Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 161 - The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story:Investigation, Part 3

Chapter 161 - The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story:Investigation, Part 3

(Jared's POV)


"AAAAAAAH!!!" Susato said, worried.

"I'll be alright, Mr Naruhodo!" Holmes said, angrily. "After them! Go!"

"Ugh! What's taking him so long?" I asked, my hand on Sherlock's blood wound.

"Behind that door. In the storeroom! ...Hurry!" Holmes yelled.

"It''s Gina?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"From that moment, Windibank's Pawnbrokery became a crime scene. Everything that followed happened in a whirlwind of activity. The arrival of the police, the preliminary investigation of the scene and the questioning... It was just before dawn before I was allowed back to my lodgings at 221B." Ryunosuke said, as a voiceover.

16th April, 6:21 a.m.

Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy…

"Oh! Iris!" Ryunosuke said, entering the room with me.

"A telegram came. Along with a text message from Jared on a smart phone he gave me. But all it said was, 'Wait at home'." Iris said, sadly.

"Yeah. I texted it to you." I said, frowning. "The message."

"Oh, yes, we asked one of the policemen to have it sent. The telegram, I mean. It was simply impossible to come back." Ryunosuke said.

"When I woke up...I was all alone. Hurley and Ginny were gone. Everyone was gone. What happened, Runo and Jared?" Iris asked.

'Poor Iris. She's trembling. She's obviously trying very hard not to let herself get too worried.' Ryunosuke said, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "...we'll explain everything that we know."

"Something awful has happened, hasn't it?" Iris asked.

"Yup. It has." I said, looking down at the floor.

"... Yes, I'm afraid so." Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Iris, but...Mr Windibank is dead."

"...!" Iris said, at a loss for words.

"He was shot. We discovered it in the early hours of the morning." Ryunosuke said.

"... Oh. Yes, I had a feeling…"

"You did?"

"Well I saw all of those police carriages pulling up outside his shop. So I knew something must have happened there."

"... When we entered Windibank's in the small hours, we disturbed a gang of two thugs. They ran out onto the street, and I chased after them, but... ...they got away."

" was one of them who shot old Mr Windibank, I suppose." Iris said, her eyes widening.

"I don't know, but...that's not what the police believe at the moment." Ryunosuke said.

"Oh! Why not?"

"They've arrested someone else as their prime suspect, you see. ...Gina."

"G-Ginny?! But...why?!"

"Well, the thing is…"

"No! Ginny wouldn't do something like that!"

"We know, we know! None of us think she did it."

"Then why have they arrested her?"

"We're sorry. There was nothing we could do…"

"There really wasn't." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "Gina was already at the scene of the crime and all. I know she's innocent. That's why I have faith in her."

"So where's Hurley, then? Is he still there investigating the scene? He really ought to have some breakfast. It's not good for him to miss meals." Iris said.

"... We don't want you to worry, Iris, but we have some news about Mr Holmes." Ryunosuke said.

"...!" Iris said, in awe.

"He...was taken to hospital this morning."


"Well, um... ...when we entered Windibank's, a gun was fired, and...he took a bullet."

"H-Hurley...? Was shot...? N-No... No…"

"It's okay, Iris." I said, happily. "Sherlock's life wasn't in danger."

"Really? Are you sure? ...Where is he? Which hospital?" Iris asked.

"I'm sure. He's at St. Synner's Hospital. It's not St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Unfortunately. They're making him feel better there."

"I must see him. ...At once!"

"Sorry, Iris. You can't see him."

"Why not?! That's not fair! Jared, we're family members! We should be allowed!" Iris cried.

"No, Jared means, nobody can see him at the moment. He's not allowed any visitors. They're preparing to operate, you see." Ryunosuke said.

" operate...? Oh, poor Hurley…" 

"It was the two thugs who were in Mr Windibank's shop. They shot Mr Holmes when we disturbed them, you see."

"..." Iris said.

"It was pitch-black inside the shop at the time. My mind went totally blank, I'm afraid. I, I just froze." Ryunosuke said.


"After them! Go!" Holmes said, angrily.

"Ugh! What's taking him so long?" I asked, my hand on Sherlock's blood wound.

Naruhodo's Legal Consultancy…

"After that, I ran out into the street, but... Well, they were long gone. I, I shouldn't have hesitated. I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I let them get away." Ryunosuke said.

"... I think...that's a very good thing." Iris said.


"Well, if you'd seen which way they went and chased after them... might have been shot as well, Runo. And it is also a very good thing Jared stayed with Hurley."


"On top of everything else, I...I couldn't bear that."

"Oh, Iris…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"Where's Susie, Runo and Jared?" Iris asked.

"She's still at the police station." I said, frowning.

"Oh! Why?"

"We expect she's still being questioned. The police said they wouldn't be finished for a while." Ryunosuke said.

"Why aren't you and Jared there then?" Iris asked.

"Well, I didn't get a good look at the criminals, anyway. So they weren't questioning me for long. And Jared was with Mr Holmes. So they weren't questioning him for long. And Miss Susato stayed behind at the scene to tend to Mr Holmes since Jared didn't know anything to treat others and himself, so they didn't get started until later."

"Ah, I see."

"Yup." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Besides... ...two of us had to come back to be with Iris. I'm glad Inspector Gregson agreed to us leaving early.'

