9th January, 7:48 a.m.
SS Burya, First-Class Cabin Passageway…
'Whew, I'm finally out of that cabin…' Ryunosuke said, thinking that to himself, before he talked aloud. "I have to admit, this isn't quite what I was expecting. It's less spacious out here than I thought it would be. And this is the most luxurious accommodation…"
"Yes, indeed. Kazuma-sama was being sent on this study tour by the government. That's why he was being put up in a first-class cabin." Susato said, sadly.
"And I got a first-class cabin with the help of this." I said, taking out the psychic paper. "Psychic paper. It tells them whatever I want to tell them. Just to bump me up from the economy cabin."
"Even still, this is about twice as large as my accommodation in steerage."
"Really? That must be awful. Oh! Look over there! That's another crewman keeping watch. And he looks enormous! Even if he is sitting down!" Ryunosuke said, terrified.
"The door next to him leads to the second-class accommodation. I suppose he's making sure that no one comes in here who shouldn't." Susato said.
"I suppose…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"Like people in handcuffs." I said, happily.
"Naruhodo-san, you look like a little boy visiting a toy shop for the first time. I would have thought you'd be used to the ship by now. We've been at sea for two weeks already." Susato said.
"Well yes, I know. But the thing is... ...I was inside Kazuma's trunk when I first came aboard. And ever since then I've been shut up inside that little wardrobe." Ryunosuke said.
"...It must have been a very trying time for you." Susato said, giving Ryunosuke a look of pity.
"Please, don't give me that pitying look." Ryunosuke said, walking up to the sailor. "Um... Excuse me, but...could I ask you something?"
"You? You little stowaway murderer!" The sailor yelled.
"That wasn't a good start, was it?"
"Alright... Let me try instead! Good day, Mr Sailor. I'm so sorry to trouble you, but could I perhaps ask something of you?" Susato asked, walking up to the sailor.
"You? You little third-class lady's maid?"
"Oh…" Susato said, frowning.
"We seem to have caught this sailor on a bad day, Susato-san, Jared." Ryunosuke said, looking between Susato and I.
"I am not 'sailor'! My mother gave me name! I am senior crewman, Bif Strogenov." Strogenov said.
"Ryunosuke, Susato, best we avoid eye contact with him." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Erm...Mr Strogenov... About this first-class cabin area…" Ryunosuke said.
"Here we are in finest part of Burya steamship. For very important persons." Strogenov said.
"What sort of very important persons?"
"Government officials, kings and queens travelling in secret... Many important persons. That is why I am always guarding this place."
"Gosh... That's...amazing." Ryunosuke said, in awe.
"But somehow I let stupid stowaway inside. I want to pick you up and throw you in ocean. ...But Strogenov is not animal."
"...Thank you?"
"If I may, I was wondering... ...is the cabin next to Mr Asogi's currently occupied?" Susato asked.
"Да!" Strogenov yelled.
"Um, Susato-san, Jared... Did you understand that?" Ryunosuke asked.
"It sounded like 'da'. I think it's probably Russian for 'yes'. ...Or 'no'." Susato said.
"I think he said 'yes'." I said, sadly.
"... Genius." Ryunosuke said, annoyed.
"It is not permitted to visit other cabins without invitations." Strogenov said.
"...! Well, it sounds like there is somebody in the next-door cabin at least."
"Yes. It's tantalising…" Susato said, letting out a sigh.
"Ask him about the passenger in the next-door cabin." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Could you tell us who's travelling in the cabin next to Mr Asogi's?" Ryunosuke asked.
"... His name is Mr Grimesby Roylott. He is very important Western gentleman." Strogenov said.
"Or a Russian ballet dancer." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'A Western gentleman…'
"Do not think about it! He has nothing to do with murder of student boy."
"How can you be so sure about that?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Mr Roylott is authentic Western gentleman. Such a man would have no interest in lowly student from insignificant Far East islands."
"That was harsh, guys." I said, looking down at the floor.
"Could you tell us when Mr Roylott came aboard?" Susato asked.
"... That is not your business." Strogenov said.
"Of course it isn't." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Come to think of it... ...even though we've been at sea for two weeks now, and I've been in Kazuma's cabin the entire time... ...I've never once heard anything from the next-door cabin, except from the cabin across from Kazuma's. Because he talked to his friends in the future a lot there. Or even felt like there's anyone there from the cabin next door.'
"Well presumably, since this gentleman is occupying one of the first-class cabins... ...he must be rather important. Is that right?" Susato asked.
"... That is not your business." Strogenov said.
"Ooo. Now ask him what happened last night." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Um, are you on watch here all the time, Seaman Strogenov?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Da. All time. So kriminals like you cannot come in... or get out." Strogenov said.
