Chereads / She was the Evil Concubine / Chapter 5 - Esmori's Tribe

Chapter 5 - Esmori's Tribe


As the carriage drove by the dark long road, I stared at the unknown unfolding right in front of us.

When nighttime came we left southeast and started our sojourn to northwest.

Mist flooded our way and everywhere my eyes roam, there's only darkness. The tall trees hid the rest of the sky, there are no stars and not even the moon shone.

The driver of the carriage, Emerald and I. We all depended on the torch leading our way to the land of warmongers and proud battle warriors, the Esmori's tribe.

"Lady Reida I will close the window, we're about to delve in colder mists" Emerald told me.

My feet started feeling numb from coldness and even the gloves I'm wearing feels thin.

A lone suitcase sits beside me, I only brought few of Reida's belongings and left the rest.

Reida's father, whom I learned was named Ruler Yano, insisted that all her things be brought back to northwest. The jewelries, cosmetics, metals, luxurious was too much so I pleaded with Ruler Yano to leave them as I only needed few clothes.

And besides, Reida's things weren't really mine so I have to keep them safe.

Everything happened so fast.

Last night I was still sleeping next to Emerald inside the bright comfortable chamber and now we're here, travelling towards the tribe ruled by that scary man.

Six days passed by quickly and tomorrow, is the seventh day, the official day of the victory procession.

It wasn't just Esmori's tribe victory alone, it was a a victory worthy to be recognized and praised by the whole Anderia, for now they are free from the dangerous barbarians that terrorizes passersby on the dry land, as what Emerald told me.

I let out a heavy breath.

The more that we come nearer northwestern land, the more anxious I become.

"Emerald, can I tell you something?"

"You can Lady Reida"

"Uhhh! I really don't want to see Primreyo, I'm scared of him...I'm scared of his glare, his voice everything about him" I admitted while laying my head on Emerald's shoulder.

"You said I, Reida is obssessed with him right? but how can I be so in love with that man?" I added, indirectly questioning Reida's choices in life

Emerald didn't say anything and just patted my back. Although she was two years younger than me, here I am pathetically seeking her comfort.

Goddesses what could be the purpose of me being here?

Me. A no one, a curse. Of all people I was chosen to be reborn. Is this yet another test...of faith, or courage or hope? my longing and questions kept ringing inside my head until I was able to sleep.

In my shallow slumber I hear a voice calling out my name

"da...Reida...Lady Reida" I bolted up straight and hit my head on the carriage's ceiling

"Aw, tha...that hurt!" I protested and when I looked outside, I see Emerald and the driver's face, waiting for me.

"I'm sorry, I overslept"

"It's fine Lady Reida, we are already here by the way"

I stepped out of the carriage and looked at the sky.

It was already morning and the dark, gloomy, ghastly sight disappeared from view now.

"Whoa, the sky is so beautiful today, thank you sun!" I blurted while raising up my hands as if I can touch the untouchable sky

"Lady Rei..." I hear Emerald calling but my sight is focused at the puffy clouds and aquamarine colored sky, if only master were here he wouldn't only describe the sky as plainly aquamarine-colored, he would recite a poetry to describe it instead.

"But really...I'm glad that the depressing atmosphere from last night was gone, I almost thought that northwest is a haunted land and anytime creatures from underground would swallow our carriage and also..."

I heard a cough coming from behind me and my senses went back, realizing that I'm at a different territory now.

"Grace and favor be unto you Great Zenith of Anderia, Lady Reida has arrived" Emerald said

A shiver run through my body and gradually I turned around.

My eyes widened at the very existence of Primreyo standing couple of feet away from me, with men in armored attire lined up behind him.

He was wearing the same dark cloak but now ornamented with gold and detailed patches.

I thought I can be less scared of his eyes this time, but as he stares back at me, all I can think of is that I wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.

"Goo...good day Great Zenith, grace and favor be unto you" I said and bowed my head. I remained that way and prayed he can just pass by quickly.

"Raise your head" he commanded

I lifted up my head and meet his cold glare again

For some reason, Primreyo is looking at the suitcase I'm carrying.

"What happened? You don't usually return empty handed. Have you gambled all your precious luxuries?" Primreyo sarcastically asked

"They...they're heavy so I leave them" I answered, wbile he looked at me as if he was dissecting me and everything I say

It was then that I noticed the pair of blazing eye behind Primreyo, among the other men, he was standing closely next to the Great Zenith like a close advisor.

"And have we heard anything about that change in your eyes?"

Oh, that. I looked back at Emerald and the driver. I really haven't heard anything since Reida's father was handling the matter privately.

"There are no final findings yet Great Zenith, but for now, what the herbalists and medicinists concluded is that her eye color possibly changed due to prolonged exposure in darkness" Emerald spoke on my behalf.

She didn't tell me about this. I guess this is something Reida's father don't want his daughter to know.

Darkness. The very word made me shiver and all I can think of was the cave in my past life.

My thoughts were disrupted by Primreyo's laugh.

Looking at him, I realized it wasn't genuine but instead a ridiculing one. He glanced at me with an evident sneer on his face.

"Maidservant, are you hearing your words?"

He gradually walked near to where I and Emerald is standing.

What will he do? Goddess I'm praying for divine intervention, please hear me. I don't know what I can do to protect the girl beside me. If this man ever lay a hand to hurt her....

Without second thoughts, I stepped forward, thinking this'd be the only way to stop him midway from approaching Emerald.

Primreyo looked at me and I met his cold stare. I'm relieved he stood far from us but still a bit close enough to hear his low voice.

"You...staying in the dark for too long? Come on, we must have lost the excellent medicinists and herbalists in this land. If there's one thing I know, this woman long for the spot light above all else. Didn't you crave attention so much to the point of shedding blood just to have it?"

Though I was trembling, I stood unmoving in front of him. Careful that if I make any move or say anything he might draw his sword again.

"Tell your maidservant to give me an accurate answer next time around. I can let go of your shameful infidelities but I won't tolerate lies. Unless you want to be considered a fraud? For how can a person's eye change in that instant...who knows if you might not be her anymore"

I gulped and fought my failing knees.

"Disguising as the sacrificial concubine is punishable by torturous death"

"Although I believe that you really are Reida...I just needed explanations about that change. Do you understand?"

"I...I understand Great Zenith, please give us more time...I will cooperate with the medicinists and herbalists to search for an answer about my eyes" I responded while looking down, I can never face this man ever again. Even more now that he's doubting me.

"Good. Now prepare yourself, the victory procession is about to begin...Reida"
