"When I awoke the following morning, Susato-san was already gone. Jared was still here. Outside the window, the rain came down in sheets. And so began an even longer day than the last. One that I would remember for the rest of my days…" Ryunosuke said, as a voiceover.
(Jared's POV)
17th April, 9:32 a.m.
The Old Bailey, Defendants' Antechamber…
"Good morning, Gina." Ryunosuke said.
"Hey Gina. What's up?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"..." Gina said.
"I'm determined to prove your innocence today. I'm sure we can do it!" Ryunosuke yelled.
"... So where's one of yer friends then?"
"Ya know, 'er in the fancy dress. ...Susarto or 'owever you say it. I dunno."
"Ah, Miss Susato had to leave early in the morning. She was already gone by the time I woke up." Ryunosuke said.
"I already had most of my things packed inside the TARDIS." I said, happily. "It wasn't that hard."
"... You alright wiv that, are ya? Forget about me, if ya like. Go and see 'er off." Gina said, looking at Ryunosuke.
"...It's fine. It's not as though Miss Susato and I won't meet again... one day." Ryunosuke said.
"E-Even so…"
"But you, Gina... ...you only get one chance. This trial today is all we have."
"...!" Gina said, at a loss for words.
"Good morning, you three!" Iris said, entering the courtroom. "How are you feeling, Ginny? Did you manage to sleep?"
"Miaow…" Wagahai said, in Iris' arms.
"Iris! Wot are you doin' 'ere?" Gina asked.
"What do you mean? When a friend is in need, we show our support! Isn't that right, Waggy?" Iris asked.
"Miaow…" Wagahai said, jumping out of Iris' arms and running away..
"Ah! Waggy!" Iris cried.
"Wagahai!" I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...Great way to show your support, kitty.'
"Let 'im 'ave a nose around. Wot 'arm can it do?" Gina asked.
"Oh, that reminds me. I bought a paper on the way here. Now, would you like the good news or the bad news? What do you say, Runo? Jared? Ginny?" Iris asked.
"Oh, well, I think I'd rather get the bad news out of the way first." Ryunosuke said.
"Nah, always take the good news first. Ya might not live to 'ear the bad." Gina said.
"I agree with Gina. After years of traveling with the Doctor, I'd rather hear the good news first." I said, smiling. "The bad news usually means bad."
"Yes...that question always gives away people's personalities." Iris said.
"...Let's not go there." Ryunosuke said.
"Alright then, I'll give you the bad news first. A record amount of rain has fallen this morning, and carriages all over the capital are struggling to move."
"...Huh?" Ryunosuke asked, as he thought this to himself. 'The bad news...was a weather report?'
"So I hope that Susie made her train to Dover and that the train isn't delayed on its way to the port." Iris said.
"Gosh...yes." Ryunosuke said, his eyes widening.
"Yeah. It would take around two hours." I said, looking down at the floor.
"Alright then, so wot's the good news?" Gina asked.
"Well! The rain is forcast to subside this afternoon. So even if the train is delayed, it should be able to make up the time later! Well? That is good news, isn't it?" Iris asked.
"I couldn't give a monkey's, really."
"It is good news." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'If only all good news cancelled out the bad.'
"And look! This trial has made the headlines, too! 'Pawnbroker Perishes in Pickpurse Plunder!' See?" Iris asked, taking out the newspaper out of her pocket.
"Tsk, 'ow d'you like that? Well let 'em say wot they want! See if I care!" Gina said, covering her face with her hands.
"Liar." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...I can't, because you're covering your face.'
"Don't worry! Runo will soon show everyone that this headline is nonsense." Iris said, happily.
"I will?" Ryunosuke asked.
"And then, in tomorrow's papers, the headline will be: 'Discharged Diver is Dauntless Do-Gooder!' ...Isn't that right, Runo?"
"Oh, um...yes. Let's hope so."
"Of course they will! Jared and I have absolute faith in you! ...How was that? I was trying to sound like Susie. Did it work? Did it?" Iris asked.
"It did work." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...It's like she was still here.'
Today's paper has been entered into the Court Record.
"Good luck then, Runo. I'll do what I can!" Iris chirped.
"Let me take a look at that." I said, grabbing Today's Paper from Iris, as I looked down at the picture of Pop Windibank. "I'm sorry."
"'Pawnbroker Perishes in Pickpurse Plunder!' ...How awful!" Iris said, worried. "...For Ginny, I mean."
"But tomorrow's headline will be, 'Discharged Diver is Dauntless Do-Gooder!' ...Right?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Yes, something like that... If possible, I'd like to go even bigger." Iris said.
"Bigger?" I asked, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Bigger? How?'
"'Proud Pickpocket Protects Planet Post-Trial!'...perhaps?" Iris asked.
"'Protects planet'?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Okay. That sounds like a Magical Girl origin story." I said, smiling.
"It does, Jared! It does!" Iris cheered. "Ooh, I can't wait for tomorrow now! It's going to be so great!"
"Hmm…" I said, flipping the newspaper over to look at the picture on the back of it. "What's that?"
"There's a sensational story lower down the front page as well, look. 'Ministry Mole? Classified Secrets May Have Been Leaked Overseas From Ministry of Justice'." Iris said, looking at the picture on the back of the newspaper.
"Wow. What's the article about?" I asked, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'For a ten-year-old... ...Iris certainly has her finger on the pulse of world news.'
"It's about secret communications between Great Britain and its allies. Apparently they're being intercepted by hostile nations." Iris said.
"Communications are being intercepted? But how would somebody be doing that?" Ryunosuke asked.
"That's the question, isn't it? I've come up with three different possible methods so far. ...Are you looking for a new career, Runo?"
"No! Of course not! I wonder... Perhaps this is what Lord Stronghart was talking about yesterday."
"Yes, it could be. And it could explain why he has Gregsy running from pillar to post at the moment."
The details of today's paper have been updated in the Court Record.
"Hm?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Obviously, Jared and I don't know the law like Susie does, but still... ...we'll be by your side the whole time, giving you moral support and encouragement." Iris said, smiling.
"I'm still going to give you hints, moral support, and encouragement as always, Ryunosuke. You'll be okay. Promise!" I said, excitedly.
"...I'm not sure that big thing is as comforting as you think it is, to be honest, but... ...thank you, Iris, Jared. That's very kind of you." Ryunosuke said, looking between Iris and I.
"Oh yeah, Iris…" Gina said, sadly.
"Yes, Ginny?" Iris asked.
"Well... ...I was wonderin', is all. About Holmes. Did they fix 'im up alright?"