"I wonder...could you tell us anything about last night at all?" Susato asked.
"... It is sad about student boy."
"Were you on watch last night as well?" Ryunosuke asked.
"... Of course." Strogenov said.
"And did you notice anything at the time? Anything unusual?"
"... Нет!" Strogenov said, angrily.
"Um, Susato-san, Jared... Did you understand that?" Ryunosuke asked.
"It was clearly a 'no'!" Susato said, worried.
"It was definitely a 'no'." I said, sadly.
"I saw nothing unusual. Nothing at all." Strogenov said.
"And you didn't hear any strange noises? Or sense anything was wrong in some way?" Ryunosuke asked.
"I said NO!"
"Sorry!" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'I'm not so sure... I could have sworn that he wouldn't catch my eye for a moment there.'
"Ooo, book at the table." I said, running off to the book on the table. "It's as fun as a big red button. I love pressing things."
"That's a huge book on top of the table there. And there's a pen next to it." Ryunosuke said.
"Yes, that looks like the ship's log." Susato said.
"Shall we have a little look through it? ..." Ryunosuke said.
"The writing is so neat and precise! Every detail about the voyage has been meticulously recorded!" Susato cheered, looking down at the book.
"Hm... You wouldn't expect a rough and ready sailor to have such beautiful handwriting." Ryunosuke said.
"..." Strogenov said, at a loss for words.
"And...nothing. No reaction at all. I thought he might appreciate the compliment."
"I'm not sure that 'rough and ready' is much of a compliment, Naruhodo-san. Even to a sailor. Anyway, last night's log is mostly blank." Susato said.
"Presumably that means there was nothing to report."
"Come on, guys. Let's check out the cabin." I said, dragging Susato to the other cabin.
"This is it... This is the cabin next to ours. The one the ventilator connects to." Ryunosuke said.
"Yes, the ventilator from which Kazuma-sama wrote that he saw a 'speckled band' emerging." Susato said.
"Maybe whoever's in this cabin can help solve that particular mystery. Let's ask!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"..." Strogenov said.
"Oh. Um…" Ryunosuke said, frowning.
"Excuse me, we, um...need to get inside this cabin here."
"This sailor's eyes speak volumes. They're clearly saying, 'Keep out!'" Susato said, while I grabbed her hand.
"That's what I wrote on the sign we put over the wardrobe doors." Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'Although this man's version is definitely more effective.'
"It doesn't look like he's going to let us pass."
"Hm, that's a problem…" Ryunosuke said.
"This is enough. I cannot say more now." Strogenov said.
"It is time for me to report to captain. You must return to cabin."
"Yes, alright…"
"Bulkhead to second-class area is staying locked at all times. You escape when the lobster whistles on top of the mountain. Or, as English say...when the pigs fly." Strogenov said, walking away from us.
"Yes, I understand." Ryunosuke said.
"Good, now we can investigate this area properly! Shall we?" Susato asked.
"Definitely!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"Book time!" I said, pulling Susato towards the book, with Ryunosuke following from behind.
"That book on top of the table there really is huge. There's a pen with it, too." Ryunosuke said.
"Yes, I'm sure that's the ship's log." Susato said.
"Shall we have a little look through it? ..."
"The writing is so neat and precise! Every detail about the voyage has been meticulously recorded!" Susato said, looking down at the book.
"Hm... You wouldn't expect a rough and ready sailor to have such beautiful handwriting."
"Anyway...look here... Last night's log is mostly blank."
"Presumably that means there was nothing to report." Ryunosuke said, while we walked to the cabin next to Kazuma's. "This is it... This is the cabin next to ours. The one the ventilator connects to."
"Yes, the ventilator from which Kazuma-sama wrote that he saw a 'speckled band' emerging." Susato said.
"Maybe whoever's in this cabin can help solve that particular mystery. Let's ask!" Ryunosuke said, knocking on the door.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Pavlova cried, inside the room.
"What was that?!" Ryunosuke exclaimed, while he thought this to himself. 'It came from inside the cabin!'
"Such a high-pitched scream... It must have been a woman!" Susato said, terrified.
"It was a woman!" I said, squeezing Susato's hand.
"Stand aside!" Holmes said, walking to the cabin door. "I'm about to break the door down!"
"Mr Holmes!" Susato cooed.
"I shan't be stopped! When the fit is on me, I revel in kicking doors off their hinges!"
"Please- Wait, Mr Holmes. The door doesn't appear to be bolted."
"It doesn't? Then how the deuce can I dispatch this muscular urge? What, pray, CAN I kick?!"
"I, I think we should go in. There's no time to think about stress relief!" Ryunosuke said.