"...You two should have let me know and I would have come to the station." Iris said, looking between Ryunosuke and I. "I don't understand why they arrested Ginny. It's not fair! What about the two thugs that were at the scene? Why aren't they the prime suspects? After all... ...they shot Hurley dead, didn't they?"

"No! I, I mean, Mr Holmes isn't dead, Iris!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.

"Argh, this is all so horrible…" Iris said, annoyed.

"The thing is, Mr Windibank was found on the floor in the storeroom where he keeps all the deposited articles. And the storeroom door was locked from the inside." 

"I see…"

"But he wasn't alone in there. ...Gina was found next to him on the floor as well."

"Oh no!"

"And according to the detectives who investigated afterwards…"

"Don't tell me. There was no one else in the room?" Iris asked.

"Yes. Exactly. How did you know?" Ryunosuke asked.

"It's the only explanation."

"Yes...the only explanation, indeed."

"What do you mean by that, Runo?! Well?!"

"Sorry, Ryunosuke. Can't help you here." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Ugh, what can I say? I'm damned if I agree, damned if I don't…'

"I'm afraid we'll need to go out again now, Iris. There's not much Jared and I can do at the moment... But we can at least try to find out how Mr Holmes and Gina are getting on." Ryunosuke said.

"I want to go, too. Take me with you, Runo, Jared!" Iris cried.


"I can't stand just sitting around here waiting."

'I'm not sure how I feel about taking a ten-year-old child to the scene of a murder... But we don't want to leave her all alone here, either.' Ryunosuke said, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Alright then, Iris. Perhaps you can help us?"

"Oh yes! I'd love to!"

"Thanks, Iris. We really appreciate it." I said, smiling.

"You're welcome, Jared. I know that before coming here, you were at Remnant for a while."

"Gina's at the prison. Mr Holmes is...probably in his hospital bed." Ryunosuke said.

"And don't forget we have to visit the crime scene! We need to conduct a thorough investigation!" 

"Ah, I can see you're ready for action!" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'I imagine Iris would appreciate going to the hospital sooner rather than later…'

16th April

St Synner's Hospital, Ward 3…

"Hurley! ...Oh! He's not here!" Iris said, worried.

"No. That's strange... The nurse definitely said he was in the bed by the window, didn't she?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Ooh, I know what's probably happened! Hurley was being a big baby. And the bullet wound wasn't that bad after all so he's been sent home."

"Hm, I'm not so sure about that. Baby or not... ...there's no question that it was a fairly serious injury that Mr Holmes suffered."

"If anything, Sherlock was in his mind palace while his physical body was recovering." I said, happily. "He did do that when he was shot by Mary."

"Oh… That does make a lot of sense." Iris said, sadly.

"'Ello 'ello, what 'ave we 'ere?" The bobby asked, walking towards us. "This ward is off limits! No visitin'! So what are you doin' in 'ere, eh?"

"Well, I'll have you know, we're Hurley's next of kin!"

"Eh? ...Oh! Well beggin' your pardon then, ma'am. Sirs. ...A little lady and curious Eastern gentlemen... The great mystery-solver 'as a mysterious family, eh."

"Yup. That's us." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...If that's how you see us, um...sure.'

"Where is he, Constable? Where's Hurley?" Iris asked.

"I believe 'e is currently in the operatin' theatre, ma'am. Undergoin' an extensive operation." The bobby said.


"It 'as been several 'ours since 'e went in."

"Oh dear... Is he going to be alright?"

"Well, it doesn't appear to be workin', you see. The anaesthetic, that is."


"Of course it wouldn't work on Sherlock." I said, smiling. "He would fight it if one of us is in danger."

"Yes. He would!" Iris said, excitedly.

"I 'ave 'eard a report that the gentleman claims 'e may 'ave 'ad a little too much to drink last night. Coffee, that is." The bobby said.

"No morphine or cocaine?" I asked, looking down at the floor.

"Not that I would recall, sir."

"Haah…" Ryunosuke said, laughing a lot.

"Anyway, I think it would be fair to assume that 'e won't be back 'ere for several 'ours yet." The bobby said.

"...I see. Thank you, Constable. Perhaps we should leave and come back later."

"Oh, poor Hurley…" Iris said, letting out a sigh.

I closed my eyes, dreaming about the place I haven't been to in a while, wishing to be there again.

Memory TARDIS…

"Jared." Amy said, walking over to me. "It's been ages."

"Amy." I said, hugging the Girl Who Waited. "Where's the Roman?"

"Rory? Taking care of Anthony. How are things with you?"

"Someone died. And a ten year old is going to find out the truth about everything."

"You told us about this case. Iris Watson. Windibank is dead. How's she doing?"

"Bad." I said, still hugging Amy. "Susato is also leaving after this trial. I can't help but feel bad for Iris."

"Me too. Wow. So you must have been treating Iris like you did with me."

"Of course. Amelia, I don't know what to do now."

16th April

Windibank's Pawnbrokery…

"This is where it happened, then? Last night." Iris said.

"That's right. The two thugs we told you about were obviously ransacking the place, looking for valuables." Ryunosuke said.

"But... ...apart from the policemen in here, you wouldn't know anything had happened. There's no sign of a disturbance." 

"'re right about that, actually."

"In fact, if anyone, it's the police who seem to be the ones doing the ransacking."

"I know what you mean. They're like a gang of organised criminals, all dressed in black!"

"Better than busting through looking like the military." I said, happily. 

"Oi! I heard that!" Gregson yelled, walking up to us.

