Am I dead.
-an string of meaning came-
"Uncertain what is dead, define.
It is the .. act . of ,' is it existing having touching breathing, is it a process a methaphor, a useless fact attempting to differentiate what is existing at the moment' exisiting in a unconscious state?
"defining such as a conscious state
".... ..... ..... ..... -----
what?, Ummm will Ijust wait here.
" "
I will accept that as a he,yes :what will I do I am not sure where am I or what this is . Wait what happend before this am I existing.
Let me try something, am I a moving thing swish *swoosh *swack *swingningnigng
Cool . Cecamn I see, feel ,sense , -wait- raaaaah, swuuunnn , riiiiih.
Destroyer smasher attack,
*{ }*.
Well is it still loading hmmm. Ok let us assume something is wrong what can I do , do I have skills . not that I remember, powers, those will be funny if those existed just plain me then, --*sigh
Seardch what exist here, seems pretty dark I don't sense anything, what do you define empty .
This place seems pretty nice . Is it me an d my thoughts seem really horrible oh yeah was that thing
*{ o\/0}*
stable nothing weird safe then, everything exist or is it empty move eecan mpvee nuthing naah
releveant relevance realtion reaction retarded reduction come onn -__- ok maybe a way out wait is there a way to get in um,,mmmm
open openly mingly clog Swahili sweell subtract. open reticolouso . deep oreno doul dish.
rejous how to eat a weird bloom you squeeze it and smsash it . ok switsaki shouperd. open hole pastry pantry. meat cake knock knock ho wi wll leanin work . Is it a phuysical one.
ok first am I inside or out side is this space is this the end did the unicerse restenosis. ok tjere hes a way
open histrory menu *{ }* well what else is there another way maybe a learning curve
dash dash slash wack all force push absorb swoosh. ok still doesn't work ,open skills. meat cake
do I still exist now I hate this how long will it take me to reach the ending ahh this is the ending.
reabuuu relish radiclch . I will use this as a material llet us create open toots .
a dipping of sworsh a black eayth of swolt an aggitation of swolka and a motivation of reaces.
7here swirlll it for a good --_ _-- a too and you have a relish of radiclch let us absorb it
wow that was good it was the best in my entriere blee p now let us through some rocks at thet frequency
-"conscious state accepted -meaningless defined"
-"action of distance relocated "
-"chrononology replace of imagination"
-"end of conscious object acception"
What the druck
Project: *{ }*