"Yes...the operation was a great success. But...Hurley still hasn't come around yet."
"I've asked a friend of mine at Scotland Yard... ...to send a telegram as soon as he wakes up."
"Come on, Tobias." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I'm sure Gregson will let us know the moment there's news.'
"Oh...right…" Gina said, frowning.
"It's okay, Gina." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'No Susato-san, and no Mr Holmes... It's all down to me today...to prove that Gina is innocent of this crime!'
"Miss Gina Lestrade! Counsel for the Defence! The trial is about to begin! Please make your way into the courtroom!" The bailiff yelled.
"It's time, then." Iris said.
"Yeah." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Yes. Let's go, Gina. Iris. Jared." Ryunosuke said.
"Lead the way, Runo!" Iris said, excitedly.
"Poor Gina... She's trying to put on a brave face, but I can tell she's worried and scared. I have to believe in her from start to finish. That's the weapon that will secure our victory here. If I learnt anything from my great friend...it's that." Ryunosuke said, as a voiceover.
17th April, 10:00 a.m.
The Old Bailey Courtroom…
"In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, I hereby declare this court to be in session. This trial shall determine the guilt or innocence of Miss Gina Lestrade. I now call upon the counsels for the prosecution and defence to declare their willingness to proceed." The Judge said.
"The prosecution is ready." Van Zieks said.
"The defence...is ready." Ryunosuke said.
"Lord van Zieks…" The Judge said, looking at Van Zieks.
"...My Lord?" Van Zieks asked.
"Remind me, how many years ago was it that you withdrew from the public prosecution service?"
"... It was some five years ago, My Lord."
"Yes, and then two months ago you resurfaced somewhat unexpectedly. And here you are again today. Are there some circumstances of which the court should be aware that have led to this...erratic behaviour?"
"In what one might describe as your former life five years past... ...you dealt exclusively in matters concerned with the highest echelons of society and government."
"...!" Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'Really...?'
"Yet today you choose to try a simple case of burglary and murder. I confess I find it more than a little befuddling, Counsel." The Judge said.
"... There are two types of person I cannot abide. Firstly, those wealthy scoundrels who hide behind a mask of philanthropy to cheat the public at large…" Van Zieks said.
"He means Mr McGilded, who you defended against the Reaper two months ago." Iris said.
"The monster you let free." I said, sadly.
"...Yes, I'd just about managed to work that out. Thank you." Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'Magnus McGilded... If I'd known what a monster he was, I never would have defended him.'
"...And secondly - even more loathsome... ...those wily scoundrels who masquerade as allies only to effect total betrayal in the final hour. In other words, the confidence tricksters from those tiny islands in the Far East...the Nipponese!" Van Zieks said, angrily.
"Wha...?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed, and he thought this to himself. 'Did he really just say that?!'
"He means you now, Runo." Iris said, frowning.
"...I actually managed to work that out, too. Thank you, Iris." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'Total betrayal'? What are you talking about?"
"..." Van Zieks said.
"Give me a musician or a twisted samurai any day." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'That torrid look of hatred in Lord van Zieks's eyes... Was that directed solely at me? Or was he talking about all Japanese people?'
"Spoilers." I said, looking down at the ground.
"... An alarmingly scathing explanation, Lord van Zieks. Still, the judiciary welcomes the return of the so-called 'Reaper of the Bailey', feared by all London's malefactors." The Judge said.
"...Your Lordship is too kind." Van Zieks said.
"Now, jurors... The six of you have been selected at random to represent the will of the people in this trial. Are you ready to hear the evidence placed before you, and determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant?"
"Former lieutenant in the British Army here, don't you know. Chaps like me were born ready!" Juror No. 1 yelled.
"Clean crockery, clean cutlery and a clean conscience. His Lordship's motto is very appropriate here, I think." Juror No. 2 said.
"Everything will be stereoscopic in the future! Absolutely, absolutely everything! And I'm ready for it!" Juror No. 3 chirped.
"I don't understand it. I can't have left it in there. It's not possible. ...But could I have?" Juror No. 4 asked.
"Women indispensable in society. Stop. Female-centric future awaits. Stop." Juror No. 5 said.
"'Good day. I am wisiting London for sightseeing. I would like to take bus to Crystal Tower, please.'" Juror No. 6 said.
"..." Ryunosuke said, looking at the six jurors.
"Is something wrong, Runo?" Iris asked.
"Oh...not exactly. It's just... ...I'm fairly sure I recognise these jurors. Almost all of them, in fact…"
"It's not spatial genetic multiplicity. That's good at least." I said, happily. "It's not familial as there's no blood tie. It just means an echo and repetition of physical traits across a time rift."
"Reeeally? Spatial genetic multiplicity? You did say a maid in Cardiff looked like a woman working at Torchwood in the future. Funny coincidences like that do happen from time to time, don't they? But it is quite strange. The jurors are chosen at random from London's six million inhabitants, you know." Iris said, giggling.
"...So I've been led to believe." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'But something tells me I'm being duped.'
"Very well. Now, Lord van Zieks... ...the court calls upon the prosecution to introduce the facts of the case." The Judge said.
"As you wish, My Lord. Allow me to begin with a word of warning to the ladies and gentlemen of the jury. In short... ...there has never been a more self-evident case of cold-blooded murder." Van Zieks said.
"...!" Juror No. 1 said.
"...!" Juror No. 3 said.
"The victim, Mr Pop Windibank, proprietor of a pawn shop on Baker Street, was shot from behind and died instantly. The prosecution presents this photographic print of the crime scene. As the court will observe, there is a single bullet wound just below the gentleman's left shoulder. The evidence suggests that the bullet pierced the man's heart resulting in near instant death. Moving on to the findings of Scotland Yard's coroner... His report states that the bullet entered the body on a rising diagonal trajectory." Van Zieks said.
"And...what's that supposed to tell us?" Ryunosuke asked.
"It means...the victim was likely shot by someone significantly shorter in height than himself. Someone...like the accused, you might say."
"Oh!" Juror No. 2 said, worried.
"...!" Juror No. 5 said, terrified.
"The prosecution wishes to present the autopsy report and crime scene photograph as evidence, My Lord." Van Zieks said.
"Indeed. The court accepts. Hand them to the bailiff, please." The Judge said.
The autopsy report has been entered into the Court Record.
The crime scene photograph has been entered into the Court Record.