"Oh, Inspector! Erm... Good morning." Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"Hmph. I s'pose I ought to thank you for your vigilance last night. We got to the scene before it was disturbed at least. Shame you let the two rogues get away, mind."

"Yes... I'm sorry about that."

"...I thought you'd assigned extra men to the beat around here, Gregsy. Now look what's happened! Hurley's been injured because there weren't enough police on duty!" Iris said, angrily.

"...Ah! Y...Y...Your Ladyship! No one told me you were comin'!" Gregson said, worried.

"I expect you to take full responsibility for what happened to Hurley and see he has the very best medical care!"

"Of course, Your Ladyship! The very best doctors in the capital are tendin' to him as we speak!"

"And I don't think it's Runo's fault that the rogues managed to get away, is it? Chasing criminals is the police's job."

"Absolutely, Your Ladyship! As you say, ma'am, as you say! The gent in black is totally blameless! Everyone's in agreement about that."

"Yup." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Would you believe it?! He's like a completely different person with Iris. Talk about a personality change…'

"Oh! Where are me manners? Are you thirsty, Your Ladyship? Perhaps you'd like some juice? Some nice, refreshin' fruit juice?" Gregson asked.

"Oh, why? Are you thirsty, Gregsy? I have some of my special herbal tea with me, if you'd like some!" Iris said, taking out a thermos full of tea.

"*Glug* *Glug glug glug*." Gregson said, drinking the tea. "Ahhh... Lovely! Ta very much. That really hit the spot...Your Ladyship."

"Iris gives Mami a run for her money with tea." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I don't even recognise him like this…'

" is the investigation going, Inspector?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Nothin' to it, really. Very simple case, this. There's some very definitive evidence. We're just about to charge that diver we arrested last night, in fact." Gregson said.

"Gina? You're, you're going to charge her?!"

"That's right. Should be able to bring her before the judge at the Bailey tomorrow."

"Definitive evidence, you say? What is it? Come on! Show me!" Iris yelled.

"Your Ladyship, as, as much as I wish I could oblige you, I'm afraid…" Gregson said, frowning.

"... Ah, I see. You've already captured the pair of thugs who broke in here last night, have you?"

"What the-"

"And you're going to put them on the stand as witnesses, are you?"

"How, how could you...? Hooooooooow?! How could you possibly know that?!"

"...I had a feeling, that's all."

"Honestly. Same." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...Remind me never to try to keep a secret from Iris.'

"So you've arrested the two men who shot Mr Holmes, have you?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Well...yes... They were rounded up pretty quickly by the lads on the beat." Gregson said.

"And Miss Lestrade is being held at the prison?"

"She should be. That's assumin' she hasn't lifted the key from the jailer, of course."

"Can you tell us anything about Mr Holmes? What's his condition?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Sorry, I'm not at liberty to divulge that information. Scotland Yard matters are strictly confidential." Gregson said.

"Well, I know he's being operated on at St Synner's. Why can't Jared and I see him? We're family, you know!" Iris said, terrified.

"I'm, I'm terribly sorry, Your Ladyship! It's the hospital's policy. No visitin' at all."


"The bullet must've hit an artery in his midriff. He's lost a fair bit of blood."

"Oh no…"

"He didn't seem too bad in the first hour or so. But a haemorrhage like that is enough to make even the one and only Holmes pipe down."

"...Mr Holmes is a human like the rest of us, you know." Ryunosuke said.

"Well anyway, he's havin' emergency surgery right now. They've gotta stop that bleedin'." Gregson said.

"But...he will be alright, won't he? They'll be able to make him better?" Iris asked.

"Of, of course, Your Ladyship! He'll be as right as rain before you know it!"

"Really?! ...How do you know?"

"Eh? How do I know? Well, um...erm...because...of course... Ah yes! Because Mr Holmes is such a greeeeeeat detective, that's why!"

"At least the doctors here are better than cat nuns that are also nurses." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...We'd better pray the doctors have a better grasp of what's needed to make someone well again.'

"Oh dear... Please don't die, Hurley…" Iris said, letting out a lot of tears.

"I'll report to Your Ladyship the moment I hear he's out of the operatin' theatre!" Gregson yelled.

"Um, I couldn't help noticing, Inspector…" Ryunosuke said.

"What? Out with it, sunshine."

"Well, there seems to be...a marked difference between the way you talk to me, Jared, and Iris."

"Watch the sauce, sunny! I'm a copper, and we don't go in for favouritism!"

"But he's right. You do treat us differently." Iris said.

"...It's 'cause of those 'Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' stories, that's why." Gregson said, scoffing.

"Oh…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"I crop up in 'em, don't I? Inspector Tobias Gregson."

"Oh! Well yes, because you're an acquaintance of Hurley's." Iris said, frowning.

"What did you write about the inspector, Iris?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Hm...I don't remember, really."

"I don't remember either." I said, letting out a sigh. "It's a bit of a blur."

"It was one of Holmes's lines. 'Gregson is the smartest of the Scotland Yarders,' is how he put it." Gregson said, smugly.

"Oh, did I write that?!" Iris exclaimed.

"And you know what that one line did for me?! Eh? The very next month my pay doubled! Doubled, I tell you!"

"Ooh... That's amazing." Ryunosuke said, happily.

"All because everyone at the Yard reads 'em. They read all the Sherlock Holmes stories. They've even set up a fan club for me!" Gregson said, angrily.

