed birthdate and nothing. The Goddess of Light magic wasn't even pregnant. I teleported to every day around her age and it's like she just appears out of no where and whenever I try to touch her power prevents it. Our mission to steal her is impossible. But now we know the truth about her and when I get back Alex will be more determined.
"Present day"
Alex is obsessed with Mazaya and now he is losing it because I can't bring her to him. He's tried everything and nothing has worked. I have went back so many times and still I was unsuccessful. He has to bide his time. We all know the Goddess Of absolute light powers ran off because she refused to honor the arranged marriage between her daughter and The Goddess of complete beauty's son so When she came back we all thought she got rid of her daughter but now as of recently we found out she hid her.
My life is a lie I thought as I grabbed the papers. I looked around and knew even if I cleaned if she would know something was gone so what's the point to do it right away. I have time. As I went to hide it in my room I thought against it. I went to the garden and did a spell hiding it in the water with a waterproof box. With my memories I would be fine.