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story's for kids


Chapter 1 - silly old man Adam

There once was a old man called Adam


Who lived on the top of a hill


But silly old Adam forgot to make his morning meal


Silly old man Adam


One day old man Adam went to the market up in his town


But silly old man Adam forgot his money and he felt like a clown


"UH Oh" old man Adam said as he searched both of his pocket's


But the only thing old man Adam had


Was a box of empty sweetie's


So silly old man Adam couldn't buy his box of Sweetie's


Oh silly old man Adam


One day silly old man Adam went to watch the football


But silly old Adam forgot to buy his ticket's


So silly old Adam unfortunately missed it


"Oh silly old man  Adam I'm sorry to hear it" his granddaughter said


"I know what might help, I'll buy you a new garden shed"


One morning at 12 O'clock


Silly old man Adam was meant to meet his brother at the corner shop


But old man Adam forgot the time so silly old man Adam didn't show up on time


Silly old man Adam


One afternoon silly old man Adam had to see the doctor


But silly old man Adam thought that he was meant to see his sister


So silly old man Adam missed it


"Oh no!"


So silly old man Adam decided to make a check list and now old man Adam isn't silly at all


Cause rumour has it he's sat watching the foot ball


Oh old man Adam

there once was a cat in a suite

and he really loved to play the flute