"Of course, that explains everything. It was around that time that you became such a toady to me." Iris said, smiling.

"Can you blame me? All it'd take is one bad word from you and Holmes could change his tune about me. 'Gregson? ...No,' the great detective will say. 'He's gettin' quite overrated these days!' Think what would happen to my salary if that came out in print, eh? The whole thing gives me the willies. I can't tell you how many nights of sleep I've lost to worryin' about it!"

"But that would never happen, Gregsy."

"Every month when the new Strand Magazine comes out, my hands are tremblin' as I turn the pages."

"Oh, how awful for you! Here, have some of my tea to settle your nerves!" Iris said, handing the thermos of tea to Gregson.

"*Glug* *Glug glug glug*." Gregson said, drinking the tea. "Ahhh... Lovely! Ta very much. That really hit the spot...Your Ladyship."

"He's British. Tea makes everything better for them, Brits." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...Tea toadal.'

"Oh...yeah...there's somethin' I was s'posed to talk to you about, actually, Mr Naruhodo, Jared." Gregson said.

"Yes? What is it?" Ryunosuke asked.

"I've got an important message for you and Jared. I clean forgot about it until now."

"An important message?" Ryunosuke asked, as he thought it to himself. 'I wonder what it could be…'

"Crap. Forgot about this." I said, looking down at the ground.

"Are you going to tell me what this important message is then, Inspector?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yeah, it's about that young lady who's normally by your side. One of your assistants." Gregson said.

"Dear Susie! Is she alright?" Iris asked.

"She's at the station, isn't she? Being questioned, I believe." Ryunosuke said.

"Nope, not any more. She had to head off." Gregson said.

"Head off? Where?"

"To Lord Stronghart's office, of course. He summoned her."

"Ah…" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'Yes, of course. I'd forgotten about that.'

"One of the whipstocks took her there in a Yard carriage after we'd finished questioning her. But she asked us to tell you and Jared she didn't have the fare for the return journey and to go and meet her there. ...She's got a nerve, usin' Scotland Yard as a bloomin' messagin' service!" Gregson cried.

"I see. Well, thank you for passing that on, Inspector." 

"Why did Susie have to go to see the Lord Chief Justice?" Iris asked.

"She...didn't tell me. Jared knows, but he won't tell me." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'But we'd better head over to the Lord Chief Justice's office to fetch her straight away.'

16th April

British Supreme Court, Lord Chief Justice's Office…

"Still scary." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Yes... matter how many times I come here, I always get the same sense of oppressiveness somehow…'

"Do you think the place is oppressive or scary? I think it's normal." Iris said.

"How so?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"It really is scary." I said, sadly.

"I mean, look at that suit of armour over there. You can't take that seriously, can you?" Iris asked.

"Nope. It does look scary to me."

"...Maybe it thinks the same about you." Ryunosuke said.

"...So everything is clear with regard to tomorrow's arrangements, I trust?" Stronghart asked.

"Yes. Thank you very much." Susato said, frowning.

"Private conversation." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'There they are. Susato-san and Lord Stronghart.'

"I know. I wonder what they're talking about. They both look very serious." Iris said.

"Very good. There is nothing further to discuss. You may return to your lodgings. No doubt you have much to do in preparation for your return to your homeland." Stronghart said.

"..." Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. '...Wait, what did he just say? 'Your return to your homeland'...?' He then spoke aloud. "Susato-san!"

"...! Oh! Um...Mr Naruhodo… Jared." Susato said, looking between Ryunosuke and I.

"... What was all that about?" Ryunosuke asked.

"..." Susato said.

"Um…" I said, looking down at the floor.

"Ah, Mr Naruhodo, Mr Shay. Thank you for coming to collect your colleague." Stronghart said.

"What's this all about? Why were you talking about Miss Susato's 'return to her homeland'? And, and... ...tomorrow?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"..." Susato said.

"Tomorrow...? But what about Ginny's trial?" Iris asked.

"...! You mean... ...she's been formally charged now? Oh dear…"


"Miss Susato! What's all this about?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Oh... Please don't concern yourself, Mr Naruhodo. It's only me going back to Japan. And Jared's going back to Remnant to be with Team RWBY. Your life here can continue just as it has-" Susato said, happily.

"That's not what I asked!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.


"What happened? Why are you leaving?"

"... It's my father... He's fallen ill."

"Oh no!" Iris said, worried.

"Professor Mikotoba?" Ryunosuke asked.


"If I may...?" Mikotoba asked.

"Yes, sorry?" Ryunosuke asked.

"You must be the defendant. Ryunosuke Naruhodo, I believe?"

"Yes! Yes, that's right!" 

"My name is Yujin Mikotoba. I'm a professor of forensic medicine at Yumei University." 

British Supreme Court, Lord Chief Justice's Office…

"We received an international telegram from the Empire of Japan informing us of the news." Stronghart said.

"Ten days ago...Father collapsed with a fever. The cause is apparently unknown. And it seems he grows weaker day by day." Susato said.

"The reason I have to get back to Remnant is because Vacuo is the only kingdom left." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "I still can't believe it. Team RWBY and the others need me."

"I, I don't believe it…" Ryunosuke said, looking between Susato and I.

"As you are aware, the voyage from here to your country's capital, Tokyo, takes some fifty days. I thought it would be prudent to hasten Miss Susato's and Mister Shay's departures as much as possible." Stronghart said. "That is why I arranged for Captain Jack Harkness of Torchwood Cardiff to pick up Mister Shay."