"I now ask the court to turn its attention to this plan of the establishment where the incident occurred. The proprietor, was found in the storeroom where he kept articles pawned to him. A windowless room with a single point of entry - a door to the main shop that was found locked. In this 'sealed chamber' there were only two persons present: The victim, Mr Windibank...and the accused." Van Zieks said.
"..." Gina said.
"...!" Juror No. 4 said.
"...!" Juror No. 6 said.
"It may further interest the court to know that when the accused was discovered at the scene... ...she had in her hand the gun used to fire the fatal bullet!"
"...Well, that's that then, isn't it? Nothing more to say."
"...Isn't that grubby little girl a pickpocket anyway?"
"...She's one of those filthy drabs that live in the slums in the East End."
"Oh well, it was only a matter of time before she got blood on her hands, then… ...What are the jurors waiting for? The girl's guilty as hell!"
"Objection!" Ryunosuke yelled, doing the Objection pose. "We can't jump to conclusions here! We mustn't assume her guilt because of what she has to do to survive!"
"...My learned Nipponese...friend. It is you who mustn't jump to conclusions. The prosecution has barely begun presenting its case." Van Zieks said.
"...!" Ryunosuke said.
"Conveniently, this appalling act of murder... ...did not go unobserved. There were witnesses."
"Good gracious!" The Judge said, at a loss for words.
"After their testimony, this girl's true nature will be exposed. Pitiful pickpurse...or cold-hearted killer? Here's to establishing the truth." Van Zieks said.
"..." Gina said.
"Hmmm... The court will take the floor plan and firearm into evidence. Hand them to the bailiff, please, Lord van Zieks." The Judge said.
"...At once, My Lord." Van Zieks said.
The crime scene floor plan has been entered into the Court Record.
Windibank's revolver has been entered into the Court Record.
"Let's look at the gun." I said, walking over to Windibank's revolver, picking it up, and opening it to look at the bullet cylinder. I then handed the gun to Ryunosuke. "Oh."
"This is Mr Windibank's gun. The cylinder is completely empty." Ryunosuke said, looking down at the Bullet cylinder of Windibank's Gun.
"Mr Windibank always used to keep this gun to hand on his shop counter." Iris said.
"Yes, but only ever with a single bullet loaded, I understand."
"That's right. To keep all the pawned articles that were in his care safe."
"Shit." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'But his one bullet was fired that night, and the poor man lost his life. Was he protecting his shop, I wonder? Trying to keep the articles safe?'
"..." Iris said.
"Maybe." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'This isn't good.'
"I feel like the mood in here has turned very gloomy all of a sudden, Runo, Jared." Iris said, looking between Ryunosuke and I.
"Definitely." I said, sadly.
"I think...that's because it has." Ryunosuke said.
"Let us begin! Bring forth the witnesses to the foul murder of Mr Pop Windibank on 16th April of this year!" Van Zieks said, angrily.
"So, Jared. Are you scared about what will happen next in Remnant?" Iris asked, looking at me.
"Yeah. I hope Salem doesn't win." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "She can't win. I just… I don't know what to do now."
"Witnesses, state your names and occupations for the court." Van Zieks said, while Nash, Ringo, and Gregson walked up to the witness stand.
"Name's Nash Skulkin! Occupation is, erm...baddie. Profeshnal baddie." Nash said.
"Name's Ringo Skulkin! Occupation's, um...same as 'im." Ringo said.
"...Tobias Gregson. Scotland Yard inspector." Gregson said.
"That's right. We're wot they call…" Nash said, happily.
"...the Three Skulkin Bruvvers!" Nash and Ringo said, at the same time. "..."
"What are you lookin' at me like that for?! Don't lump me in with you lot!" Gregson yelled.
"Cor blimey, that's cold! Don'tcha know wot we're goin' fru?" Nash asked.
"It's our older bruv! Lost contact wiv 'im, we 'ave! So we're scourin' every shady corner o' the capital!" Ringo said, angrily.
"And then last night, we come across you! The very spit o' the bloke. Ain't that right, Ringo?"
"'E is, Nash, 'e is! The very spit of 'im!"
"So we decided there an' then wot we woz gonna do. We woz gonna call ya…"
"...Big Bruv Sulky!"
"Come on, leave it out, you two!" Gregson said, looking between Nash and Ringo.
"Wow." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...Sulky Skulkin? And that's before he's run out of chips…'
"Well then...Inspector Sulky Gregson…" The Judge said.
"Beggin' your pardon, My Lord, but the name's Tobias." Gregson said.
"What I would like to know, Inspector, is what you are doing in the witness stand."
"The Skulkin Brothers are currently under arrest, My Lord, on suspicion of theft." Van Zieks said.
"Hmph. Thieves, are they, these three?" The Judge asked.
"No, My Lord. Beggin' your pardon, but please don't lump me in with this lot." Gregson said.
"Sorry, Tobias. Can't help you there." I said, laughing a lot.
"Two nights ago, these two brothers illegally entered an establishment with intent to burgle. And in the course of their nefarious activities, they became embroiled in a far more sinister crime." Van Zieks said.
"By Jove, you mean to say...? What an extraordinary coincidence!" The Judge asked.
"...Indeed, My Lord. While attempting to burglarise the pawnbrokery, they witnessed its proprietor's murder."
"Ordaaar! Orrrdaaar!" The Judge said, slamming his gavel down on its tray.
"The various trespasses of these brothers is not the subject of today's proceedings... ...though they will naturally face trial in the very near future." Van Zieks said.
"With Your Lordship's permission, I'd like to remain in the stand to keep these gents on the straight and narrow." Gregson said.
"Of course, Inspector. Sceptical as I am about the calibre of these witnesses, I will permit them to take the stand." The Judge said.
"Mr and Mr Skulkin...you will now testify before the court. Describe the events of the night in question, and what exactly you saw." Van Zieks said.
"'Appy to! ...Cos a Skulkin's never skulkin'!" Nash and Ringo said, at the same time.
"...Get out of it!" Gregson said, angrily.
Witness Testimony
- Illegal Entry -
"We woz walkin' down Baker Street in the small hours, an' the gaff's door was ajar, see?" Nash asked.
"It woz like some kinda sign. Beggin' for us to go in, it woz!" Ringo said, worried.
"But once we got inside, cor blimey lummy! We 'eard a gunshot from the back room!"
"We went to see wot woz wot, but the door was locked from the inside."
"We never done nuffin', guvnor! We never took nuffin'! We just left after that, nice an' quiet."
"Hmmm... A terrible coincidence, it would seem. At the precise moment these miscreants entered the property, an even more sinister crime was afoot." The Judge said.