9th January
SS Burya, First-Class Cabin No. 2…
"Who, who are you?!" Roylott exclaimed.
'A Western gentleman? This man looks Russian to me.' Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. "We, we heard a woman scream."
"A woman? Don't be absurd! As you can see...there's nobody but me in this cabin."
"Fair point." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'True. This old man does appear to be the only person in here. But in that case...who just screamed?'
"Get out! All of you! Now!" Roylott yelled.
"Please excuse the intrusion, but... You're Mr Grimesby Roylott, I believe?" Holmes asked.
"Yes, that's me. And you are...?"
"I am the one and only - the actual Sherlock Holmes! You've heard of me, no doubt."
"I am a great detective among great detectives! One who adorns the covers of popular magazines, no less! So I assure you, you may trust me completely!" Holmes said, taking out a copy of the Strand.
"The Strand." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'The man uses that magazine like a business card.'
"A detective? Hm, I do not trust detectives." Roylott said.
"We distinctly heard a scream emanating from within these walls. But there wouldn't appear to be a lady concealing herself within the wardrobe this time... ...so might I be so bold as to ask you to open that small travelling case?" Holmes asked, looking over at a case.
"Wha...? Don't be stupid! How could anyone fit in a small trunk like that?"
"Well it's quite fashionable these days, is it not? Travelling inside one's trunk." Holmes said, motioning at Ryunosuke.
"...Don't look at me." Ryunosuke said, scoffing.
"Oh my…" Susato said, while the case shook. "Did, did you see that, Mr Naruhodo? Jared?"
"Yes!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"We did! The case just shook!" I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Leave! Now! Otherwise I'll call the steward!" Roylott yelled.
"We need to investigate." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So this is Kazuma's neighbour... Mr Grimesby Roylott. There's no doubt about it... This strange Russian man is hiding something!'
"I couldn't agree more. Let's see if we can find some clues before that burly sailor returns!" Susato said, looking between Ryunosuke and I.
"Yeah." I said, walking over to Sherlock.
"Um...do you have a moment, please, Mr Holmes?" Ryunosuke asked.
"You need only address me as Holmes. Jared is able to address me as Sherlock." Holmes said.
'That's...what I just did, isn't it?' Ryunosuke asked, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Well, um, Mr Holmes...what were you doing in there?"
"Why, I was resting, of course." Holmes said, coming out of the wardrobe.
"Resting?" Susato asked.
"Indeed. I was contemplating our sea voyage from the confines of the wardrobe whilst waiting. Waiting for the inevitable time...that you would need to call my great powers of detection into service." Holmes said, happily.
"Oh!" Susato said, excitedly.
"And it would seem that the hour is upon us now. The time has come! Am I mistaken?"
"Well, um…" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.
"You're spot on, Sherlock." I said, smiling. "You got that deduction correct."
"Observe closely... Our Russian host in this cabin, Mr Roylott, is clearly trying to hide something. And do you know what is the most effective weapon to use against a Russian hiding a secret? Why, the truth, of course! Though it should be pointed out that such methods are not exclusively for the Russians." Holmes said.
"Riiight…" Ryunosuke said, annoyed.
"Can you imagine how the Russian will react when the secret he guards so closely is exposed? Would you like to witness it?"
"Oh, yes! Please!" Susato cheered.
"Well then... What you are about to see may well astound you. For I am about to apply my great detective's greatly admired great deduction to the case!" Holmes said, smirking. "Could this man BE a more hackneyed portrayal of a dubious Russian, I ask you?"
"What?" Roylott asked.
"From time to time, it occurs to me... ...is the fellow dubious on account of his Russianness, or Russian on account of his dubiousness?"
"I, I really don't think either of those things should be occurring to you...or anyone." Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"That's right. And Mr Holmes... I know this man's beard and dark glasses are hard to ignore, especially on first meeting, but I once read: 'It is a capital mistake to theorise before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment.'" Susato said.
"Shh! I must have complete silence! ..." Holmes yelled.
"Wh-What are you doing? Why are you peering at my face like that?" Roylott asked.
"Ah, just as I thought. Yes, I have quite made up my mind now."
"There can be no other explanation that accommodates all the facts. Mr Roylott... I have reached two incontrovertible conclusions."
"What, what do you mean?"
"Number one! Your true identity...is that of a villain! Using those shears, you are about to end the existence of something most dear. ...Are you not?"
"And number two! The other conclusion I have drawn... You are...at this very moment no less, in the midst of committing a most grievous crime! Beneath that beard, your mouth quivers with nervous tension as you realise you have been discovered! ...Does it not?"
"Agh!" Roylott said, angrily.
"Oh, Naruhodo-san! I never imagined I would witness one of Mr Holmes's great deductions with my own eyes!" Susato cooed.
