— Senses Enhancement:
«five stages»
1. Sight — Night vision
2. Hearing — amplification
3. Touch — Strengthening
4. Taste — Resistance
5. Smell — transformation
— Body Augmentation
1. False — normal blades can't injure them
2. True — keepsake weapons can't injure them
3. Golden — Treasured weapons can't injure them
— Bone Transformation
1. Small success — Strength increases — 500 jin
2. Large success — Strength increases — 1000 jin
3.Completion — Strength increases — 1500 jin
—Mortal Severing
1. Heart severing — mortal heart transform to immortal heart (Will not die unless the heart is crushed)
2. Body Severing — mortal body transform to immortal body (mortals can't hurt them)
3. Soul Severing — mortal soul transform to immortal soul (will not die unless soul is crushed)
-More will be revealed as the story progresses