"The witnesses' testimony is consistent with the crime scene in every detail. The door providing access to the storeroom from the main shop was indeed locked from the inside. And within, only the victim and the accused were found." Van Zieks said.
"Hmmm... I must say, it does appear to be an overwhelmingly simple case. Still, the defence may cross-examine the witnesses now, of course. Counsel, if you please…"
"..." Ryunosuke said.
"Counsel?" The Judge asked.
"What's the matter, Runo?" Iris asked.
"Sorry, I... ...I was just stunned into silence for a minute by the blatant lies being told by that pair in the stand." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'I know that it's all nonsense. Because I saw it with my own eyes! I'll just have to expose their testimony for the pack of lies it is!'
- Illegal Entry -
"We woz walkin' down Baker Street in the small hours, an' the gaff's door was ajar, see?" Nash asked.
"It woz like some kinda sign. Beggin' for us to go in, it woz!" Ringo said, angrily.
"But once we got inside, cor blimey lummy! We 'eard a gunshot from the back room!"
"We went to see wot woz wot, but the door was locked from the inside."
"We never done nuffin', guvnor! We never took nuffin'! We just left after that, nice an' quiet."
"Press for more information here." I said, happily.
"Hold it." Ryunosuke said, doing the Hold it pose. "You didn't do or take anything... Is that your story?"
"Well it was bedlam soon as, weren't it?" Nash asked.
"It woz, Nash, it woz. Didn't even 'ave time to pull me dukes out me Lucy Lockets." Ringo said.
"So with no time to take your hands out of your pockets, you just left, nice and quietly, you say?" Ryunosuke asked.
"That's right, guvnor. Nuffin' we 'ate more than violence. Peace-lovin' nibblers, we are, not bludgers." Nash said.
"We are, Nash, we are. Never even pulled me dukes out me Lucy Lockets." Ringo said.
"...So, you'd clearly like us to believe…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"Eh? Come again...?" Nash asked.
"As you fled from the pawnbroker's that night... ...did you not run into anyone else?"
"And...did you not fire a gun at that person?!"
"Erm…" Ringo said, frowning.
"Saints alive! They fired a gun, you say?" The Judge asked.
"AAAAAAGH!!! Blimey, guvnor!" Nash cried.
"You ain't tellin' us it woz you in the doorway?!" Ringo exclaimed.
"It was." Ryunosuke said.
"... Why the bleedin' Nora…"
"...Didn't ya mention that before?!" Nash exclaimed.
"You were armed with a gun. And as you fled the scene, you fired that gun... ...at London's greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes!" Ryunosuke yelled.
"They shot the great Mr Holmes?"
"I did hear that, actually. There was a rumour he'd been rushed to hospital."
"...The great Holmes? That's beyond the pale!"
"On the night in question... ...this pair were arrested by the police within minutes of the discovery of the crime scene. ...Their suspicious countenance rapidly gave them away." Van Zieks said, looking between Ringo and Nash.
"Hehe…" Ringo said, laughing.
"And when searched... ...a firearm was indeed found in their possession."
"...!" Juror No. 1 said.
"...!" Juror No. 2 said.
"Furthermore, the barrel shows signs of a shot having been fired from it." Van Zieks said.
"...!" Juror No. 3 said.
"...!" Juror No. 4 said.
"The prosecution invites His Lordship to examine the firearm recovered from these brothers." Van Zieks said, holding up the gun.
"Yes, indeed... Remnants of powder around the muzzle, as you say, Counsel." The Judge said, looking down at the gun.
"...!" Juror No. 5 said.
"...!" Juror No. 6 said.
"The court will hold this weapon as evidence." The Judge said.
The Skulkin brothers' gun has been entered into the Court Record.
"Now, my learned Nipponese friend…" Van Zieks said, looking at Ryunosuke.
"Hold that thought." I said, grabbing the Skulkin Brothers' Gun and walking back to Ryunosuke and Iris, and opening up the bullet cylinder. "Hmm…"
"So, there's ammunition still loaded in five of this revolver's six cylinders." Ryunosuke said, looking at the bullet cylinder.
"Yes, which tell us that only a single shot has been fired from it." Iris said.
"Yup." I said, smiling.
"Exactly." Ryunosuke said, smirking.
"The bullet that hit Hurley in fact, isn't it?" Iris asked.
"Yes... It happened almost as soon as we'd walked in through Windibank's door."
"... I'll make those brothers pay." Iris said, clenching her fist.
"And I'll help you do it, Iris." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "Ryunosuke. Van Zieks?"
"Y-Yes?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Here's to you successfully presenting the evidence." Van Zieks said, smugly.
"For yes, there are the telltale signs of spent powder on this gun, and a single bullet missing from the cylinder... ...but the prosecution demands evidence that it was fired at the scene of the crime under scrutiny in this trial!"
"Objection!" Ryunosuke said, doing the Objection pose. "Well, I don't need evidence! Because I was there!"
"Objection!" Van Zieks said, doing the Objection pose. "...However, the rest of us in this courtroom were not."
"If the defence fails to provide evidence in support of its rash claim... ...we shall have no choice but to toast your incompetence...and move on."
"Um…" I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Evidence that these two fired that gun before they left Windibank's that night…'
"The court demands that all claims are affirmed with clear proof. What evidence shows that these witnesses unloaded a firearm in the pawnbroker's shop that night?" The Judge asked.
"This." I said, taking out the Blood Samples Portfolio out of my sling bag and handing it to Ryunosuke.
"Take that!" Ryunosuke said, presenting the Blood Samples Portfolio. "The evidence...is in this portfolio!"
"What, what on earth have you there, Counsel?" The Judge asked, looking at the Blood Samples Portfolio.
"During the course of our investigations, we discovered a number of bloodstains."
"...Not trusting the police to do the job they're trained to do? How arrogantly Nipponese of you." Van Zieks said.
"W-Well anyway... ...we analysed all the blood samples we found and recorded the results in this portfolio." Ryunosuke said.
"And you claim to have the evidence the court is demanding therein?" The Judge asked.
"Yes, My Lord."
"No more dallying then, Counsel. Present the pertinent evidence at once! What do you have in your portfolio that proves these witnesses unloaded a firearm at the scene?"
"This." I said, taking out Windibank's Main Shop sample out of my sling bag and handing it to Ryunosuke.
"Take that!" Ryunosuke said, presenting Windibank's Main Shop sample.
"What is that? Explain!" The Judge said, angrily.
"It's a photographic print taken at Windibank's pawnbrokery on the day of the incident."
