Chereads / Red Overpowered (English) / Chapter 25 - The first disaster

Chapter 25 - The first disaster

City of Níre.

"The adventurers still haven't finished that damn dungeon." (Soldier)

"No, but they've apparently reached the 39th floor. Besides, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, it's a B-rank dungeon, who knows what kind of monster they're up against." (Soldier)

"It took that damn dungeon to appear near our little town.  It's been there for over 5 months and the number of monsters has only increased because of it. Monster attacks have almost doubled. Last week an old woman was killed by goblins. And just yesterday a family was decimated by black wolves." (Soldier)

"They say they will finish it in a week."  


"As long as they finish it let's get it over with!" (Soldier)

Dungeons of Perlaìs.


A monster screamed before being pierced by a sword as his blood spilled on the ground.

"Was that the last one?" Asked one woman.

"Yes." Replied a young man.

"Where are we?" (Woman adventurer)

"We just finished the 40th floor, we're only 10 more to finish. I think we'll be done in about 5 days." Replied the young man again.

Then a man pulled his axe from the split skull of a monster.

"Well, it took us a while, but at least we're the first ones to get to this floor." (Young man)

The group of adventurers consisted of 6 people, 3 women and 3 men.  They were the first group of adventurers to reach this floor. When a dungeon appears, many groups of adventurers venture into it. The guild rewards the adventurers who finish the dungeons. But in this particular case it was the kingdom of Sigma that was paying, to protect one of its cities. The group had spent most of the last few months in the dungeon to finish it. And it had paid off for them as he was about to finish it.

"Set up camp." Said one of the women with long hair, appearing to be the leader of the group.

They then built a small campfire and pulled out sewn-in sheets that looked like sleeping bags. Objects that seemed to come out of nowhere. Then they had a small meal around the fire before going to bed and for some taking their turn on guard duty.

"Ouahh." Yawned one of the men taking his turn on guard duty.

"Jack your bad breath." Complained the group leader.

"It's part of the nature of dwarves you know Mélodie." (Jack)

"Too bad it's not cleanliness." (Mélodie)

"Ah, ah! Your repartee is still as good as your seriousness for that matter. Always taking the first guard duty" (Jack)

"It's my duty to lead by example." (Mélodie)

Jack was a small Dwarf with an average axe. As for Melody, she was a very beautiful young woman with a nice tight armor and a spear as a weapon. While they quietly continued their friendly conversation.

"Douumm !"

The entire floor vibrated violently, cutting off their conversation and waking up those asleep.

"What was that!" Said one of the girls who had immediately upon waking up grabbed her sword.

"I have no idea." (Mélodie)

The floor started to vibrate several times on spaced duration with pauses, before resuming so on. While the shaking finally stopped completely after a few minutes. While everyone was now giving each other questioning looks.

"This is new..." (Jack)

Suddenly, the entire floor began to vibrate violently without interruption. Shaking all those present inside making some fall on the ground. And the tremors became stronger and stronger as time went on. The walls even started to crack.

"What do we do!" Shouted the young man to Mélodie waiting for those orders.

"Going down one floor!" (Mélodie)

Shrill screams rang out as they tried to descend one level. Everyone turned with horror to the place where the screams were coming from. Monsters appeared in large numbers running at high speed in their direction.

"What the hell!  Melody shouted seeing this cloud of monsters.

She immediately pulled out a blue colored crystal mixed with green.

"Everyone near me now I'm going to use the crystal of return!" (Mélodie)

They all came closer to her and a bright, fast light surrounded them. Before they disappeared and reappeared in front of the dungeon entrance. The night had already fallen outside where the two moons could be seen. The dungeon had the appearance of a tower and as inside where the walls and walls cracked. This was also the case on the outside where the tower structure was breaking into multiple pieces.

"What the hell is going on..." (Mélodie)

Everyone could only experience the phenomenon. While Melody worried about the mass of monster she saw inside before leave with the crystal. And the vibrations then abruptly stopped. Silence settled for a brief moment, before a shock wave broke the silence and cracked the ground. The tower then began to collapse in a gigantic crash and smoke. The tower was no longer visible, only dust now covered the area. But the moment the fear spread.  It was when bright eyes could be seen through the smoke. And that many cries tore through the night.

"Run to the city!" Mélodie shouted to her group.

"Ahhh!" (???)

An adventurer had just had his head torn off by a spider queen. The fights with the monsters had already started. But those who had decided to fight had signed their death warrant. For the monsters were so numerous that they formed a black tide. While the adventurers were already beginning to be overwhelmed and wiped out.

"Rina you are the fastest of the group go warn the city guards quickly!" (Mélodie)

Rina was a short girl with short black hair.  She sped up immediately and was moving further and further away from them. In order to accomplish the capital mission that had just been entrusted to him.

City of Níre.

The vibrations and the shockwave could be felt as far as the city. The dungeon was only about twenty kilometers away. Some houses had collapsed on their occupants killing them or trapping them under the rubble. While many people were now out in the streets. From the top of their observation tower the guards had been well shaken.

"Did they complete the dungeon?"  (Soldier)

"Completing a dungeon only makes this kind of mess. This is the first time this kind of thing has happened. Normally, the dungeon just collapses on itself and doesn't create this kind of vibration for several minutes." (Soldier)

As they looked in the direction of the dungeon.  A light went up in the sky a red beam of light. It was Rina who had shot a fire arrow to be seen.

"What is she doing?" (Soldier)

Rina after a few seconds made a big jump to join the soldiers in their tower.

"What happened there?" (Soldier)

Rina, her face full of perspiration, having barely caught her breath, exclaimed:

"Evacuate the city and contact the capital! The dungeon, self-destructed creating an army of monsters! This is unheard of, it's worse than a migration!" (Rina)

Without missing a beat, the soldiers crossed the wall surrounding the city.  To ring a gigantic bell, which was a signal for evacuation. The sound of the bell echoed throughout the city.  Some people who had already left their homes started to run. Some immediately grabbed their families to flee. They all headed towards the back gate of the city in the opposite direction of the dungeon. The streets were flooded with people running to escape.

"Cling-Cling-Cling!"  Resounded the bell again.

As the soldiers looked to the horizon their faces slowly decayed. Fear invaded them, now seeing a large black mass approaching. The cloud of monsters was approaching at great speed.

"May the goddess protect us..."  (Soldier)


If you want more, the 6 next chapters are already available here :

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Thanks to the contributors.

Thanks to Cadméa for her subscription level 4.

Thanks to Allan Kellar for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Jeffrey for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Slik Silk for his subscription level 3.

Thanks to Bryce for his subscription level 3.


Special thanks to Rebecca for all you love.

/Amari/Zezima/Crowny_66/Bored dragon/ Sky_Shay/A_F_D/Fidelissama/Morgan/Arjunn/TheGreatSucc/Jared/ Grimjaw/Damion/ for her power stones.