"That...was a great deduction?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Nothing can deceive Mr Holmes! In a single glance, he can deduce all there is to know about a person!"
"What?" Ryunosuke asked, and he thought this to himself. 'What ineffable twaddle!'
"Oh yes, I've read about it countless times in 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes'. ...And now I've experienced the astonishing impact of his great deduction firsthand! This is like a dream come true!" Susato said, excitedly.
"Susato, Sherlock from my time, did a lot of deductions over the years." I said, happily. "I was one of his friends next to Doctor John H. Watson. We helped with his cases."
"You were part of his adventures?" Susato asked, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I can hardly believe it, but...all the colour has drained from Mr Roylott's face! It looks like somehow, both of Mr Holmes's conclusions... were right!'
"How...? How could you...?" Roylott asked.
"'How could I possibly know such things?' you wish to say? Very well then, I shall elucidate. I shall explain how it was that I arrived at this pair of conclusions. So do I cordially invite you upon a journey of logical discovery! Let us board the train of reasoning! ...Put plainly, let us work through my deductions together." Holmes said.
The Great Deduction
The game is afoot!
Topic 1
Old Man's Identity
"So, the dubious-looking Russian, Mr Roylott... Obviously, what catches the eye in the first place... ...is the enormous pair of shears in your hand! Now, we ask ourselves, what could you possibly want with such an implement? The answer, of course, is staring us in the face. You were on the verge of using the shears to cut away the copious beard you sport! Now, moving on... The question then begged is this: Why would you desire to rid yourself of this magnificent beard, Mr Roylott? Once again, the answer is plain. We have clear evidence to shed light on the matter." Holmes said.
"...!" Roylott said, at a loss for words.
"Regard, if you will, this morning's newspaper. In particular, the fascinating front-page article. Which, it would appear, you have read also, Mr Roylott. I'm sure it needs no further clarification. The evidence that reveals your true identity...is the article about the revolutionary!" Holmes said, taking out the newspaper. "In translation, the headline reads: 'Revolutionary Vilen Borshevik Flees Russia via Shanghai'. As you cannot fail to observe, the subject of the article possesses an extremely copious beard. Having noted the article yourself, you decided to remove your incriminating facial hair before it gave you away. In short, your true identity is beyond doubt. You are the fearsome Russian revolutionary himself, Vilen Borshevik! ...Not that I've heard of you myself, you understand."
Topic 1
Old Man's Identity
A revolutionary on the run
Topic 2
"Now...as for my second conclusion... You are, at this very moment, on the brink of committing a most grievous crime." Holmes said.
"...!" Roylott said, at a loss for words.
"And the proof of this crime? Over there. Oh yes, Mr Roylott... Taken unawares, people have a propensity to let their eyes stray, you see."
"And I assure you, the eyes speak so much more eloquently - and honestly - than the mouth. The answer we seek lies where the furtive glance falls. The proof of your crime sits before our very eyes! Yes, that travelling case! It is time, I think, that the case be opened and its contents laid bare."
"No! I refuse!" Roylott yelled.
"What could you possibly be concealing inside, we ask? By my estimation... ...a young lady, perhaps. One slight enough to fit therein." Holmes said, looking at the suitcase.
"D-Don't be absurd!"
"And what, pray, would be the identity of this young lady in the travelling case? Dear me. We are not well suited to a life of crime, are we? Your careless coup d'oeil betrays you. Once again, we need only follow your furtive glance to find the answer. Yes, the reason you refuse to open your travelling case can equally be found in the pages of this newspaper. For there is another, most stimulating article... ...if we turn from the fleeing revolutionary... to the back page! 'Renowned Prima Ballerina of the Novavich Ballet Disappears from Shanghai!' Such a headline can lead us to but one conclusion. Your crime...is that of abduction! And according to the article, the young lady's name is Nikolina Pavlova."
Topic 2
Kidnapping of a young ballerina
"Thus concludes Sherlock Holmes's great deduction...of this Russian enigma! ...Elementski!" Holmes said, excitedly.
"... Susato-san...Jared… That wasn't one of the great deductions I've been hearing so much about...was it?" Ryunosuke asked, looking between Susato and I.
"Well, um...the stories are full of Mr Holmes's brilliant deductions, you know. But that...did seem a little different somehow…" Susato said, sadly.
"It was different from how I remembered it back home in my time." I said, frowning. "His deductions are usually more accurate, Ryunosuke."
"Excuse me, Mr Holmes! Could you come over here a moment?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Pray, what can I do for you?" Holmes asked, walking over to Ryunosuke.
"It's about your deductions. Would you mind?"
"Not at all. Go on."