"From the scene of the crime, is it? Is, is that... ...a bullet hole? And if my eyes do not deceive me, it appears the bullet is still lodged there."
"Yes, as Your Lordship noticed... ...the bullet pierced Mr Windibank's calendar. The date shown being the 16th of April - the very day of the pawnbroker's death."
"The incident occurred at one hour after midnight. But this indicates that a separate shot had been fired sometime after the calendar had been set to the 16th!"
"That's right. And while it isn't irrefutable, the defence believes... ...this is credible evidence that the witnesses did fire a round from their gun in the pawnbroker's that night!"
"NAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Nash yelled.
"Ordaaar! ...How does the prosecution stand, Lord van Zieks?" The Judge asked.
"... If that is the direction my learned friend wishes to take, the prosecution has no objection." Van Zieks said.
"What?" Ryunosuke asked.
"But you'll forgive me for flinging my hallowed chalice aside in disgust at the repugnancy it exposes. Yes. On the night in question, these brothers entered the pawnbrokery illegally... ...and like the bold 'baddies' they claim to be, opened fire on the new arrivals before fleeing back onto the street!"
"EEEEEEH?! Take it easy there, guvnor! Yer gonna land us in the soup!" Nash said, worried.
"We 'ad a deal! You weren't gonna get into them...details. Tell 'im, Sulky! Set the bloke straight!" Ringo said, terrified.
"...I have nothin' to add." Gregson said.
"Of course you don't, Tobias." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So he knew, did he? Van Zieks knew their testimony would almost certainly expose the extent of their crimes.'
"It would seem now... ...that I owe my learned Nipponese friend a word of gratitude." Van Zieks said, smirking.
"What do you mean?" Ryunosuke asked.
"What I mean...is that you have helpfully confirmed an important fact."
"To what fact do you refer, Lord van Zieks?" The Judge asked.
"As has been established, at the point of their arrest, a single shot had been fired from the brothers' gun. However, if that shot found its target in Mr Holmes... ...then clearly these witnesses cannot be accused of the fatal shooting of the proprietor and victim." Van Zieks said.
"Agh!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.
"In other words...these two men... ...have no material connection to the murder of Mr Windibank at all!"
"...!" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'So that's it…'
"That's it! We didn't 'ave nuffin' to do wiv it!" Nash cried.
"We didn't, Nash, we didn't! That's wot I reckon!" Ringo chirped.
"Your crimes include unlawful entry, intent to steal, perjury and - let us not forget - attempted murder." Van Zieks said.
"Quite a catalogue, eh, fellas?" Gregson asked.
"Yup. It is." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "As President of the World, you two did some bad things."
"Ah…" Nash said, sadly.
"We're in for it now, bruv…" Ringo said, frowning.
"Now then... ...let us take a moment to consider the aforementioned 'great detective', Mr Sherlock Holmes. It would seem the man patronised the pawnbroker's in question somewhat regularly." Van Zieks said.
"Oh no. Not the security camera." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Where's he going with this?'
"Mr Holmes appears to take pleasure in tinkering with eccentric machinery." Van Zieks said. "Machinery 'the President of the World' seems to be quite familiar with in the future."
"'Eccentric'? Says who?!" Iris exclaimed, pouting.
"...Not me. Don't give me that look!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.
"He installed a pair of machines like this one in the victim's shop." Van Zieks said, taking out Sherlock's Red-Handed Recorders.
"Oh! That's one of Hurley's 'Red-Handed Recorders'!" Iris said, in awe.
"What is that, Counsel? It has the appearance of a photographic contraption." The Judge said.
"As Your Lordship has surmised, it is indeed a camera attached to a small timing device." Van Zieks said.
"Every half an hour, it automatically photographs the interior of the establishment. The idea being that if a thief were to break in to the shop, he would be caught red-handed." Ryunosuke said.
"Hmmm…" The Judge said.
"The prosecution has obtained the photographs taken by the device on the night in question. As the court will observe, copious identical prints are produced in a quite desultory fashion." Van Zieks said.
"Hmph, rather prodigal, I feel."
"In fact there are two such devices in the victim's shop, My Lord. If I may refer the court to the plan of the premises, their respective positions are here...and here."
"You say these cameras produce a print every half hour. I'm afraid I fail to see... ...how that would help if the anticipated thief conducted his activities in one of the many thirty-minute intervals."
"One can only pray that the would-be criminal lingers, My Lord."
"On the night in question, the witnesses currently in the stand were not caught on camera."
"Hehe, that's a bit o' Friar Tuck, eh, bruv?" Nash asked.
"Lady Luck luvs a Skulkin!" Ringo said, excitedly.
"Witnesses, at what time did your trespassing begin?" The Judge asked.
"Eh? ...Must've been just after one. ...Right, bruv?" Nash asked.
"Must've been, Nash, must've been. Yeah, just gone one." Ringo said.
"In which case, minutes before these brothers entered the establishment... ...what scene might we expect to see within the shop? Let us examine the evidence…" Van Zieks said, holding up a photograph of Gina Lestrade.
"Good Lord! It's...it's the defendant! Miss Gina Lestrade!" The Judge cried.
"Shit." I said, looking down at the floor.
"As the court can clearly see... ...the accused is pictured, gun in hand, facing the victim over the shop counter. No doubt coercing the proprietor to open the door to his storeroom." Van Zieks said.
"Quite! One can only too easily imagine the events that unfolded. The court will take this photographic print as evidence, if you please, Counsel." The Judge said.
The photograph of Gina has been entered into the Court Record.
"Ugh…" Ryunosuke said, annoyed.
"I, I don't believe it! Ginny…" Iris said, letting out a lot of tears.
"In short... ...the accused is the only person who could possibly have killed Mr Windibank." Van Zieks said.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Ryunosuke yelled, breaking down.
"I say, My Lord…" Juror No. 1 said, his eyes widening. "Wonder if I might put in a word at this point."
"Go ahead, Mr Foreman." The Judge said.
"Took a bally bullet to the knee in the Battle of Maiwand, 1880, don't you know. Decorated for it and all that, but forced to retire from service, sadly. 'Course, a medal can never outshine the exploits of chaps like us on the battlefield."
"Yes, Mr Foreman, and...? What exactly is your point?"
"Carried on the battle after retirement, you see. The battle of daily life, if you like. And here I am now, leading this small squadron. Six men, all good and true. And we'll all go down together, you mark my words! One for all...and all for one!"
"...The ladies and gentlemen of the jury have reached agreement, have they? Is that what we are to understand?" Van Zieks asked.
