Chapter 119 - Arena part 3

(Alexander The God of Absolute Power pov)

"Rewind time now." I gritted out. "I can't. It won't work." Meridith cried out. My rage had boiled over. "It won't work" I yelled. The power in me was humming and I could feel myself losing my my cool. "You have to fight Alex. The day resets after the last fighter wins or dies.. You have to go now. The only way to bring Aries back is to beat the champion the day he died. Go now." Zavier said as he pushed me forward.

Without much thought I ran to the sign up. "If you are here to sign up you are in luck. We were just about to close down. Name and hand please." The registration lady said causing my anger to grow even more. Aries just cost me so much if I lose that's it. "Name and hand sir." The lady said again.

"Alexander The God of absolute dark power." Zavier said as he walked up next to me. "Um sorry sir but you are too late to register. This young man will be the last one." The lady said. "No. Sorry miss that's my name. Alexander The God of absolute dark power." I said thanking the Gods that created me that Zavier was one of my closest friends. "Oh you are a God. We haven't had many Gods coming through. I wish you well." The lady said.

"Oh yea I almost forgot the rules. In the ring anything goes as long as you can do it. If you pull off your bracelet you will blow up and all people that came with you will be banned from fighting. You fight until you die or until you beat all opponents in your color. If you beat all opponents in your color since you are black you have the option to beat the champion. If you beat the champion everyone who had died today will come back. But unfortunately if you die today that's it. You will not come back since you are the last fighter." The lady rushed out causing me to pause.

"Do you tell all fighters these rules?" I asked through gritted teeth. She seemed to turn pale. "Please don't get mad I usually tell fighters this before they register but you were the last one and in order to get you through I skipped it." She cried out. "It's fine I'm not mad at you." I said as I turnt around. I would've killed him myself. What was he thinking. He heard the rules. I looked down and my hands were glowing gold.

Was this how Mazaya felt when she lost herself in her emotions. Like she couldn't keep them at bay? My power was radiating off of me. I could feel it but I wasn't running from it. I planned on controlling it. I was born to have power. 'Final fight for the night Alexander The God of absolute dark power.' The announcer yelled out. All my emotions were bad. I didn't have one good emotion in me right now.

"I feel sorry for you." I said as I walked in the ring. Everyone started yelling around us. When we first got here I didn't even notice the crowd. People who are lesser than me don't hold my attention. "We have a talker." The guy laughed. As soon as the match was signalled to start I was draining every ounce of power from him. People started screaming. Because this was the worst kind of death. It was unknown of to kill someone by squeezing out every ounce of power out of them.

"He cheated." Someone screamed as I released the hold that my magic had on him. When the guy fell to the ground he looked like a prune or a raisin. So powerless. 'Anything In the arena goes so the winner is Alexander.' The announcer announced. People started booing. When I looked up at them they stopped. I had my true form showing. I could take people's powers this was what I dreamed to do when I grew up.

The menacing look on my face had no more boos coming out the crowds mouth. 'Next fighter Alexander The God of Absolute dark power' The announcer said causing me to smile. When the guy walked in he had fear in his eyes. I'm guessing rumors spread. Let's keep them rumors going. As I went to take his magic he teleported out the way. Right when he went to attack me I grabbed the control spell he sent at me and I turnt it back towards him.

As soon as it hit him he cried out. Let's see what he was about to make me do. He grabbed his knife and slit his wrist. That was kind of burning. "Winner Alexander. To save them let's have Alexander stay in the ring." The announcer yelled out. The next person came out along with 2 other people. "Also anything goes in the ring so 3 against one is allowed." The announcer rushed out.

I gave a smile. "Let's see how you get through us 3." A huge guy said. As soon as the match begun I started to take all of the huge guys power. One of the other guys came at me so I cause excruciating pain to go through his body. As I looked at the next guy he looked like he would faint. As the huge guy breathed his last breath I turnt completely to the last guy.

He backed away. Without looking I snapped the guy that I had lying on the floors neck. I could show alittle mercy. I wanted to see what my powers could do. With gaining fill control of him I made him kneel down and had him touch his shoulder. I had all of my power go throw him making him take his own power and give it to me. Fucked this felt good. I watched as all his power drained out of him. I felt myself accept it like it belonged all along. It finally hit me. This was why she allowed Luther to destroy the magical realm she was scared that the legend would before true.