"Well, to start with, there's the newspaper article. I think we had the same discussion before, but... ...these two men look nothing like each other!" Ryunosuke cried.
"Ah yes, I recall our discussion earlier. And at the time, I believe I told you... ...that the man is a revolutionary. Well able to revolutionise his own appearance." Holmes said.
"In fairness to Mr Holmes, Mr Roylott does look more like this man than you do." Susato said, looking at the newspaper article.
"That's...not the point. And another thing! The part about him abducting the ballerina…" Ryunosuke said.
"Indeed. A truly startling revelation. At first glance, the case would appear too small to accommodate a young woman." Holmes said.
"Not just at first glance! It IS too small! Clearly! You'd be lucky to fit a five-year-old child into that case! Even if you pushed really hard!"
"I don't suppose the missing ballerina is a five-year-old child, is she?" Susato asked.
"You mean you don't know? No, the young lady is fifteen." Holmes said.
"No, I didn't know. How could I?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Hm... Well, if she's fifteen, then ten years' worth of her would be poking out from the case…" Susato said, letting out a sigh.
"Some years ago, I read something pertinent, I believe. A troupe of men consuming vinegar daily in order to promote a certain litheness in their bodies." Holmes said.
"Vinegar?" Ryunosuke asked.
"For such a sour bunch, it would surely be simplicity itself to contort oneself into the confines of that small case."
"Oh dear. You might be thinking of contortionists in the circus, Mr Holmes…" Susato said, sadly.
"Or gymnasts. Like Salish Matter." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Ugh, this whole thing is turning into a circus…'
"Mr Naruhodo, something's occurred to me about Mr Holmes's deductions just now... Jared and I think his powers of observation are, well...magical! His eyes cut to the heart of a matter almost instantly. It's just...where he directs his attention and his logic that seem a little...off." Susato said, letting out a sigh.
"Yeah. It is a little off." I said, looking down at the floor. "His deductions are usually accurate. It was never like this."
"Your idea of 'a little' may be a little off itself, Miss Susato, Jared." Ryunosuke said, looking between Susato and I.
"It's just one or two key words in his deductions that seem to let him down. So I was wondering if we might perhaps tactfully switch them for alternatives. What do you think?" Susato asked.
"Hm... Switch some key words in his deductions…"
"Yeah. That will work." I said, happily.
"Yes, but very tactfully. I feel sure if we could do that... ...we'd unlock the true genius of Mr Holmes's great deduction!" Susato said, excitedly.
"Precisely the thought that was going through my own mind." Holmes said.
"Sherlock…" I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'This man is a lot of work…'
"At times, I wonder how anyone puts up with me! Ah ha ha ha hah!" Holmes said, laughing a lot.
"I put up with you for ten years, Sherlock." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'It's not that funny…'
"Ah, and you, my good fellow…"
"Sorry?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Take a moment to look at your wrists." Holmes said, smirking.
"My wrists?"
"Ah! Wh-Where are your handcuffs?" Susato asked.
"Huh?! How, how did...?" Ryunosuke asked, looking down at his wrists to see the handcuffs removed.
"I felt they may hinder your ability to follow me in our... dance of deduction." Holmes said.
"I don't believe it!"
"Mr Holmes, you are a marvel!" Susato cheered.
"Sherlock is usually amazing." I said, happily. "Even if he is an ass at times."
"And don't worry. I shall restore the shackles to your wrists when we are finished." Holmes said, looking at Ryunosuke.
"I'm not worried. In fact, I'd rather stay like this…" Ryunosuke said.
"So...let us begin. Sherlock Holmes is proud to present...his 'Logic and Reasoning Spectacular'!"
Course Correction
Hold it, Mr Holmes!
Topic 1
Old Man's Identity
A revolutionary on the run
"So, the dubious-looking Russian, Mr Roylott... Obviously, what catches the eye in the first place... ...is the enormous pair of shears in your hand! Now, we ask ourselves, what could you possibly want with such an implement? The answer, of course, is staring us in the face. You were on the verge of using the shears to cut away the copious beard you sport!" Holmes said, angrily.
"Hm, I'm not sure... Would you really use shears like that to cut off a beard?" Susato asked.
"I doubt that's something I'll ever have to worry about. It doesn't quite sit right with me, though." Ryunosuke said.
"It doesn't seem to be sitting right with Mr Roylott, either."
"That deduction is wrong." I said, looking between Ryunosuke and Susato.
"Let's try to switch a key word here, Naruhodo-san, Jared, and see if it helps matters." Susato said, smiling.
"Alright. But how?" Ryunosuke asked.
"I think we should start by taking a long, hard look at Mr Roylott."
"I wonder if it's really his beard that he intended to use those shears on…"
"Exactly. If we do manage to find something that seems to fit the sense of Mr Holmes's deduction better…"
"Then what?"
