Chapter 94 - Maids

I had been in the garden for hours and Alex was

still not out the meeting yet. I guess I should've known it wouldn't be fast. I looked down at snowy. He was so cute and chubby. We had been playing all morning but now it looked like we were both bored. He went from chasing a butterfly for hours to laying on his back and trying to swat it every time It passed. With one swift move I picked him up and was making my way to the meeting room..

I was going to be queen soon. I should be in all the meetings that are held just like Alex's mother is. As I walked to the meeting I got excited. I was going to be queen. It was time to start acting like it. As I went to open the door it wouldn't budge. No matter how hard I pulled. I set down Snowy and started banging. Without thinking twice I snapped my fingers and a maid was instantly at my service. That's the one thing they did right.

"Yes my lady? Did you need something." she asked before bowing. "Yes I need my husband right away. It's urgent and can't wait." I declared causing her to frown. "Am I not allowed to ask for my husband? What's the point of even being here? You know what when you see him tell him I left?" A moment of hesitation was all her reply was before she left.

I looked down at snowy who was by my legs for a second and went against picking him up. "Did you need something my love?" Alex asked as he came out the room, sounding every part the king he was. "Yes actually I came to join the meeting. Since I'm going to be queen soon I thought now would be the best time to get accustomed to going to them." I announced as I looked around him to see into the room .

Not even giving me a good peak he was closing the door. "You're not needed here. Actually I thought you were in the garden? Where's snowy?" He asked. I looked down at my feet to where snowy should've been. "He was just right here." I whined as I looked around. Why would he do this right now. "I'll be back." I yelled as I ran off to find this bad little fluff ball. "Okay see you later." Alex yelled before I heard the door slamming shut.

Ugh where is this bad cat. I looked everywhere. I even started opening up closed room doors and searching them. He has costed me over 2 hours of the meeting I could've been in. I'm no longer taking him on important missions anymore. As I rounded the corner I realized I didn't check the dining hall. As soon as I crossed the threshold of the dining hall entrance I spotted him. He really left me to eat. He was sitting on the dining hall table eating left over meat.

"You traitor." I cried. He had the nerve to start to purr at me. We were not friends right now. With a snap of my finger I asked the waiting staff to clear the table and get something to eat for me. Snowy wasn't happy when they took his sausages. "This is why you are so chubby. All you think about is food. You messed up my plan." I complained before snatching him off the table. "You are on punishment and I'm putting you on a diet." I said.

"I'm glad you found him." A voice echoed from the doorway. I looked back to see all the royal board members coming into the dining hall. "No you all have to find a different place to eat. Snowy and I are having a date and no one else is invited." I declared giving no room for negotiations.

"A date. That sounds nice. So what are we eating." Alex inquired like I didn't just kick him out. "You're not invited. All of you have to leave now. You guys can go find a nice spot that is anywhere but in here." I grumbled. They couldn't just leave me be when I was content but never wanted me around when I was bored.

"You can't sit here." I huffed out. They never listened. "Get something strong for me and a glass of wine for my wife please." Alex said making me pause. Wine. Drinking wasn't allowed because he was always worried my body couldn't handle it after I lost my magic. Fine they can sit and eat for now. "So what did snowy and you do all morning?" Alex asked like I didn't see the maids watching me for him.

"It's confidential" I said while giving a big smile. "Oh really. I'll have to join you one day to find out." He teased not helping my mood at all. "I already know you have maids spying on me. Don't think I don't notice them watching and looking away whenever I look over. So stop acting." I blurted out like the idiot I was.

That seemed to have everyone stoping what they were doing to look at me. "Yea. I bet you didn't think that I would notice just because I don't have magic. I even seen one look like she was reporting to you and when she seen me she teleported out. I'm not a child." I said triumphantly. My victory was short lived as Alex grabbed me with one arm and set snowy down with the other.

"What are you doing?" I screamed as he threw me on our bed. "You've been a very bad girl. I think you need to be taught a lesson or too." He said as he took of my clothes and without any type of foreplay slammed into me. "Wait." My plea was short lived as Alex relentlessly took me every way possible until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. "Sweet dreams baby." He whispered before I was dozing off to a dreamless sleep.