"Yes...absolutely…" Ryunosuke said.

"... Jared and I will leave London first thing tomorrow morning." Susato said, letting out a sigh.

"Yeah. Crossing over my own time stream is dangerous." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I can't believe this is happening…'

"Susato, Gina's been charged with Mr Windibank's murder." I said, as I looked up at Susato.

"So Gina has been charged? She'll have to appear in court?" Susato asked.

"Yes, she was formally charged a few hours ago. And the date of the trial has already been set for tomorrow." Ryunosuke said.

"No! Not even twenty-four hours later?"

"Gina...? Ah, the Lestrade girl and the murder of the Baker Street pawnbroker, yes. An all too transpicuous case. The pickpocket was clearly disturbed mid-robbery and shot the man in a panic. No, the Yard is overstretched as it is, without wasting time on these open-and-shut cases." Stronghart said.

"It's not wasting time! Ginny would never do something like that." Iris said.

"... Mr Naruhodo."

"Oh, um...yes, Lord Stronghart?" Ryunosuke asked.

"In deference of your fine services to date, I shall overlook this young girl's insolence. But I have no recollection of admitting a child into my office. ...Leave. Now." Stronghart said, looking at Iris.

"...!" Iris said, at a loss for words.

"Of course, Lord Stronghart." Susato said, sadly.

"...Criminals will tell the most palpable lies in order to evade justice. The police can ill afford the time it takes to unravel all their untruths. Meanwhile more crimes are perpetrated. We have far more serious matters with which to contend." Stronghart said.

"Serious matters?" Ryunosuke asked, as he thought this to himself. 'Didn't Gregson mention something like that yesterday?'

"Yes. Inspector Gregson made a similar remark yesterday." Susato said.

"It's no concern of yours. Though I'm sure I need not remind you of that." Stronghart said, looking down at his stopwatch. "...Three minutes precisely until my next meeting. You must excuse me."

"... There's more thing, Lord Stronghart." Ryunosuke said.

"Which is?" Stronghart asked.

"It's Miss Lestrade's trial... I wonder if you might permit me to defend her?"

"... A timely suggestion."


"The girl currently has no representation."

"But, but that's not fair! Yes, she may be a pickpocket, but she still deserves a fair trial!" Iris cried.

"...Do not misunderstand me, young lady. The government provides for those too poor to afford representation with a public defender. The accused need only sign the relevant paperwork, and a defence barrister will be assigned to the case. However...the young girl in question has refused that right." Stronghart said.

"Why would she do that?" Ryunosuke asked.

"A question you would do well to direct at Miss Lestrade. You'll find her at the local prison." Stronghart said.

"Yes, thank you."

"Now then, it's time I was leaving. Good day to you." Stronghart said, walking away from us.

"See you, Stronghart." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'What a day. Gina charged with murder... Susato-san and Jared about to leave…'

"... Come, Mr Naruhodo. Jared. Iris. We must make haste." Susato said, looking at us.

"Yeah. I agree."

"But, Susie...'re leaving for Japan, and Jared, you're leaving for Remnant tomorrow morning, aren't you? Don't you both have packing and things to do?" Iris asked, looking between Susato and I.

"... As Mr Naruhodo's judicial assistants, our personal circumstances are of no consequence. Our sole purpose remains to help you in whatever way we can." Susato said, smiling.

"Yup. Even if I'm heading back to Remnant, I don't mind helping you out, Ryunosuke." I said, smirking.

"...Thank you, Miss Susato, Jared." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'That's a very pensive look…'

Local Prison, Cell 13…

"...Hello, Gina." Ryunosuke said, as Gina pointed her grenade launcher at him.

"Oh, you still have the grenade launcher Hurley and I made!" Iris said, excitedly.

"I wish she wouldn't point it at me all the time, though."

"... Wot are you 'ere for?" Gina asked, lowering her grenade launcher.

"Ginny…" Iris said, letting out a sigh.

"I have a feeling it's because of us that you've ended up in trouble. So we were thinking that we might be able to help you." Ryunosuke said.

"...! Well you can't!" Gina yelled.


"You 'eard! Get lost!"

"Don't be like that, Ginny. I know you didn't do it. You'd never shoot someone. I just know you wouldn't!" Iris said, terrified.

"You think you know me? Pull the other one!" Gina said, angrily.


"You ain't got the first idea about the likes o' me. I'm a thief! I pinch people's purses when they're walkin' down the street. That's 'ow I get by. And if I saw me chance, I'd sneak into a pawn shop any day o' the week. Just to see wot I could lay me 'ands on! ...Get it? That's the kind o' person I am!"

"But, but Ginny…"

"I'll be in court tomorra, they said. Some cove came by before and said he'd be a lawyer for me or the like. Said it was my right or somefin'. But I told 'im to get stuffed. I don't need no lawyer! I don't need no one!"

"Gina…" I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'She couldn't be staring at me any more obviously if she tried…'

"Why are you being like this, Ginny?" Iris asked.

"..." Susato said, looking at Gina.

"Stare…" I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Ouch... Those are stern looks Susato-san and Jared are giving Gina.'

"Stare…" I said, fixated on Gina.

"I don't understand, Gina. Why did you send the public defender away?" Ryunosuke asked.