"Then Jared and I will leave the rest in your capable hands, Naruhodo-san!" Susato said, excitedly.
"Yup." I said, crossing my arms. "I spent years with Sherlock. It wouldn't be fair if I did it."
'Why am I the one to do something about this...?' Ryunosuke asked, thinking that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Well anyway, let's see if there's anything we could even use to switch around in that last sentence. What exactly was Mr Roylott really going to use those enormous shears for?"
"The golden locks." I said, at the golden locks on Mr Roylott. "It is a possibility."
"You were on the verge of using the shears to cut away the golden locks you sport!" Ryunosuke said, presenting the golden locks.
"...Indeed. You have identified the precise detail I was intending to expose. Such lush, golden hair certainly does not befit an old man." Holmes said.
"...!" Roylott said, in awe.
"You're not a man at all! You're a woman! And judging from the length and sheen of your hair…" Ryunosuke said, looking at Roylott.
"...One still very much in her youth!" Holmes said, angrily.
"Oh no... If only I had managed to cut off my hair, no one would have suspected." Roylott said.
"The question then begged is this: Why would you desire to rid yourself of these magnificent locks? Once again, the answer is plain. We have clear evidence to shed light on the matter."
"...!" Roylott said, at a loss for words.
"I'm sure it needs no further clarification. The evidence that reveals your true identity...is the article about the revolutionary!" Holmes said, taking out the newspaper article.
"Well, that was a shock! I had no idea that old man was really a young woman in disguise! Did you?" Ryunosuke asked.
"..." Susato said.
"Um…" I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"What? Why are the two of you staring at me like that?" Ryunosuke asked, looking between Susato and I.
"...Yes, it was a surprise. Naruhodo-san... You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Susato asked.
"You look like you're in your element as you dance around the room deducing the facts with Mr Holmes."
"You really do. John and I were like that with Sherlock at one point." I said, smiling.
"I'm just doing what we agreed. I'm, I'm not having fun or anything! This is strictly business! Not strictly come…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"Yes, yes, I understand. Say no more." Susato said, frowning.
"Well anyway, let's focus on this next part of Mr Holmes's deduction, shall we? The evidence that he's picked out doesn't fit the facts at all." Ryunosuke said.
"No, that's true, given that Mr Roylott is actually a woman." Susato said.
"Exactly. He - or rather she - can't possibly be this merciless revolutionary."
"I suppose it's because the deduction as a whole has taken a different direction now."
"Yes…" Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh.
"Let's switch the evidence for something else. Something that fits the facts as we now understand them."
"Yup." I said, happily. "Let's do that."
'For some reason, this woman needed to try to hide her true identity. I feel as though I've either read or heard about a young woman in a situation like that recently…' Ryunosuke said, as he thought that to himself, before speaking aloud. "Alright, I'll do my best!"
"Well, it has to be the article about the ballerina." I said, grabbing the newspaper from Sherlock Holmes, and looking at the article of the ballerina.
"You're right. It has to be." Ryunosuke said, presenting the Article About Ballerina. "The evidence that reveals your true identity is of course...the article about the ballerina!"
"That's right. You've hit the nail on the head! 'Renowned Prima Ballerina of the Novavich Ballet Disappears from Shanghai!' It would appear we are finally able to address you by your true name." Holmes said.
"Yes, because your true identity is that of the Novavich Ballet's prima ballerina…" Ryunosuke said.
"...Miss Nikolina Pavlova!" Holmes and I said, at the same time.
"AAAAAAAAAGH!!! ..." Roylott said, breaking down.
"...You're right. My real name is Nina. I mean, Nikolina Pavlova. But please, I beg you... Don't tell anyone!" Pavlova cried, removing her disguise.
Topic 1
Old Man's Identity
A revolutionary on the run
A ballerina on the run
Topic 2
Kidnapping of a young ballerina
"Now...as for my second conclusion... You are, at this very moment, on the brink of committing a most grievous crime." Holmes said.
"...!" Pavlova said, at a loss for words.
"And the proof of this crime? Over there. Oh yes, Miss Pavlova... Taken unawares, people have a propensity to let their eyes stray, you see."
"Ah!" Pavlova said, looking at the suitcase.
"And I assure you, the eyes speak so much more eloquently - and honestly - than the mouth. The answer we seek lies where the furtive glance falls. The proof of your crime sits before our very eyes! Yes, that travelling case!" Holmes yelled.
"This woman is the ballerina. And she's right in front of our eyes. So clearly she can't be inside that travelling case as well." Ryunosuke said.
"No, that's right. It seems she wasn't abducted at all." Susato said, sadly.