"Well, Mr Foreman? Is that correct?" The Judge asked.
"... In a manner of speaking...yes. That is the Garrideb Squadron's position, sir!" Juror No. 1 said, angrily.
"What?! No! It's too soon to make a judgement here!" Ryunosuke said, worried.
"Status report for the court, men! On the double!"
"His Lordship insists on promptitude at all times. And that goes for making decisions, too." Juror No. 2 said.
"I think you'll find the truth is as clear as day now! I could reach out and touch it!" Juror No. 3 said.
"I wouldn't have left it in there. I just wouldn't. But in all honesty, I can't actually remember…" Juror No. 4 said.
"Situation clear. Stop. No room for doubt. Stop. Truth now undeniable. Stop." Juror No. 5 said.
"I am wery sorry for brothers. They are unlucky." Juror No. 6 said.
"Very well... ...I now call upon each member of the jury to state his or her leaning in this matter. Announce your considered verdicts to the court!" The Judge said, looking at the jury.
"Guilty!" Juror No. 1 said.
"Guilty!" Juror No. 2 said.
"Guilty!" Juror No. 3 said.
"Guilty!" Juror No. 4 said.
"Guilty!" Juror No. 5 said.
"Guilty!" Juror No. 6 said.
Six fireballs are tossed into the fire and the scales leaned towards black of guilty.
"It does indeed appear that the jury is unanimous in its leaning already." The Judge said.
"Unfortunately." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'That photograph... It must be the definitive evidence that Gregson mentioned!'
"But Ginny didn't shoot him!" Iris cried.
"No, of course not! My Lord! The defence wishes to assert its right to a summation examination!" Ryunosuke said, worried.
"Very well. The court grants permission." The Judge said.
"So...you refuse to admit defeat again. How...unsurprising." Van Zieks said.
"We shall proceed immediately with the summation examination. Mr Foreman, are all members of the jury ready?"
"Abso-bally-lutely, sir! Always ready for action, my chaps!" Juror No. 1 yelled.
"...Very good. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury... ...you will each explain on what grounds you have determined the defendant to be guilty!" The Judge said, looking at the jury.
Judicial Findings
- The Jurors' Contentions -
"All the evidence clearly points the finger of guilt at this young pickpocketienne." Juror No. 1 said.
"As a housemaid, I should like to see all filthy eyesores promptly and rigorously eliminated." Juror No. 2 said.
"I think you'll find that if you look at that photograph in stereo, the truth will just pop out." Juror No. 3 said.
"If I have left it in there, I should think there'll be repercussions by now…" Juror No. 4 said.
"Mind made up. Stop. Global radio transmission of verdict to follow. Stop." Juror No. 5 said.
"In motherland we say never judge by clothes, judge by head. I am conwinced brothers are innocent." Juror No. 6 said.
"Hmmm... The circumstance of the crime and the evidence do indeed implicate the defendant rather comprehensively." The Judge said.
"The storeroom, locked from the inside, in which the victim and the accused were discovered alone. And in the accused's hand, the fatal revolver, the firing of which was heard by these witnesses." Van Zieks said.
"Not to mention this print! Take it from a chap whose…" Juror No. 1 said, gulping. "…seen action on the battlefield: That young girl's on the verge of pulling the bally trigger!"
"No shit, Sherlock." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...Thanks a lot, Mr Holmes.'
"Oh dear... Hurley's cameras were supposed to help, not hinder." Iris said, sadly.
"I'm afraid I think you have an uphill struggle ahead of you." The Judge said.
"Yeah." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'But Gina didn't shoot Mr Windibank. Which means there's more to this situation that we've yet to see.'
"Agreed!" Iris said, excitedly.
"You have the floor, Counsel. Proceed with the summation examination!" The Judge said, angrily.
Jury Examination
- The Defence's Rebuttal -
"All the evidence clearly points the finger of guilt at this young pickpocketienne." Juror No. 1 said.
"As a housemaid, I should like to see all filthy eyesores promptly and rigorously eliminated." Juror No. 2 said.
"Press for more information here." I said, my right arm on the table.
"Hold it." Ryunosuke said, doing the Hold it pose. "...Polishing the bench, I see...again."
"A maid's work is never done. Not a blemish must remain." Juror No. 2 said.
"Um, what exactly do you mean by 'filthy eyesores'?" Ryunosuke asked.
"On my way to market for His Lordship, I have to pass through the East End. The place is full of beggars, pickpurses and crossmen. The scum of the earth!"
"...A little harsh, perhaps."
"Let me be plain... If it were up to me, all those back slums would be made spick and span or eradicated. At least we have people like the great detective working to achieve these important goals."
"You're referring to Mr Sherlock Holmes?"
"That's right. I like to keep abreast of his exploits by reading Strand Magazine in between my duties. He does wonders, cleaning up London's streets. In my opinion, he should be declared an honorary maid of the capital." Juror No. 2 said, scoffing.
"...Mr Holmes? ...A maid?" Ryunosuke asked.
"It's really quite unforgivable... Gutter scum having the audacity to shoot our very greatest detective!"
"... Minor detail: It was the two brothers in the stand who shot Mr Holmes, not the defendant."
"A minor detail indeed. They're all gutter scum as far as I'm concerned!"
"Weeell...it just might be an idea to get our facts straight anyway…"
"...Yes, alright. I shall amend my statement." Juror No. 2 said.
"Thank you." I said, happily.
"Those brothers are the scum of the earth! They should swing for shooting the great detective!" Juror No. 2 yelled.
"And contradiction."
"Objection!" Ryunosuke said, doing the Objection pose between Juror No. 2 and Juror No. 6. "Those two statements clearly contradict each other!"
"Good Lord! Counsel, explain yourself!" The Judge said, angrily.
"Oh my! My statement? Contradictory?" Juror No. 2 asked.
"Contradict... C-o-n…" Juror No. 6 said, sadly.
"Juror number six, you've got the wrong end of the stick." Ryunosuke said.
"...I do not have stick. I have mouse."
"As juror number two said earlier... ...when the Skulkin brothers fled the scene on the night in question, they fired a shot from their revolver."
"Yes, they shot poor Mr Holmes in the abdomen, I understand!" Juror No. 2 cried.
The Old Bailey Courtroom…
"...Surely you're not going to tell the court now that you didn't hear?" Ryunosuke asked.
"... Abdomen... Abdomen... A-b-d…" Juror No. 6 said.
"Sorry, sorry. My English is still learning."
"...You ARE telling the court you didn't hear?" Ryunosuke asked.
