Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 151 - The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro:Investigation, Part 1-2

Chapter 151 - The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro:Investigation, Part 1-2

19th February

Briar Road…

"'The Adventure of the Naval Treaty'. God, it's been ages." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So this is where it happened. Briar Road…'

"Ah! Look, Mr Naruhodo, Jared! Look at that regulation metal helmet! It's unmistakable! The men of Scotland Yard are here! They're investigating as we speak!" Susato said, looking at the police officers.

" their job, you know?" Ryunosuke asked.

"But Mr Naruhodo! To see one with my own eyes! They're often depicted in 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' but I never dreamt I'd ever come this close... a real bobby's helmet!"

"What? The, the helmet?"

"Hee hee! Of course! ...I have to try one on one day!"

"Well, I...hope your hatty dream comes true."

"I have one." I said, happily. "In a big blue box. Probably have it lying around somewhere."

"You do?" Susato asked. "When will you let me try a bobby's helmet?"

"Maybe after this case."

"What's the Japanese delegation doin' here?" Gregson asked.

"Oh! Inspector Gregson!" Susato said, worried.

"This isn't on the tourist trail, as I'm fairly sure you're well aware."

"Yes! Of course! We're here to investigate."

"So you've been to the holdin' cells, then? What d'you make of the criminal?"

"He's not a 'criminal' as you put it, Inspector. He's a suspect."

"Hmph. We'll see about that. You Japanese like to stick together, I s'pose. Well, do what you will. It doesn't bother me. The bloke's in court tomorrow whatever happens. And the verdict's a foregone conclusion." Gregson said, scoffing.

"Talk about a rejection." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Ugh...the stone-cold air of rejection…'

"Take heart! London at this time of year is full of stone-cold air!" Susato said, angrily.

"That...makes it worse somehow…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"Scotland Yard." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "Aren't you curious, Susato?"

"I am! Tell me about Scotland Yard, Inspector! Ever since I read about it in 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes', and Jared telling me he worked alongside you, I've been fascinated by the place!" Susato said, excitedly.

"The the most sophisticated policin' organisation you'll find anywhere in the world, ma'am." Gregson said.

"Oh, and you know I've always dreamt of wearing a real bobby's helmet! Jared said he'll let me wear one, but I don't know when!"

"It does make them look the part. Seeing that policeman there with his helmet on... certainly get the sense that this is a man who will take no nonsense in his duty of protecting the city." Ryunosuke said.

"Oh yes! Doesn't he look wonderful?" Susato asked.

"Bein' a London bobby is hard going, I can tell you." Gregson said.

"Oh, really?"

"First thing in the mornin', you know what he does? Goes round and rouses all the labourers on his beat so they can get off to work."

"What? He wakes people up?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yup. Raps on their windows with a long pole. Did it myself, goin' back a bit." Gregson said, smiling.

"I had no idea…" Susato said, frowning.

"The bobby works for the people of the town. It's just another one of his duties. After that, he starts tirelessly patrolling the streets all day long. He has to cover twenty miles a day. That's the regulation distance."

"I can't really imagine how far that is, but it sounds like a long way." Ryunosuke said.

"Let me see... Twenty miles... That's approximately the distance from Tokyo to Yokohama." Susato said.

"On foot?! That's...that's definitely taking things a step too far!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"That's about an hour by car and a little over an hour by train." I said, looking between Ryunosuke and Susato. "In the future, at least."

"And when it gets dark, of course, he has the important job of lightin' all the gas street lamps." Gregson said.

"Oh my…" Susato said, in awe.

"And I suppose in between all of those duties, bobbies are expected to investigate cases as well?" Ryunosuke asked.

"And chase after criminals trying to evade the law!"

"I'm not sure you could call it 'in between' exactly. More 'alongside'. But yes... ...they're expected to handle those jobs as well. We do have men keelin' over from time to time, I admit." Gregson said.