"In which case...what is the crime this young woman is apparently committing?" Ryunosuke asked, and he thought this to himself. 'Haah, I can see I'm going to have to step in and fix the great detective's mistake again…'
"You seem to look pleased, Naruhodo-san. Do you like the idea of another chance to dance around with Mr Holmes?" Susato asked.
"...Stop it. Anyway, there must be something else here that shows what this woman is up to!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.
"Maybe the tiara." I said, snooping through Pavlova's things to find the tiara.
"The proof of your crime...is surely this tiara!" Ryunosuke said, presenting the tiara.
"Ah!" Pavlova said, at a loss for words.
"I believe this tiara is worn on stage by dancers in the Novavich Ballet, is it not? Indeed, it would appear to be identical to the tiara pictured here in this newspaper article. And if the reporting is to be believed, it's an item worth twenty thousand roubles. In summary…" Holmes said.
"...The crime you have committed...is theft." Ryunosuke said.
"Oh no!" Pavlova cried.
"Yes, you left your ballet troupe, unlawfully taking their precious tiara with you!" Holmes said, angrily.
"AAAAAAAAAGH!!! ... I have no one. No family. No friends. I am all alone. And...I need money! But I did not steal the tiara. It was a present from... How do you say? An earl? ...Of Prussia. It belongs to me!"
"That's sad." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'This girl is only fifteen years old. And she's run away all by herself. She must have been extremely lonely.'
"... Alright, I will tell you everything... There is no point to hiding it now." Pavlova said, sadly.
"Come come, let us not be hasty!" Holmes said, excitedly.
"There remains one unsolved mystery about you."
"Mystery? Wh-What do you mean?"
"You have staunchly refused to open this travelling case of yours in our presence. It is reasonable to conclude, therefore, that there exists some reason why you wish it to remain closed. Is that not so...Miss Pavlova?"
"My dear girl, there is no sense in playing games with me. Nothing escapes my attention. Indeed, I have a very good idea of the contents of your case, even before I have ever laid eyes on them. Dear me. We are not well suited to a life of crime, are we? Your careless coup d'oeil betrays you. Once again, we need only follow your furtive glance to find the answer. Yes, the reason why you refuse to open your case...is written in the books on the shelf!" Holmes said, looking at the bookshelf.
"He's completely changed tack with his deduction now!" Ryunosuke said, worried.
"I think Mr Holmes is adapting his logic to the changing circumstances, don't you?" Susato asked.
"Yup. He certainly has." I said, sadly.
"Maybe, but why has he suddenly brought the bookshelf into all this? It's just a wild guess, surely!" Ryunosuke said, worried.
"Oh... Do you think so?" Susato asked.
"Well, it doesn't seem likely that the reason why this young woman doesn't want to open her case... ...would have been written in a book that doesn't even belong to her!"
"Yes, that's true. But still... Miss Pavlova certainly did cast her eyes in that direction. I noticed it myself." Susato said, frowning.
"Same. She is fixated on the bookshelf. Or the direction near it." I said, letting out a sigh.
"Then there has to be another reason why she won't open her case. And it must be somewhere in the same area, if that's where her gaze was involuntarily drawn." Ryunosuke said.
"I agree. That's the only answer." Susato said.
"Yeah." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Whatever she has hidden inside that case... ...should be revealed by following her gaze in the direction of the bookcase!'
"The only thing near the bookshelf is the Rules of Passage." I said, crossing my arms.
"Yes, the reason why you refuse to open your case...is written in the Rules of Passage!" Ryunosuke said, presenting 'Rules of Passage. ''Passengers must not keep weapons or other dangerous objects in their cabins. Pets are also strictly forbidden.''
"Inside that case of yours, is something forbidden from carriage on this vessel. That is the real reason why you refuse to open it, thus revealing its contents." Holmes said.
"I…" Pavlova said, at a loss for words.
"As we've seen, the trunk wobbles from time to time. But no weapon or other dangerous item would move of its own accord." Ryunosuke said.
"Which leaves but one possibility, Miss Pavlova... Inside your travelling case... ...is the last item listed as forbidden in the vessel's Rules of Passage: a pet!" Holmes yelled.
"AAAAAAAAAGH!" Pavlova cried.
Topic 2
Kidnapping of a young ballerina
Possession of a prohibited animal
Deduction Complete
"So clearly, you aren't who you said you were." Ryunosuke said, looking at Pavlova.
"No. I am not Grimesby Roylott. My real name is Nikolina Pavlova. Everything you said was correct." Pavlova said.
"You absconded during one of your ballet company's performances in order to escape your homeland. Later that same night, you stole aboard this vessel." Holmes said.
"Being a stowaway isn't easy." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Which couldn't have been easy. The Burya is a huge steamship with a vast crew. Could she really have snuck on board without being noticed?'
