Chapter 38 - soothing

Pain that's all I felt as I tried to pick myself up off the cold floor. My head hurt worse than before. "Please." I cried to whoever was listening. Why was someone so cruel. "Please. Help." It was too much. I heard arguing while I collapsed to the floor. I tried to look up but I was in so much pain. Please.

"Help." I cried out again. "Shhh baby I'm here." A deep voice said as they picked me up and cradled me in their arms. "Daddy." I whined. The pain was just to unbearable. "No sweetheart." The deep voice said. I tried to look up but opening my eyes was just too much. "Luther." I cried out.

"Yes baby it's me. Shhhh. It's okay I got you." he said in a deep soothing voice. Tears started to flow down. Knowing that it was him was making me emotional. "Baby it's okay, I got you." He said to me. I snuggled more into him to try to feel the comfort I always felt when he held me. "It hurts." I said while sobbing. He started rubbing my head in a soothing way. I started to relax in his hold.

As he started to walk the pain got worse. "No." I screamed. He instantly stopped. "What's wrong Sweetheart?" He asked. I snuggled more into him. "It hurts. Please moving hurts." I said while trying to snuggle more into his body even though there was no more room. I just couldn't. "I want to go to sleep. Take me home please."

"Shhh, l'lI put you to sleep. Do you want that?" He asked while He sat down. "Yes." I whispered. The shirt he was wearing was soaked from all my tears, so it was uncomfortable. I tried to move alittle causing myself to wince. "Her let me change this for you." Luther said alittle to loud for us being so close.

He changed into a soft sweatshirt, so it was extremely comfortable. "Thank you." I whispered while snuggling into the softest sweater I've ever felt. "Go to bed my love." He said while rocking me. The motion was comforting since He was doing it at a steady pace. I started to feel myself drift of to sleep.

As I was in and out of sleep I heard a soft whisper in my ear. "You're mine." I subconsciously said "Yes." Before completly drifting to sleep.