"... I'd always dreamt of wearing one of those helmets, as I said. But it's with a heavy heart, that I shall have to relinquish that dream to you, Mr Naruhodo." Susato said, sadly.

"...Your heavy heart will be my heavy head if you do." Ryunosuke said.

"So, why not tell us about this case, Gregson?" I asked, looking down at the ground.

"It happened at around five in the evenin', two days ago. Just there, on that open bit of pavement. The victim - a young woman - was stabbed with a blade from behind." Gregson said.

"Is it right that the lady is still unconscious now? You mentioned that she's being treated in hospital." Ryunosuke said.

"...I never said she was a 'lady'. Truth is, unless she comes round pretty smartish, we won't be able to find out much about her at all."

"Oof." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I suppose that means they haven't been able to take a statement from her, of course…'

"Here's a map of the local area I happen to have on me. You can take it if you want." Gregson said, taking a map out of his pocket.

"Really? Are you sure?" Ryunosuke asked.

"It's Yard policy to give lawyers defendin' suspects the odd bit of information to go on."

"Thank you, Gresgon." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I haven't actually accepted the job yet, but still…'

"Thank you, Inspector! We gratefully accept!" Susato said, excitedly.

The local map has been entered into the Court Record.

"Anyway... far as we know, there was no one else on the scene other than the victim and your fellow countryman. So who did it, do you think? Not much of a head-scratcher, is it?" Gregson asked.

"Well, I know Mr Natsume is also claiming not to have seen anyone else around, but-" Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"But just because he didn't see anyone... doesn't mean we can be sure that nobody else was present!" Susato said, angrily.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you, but we most certainly can be sure." Gregson said.


"Because, ma'am... ...the precise moment of the stabbing didn't go unnoticed."

"It... What?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"We have two very reliable witnesses no less!" Gregson said, angrily.

"Ah!" Susato said, at a loss for words.

"It was a typical foggy London day, and your client obviously didn't see them."

"Shit." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'There were witnesses now...?'

"Who are these witnesses, Inspector?" Ryunosuke asked.

"A fellow and his wife. And the man's one of the most reliable and respected citizens in all of London. He's a copper from Scotland Yard." Gregson said.

"Ah!" Susato said, speechless.

"A, a policeman?" Ryunosuke asked, and he thought this to himself. 'That...might change things.'

"And this policeman just happened to be there at the exact moment the woman was attacked?"

"Nothin' peculiar about that, ma'am. Part and parcel of bein' a bobby. Catchin' them bang in the act and all that." Gregson said.

"Um, do you think it might be possible... ...for us to ask that policeman a few questions?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Be my guest. You can ask him what you court tomorrow!"


"I've no doubt he'll be summoned as a witness. So, that'll give you something to look forward to!"

"Well, that's just great." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'That's that then... He's got no intention of letting us meet the man beforehand, it seems.'

"A policeman witnessed the incident... As your judicial assistants, I must warn you that this could make our job very difficult indeed!" Susato said, worried.

"It really does." I said, sadly.

"...Yes, as a non-judicial assistant, I could have warned me of that, too. Oh yes, one more thing, Inspector…" Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"What?" Gregson asked.

"The person who led you to the suspect... I hear that was Mr Sherlock Holmes."

"... What are you bringin' him up for? ..."

"Um, let's talk about tomorrow's trial instead." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Was it something I said? The colour has drained from his cheeks…'

"That twitchy Japanese bloke goes on trial tomorrow. Are you goin' to defend him or not?" Gregson asked.

"Well, erm…" Ryunosuke said.

"... Makes no difference to me, but I will just say this: No London lawyer worth his salt would touch that case with a barge pole."

"Because the prosecution is being handled by the Reaper of the Bailey, you mean?"

"There's no way to save the man now. It's a waste of time tryin'. It is all a bit strange, though…"


"The Reaper... He hasn't appeared in court once for a good few years now." Gregson said.

"Yes, we did hear something to that effect." Susato said.