"... Forgive me. I did not hear." Juror No. 6 said.
"...Ah! Here is word!" Juror No. 6 cheered, taking out a dictionary, opening it, flipping through the pages, and reading it. " 'Abdomen: Part of person's body containing stomach and other wital organs'. If this is what you mean, you should say in plain English. I am Russian, not native speaker."
"Yes. Bring a Russian revolutionary into a British courtroom." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...Who thought it was a good idea to let this man be on the jury again?!'
"Don't know." I said, sadly. "Wasn't me, Ryunosuke."
"So…" Juror No. 6 said, looking at Ryunosuke. "...you are telling me these brothers who look like criminals were lying? They said before, 'We never done nothing,' but truth is, they shot detective. ...Da. This is double negative."
"Yes! That's exactly right!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"Lying is wrong! Especially when lie is said by person who looks like criminal!" Juror No. 6 cried.
"...Coming from you, that seems...surprisingly prejudiced."
"This means... ...when they said, 'We never took nothing,' maybe it was also big, fat lie! Is this true?!"
"Well...according to the police report, no stolen goods were found, so…"
"Enough! I trust no one now!" Juror No. 6 yelled.
"...It's...not the mouse's fault though, sir." Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh.
"I must see with own eyes! I must investigate crime scene myself!"
"I'm afraid that won't be poss-"
"Yes it is, Runo! Easily!" Iris chirped.
"Quite easily." I said, happily.
"Sorry?" Ryunosuke asked, looking between Iris and I.
"With the prints from Hurley's Red-Handed Recorder!" Iris said, taking out Sherlock's Red-Handed Recorder.
"Also known as a security camera in the future." I said, smiling. "But it would have audio and video. You're not quite there yet."
"Ah…" Ryunosuke said, his eyes widening.
"If you compare the print that pictures Ginny, and the next print from half an hour later... ...you'll be able to see straight away if anything was taken or not. Cooey! Mr Prosecutor!" Iris said, looking at Van Zieks.
"Tut-tut…" Van Zieks said, annoyed. "Calling on the prosecution in the middle of a summation examination of all times…" He took out the photographic prints. "The print showing the accused threatening the victim after she broke into the shop...is this one. Following this, the victim and the accused moved into the storeroom. Meanwhile, the Skulkin brothers entered the shop and summarily heard the fatal gunshot ring out. Sadly, none of these events were captured on film. This is the print produced by the camera half an hour later, after the brothers' flight."
"So this was taken after Hurley was shot, then. As far as I can tell... ...nothing has been taken."
"Yeah." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'That does seem to be the case. I can't notice anything that's obviously missing in the second print.'
"So, the brothers who look like criminals told only one lie. They shot man, but they stole nothing." Juror No. 6 said.
"It would seem so, yes." Ryunosuke said.
"No, not good."
"You were right, I did not understood situation. Now I know brothers have lied, I think it is wery important to continue with trial."
"Yay! Well done, Runo! The balance is shifting!" Iris said, excitedly.
"Yup. We won over the Russian." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Well...it's a start, I suppose. But there must be more in what these jurors are saying that I can use to expose the truth. And if I can do that, we just might turn the situation to our favour still!" Ryunosuke said, terrified.
"Thank you, Counsel. Continue with the summation examination. And kindly hand that new photographic print to the bailiff to be filed as evidence." The Judge said.
The post-shooting photograph has been entered into the Court Record.
"Another Polaroid photo." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Another print in the Court Record... I wonder if we can make use of that…'
"In lake of lies are many dead fish. We must find truth. Therefore I say not guilty verdict." Juror No 6 said, changing his vote from guilty to not guilty.
"Yes!" I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'If I can't change the minds of more than half of these six jurors... ...the trial will be over.'
"But we know that Ginny would never shoot anyone." Iris said, sadly.
"She didn't. She wouldn't, Iris." I said, frowning. "I like Gina."
"Yes, so we need to find contradictions in what these jurors are saying and pit them against each other." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'I must be ready to go to whatever lengths I have to... to convince them of Gina's innocence!'
"Yup. Good luck, Ryunosuke."
"Alright, these two prints were both taken with the same camera in Windibank's on the night in question." Ryunosuke said, looking between the two photographic prints.
"Yes, I see. Tell me, Mr, um...lawyer. Do you know how stereographic images work? Do you understand the principle?" Juror No. 3 asked.
"Well...I think so…" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'I did have a lesson only yesterday…' He then spoke aloud. "The left and right eye images need to be the same, only with a slight shift in the positions of some objects. Then when your brain merges the two images together inside your head, it notices the shift as if it were depth."
"Yes, exactly." Juror No. 3 said.
"It's that small shift between certain objects in the two pictures that's really important." Iris said.
"So what happens if you use two photographs that are exactly the same, then?" Ryunosuke asked.
"No no, obviously that wouldn't work at all. Not for seeing the scene three-dimensionally, anyway." Juror No. 3 said.
"Oh... OOOOOOH! Of course! Now I see!" Iris said, crossing her eyes and looking down at the two photographs.
"Same." I said, crossing my eyes and looking down at the two photographs. "No way!"
"Ah! I think the young girl and her friend have discovered the secret!" Juror No. 3 said, looking between Iris and I.
"We have, we have!" Iris cheered.
"...Can you uncross your eyes before you tell me?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Have another look at these two pictures from Hurley's camera, Runo! Go on! Can you see that there's a really obvious difference between them?" Iris asked, handing Ryunosuke the two photographs.
"Of course there is! There are two people in the first, and no people in the second!" Ryunosuke said, looking down at the two photographs.
"Well yes, you can see that straight away. But now... ...try looking at the pictures in three dimensions!"
"Alright, I'll, I'll give it a go." Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'So, to start with... ...you have to cross your eyes, and then try to make the two pictures overlap exactly.' He then spoke aloud. "........." He thought this to himself. 'Let's see if by crossing my eyes I can make the quill pens from each picture overlap in the middle…' He then spoke aloud. "........." He thought this to himself. '...Wait…'
"Well? Did you manage to see it properly, Runo?" Iris asked.
"Yes, I saw it!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly. "Agh! What's, what's going on with these two pictures? Some of the things on the counter sort of... They sort of jump out at you!"
"Yes yes yes! That's it, you see! That's the other amazing power of stereoscopes!" Juror No. 3 cooed.
"O-Other amazing power?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.
"Is someone going to explain this...black magic, eh? Why the deuce do some of the things on the counter seem to jump out at you like that, hm?" Juror No. 1 asked.
