Chereads / THE REINS CHRONICLES / Chapter 8 - The 46th!

Chapter 8 - The 46th!

JASMINE, Simon, Christie and Ryan walked in a single line behind the scary Andrea girl that was apparently more of a Jasmine than Jasmine [Who knew?]

Her two squad mates; Samuel and the tall dude- whose name they later learnt was Mike- walked behind them to stop them from trying anything, of course that didn't stop Ryan.

"So…" he said, walking behind the others, "what's your sanctum like? Is it like a snow fort with walls made of snow blocks? That would be so cool. What's it like being Canadian magi? I'm quite knew to the life myself, so if you're open to giving me some pointers, I'd really appr-."

"ENOUGH!" Jasmine's double snapped, obviously annoyed, "You will be silent, or I will have you gagged."

Jasmine couldn't suppress a snort at that, muttering to herself, "why did I never think of that?"

"Jeez, you just had to ask." Ryan huffed.

They hikes through a mountain range, following a river until they came across a large wall dotted with watchtowers. Not far away was a large gatehouse with a white banner that hung over the entryway,


The gates opened and they walking in. Inside was huge, like their sanctum. Walking through the gates, Ryan could see the similarities between this place and the 45th sanctum, they as very similar layouts, however, most of this sanctum was built into the side of one of the smaller mountains, the buildings of this place looked more rustic, being carved from the mountain rock and supported by lumber, making it look more like some fantasy military fort. The Main Hall was at the highest point of the sanctum, with a long winding pathway that led up to it.

Then, Ryan noticed the people around the sanctum, they were all dressed for the cold, but were all in some sort of uniform, like military fatigues, with different colored trimmings. The Argus crest flew from a flag that was planted in the middle of what Ryan assumed was their central plaza.

Turning back, Ryan noticed that their three captors wore the same uniforms underneath their thick winter coats.

"What?" Samuel demanded,

"Oh nothing, I just realized you guys must be big on military regimes."

Andrea glared at him, but he looked away as they continued deeper into the sanctum.

They marched up to the front of the Main Hall where they met a muscular guy in an army general's dress uniform, complete with numerous colorful medals pinned to his chest, under his keeper's coat. On his back was the keeper's symbol,


He looked middle aged, possibly in his early sixties, with balding gray hair and a long barely managed beard that covered the lower half of his face. His smile was slightly hidden beneath all that facial hair, but still evident when he saw them, but his smile was anything but warm. They stopped in front of him and Andrea and her cohorts saluted.

"Sir, we were out on patrol and found these intruders by the woods," Andrea said, "They're from the forty-fifth."

The man's smile grew bigger, and his eyes twinkled with a cruel delight, "Well, what are you forty-fives doing so far away from your little summer camp?"

"Keeper Michaels, this is all just a big misunderstanding," Jasmine started, "we meant no disrespect, but we're on a crucial assignment from our Keeper and--" 

The old man burst out laughing, "You must be Jasmine Sumner. I've heard about your exploits,"

Jasmine looked slightly confused, but managed a weak smile, "uh… thank you, sir."

"I'm sure whatever your Keeper deemed important enough to send you personally must be of a very sensitive nature," Keeper Michaels said, scratching his cheek

"So…" Jasmine tentatively started, "does that mean we can go?"

His laugh this time was much harsher, "Absolutely not, you forty-fives dare to prance around our territory without proper authorization, just because you're on some important mission?" his eyes turned cold, "The absolute nerve of that bitch. This is why skibs shouldn't be Keepers, especially an ex-con skib like her. A damned disgrace to the chair."

"What?" Jasmine demanded, obviously outraged.

"There was nothing wrong with the last Keeper, Jackson, now there was a man who could hold his liquor. Then he retires and gives that brat, Fairchylde, barely even half his age, his seat, preposterous! And with her criminal history, the woman is barely qualified to be a ranger, let alone a Keeper. Even if he had to have a skib as a stunt to show how progressive he is, I was against it being that skib."

