Chapter 74 - came to realize

(The Royal realm next day. 1 day in royal realm= One year in magical realm)

Pain. Why was I in so much pain? Every time I moved I winced. For awhile I tried not to move but it was impossible. As I went to sit up an arm wrapped around me and pulled me into a solid chest. "Ahhhhhhh." I screamed as I elbowed my attacker in the ribs. "Fuck." A male voice said before the blinds were pulled open. Blinding me instantly.

As his grip on me loosened, I rolled off the bed. Big mistake the bed was way higher off the floor than I anticipated. "Ahhh." I screamed as I hit my head on the wooden floor hard. I sat on the floor for awhile because the pain I was already feeling got worse. Why was my body in so much pain?

"That was a little dramatic don't you think?" The God in question said. As I rolled over onto my back, to get a good look at the culprit, I came face to face with Alex The God of absolute power looking over the bed at me. As I took a second to look around at my surroundings, I noticed all the dark colors. And the door and window were in the wrong place. This was definitely not the room he put me in. This was embarrassing. I blushed instantly causing him to smile.

He put a hand out for me to take. I sat up and let him help me up. "I'm so sorry I thought this was my room." I said embarrassed that I just attacked a royal. As I looked around I noticed that everything was dark shades and nicely organized. "It's definitely not." Alex wryly said as he stood up from the bed.

As I looked his way I noticed the bed first. It wash a mess. The blanket was pushed to the edge and there were wrinkles everywhere like someone had been rolling around all night. When I looked at the side I obviously was sleeping on since I just fell off the bed I froze. Panic took hold of me fast. I looked up at Alex confirming what I was afraid of. He was naked besides the pants he was putting on.

As I looked back at the blood stain and than down at my naked body I instantly freaked out because now the pain in my lower region was clear as day. I could feel panic take ahold of me and the power humming in me. Wait I still feel powerful. I tested out my magic and it was fine. It should've been weaker until it built back up. I looked at Alex, he was looking at me with a weird look.

I blushed "We had sex?" I asked even though it was obvious. He teleported in front of me and brought me against his body. I started to tingle and melt into him at the same time. "Do you not remember because I can help you remember." He said making my cheeks heat up instantly.

"I don't remember much of the night after you came back from the meeting." I said as I tried to remember any tiny piece I could. "No? Maybe you drank to much." Alex said. Was the juice I drank actually alcohol. It made sense why everyone was sipping it so slow. I had every kind last night. I have to go slower next time.

"I still have my powers and how could we have sex I thought." Alex interrupted me before I could finish. "I'm a royal. You're a royal. We were meant for each other. Your dad purposely hid your powers so royals wouldn't know. I'm powerful enough to handle you." He said with malice. I ignored his tone. "Can I have sex with Luther now without him having access to my magic?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"No he can still gain access to your magic." Alex said with a confidence that had me realizing I probably would never be able to have sex with Luther. I almost risked it before and if he can always get access to my magic then what? He would always cheat on me and I would have to keep letting him trick me to be happy. Maybe being here for a month would be good, he would freak out because of it and than he would be faithful.

"Oh okay. Can we have sex any time?" I asked. It may seem wrong but I wanted to experience sex. He kissed me without notice. He set me on the bed with one swift move. Him touching me was leaving me with a warm feeling Inside. It was like a flame that made me all warm and fuzzy. A knock on the door had that feeling vanish. He wasn't paying attention to the knock. After the person basically banged on the door Alex left the room instantly.

This felt like deja Vu. It was like it was not in my cards to actually know what it felt like to have sex. I covered my face with a pillow and screamed, throwing it after I let off all my steam. "You don't have to take out your frustration on the pillow." Alex said from the door. I looked over at him than looked away fast this was embarrassing.

"We have a meeting now. I need you to get dressed. Just use magic to wash up and put this on." He said as he put a dress that was definitely not my style on the bed. Without arguing I turnt around and got ready. When I turnt back around he was reading documents. "I'm ready." I meekly said. He looked up and smiled. "Okay let's go."