"And the only people he usually bothers with are the real scum. The master criminals. The violent ones."

"M-Master criminals?" Ryunosuke asked.

"The, the violent ones?" Susato asked.

"Is that what he does?" I asked, tossing a Pocky into my mouth.

"That's right. He hand picks his victims. Only deals with those guaranteed to go to the gallows for their sins." Gregson said.

"But! Mr Natsume wouldn't hang for what he's accused of, surely?" Ryunosuke asked.

"That's just my point, sunshine. Yes, the young woman was stabbed, but it didn't kill her. Couldn't even say the intent was there. So this isn't the sort of case I'd be expectin' the Reaper to want to sink his teeth into, for want of a better phrase."

"Well, it's not exactly a minor infraction, is it?"

"...No, there's got to be more to it. Some reason he's takin' an interest…"

"Really? What sort of reason, Inspector?" Susato asked.

"You think I can tell what's goin' on inside the head of that lord of darkness? You'll have to ask him tomorrow's trial." Gregson said.

"Yeah. Can we not talk about Sherlock Holmes?" I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Are we really going to have to face the Reaper again? The lord of darkness, as he put it.'

"... Who did you hear that name from? I get that Jared knows since the three of us worked together for years, but how do you two know?"  Gregson asked.

"Oh, well, um... It was Mr Natsume who mentioned it. He said that Mr Holmes was with the police when they entered his lodgings." Ryunosuke said.

"I'm sure it was the result of one of Mr Holmes's inspirational great deductions!" Susato said, excitedly.

"Fiddle-Faddle!" Gregson yelled.


"The man's an amateur! And I'm gettin' sick and tired of him showin' his mug everywhere!"

"Oh…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"I don't know where he gets his information from, but he turns up at the scene of the crime... ...wanders around spoutin' incomprehensible rubbish, and before you know it... ...he claims to have solved the case!" Gregson said, angrily.

"Yes... He's quite...astounding, isn't he?"

"He, he is a great help to Scotland Yard though...isn't he?" Susato asked.

"Gibble-Gabble!" Gregson said, scoffing.


"Ever seen this before?" Gresgon asked, taking out a copy of the Strand.

"Oh, yes... That's Strand Magazine." Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh.

"The wonderful publication in which 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' appears!" Susato cooed.

"Yes, well, that 'wonderful' publication, as you put it, sees fit to include several of the Yard's detectives in its stories. And the so-called great detective makes a mockery of all of us! If you ask anyone at the Yard, it's a misadventure to be included in any Sherlock Holmes tale at all!" Gregson said, annoyed.

"Well...I suppose there is an element of that…"

"We work our socks off, every one of us! Only to be frumped by the public thanks to that obnoxious detective! The man's as dangerous to us at Scotland Yard as he is to all our criminals!"

"That can't really be true, can it, Inspector?"

"That's Sherlock and Gregson, or Sherlock and Lestrade in the future." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Clearly the great detective and the police have a... complex relationship.'

"They usually do have a complex relationship." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Well... I don't think we're going to get any more useful information out of the detective.'

"Mr Naruhodo, Jared, can I make a suggestion?" Susato asked, looking between Ryunosuke and I.

"Oh! Yes, what is it?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Well, it seems to me... ...that we MUST speak with him about this!" Susato chirped.

"... By 'him', do you mean... ...Mr Holmes?"

"Yes! Mr Sherlock Holmes! Exactly!"

'Look at those shining eyes! You can't wait, can you?' Ryunosuke asked, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Well, Mr Natsume did blame Mr Holmes for all of this, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did! He really did! Which makes him an involved party in the case. Are you just going to ignore that? ...I hope not! ...I assure you, it's not simply my selfish desire to meet with Mr Holmes again!" Susato said, excitedly.

"The trouble is... ...we have no idea of the man's address, even. So how-" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"It's Baker Street!" I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"H-How do you know that?"

"Well, I used to live there with Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in the early 21st century. Haven't been to 221B Baker Street in ages."