Ryan wasn't sure what a skib was, but from the look of sheer offense and outrage that was plastered on the faces of Jasmine, Christie and Simon, it probably wasn't a good thing. And from how much the man had used that word, he got an inkling as to why Stephanie didn't like this guy very much,

"You have no right to slander our Keeper that way!" Christie snapped, before Simon stopped her.

"Hey Christie, calm down." He hissed, "he's still a Keeper, y'know."

"Simon's right." Jasmine said through gritted teeth, "we must still show him the proper respect."

"See," said the old man, "this is what that woman trains in her sanctum? Undisciplined, undignified, and unruly. Proper subordinates should respect their superiors. Isn't that right, Westerly?"

"Yes sir." Andrea said stiffly, but without hesitation.

"So, what's going to happen now, sir?" Ryan asked, with trepidation.

"It is within my prerogative to detain you, but if your mission is of vital import, you may continue on your way under the escort of my rangers while your business within our zone is complete… on the condition that the girl sincerely apologizes to me for her rude insubordination."

"Insubordination?" Christie demanded, Ryan rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder,

"Christie, we just have to swallow our pride for a bit and we can be on our way." he cautioned

"And also," added the old man, "you will inform me of the specifics of this vital mission you are undertaking. There are very few reasons for you forty-fives to come all the way out here."

"I'm sorry sir," Jasmine said respectfully, "But our mission is of the highest discretion, classified for our Keeper's eyes only."

"Well it seems given you original path, you were heading north," Keeper Michaels mused, "If your mission was in this zone, we should've been informed of your crossing, but if you kept on your northbound path you would eventually cross over into arctic territory, which is a barren wasteland of ice and snow. What possible reason would that bitch have for sending you all up there?"

"I can't say, sir," Jasmine replied indifferently, "I'm just following orders."

Michaels eyed them suspiciously,

"Very well," Keeper Michaels shrugged, "Just leave the blonde girl with us on your way out,"

"What?" Ryan asked, "Why?"

"She can use our vox setup to call home so she can get permission from her Keeper to give me some straight answers." Keeper Michaels said, "I believe she would be a lot more cooperative without the three of you here. Don't worry, you can get her back when you pass round here again."

"No way." Jasmine declared, "We came with four people, we leave with four people."

"It isn't a negotiation." Andrea said, "Either she stays or none of you leave."

"This is not fair. It was your goons who brought us here at gunpoint," Simon argued, "we would've been on our way out of your hair if you just let us go."

"Well you forty-fives may not know this, but there are proper channels to go through, but I guess it's too much to handle for your kind." Samuel said straightening his glasses.

"Our kind?" Simon said, insulted, "Let me show you what our kind can do!" Jasmine and Christie held him back before he could attack.

"And this one," Samuel continues, pointing at Ryan, "you absolutely reek of reckless confidence, and obnoxious self-importance. You truly are a son of Reins."

"What?" Ryan asked, taken aback

"I stay up to date on all current events, the lost son of that forgotten, has-been family pops up out of the woodwork, people are going to gossip, especially you forty-fives." Samuel goaded, Ryan's face remained unusually calm.

"Dude," Ryan started, "You should really watch what you say next in regards to my family."

Samuel smirked, "Your family name was better off dead and forgotten,"

His witty remark was cut off when, in a flash, Draxonn's blade rested against his throat.

All activity around them stopped. Some rangers drew their wands and weapons and formed a perimeter around the group, or retreated to a safe distance.

Samuel gulped, as his mouth opened and closed, debating whether to speak or not.

"I suggest that you choose your next words very carefully." Ryan hisses at him

Keeper Michael bellowed with laughter, "Now where in the hell did a fresh one like you get a weapon like that, eh? Last I heard, there was no more chaos matter left to make a spoon, let alone a whole sword like that."