"'E wanted me to sign some papers. 'Representation papers' or somefin' like that. It's all gonna be rigged anyway. The whole trial. They'll pin it on me cos I'm a kid. That's wot grown-ups always do." Gina said, scoffing.

"Why do you think that?" Iris asked.

"Cos that's 'ow it's always been for me, growin' up in the back slums. Me whole life. If you do wot the grown-ups tell ya, it'll get yer mates dragged off by the coppers. Or worse. I've 'ad it 'appen to me before an' all. Been sold out an' nearly snaffled on the back of it. You can't trust no one, that's the point. Soon as you do...yer gone to grass. Dead."

"... Gina, listen... ...if you like, in tomorrow's trial, I could-" Ryunosuke said, happily.

"Forget it." Gina said.

"Ginny! Don't you trust Runo?" Iris asked.

"... Nah, I don't."


"Look, I'll ask ya nicely now... Just leave me alone!"

"Will you tell us what happened, Gina? Last the pawnbroker's." Ryunosuke said.

"... There's nuffin' to tell. I figured it'd pay me, so I broke into the place and started goin' through the storeroom. But the old bloke walked in on me know the rest." Gina said.

"But why, Ginny? Why would you do that?" Iris asked.

"Ain't it obvious? The place is full o' stuff I could sell for a shillin' or two. Divin' ain't easy, you know. It's a lot o' work, and 'alf the time you don't even get nuffin'."

"... Is that really why you broke into the place?" Ryunosuke asked.

"... Wot?" Gina asked.

"Are you sure the true reason wasn't something else?"

"Oh give it a rest! Wot'd be the point anyway?! Eh? Nuffin' I could say would make a blind bit o' difference!"

"Please tell us, Ginny. We'll believe you. Whatever it is." Iris said, frowning.

"Believe me? Don't be daft! You can't believe nuffin'! Everyone lies all the time. An' you know wot? When it comes to liars...I'm the biggest o' the lot! I've...I've told some unforgivable lies, I 'ave!" Gina cried.

"Wh-What do you mean by that? What unforgivable lies?"


"What did you mean before, Gina, when you said you were the biggest liar of the lot?" Ryunosuke asked.

"..." Gina said.

"Why don't you tell us what these unforgivable lies you've told are? Maybe we can help."

"... Sorry... ...we're out o' time. They're gonna wanna question me now."

"Ginny, please…" Iris said, letting out a lot of tears.

"...Oh, yeah... I wanted to give you this. Somefin' to remember me by." Gina said, handing Ryunosuke a printed photo.

"A photographic print?" Ryunosuke asked, while he thought this to himself. '...Of a really adorable cat.'

"I found it in one o' the pockets o' this coat. Ain't no point me 'avin' it." Gina said.

"I wonder what a little photograph like that was doing in a pocket of that overcoat…" Iris said.

"... Anyway, don't bother comin' again. ...Bye."

"Oh, Ginny…"

"Gina." I said, looking down at the floor.

The white cat photograph has been entered into the Court Record.

"Gina... ...I wonder if you might hear me and Jared out. There's something we'd like to say." Susato said.

"Wot?" Gina asked.

"I'm sorry to say...that I must reluctantly bid you farewell." Susato said.

"I'm saying goodbye too, Gina." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Eh? Farewell?" Gina asked.

"Tomorrow, I must begin my journey back home. To Japan. ...I fear we may never meet again." Susato said.

"We won't meet again, Gina Lestrade." I said, sadly. "I'm heading back to Remnant to help Team RWBY stop or defeat Salem."

"...! Oh...right…" Gina said, at a loss for words.

"I've had the pleasure of meeting so many lovely people here in London. I have so many wonderful memories. And things stand now... will be a glum parting indeed. Poor Iris is so miserable." Susato said.

"Iris really has been a Debbie Downer today." I said, frowning. "I'll be fighting a boss that's immortal. Might die in the process."

"Susie…" Iris said, looking between Susato and I. "Jared…"

"Well...well...that ain't my business!" Gina said, angrily.

"Iris, Mr Naruhodo, and Jared believe you to be innocent, Gina. They've put their faith in you. But can't find it in your heart to put your faith in them." Susato said.

"Yeah! That's right, I can't! ...Wot of it?"

"It grieves me greatly to have to say goodbye to my friends when they are so clearly unhappy... ...because of you." Susato said.

"I'm going back to Remnant in a bad state thanks to you." I said, leaning against the wall. "After Ruby Rose died in the Ever After."

"...! Wot, it's MY fault?!" Gina exclaimed. "Jared, I wasn'' even 'here when your friend died in a fairy 'ale wawld."

"Yes. So I have one final request, Gina, before our paths never cross again. Right here and now... ...I want you to show the three of them that you don't deserve the faith they've invested in you." Susato said.

"Eh?!" Gina exclaimed.

"Only by doing that... ...will you truly be as alone as you claim to be."

"...! Wot are you talkin' about? Wot d'you expect me to do, eh?"

"You've told us that everyone lies. So prove it! ...By admitting one of your own untruths."


"What about what you said before, Ginny? You said something about unforgivable lies." Iris said.

"You must tell Mr Naruhodo, Iris, and Jared the truth now. That is my last request before I leave. My last request as a judicial assistant." Susato said.

"No... I, I can't…" Gina said.

'Whatever these lies are, they're obviously weighing very heavily on Gina's mind…' Ryunosuke asked, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Gina, I could be wrong, but... it something to do with what happened two months ago? Something about that trial?"