"And it's in the stories, of course! 221B Baker Street... The most famous address in the world!" Susato cheered.

"Oh...I see... Well, there's nothing to stop us from going, I suppose…" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'We'd better try to find our way there before Susato-san and Jared get any more excited and unpredictable…'

"Hurrah! I'll summon a carriage!"

"Good luck, Susato." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So, we're to have a reunion already... ...with the great detective, Mr Sherlock Holmes.'

Baker Street…

"Thank you very much." Ryunosuke said, getting out of the carriage with Susato and I.

"It's just up there, overlooking the street. Good day." A man said.

"Thanks again. This is it...the residence of Mr Sherlock Holmes."

19th February, 12:53 p.m.

Holmes's Suite…

"So this is where the great detective makes his living…" Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'It feels surreal to be here somehow…' He looked over at Susato and I and spoke aloud. "Is it as described in the stories, Miss Susato? And is it as you remember, Jared?"

"..." Susato said.


"Many, many famous cases have been solved here in this very room."

"Yup." I said, walking around the apartment. "It's been ages since I was last here."

"Oh! I, I suppose they must have been, yes…" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'I've never read the stories, so it's hard to get quite as excited about it as they seem to be…'

"The detective chases the villain relentlessly as he disappears into the fog down an unlit London street... Oh, the thrill of it! The romanticism! Can't you feel your heart thumping in your chest? Can't you, Mr Naruhodo, Jared?" Susato asked.

"I can!" I said, jumping up and down. "I did that a ton with Sherlock and John a lot back in the day in the future."

"Oh! I, I suppose I can, yes…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"So, if you don't mind... ...we'll just stand here and soak up the atmosphere for a while longer. Please, don't mind us." Susato said, happily.

"Haah…" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'They're obsessed... Well... looks like our detective friend isn't home at present.' He then spoke aloud. "Excuse me! Is anybody home?"

"Oh! Do we have a visitor? Hello! Is it a big new case for Mr Holmes?" Iris asked.

"Not today. Got my cup of matcha?" I asked, walking up to Iris.

"It's at your usual place." Iris said, while I walked over to the table to pick up my coffee cup. "I hope you like it."

"I will." I said, picking up the tea cup to drink the matcha.

"Erm...hello. ... Wait. Aren't you...?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Oh! How rude of me! I'll go and make some tea at once!" Iris said, running away from us.

'I'm sure it's the same girl…' Ryunosuke said, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Miss Susato! Did you see the girl who was just here?"

"Oh yes... Isn't it truly extraordinary? To think that the King of Bohemia came to this very room to ask Mr Holmes to take on his case…" Susato said, at a loss for words.

"The, the King of Bo-where-ia?" Ryunosuke asked.

"King Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, of course!"

"'A Scandal in Bohemia'." I said, laughing a lot. "Or in my time, it was 'A Scandal in Belgravia'. Both involved Irene Adler. Those were good times."

"...Sorry, I'm drawing a blank. Forget 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' for a moment, and look over there!" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"The tea's brewed! And I have a freshly baked cake as well!" Iris said, approaching us with tea and cake.

"Ah! It's you!" Susato said, in awe.

"I don't mind giving up John and Mrs. Hudson for her." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I knew it. Susato-san recognises her, too.'


"Ah! There you are!" Iris said, excitedly.

"And taking that with you as well!" Iris said, grabbing Gina's grenade launcher. "I was looking forward to the trial run of my experimental smoke grenade launcher! Oh, good day to you! I'm...well, the inventor, I suppose, of that machine."

Holmes's Suite…

"Iris, the green tea is a bit hot." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'It's the girl who turned up at the end of Mr McGilded's trial in the defendants' antechamber.'

"I've never met a lawyer from the Far East before! Poor you, having to get straight to work when you've only just arrived in London." Iris said, smiling.

"Oh...yes, it was...challenging." Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"Well, try this tea. It's my special blend, you know!"