"I think you'll find that if you consider the basic principle of the stereoscope, you'll answer your own question." Juror No. 3 said.
"Basic principles...of the stereoscope...?" Juror No. 5 asked.
"As I said before... ...if you try to look at two identical pictures using a stereoscope, it won't work at all. It's the slight shift in the positions of certain objects that lets you see pictures three-dimensionally."
"...In other words... ...even though at first glance it seems the objects on the counter haven't moved at all between the two pictures... ...this shows that actually...there must have been a slight shift in their positions!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.
"Yes, there must have been." Iris said, happily.
"Yeah. And this is the precursor to 3D glasses." I said, smiling.
"Now hold fire there, sir! Got a reasonable grasp of this whole cross-eyed business now, I'd say. But why the devil does this shift between the two prints exist in the first place? Well? What's the answer, fellow? Come on, you're the cross-eyed master!" Juror No. 1 said, looking at Ryunosuke.
"What? Me?" Ryunosuke asked, while he thought this to himself. 'I haven't the first idea!'
"You know, Runo! It's quite simple." Iris said, smugly.
"It, it is?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Just think it through step by step. The first photograph was taken at 1:00 a.m. Then, thirty minutes later...the second photograph was taken. But the position of some items on the counter appears to have shifted slightly in the interim. So that means...?"
"That means that sometime in the half hour interval... ...someone must have tampered with the things on the counter!"
"Zookers!" Juror No. 1 cried.
"Someone tampered...?" Juror No. 3 asked.
"New information! Stop. Not mentioned in testimony so far! Stop." Juror No. 5 said.
'Yes... ...we've had to go around in circles a little here, it seems... ...but I'm starting to see what I should be aiming at in this summation examination now.' Ryunosuke said, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Ladies and gentlemen! The question now is clear. We know the items on the countertop were moved. ...But by whom?"
"Are you... Are you suggesting you might know?" Juror No. 1 asked.
"Of course. I can tell you right now who is responsible for the almost imperceptible shift in the items on the counter!" Ryunosuke yelled.
"Yup." I said, handing Ryunosuke the profile of Nash Skulkin.
"Take that!" Ryunosuke said, presenting Nash Skulkin's profile. "It was the witnesses currently in the stand...the Skulkin brothers!"
"...!"Juror No. 2 said.
"...!" Juror No. 4 said.
"Wait! This does not agree with what brothers said in testimony before. They said they did not even have time to pull 'dukes' from 'Lucy Lockets'. My phrasebook says 'dukes' is meaning 'hands' and 'Lucy Lockets' is meaning 'pockets'. But is this...another lie?! Is this what you are saying?!" Juror No. 6 exclaimed.
"Yes, I'm afraid so." Ryunosuke said.
"Now hold on there a minute! You can't be sure of that." Juror No. 4 said.
"I quite agree. The accused is a common pickpurse, after all. It's perfectly possible that she went through the things on the desk to see what she might steal." Juror No. 2 said.
"I think...that's unlikely." Ryunosuke said, smirking.
"And why, exactly?" Juror No. 1 asked.
"...As you can see from...this photographic print, the defendant was pointing a gun at the victim. It would seem, as my learned friend indicated, that she was coercing Mr Windibank to open the storeroom door." Ryunosuke said, looking down at the photographic prints. "In other words, Miss Lestrade's interests lay within the storeroom, not in the main shop... ...giving her no reason to touch anything on the counter. All of which points to one thing! The Skulkin brothers have omitted key facts in their testimony!"
"...! But the accused is a pickpurse! Common gutter trash! Why look any further for the wrongdoer here?" Juror No. 2 asked.
"Because the Skulkin brothers are thieves, madam. No better - in fact worse - than a pickpurse." Ryunosuke said.
"I believe that these brothers were looking for something on the victim's counter that night."
"...!" Juror No. 3 said.
"...!" Juror No. 4 said.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, if you would condemn the defendant on the grounds that she's a pickpocket... ...would it not at least be right and proper to thoroughly scrutinise testimony given against her by two thieves?" Ryunosuke asked.
"...Well said."
"I for one would like to hear more from that shady pair!"
"Can you all see now? I think you'll find stereoscopes aren't playthings! You've seen their extraordinary potential firsthand!" Juror No. 3 said, excitedly.
"Wholeheartedly agree! Stop. Must purchase after trial. Stop. Will return home via Regent Street. Stop." Juror No. 5 said.
"Well...it would seem this trial has yet to run its course. The ladies and gentlemen of the jury have declared their inclinations via the mighty Scales of Justice. I hereby call this summation examination to conclusion with the balance altered in the defendant's favour. Two lean to guilty. Four lean to not guilty. Accordingly, the jury is without consensus... ...and I order this trial to continue." The Judge said.
"Yes!" I said, looking down at the ground. "The first part of this trial is almost done. I can feel it."
"Yay! Well done! ...Oh, by the way…" Iris said, happily.
"What?" Ryunosuke asked.
"You should hold onto this, Runo. You never know when it might come in useful!" Iris said, handing Ryunosuke a stereoscope.
"Yeah." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Twice in one trial would be unusual, surely? But alright.'
The stereoscope has been entered into the Court Record.
"Lord van Zieks... ...you will instruct the witnesses that the court demands additional testimony from them." The Judge said.
"Let's look at the stereoscope." I said, grabbing the stereoscope from Ryunosuke and opening the print tray.
"It's like the Polaroid cameras you're familiar with, Jared." Iris said, placing the photographic prints inside the print tray of the stereoscope. "You have to pop your two prints in here to start with, you see."
"And then, when you look through the eyepieces, you can see the image in three dimensions!" Ryunosuke said, his eyes widening.
"The important thing to get right is the position of the two prints." Iris said.
"Yup." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I don't know who came up with the idea of a stereoscope, but it's really quite fascinating.'
"Ooh! Look at that! It's totally changed shape, just from one little button press!" Ryunosuke said, pressing a button on the stereoscope.
"Well, that is what the button's for, Runo. You're just like Hurley. You boys love pressing buttons, don't you, especially if you don't know what they do!" Iris chirped.
"And that's including a Time Lord." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Us boys? ...Says the ten-year-old girl.'
"Anyway, now you can see that it really is a stereoscope, can't you?" Iris asked.
"... I'm sure it won't spoil the bouquet to do so...My Lord." Van Zieks said.
'I've won myself another chance to probe that pair about their activities that night at least. And I won't stop probing them until I've proven that Gina is innocent!' Ryunosuke yelled, and he thought this to himself.