"Does it have to do with the one in which Magnus McGilded was acquitted?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Ah…" Gina said.

"The case of that mysterious murder that took place inside the omnibus... You were called as a witness by the prosecution. Is that what this is about?" Ryunosuke asked.

"... Yeah. You're right. that trial... ...I lied. I lied like you wouldn't believe."

"... Will you tell us about it now?"

"..." Gina said. "Like you said, it all 'appened two months ago. The coppers got 'old o' me and shoved me in the witness stand."

"And based on your testimony, Mr McGilded was declared innocent." Ryunosuke said.

"Yeah, well...the thing is...I lied about a whole bunch o' stuff." Gina said.

"Makes sense." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I knew it.'

"What sort of thing did you lie about?" Susato asked.

"... I was 'idin' under the seat that night. That was the truth. It was pitch-black in that little cubbyhole. I couldn't see a thing. And then…" Gina said.


"...I 'eard that loud thud. Like someone fallin' on the floor." Gina said.

"And that's when Mr McGilded discovered you?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yeah... 'E pulled me out from under the seat and sat me next to the dead man. There weren't much light to see by, but when I looked at me 'ands, I 'ad the cove's blood all over 'em. I was so scared, I couldn't even speak."

"You had his blood on your hands?" Ryunosuke asked, and he thought this to himself. 'In other words... was Gina that the witnesses on the roof deck saw through the skylight.'

"..." Gina said.

"Then Mr McGilded started asking you questions, I suppose? Who you were...and why you were hiding under the seat." Susato said.

"Yeah, 'e did. Only...that's not all."

"What do you mean?" Ryunosuke asked.

"I mean 'e threatened me." Gina said.

"That's not good." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Threatened you how?" Ryunosuke asked.

"'E made me swear. About wot I'd seen and wot I'd 'eard. And about wot 'e was gonna do after the cove was found dead. 'E made me swear I wouldn't tell no one about any of it. If I did that, 'e said 'e'd let me scarper before the coppers showed up. ..." Gina said.

"Gina, you must tell me what he swore you to secrecy about! What you saw...what you heard...everything!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.


"You said McGilded made you swear not to tell anybody what you saw... ...but you were in the pitch-black compartment under the seat the whole time, weren't you?"

"Yes, with Mr McGilded sitting above your head, if I remember correctly." Susato said.

"Yeah, that's true, but... was when I 'eard the thud of the cove 'ittin' the floor. I let out a little scream, see. Couldn't 'elp it. McGilded 'eard that and dragged me out by me arm. And that's when I saw it. It was on the floor next to the old geezer wot 'ad been stabbed. A disk, all bright and shiny." Gina said.

"A disk?"

"Do you mean...?" Ryunosuke asked.

"The music box disk." I said, taking out a copy of the music box disk out of my sling bag.

"Yeah, that's it. The one wot the dee took off me at Windibank's." Gina said.

"So the music box disk was there, on the floor of the omnibus...?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Not for long. McGilded spotted it straight away. 'E picked it up smartish an' stuffed it in 'is inside pocket."

"So that disk... ...was in the omnibus two months ago, at the scene of Mr Mason's murder."

"And the bogtrotter told me... ...I weren't to mutter a word of it to no one." Gina said, frowning. "Cos it was so dark under that seat in the cab... ...I was strainin' me ears the whole time. After a while, I 'eard the door and footsteps inside the cabin."

"Presumably that was McGilded getting on board." Ryunosuke said.

"Nah, not only 'im." Gina said, while I placed the music box disk copy into my sling bag.

"Oh!" Ryunosuke said, in awe.

"Cos I could definitely make out the footsteps of two people."


"In that case, it would seem likely that it was Mr McGilded and the victim." Susato said.

"Yup." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Mr 'Thrice-Fired' Mason…'

"In his testimony during the trial, Mr McGilded claimed he slept during the carriage ride." Susato said.


"But whenever I'm in a carriage, I'm taken with a fierce tiredness, and I always succumb to it." McGilded said.

Local Prison, Cell 13…

"And your own testimony, Gina, supported this." Susato said.


"All I could 'ear was the Irishman snorin'." Gina said.

Local Prison, Cell 13…

"... Yeah, that weren't exactly true. Neither of 'em was asleep. I could 'ear 'em talkin' the whole time, in low voices." Gina said.

"What?! What, what were they talking about?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Sorry, I dunno. The sound o' the 'orses an' the wheels was too loud."

"But that still tells us something. Mr McGilded and the victim knew each other." Susato said.

"..." Gina said.

"Crap." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So McGilded was lying, as I suspected.'

"What happened next?" I asked, looking down at the floor.

"I knew it weren't gonna take long before someone raised the alarm that the bloke 'ad been killed." Gina said.

"Yes, you were quite right. The other passengers, on the roof deck, noticed very quickly." Susato said.

"So when the cab came to a stop, McGilded told me to 'ide back under the seat again. I climbed in and waited. The two coves from up top ran off to get the coppers."

"Yes, um...Mr Fairplay and Mr Furst." Ryunosuke said.

"Right. An' after they'd gone, McGilded asked the driver to do 'im a favour." Gina said.

"A favour?"


"Now then, fella...what I need ye to do is take this coat of mine and deposit it with a nearby pawnbroker. And for yer troubles, let's see now... Aye, I'll give ye ten guineas." McGilded said, looking at Gina.