", thank you." Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'Is tea supposed to look that colour?'

"Oh my! What a fragrant yet mellow flavour!" Susato said, grabbing her tea cup.

"Hurray! It's a winner! I tried blending different leaves designed to alleviate fatigue, you see. You must be exhausted after your long voyage here. And you have another ticklish trial tomorrow! Oh, and you're to defend a Japanese man. I do wish you lots and lots of luck!" Iris said, excitedly.

"Erm…" Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"Did Mr Holmes tell you about us, by any chance?" Susato asked.

"Oh! You know Hurley, do you?" Iris asked.

"They do. Like I knew Mikey." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. '...'Hurley'? 'Mr Holmes' to you, surely?'

"Mr Holmes was a fellow passenger on the boat that brought us to Great Britain, you see." Susato said.

"Was he really? Well, I had no idea! I'm afraid Hurley's out on an errand again today, even though he's just returned from overseas with Jared." Iris said.

'Wait a minute... We met this girl for the first time ever yesterday after the trial. And only briefly at that. And it looks like Jared knew this girl for years. How on earth does she know so much about us?' Ryunosuke asked, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Did she...deduce...all those things, do you think...?"

"And perhaps more to the point... ...why is she here in Mr Holmes's suite?" Susato asked.

"Oh! Silly me! I haven't introduced myself, have I?" Iris asked. "It's a great pleasure to meet you both. My name is Iris Watson. I live here together with Hurley and Jared."

"Yup. We live here together." I said, happily. "Iris, Sherlock, and I."

"Ah, Iris, is it? What a lovely name!" Ryunosuke chirped.

"WHAT?!" Susato exclaimed.

"What's the matter?"

"No, wait, this, this can't be... Did, did you... Did you say that your, your name is...'Watson'?"

"And here she goes." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'What's the matter with Susato-san? Why is she so flustered all of a sudden?'

"Yes, that's right! And what are your names?" Iris asked.

"Oh, um...I'm Ryunosuke Naruhodo, a lawyer from Japan." Ryunosuke said.

"... Oh! Sorry... I'm Mr Naruhodo's judicial assistant, Susato Mikotoba. It's wonderful to meet you!" Susato said, excitedly.

"Lovely! Susie and Runo... Got it!" Iris said, smirking.


"And 'Runo'...?" Ryunosuke asked, as he thought this to himself. 'There's more to this girl than meets the eye... I have so many questions for her, I don't know where to start!'

"Yes, and so do I!" Susato cheered.

"Iris, what kind of cake did you get for me?" I asked, looking down at the slice of cake on my plate.

"Chocolate cake." Iris said, smiling.

"It was you that we ran into yesterday, wasn't it? At the Old Bailey." Ryunosuke said, looking at Iris.

"Yes, that's right! You were ever so helpful. Thank you so much!"

"Oh no, not at all. I'm so sorry we couldn't have been more welcoming." Susato said, sadly.

"Though, at the time, we did have a rather large gun pointed at us." Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"...Like this?" Iris asked, taking out her grenade launcher.

Ryunosuke gulps.

"Ah, thinking back now, you left with Miss Lestrade in tow, didn't you?" Susato asked.

"You did." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Oh yes, that awkward witness, Gina Lestrade…'

"Oh, Ginny? Yes, she's a professional pickpocket." Iris said.

"So we found out." Ryunosuke said.

"It was very naughty of her to pinch my invention like that!"

"...Are you referring to that trial disrupting, gun-like contraption?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Exactly! So I followed her, you see, to get it back. Hm...perhaps I should think about fitting a self-destruct mechanism in my inventions…"

"Don't install that. Your grenade launchers are fun." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'This girl is dangerous.'

"Then I won't, Jared. Anyway, I brought Ginny back here after that. So she could apologise to my trusty technician." Iris said.

"Sorry, your technician?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Hurley, of course, silly!"

"Hurley...?" Susato asked.

"Yes, Sherlock! Sherlock Holmes. We live here together with Jared." Iris said.

