Long Zhao Feng stood up abruptly and stepped out of the bathtub. The only light came from the torches outside, otherwise, it was dark inside the tent so Xiao Yue could not see his lower region at all, but she screamed even louder out of reflex. Long Zhao Feng tugged at Xiao Yue's arm hard. The latter was helplessly drawn toward him and pressed against the man's chest. Long Zhao Feng turned her around swiftly, put an arm around her waist, and the other hand over Xiao Yue's mouth.
"Stop screaming," he hissed angrily after muffling Xiao Yue. "What are you screaming for? Why did you not at least announce your arrival before entering the tent? You..."
Long Zhao Feng did not continue. It was common courtesy, wasn't it? Those who spent their lives in tents should know about it! The problem was that Xiao Yue did not expect anyone to be inside at all so why bother knocking??