Local Prison, Cell 13…

"A nearby pawnbroker! You mean, on Baker Street?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yup, you got it. It was Windibank's. The coachy snapped up the money an' ran off to pop this coat as fast as 'e could. So then there was no one left in the carriage. McGilded opened the box under the seat... ...and let me get outta there. But not wivout conditions." Gina said.

"I see…" Susato said, her eyes widening.

"That's not good." I said, sadly.

"What were McGilded's conditions then? For letting you go free, I mean." Ryunosuke said.

"... Not tellin' a soul. Not for anyfin'. About wot I saw and wot I 'eard. And...there was somefin' else as well…" Gina said.

"...! There's more?!"

"Yeah... 'This is the most important ting,' 'e said."

(Open POV)


"I'm after sendin' the coachman on a little errand for me, with some small change in his hand. Now then...did ye hear what I asked of him? Did ye see anythin' at all, at all?" McGilded asked.

"...You asked 'im to go pop yer weasel, right?" Gina asked.

"Aye... The feen's taken me overcoat to deposit with a pawnbroker hereabouts. And I want you, lass, to take the redemption ticket for it. D'ye understand?" McGilded asked, taking out the redemption ticket.

"Wot? You want me to 'ave the ticket?"

"That's right. And I'll come fetch it from ye later. Sometime within the next two months. Yer to hang on to it until then. Is that clear? ...And whatever ye do, don't lose it!"

"...Alright then."

"And in case I might happen to be delayed at all... ...yer to go to the pawn shop - Windibank's, so it is - and yer to extend the loan afore the two months is up. If ye forget, the article will be forfeited and any old feen could come along and buy it."

"Eh? But, but I ain't got that kind o' brass." Gina said, scoffing.

"Here's five pounds. ...That should be enough." McGilded said, handing Gina a five pound note.


"Do we understand each other, lass? Don't try anytin' funny now. If you go against me…"

"Yeah, I get it."

"Good. And one more ting... a few days from now, ye'll be visited by the police, I've no doubt."

"The coppers?!" Gina exclaimed.

"Aye. They'll come askin' ye to take the stand in court. To testify as a witness. So let's just have a wee chat about that, shall we? What it is that ye might say... And what it is that ye won't." McGilded said.

"...... ... ..."

"...... ... ..."

(Jared's POV)

Local Prison, Cell 13…

"After 'e'd gone over it all, I piked it. Got as far away from there as I could. 'E 'id the pawnbroker's ticket in some bushes near the scene. I went to fetch it the next day once it got dark." Gina said.

"Oh shit." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So McGilded planned it... ...and coerced Gina into giving false testimony.'

"..." Susato said.

"... I bet yer ready to string me up, eh? I that big old courtroom. I told some corkers." Gina said.

"..." Ryunosuke said.

"The thing is, 'e said 'e would make it so we couldn't live in the East End no more. That's wot 'e threatened me wiv."

"What a wicked man…" Iris said, sadly.

"'E knew everyfin' wot went on in the back slums. 'E knew we 'ad no one to look after us, and we was all just lookin' out for each other, gettin' by together."

"So you mean...Mr McGilded would have-" Susato said, at a loss for words.

"In an 'eartbeat! 'E could've 'ad the lot of us chased out o' there if 'e'd wanted. And then where could we 'ave gone, eh? Nowhere, that's where! So... I didn't 'ave no choice. ..." Gina said.

"Thank you, Gina, for telling us everything." Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"But...I'm for it now, eh?! Go on, admit it! You must be livid!"

" can make amends by doing me a simple favour."

"...A favour? Wot?"

"Sign the representation papers for tomorrow's trial."

"Eh?!" Gina exclaimed.

"If you don't actually want me to represent you in court, you can rip it up later. But we need that paperwork or we can't investigate. The police won't let us." Ryunosuke said.

"Investigate wot?"

"The scene of the incident last night. Mr Holmes was shot, you see."

"You wot?!"

"Hurley's having a big operation right now, Ginny." Iris said.

"Is it bad?! Is, is 'e gonna be alright? Holmes is gonna be alright...right?" 

"..." Iris said.

"That's why I want to investigate. For Mr Holmes's sake as much as anything." Ryunosuke said.

"Sherlock's life is on the line, Gina." I said, looking down at the floor. "We have to investigate the crime scene and you need someone to represent you."

"I see. I suppose 'ha' makes a bi' ov sense." Gina said, letting out a sigh. "... Right. So wot yer sayin' is, if I sign that bit o' paper, everyone's 'appy, is that it?"

"Something like that. ...Miss Susato?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yes! Of course! I have the representation papers here." Susato said, taking out the representation papers.

"... ...I, I don't need no one to stick up for me, though. No lawyer or nuffin'." Gina said, grabbing the representation papers from Susato and signing them.

"Poor Ginny... She seems so lonely." Iris said.

Gina's representation papers have been entered into the Court Record.

" least this should mean we can investigate the scene at Windibank's now." Ryunosuke said.

"Yes. And perhaps we can come back to visit Ginny when we're done there?" Iris asked.

'I feel like we've finally cracked Gina. She's opened up to us at last. And now I have her representation papers... No one else knows just what a responsibility that is. Anyway, for now it means Inspector Gregson can't stop us investigating at Windibank's. Although something tells me he's not going to be happy about it…' Ryunosuke said, as a voiceover.

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