"I, I had no idea the great detective had such an... interesting young daughter." Ryunosuke said.

"Daughter? Not likely!"


"I wouldn't call him Hurley if he was my father, would I?"

"Well then...what is your relationship with Mr Holmes?" Susato asked.

"Well, I expect you've found out that lodgings of any kind in London are very expensive. So the solution is to share the cost with partners. Roommates." Iris said.

"You're...roommates?" Ryunosuke asked.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, Iris, old are you?" Susato asked.

"Ten at last this year!" Iris said, excitedly.

"Well, what of your mother and father?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Oh, no... They're not around." 

"Oh, I see…" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'I wonder what the story is there…'

"I know the story. But they're spoilers." I said, while I am sipping on my cup of matcha.

"Oh yes! There's something I must ask you!" Susato said, excitedly.

"Of course, of course! Go ahead, Susie!" Iris cheered.

"I am a very great fan of 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes', and-"

"Oh! You have a copy of Strand Magazine!"

"Yes! I read every issue! It's delivered all the way to Japan on a ship."

"Oh, this is so exciting! My stories are being read on the other side of the world!"

"'My' stories?" Ryunosuke asked.

"That's right. Hurley is always solving such amazing cases, you see. And Jared helps solve them from time to time. And they tell me all about them. They really are quite fascinating! It would be such a shame if I was the only one who ever heard them, don't you think?" Iris asked.

"Goodness!" Susato said, at a loss for words.

"Last night, Hurley and Jared were telling me all about a new case they just solved on a steamship travelling from a faraway land. So I was just in the middle of typing up the manuscript for the next issue before you came."

"So, when you said you were sleeping with friends." Susato said, looking over at me.

"I was hanging out with Sherlock Holmes and Iris Watson." I said, drinking my tea. "I kinda had to."

"So you... You...are the author…" Susato said, looking over at Iris.

"Yes. I'll let you in on a secret, if you like. I'm going to call this latest adventure, 'The Speckled Band'." Iris said.

"It's as good of a title as 'The Speckled Blonde'." I said, happily.

"'The Speckled Band'?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed, while he thought this to himself. 'That's...certainly very familiar.'

"Of course, I always change one or two details in the stories. Here and there. With Jared's help, of course. This time, I had the idea of making a venomous snake be the cause of all the trouble." Iris said.

"Oh! That was Mr Holmes's first thought as well, actually." Ryunosuke said.

"Yes. And of course I know that a snake might not be a credible fit for the facts of the case exactly, but...'s a story! Some poetic licence is justified to make it more thrilling, I think! Don't you?" Iris asked.

"Yup. It's better than the speckles being on a blonde girl." I said, smiling. "The autopsy report was a snakebite and traces of poison in the girl's blood. The girl's sister was sick because their father was tainting their bubble bath with poison. The stepfather hung himself without revealing his motivation."

"The future adaptation of the story I wrote here isn't as good." Iris said.

"So, do you mean to say...? Are the stories about Mr Holmes that are published in Strand Magazine…" Susato said, at a loss for words.

"...All written by me? Yes! On my wonderful and very modern typewriter!" Iris said, leading us to her typewriter.

"But! But all the stories I've ever read... ...are written by a doctor of medicine! Dr John H. Watson!"

"He is real in the future. Not so much during this time." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Susato-san's getting more and more worked up…'

"Ah, yes... That's me! I mean, my name really is Watson." Iris said.

"But! But what about the doctor of medicine part?" Susato asked.

"That's all true, too. I am a doctor of medicine."

"No! At ten years old?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed.

"At ten years old!" Iris cheered.

"Well... That's quite incredible."

"But! ...But, but... Dr Watson is an English gentleman! Jared said he hung out with him!" Susato said, angrily.

"Ah, yes... I did alter the setting slightly, for the stories to be more compelling." Iris said.

