After deciding to take Sunny along with them, the guards helped pack their luggage's into the ship and when they finished Lilith hugged the queen and she patted the girl on the back.
"Everything will be just fine…, you have to believe in yourself Lilith," the queen said and the princess smiled.
"I will try my best your highness" she replied, and the queen smiled.
"I know you will Lilith, don't ever let anyone put you down, always fight, I am sure that's something your mother would have said to you," she said, and the princess sighed with a smile.
"It is something she would have said" the girl replied.
"Okay we should be going now Lilith," Ash said.
"Safe journey your highness," the king said as he came and patted Lilith on the shoulder.
"Thank you" she replied, and they got into the ship then the captain blew his horn as the ship started to move and they took off.