Christie bit her lip, Simon stared blankly and Jasmine face-palmed herself.

Ryan looked around, "Now everybody, let's just calm down. No one here has to get hurt, but this guy definitely will if things keep going."

As Ryan positioned his makeshift hostage between himself and the other rangers, he felt the barrel of a rifle press into his back.

"Ryan Reins, you are in possession of contraband material," she said, "and you stand guilty of assaulting a ranger on sanctum grounds," she then turned to her Keeper, "Do I have authorization to execute, Keeper Michaels?"

"Kind of short sighted, don't you think?" Ryan added, "I mean, there's no guarantee that your guy here won't be hurt."

"Acceptable losses," Andrea stated

"Damn, that's cold, dude." Ryan sighed, feeling bad for his captive.

Michael gave a solemn nod and Andrea smirked, "By my authority as a senior ranger of the Argus, I sentence you to death for the aforementioned violations. Before this sentence is carried out, do you have any final words?"

"You are not a very nice lady." Ryan complained, before in a swift motion, flinging his captive into Andrea before he backs away from her.

Once she managed to shove Samuel out of her way, she readjusts her aim and was about to pull the trigger, when a monkey wrench clocked her in the side of the head, she crumpled to the ground, dazed, and Ryan turned to see it was Simon who had thrown it.

Andrea got up, her left temple bleeding, and a look of pure hatred on he face. Ryan quickly took charge and raised his sword towards the sky, not sure why, but something told him to do so, the voice at the back of his head again. Above them, the sky darkens, as storm clouds roll in, then a huge bolt of lightning shot from the sky and struck the tip of the blade. Small branches of energy shot out and blew up random stuff.

"Ryan!" Christie yelled as a branch arced from the main bolt and hit her. Two more branches hit Jasmine and Simon and all three of them were pulled into the main stream.

The Canadian magi watched in shock and awe as the bolt receded into the clouds and there was nothing left of Ryan and his group.

"Where did they go?" Michaels yells suddenly furious, "Search the area, search the whole damn zone. Find those damned 45 brats!"

The rangers roar in agreement and dispersed, then Michaels turns to Andrea, "Westerly, get your head looked at, then come see me once you're cleared by the healers."

"Does it involve those forty-fives, sir?" she asked,

He nodded,

"Aye, sir," she said, as Samuel led her off to the clinic.


… )]≥( …

Many, many, many miles away, in some snow covered forests in Quebec, a huge bolt of lightning struck a large tree, splintering it. Around the charred remains of the tree, Ryan, Jasmine, Simon and Christie were lying in the melted snow. Jasmine got up first, followed by Christie, then Simon, then Ryan.

The first thing that was said was from Jasmine; "ARE YOU INSANE?"

Ryan and Simon were both still groggy,

"Was she talking to you?" Simon asked groaning

"Nah man, that was pointing at you." Ryan said

"Both of you!" Jasmine snarled,

"Oh." Ryan said

"Simon, you struck a ranger, on her home turf."

"I had to do something," Simon protested, "she was trying to kill Ryan."

"Let's not forget Mr. Let-me-wave-my-cursed-metal-sword-in-the-air-like-a-maniac." Jasmine paced around, "A simple mission, it was supposed to be simple; just get in, get the data, get out."

Christie spoke up, trying to calm everyone down, "Guys relax, we're away from the forty-sixth, let's just calm down and focus on the mission."

"Where are we?" Simon asked looking around

"I don't know." Jasmine said as she looked around, "Where did your stupid lightning thing drop us, idiota?"

"Yeah, how did you do that?" Christie asked

"I don't know, it was like some sort of instinct." Ryan said.

Jasmine pulled out her ranger badge and a holographic display of the local map appeared.

"By some miracle, we're not far from our destination." Jasmine said "C'mon, we go this way."

They followed Jasmine's lead deeper into the gloom of the forest as the sun set below the trees.