"And in this time, it would be a Silurian, a maid, and a Sontaran." I said, eating the slice of chocolate cake. "This time is progressive in technology. Not so much with social status. Like LGBTQ+ isn't well known yet. Not for over a hundred years."

"Oh!" Susato said, at a loss for words.

"Well, it sounds a little strange, doesn't it? A great detective with a fanboy from the future and a ten-year-old girl in tow." Iris said.

"... I...suppose it does, yes."

'Poor Susato-san... She looks like her whole world has just fallen apart.' Ryunosuke said, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Um...about before…"

"Yes? Yes? What's on your mind, Runo! Do tell me!" Iris chirped.

"How did you know? That I was a lawyer, and we'd just arrived in London, I mean." Ryunosuke said.

"Yes... Oh! And that we have a difficult trial tomorrow! How did you know all of that?" Susato asked.

"Oh, that's what you mean." Iris said, her eyes widening.

"Please! Tell us how you did it! Explain every detail!"

"Of course! I'd be delighted. Although...there's really no mystery. Now...let's begin! Iris Watson is proud to present...her 'Logic and Reasoning Spectacular'! First of all, I knew already that you were a lawyer, Runo. After all, I met you yesterday at the Old Bailey in the defendants' antechamber."

"But you also said that we'd only just arrived in London. How did you know that?" Ryunosuke asked.

"I observed a passport and travel ticket protruding from your breast pocket." Iris said.


"So I was reasonably confident that you must have only just arrived in the country. And on top of that... accepted a case against that particular prosecutor. Telling me you were unaware of London's court affairs."

"The Reaper of the Bailey? I walked right into that one, didn't I…"

"Then I noticed a red ink stamp on the back of Susie's hand. You were given that when you visited the local prison to meet with a suspect, weren't you? Earlier today."

"Ah!" Susato said, in awe.

"They use those stamps to keep a close eye on comings and goings, you see." Iris said.

"I, I didn't realise…"

"And a red stamp is only used for people visiting foreign inmates. So...that told me that even though you had only yesterday concluded the trial of Magnus McGilded... ...the three of you had already had cause to visit a foreign inmate at a local prison. However, the three of you weren't wearing a particularly sad expression on your face. So I concluded that the prisoner was unlikely to be a friend or a relative. That led me to believe that you must have accepted a new case."

"I... I see…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"But how could you have known that the trial is tomorrow?" Susato asked.

"Well, having barely been home a few hours with Jared yesterday, Hurley solved yet another case. It obviously amused him. And it amused Jared when he found out because he told me the person involved in that case would become famous in the future. Hurley told me that he'd caught a Japanese man who was bawling and trembling." Iris said.

"A Japanese man?" Ryunosuke asked, while he thought this to himself. 'Well, clearly that must have been-'

"Mr Natsume!" Susato cried.

"Now, Runo has that fancy Japanese sword. And I think your outfit is called a kimono, isn't it, Susie? Well anyway, it was clear to me that you both come from Japan yourselves with Jared. So I put two and two together and decided you must be defending the Japanese man Hurley caught! And there was only one conclusion those facts could lead me to: You both came here with Jared to ask Hurley about the case! There's a note on the mantelpiece that says the man's trial will be tomorrow. Hurley is always stabbing his notes with a knife, you know. He is silly. And...that's all there was to it, really. Thank you for listening! I'm Iris Watson, and that was one of my 'great deductions'!" Iris said, excitedly.

"..." Ryunosuke said.

"..." Susato said.

"Well? Was it a winner? Were my deductions correct?" Iris asked.

"They... They were spot on!" Ryunosuke said, in awe.

"That was amazing, Iris! Truly a great deduction!" Susato said, excitedly.

"You even managed the 'certain something' of Mr Holmes's delivery!"

"Oh, well...I was just copying Hurley's style for that!" Iris said, smirking.

"This is really very good news! You could tell us all about the case involving the Japanese man. You will, won't you, Iris? Please!" Susato chirped.

