At the Kayler family home...

"How's Luck, have you got an answer from Alisha dear?" asked Katherine with a serious face.

"Already Mom, Alisha agreed. Tomorrow morning I will pick up Alisha. And hopefully Ducan is ready at the religious office." said Lucken feeling guilty for what he did. But for Ducan's sake, he was willing to go abroad until Ducan found happiness with Alisha.

"Luck, actually Momy doesn't want to do this. But Momy must believe that our future great offspring from good women. And Momy believes in your choice. Momy is sure that Alisha can take care of Ducan and also give offspring to our extended family." Katherine said feeling sad about the condition of her two sons.

"All right, Mom... where is Ducan now? I have to talk to him. I have to make sure that Ducan can become me until Alisha manages to give birth to our family." said Lucken as he got up from his seat.

"Ducan just arrived last night, now resting in his room." Katherine said with a little relief because Ducan will soon marry Alisha.

"Okay Mom, I'm going to meet Ducan now." said Lucken walking towards Ducan's room which Ducan had not occupied for a long time.

Without knocking on the door, Lucken opened Ducan's dark-looking room.

"Duc?" Lucken called as he pressed the button for the bedroom light to turn on.

There was no sound from Ducan other than the creaking sound of a chair turning.

"Duc? what are you doing?" asked Lucken when he saw Ducan covering a painting with a black cloth.

"Are you okay, what are you looking for me?" Ducan asked with cold eyes.

"I'm just telling you, tomorrow morning you have to get ready. Tomorrow you will marry the woman of Momy's choice." said Lucken looking full at Ducan's face wanting to know his reaction when he heard he was getting married.

"Why are you all still forcing me to get married? I already told you that I don't want to get married." Ducan said in a deep voice.

"Ducan, you are the eldest son in the Kayler family. Now is the time for us to get married and give grandchildren as the successor to the Kayler family," said Lucken trying to be patient with Ducan's attitude.

"Why don't you just get married and have kids? Isn't that the same thing?" said Ducan without looking at Lucken.

"If I could, I definitely would. But unfortunately I can not Duc. A few months ago I was told by the doctor that I was unwell. I can't have children, I'm barren." Lucken said in a low voice.

Ducan lifted his head, looking Lucken's face full of honesty in his eyes.

Ducan couldn't believe that Lucken, who was proud and expected as the successor to the Kayler family, couldn't give birth.

Even though Ducan is very disappointed in Lucken and his family, Ducan's brother still feels sorry for what happened to Lucken.

"What do you want from me now?" Ducan asked in a growing voice.

Almost three years the image of Diana's death is still vivid in his memory.

Even when Ducan met a reckless woman who looked like Diana. His longing for Diana couldn't be contained until he was desperate to channel his longing for the careless woman by asking her to make love. And unfortunately, Ducan just found out that the careless woman was still a virgin. Not wanting to get into trouble at that moment Ducan immediately left without remembering the woman's name. It was only a painting of the careless woman that Ducan brought with him to remind him of Diana.

"Duc??? are you daydreaming? did you not hear what I said?" asked Lucken after answering Ducan's question.

Ducan flinched slightly after realizing his reverie.

"What did you say?" Ducan asked trying to forget the careless woman who had given her chastity to him.

"Daddy and Momy want you to get married tomorrow morning. Momy has found the right woman for you. She was a good woman, and at first glance she looked very much like Diana. You will definitely like it." Lucken said not telling Ducan that Alisha was his lover.

Hearing Lucken mention Diana's name, Ducan looked full into Lucken's face.

"Is it true what you said?" Ducan asked with a look of disbelief.

"What I said was right Duc, I think that woman looks a lot like Diana. But I don't know anymore, maybe when you see her you will realize that her face is similar to Diana." said Lucken hoping that with Ducan married to Alisha, Ducan's emotions would be good.

"What's his name? Are Momy sure she's the kind of woman the Kaylers want her to be? not like a street woman Diana." Ducan said with a very sick feeling.

Diana's death still lingers in his memory. There is only way to forget the incident with his death.

Since Diana's death, Ducan has punished himself by destroying his body using drugs and drinking highly alcoholic beverages.

"Duc, it's about time you forgot the past. It's been three years you tortured your life away from your family. Don't you miss us all?" said Lucken sadly. It turned out that Ducan still hadn't completely forgotten his past.

It's been almost one Ducan undergoing rehabilitation and psychiatric therapy, but Ducan's memory is still the same. And his emotions are sometimes out of control.

Ducan fell silent hearing Lucken's words that looked sincere to him.

"You haven't answered my question, what is the woman's name and what is her job? Shouldn't I get married before I get to know who he is?" Ducan asked in a deep voice.

Lucken looked at Ducan in disbelief when Ducan said he wanted to marry Alisha.

"So you want to marry the woman of Momy's choice, Duc? this is very encouraging news. We take it easy, I will tell you about the woman. About everything." Lucken said happily.

"You're going to tell me all about that woman? do you know her and are very close to her? how do you know all about her, if you're not close to her?" Ducan said with full eyes.

Lucken's face turned red at Ducan's question, who looked suspiciously at him.