"Iris, they have to know. Why not tell us about the case of Soseki Natsume?" I asked, munching on the slice of cake.

"So yesterday, Mr Holmes apprehended a Japanese man, you were saying…" Ryunosuke said.

"Yes. Hurley and Jared had just arrived back in London after their sea voyage. Jared split off from Hurley to meet the two of you at the Lord Chief Justice's Office. But the police were waiting for Hurley at the railway station to take him directly to the crime scene." Iris said.

"Ah…" Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'The great detective is a popular man, it seems.'

"Apparently a woman was stabbed on a quiet street somewhere in town. There were witnesses who had seen a short, shifty-looking, stooped man running away from the scene."

"A short, shifty-looking, stooped man…" Susato said, her eyes widening.

"Mr Natsume, beyond any doubt." Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'Soseki-san said that he didn't see anybody else on the street at all. But it seems there were witnesses after all.'

"Hurley used his great deductive powers to determine the man's address. It was a lodging room, very nearby. He went directly there with the police, and what did they find? A short, shifty-looking, stooped man, shivering in fear." Iris said.

"Ugh... Mr Holmes's great deduction certainly hit the mark that time." Ryunosuke said, annoyed.

"Of course it did! He's a great detective!" Susato cooed.

"...Still, that means the incident occurred only two days ago. Surely tomorrow is too soon for the trial, isn't it?"

"Definitely. We have no time to investigate properly!"

"Hurley says that London is rife with crime." Iris said.

"Oh…" Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh.

"Scotland Yard is doing its best, but they can't stay on top of it, apparently."

"Oh dear. I hadn't realised the situation was so dire." Susato said.

"That's why they can't afford to spend too much time investigating cases and trying the criminals in court. Staff and money are both short. Crimes are usually pinned on the first suspicious person." Iris said.

"That's terrible! I suppose it's the harsh reality of the workings of the world's greatest justice system…"

"I, I suppose it is…" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'But in that case... ...I don't hold out much hope for Soseki-san.'

"It'll work out, Ryunosuke. Promise." I said, smiling.

"Thank you for answering so many of our questions, Iris. This has been very informative." Ryunosuke said.

"Oh, you're most welcome! I've had so much fun!" Iris said, excitedly.

"...Do you happen to know where Mr Holmes is at the moment? As you guessed, we'd like to ask him some questions about this case as well."

"Ah well... ...I expect Hurley is still investigating the scene."

"Of the case involving Mr Natsume, you mean?"

"Yes, Mr Nuts...ooh-may? Hurley said he was going to the man's lodgings. If you leave now, you'll probably catch him there."

"Iris! Do you know where those lodgings are?" Susato asked.

"Well...I imagine the police are still investigating the scene of the crime themselves, aren't they? Did you happen to come across a detective by the name of Gregson when you were there?" Iris asked.

"Yes, we know Inspector Gregson." Ryunosuke said.

"Ah, goody. In that case... ...give Gregsy this from me, would you? If you do that, I'm sure he'll tell you what you want to know." Iris said, handing Ryunosuke a postcard.

"What is this?"

"A five shilling piece and a postcard, it seems…" Susato said, in awe.

Iris's postcard has been entered into the Court Record.

"It reads: 'Tell the gentleman in black whatever he wants to know. I trust that won't be a problem?' Gosh! This will make the inspector help us, will it?" Susato asked.

"...Well, thank you, Iris. We'll give it a try." Ryunosuke said, happily.

"Good luck, then! I'm going to return to writing my manuscript. 'The Speckled Band'! And I'll be making more special blends of tea, so come back again soon!" Iris cheered.

"We'd be delighted! Thank you so much, Iris. Well, Mr Naruhodo...Jared…it's back to the scene of the crime!" Susato chirped.

"So, somewhat dubious that they would exert any influence over the men of Scotland Yard at all... ...we headed back to the scene with Iris's curious note and one of the world's heaviest silver coins in hand." Ryunosuke said, as a voiceover.

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