"In order to obscure your true identity, you somewhat recklessly took the guise of an old gentleman. And you intended to sever all links with your past by severing your long hair." Holmes said.
"..." Pavlova said.
"Yet to a woman, hair is no trifling matter. My personal recommendation is to leave well alone."
"So...if it was just you, about to cut off your own hair... ...who was it that let out the scream we heard from outside the cabin?" Ryunosuke asked.
"That veritable tinkling of a bell? Why, none other than this young lady, naturally." Holmes said.
"It was her." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'More like a full set of pipes, if you ask me…'
"I was so scared when I ran away in Shanghai. I was sure they would come looking for me. That's why I decided to... How do you say? Disgust myself? So no one would recognise me." Pavlova said.
"As a result, you transformed yourself into that questionable old man? I see…" Susato said, her eyes widening.
"I put on the fur hat and...fake beard? Then, just before you came in here, I saw in the newspaper. Right on the page...there was a picture of me. I was so frightened. I couldn't stop from screaming. I knew that if I didn't change my appearances completely, they would find me. So I decided to cut all my hair as fastly as possible. I picked up the scissors in my hand, and…"
"...At that precise moment, we walked in through the annoyingly unlocked cabin door." Holmes said.
"... Things happen like that sometimes, don't they?" Susato asked.
"Things do indeed happen like that from time to time."
"They really do. Unless it is deadlocked." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Are those three even talking about the same thing?'
"There's just one more thing I'd like to know... What exactly do you have inside your travelling case?" Susato asked.
"... You were right. It is my dear friend inside. My only friend in the whole world. Please...don't tell anyone! If the captain finds out... If you say to any of the crew…" Pavlova said.
"Your secret is safe with us, I assure you. But in return... ...you must tell us, in as much detail as you can muster, about the events of last night." Holmes said.
"...Yes, alright. I will tell you."
"Well, Mr Naruhodo...? Wasn't it something, Mr Holmes's great deduction?!" Susato exclaimed.
"It was certainly something, yes. I'm just not entirely sure what... But at least Miss Pavlova has agreed to tell us what she knows. That's incredible!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"Indeed! It IS incredible! Ah, and one more thing…" Holmes said.
"Oh...yes? What?"
"Observe your wrists."
"My...?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Ah! Your hands...are cuffed again!" Susato cried.
"Sherlock put on your handcuffs." I said, looking down at the ground.
"WHAT?! But, but how...?" Ryunosuke asked, looking at the handcuffs around his wrists.
"True to my word, I have restored your shackles." Holmes said.
"Grrr…" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'When? And why?!'
"There is still a shadow of guilt cast over you, Mr Naruhodo. I'm sorry to say...it can't be helped at the moment." Susato said, frowning.
"It really can't." I said, letting out a sigh.
"Haah…" Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'Can't it? Really?'
"Anyway, let's listen to what Miss Pavlova has to say. I can't go on not knowing... I have to find out what the 'speckled band' that Kazuma-sama wrote about in his diary really was!" Susato said, angrily.
"Why not ask about what happened last night?" I asked, grabbing Susato's hand.
"Did you know that someone was killed in the cabin next door to this one last night?" Ryunosuke asked.
"...One of the crewmen told me this morning when I was eating breakfast." Pavlova said.
"The man who died... He was a friend of mine."
"...! Oh…"
"That's why we're trying to find out what happened. Did you...notice anything unusual last night?"
"Perhaps you heard a strange noise, for example? Perhaps people talking?" Susato asked.
"Perhaps the ship was absorbed in a wild tempest? Perhaps its steam engine exploded?" Holmes asked.
"Perhaps the ship crashed into an iceberg and sank?" I asked, rolling my eyes.
"...Perhaps everyone on board would have noticed if that had happened?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Miss Pavlova? Is there anything you can tell us?" Susato asked.
"... I don't know. I'm sorry, but all I could think about last night was what I had done and whether they would find me. I didn't notice anything that was happening around me." Pavlova said.
"Oh, I see…" Ryunosuke said, looking at Pavlova. "You've run away from your ballet company, haven't you? The Novavich Ballet?"
"...Yes. I am travelling to Great Britain, and from there... I want to go to America. I will never dance again. I want to forget everything about the ballet. ...I will start a new life."
"You wish to forget? A challenging proposition...when you have that striking tiara as a reminder." Holmes said.
"But the tiara is mine! I need it to live! ... I have no money of my own. The Novavich Ballet gives us only a little food and water. And we must dance all over the world. I had to run away! I had no choice! ...If I stayed, it would have killed me." Pavlova said.
"So you ran away to protect yourself?" Susato asked.
"Yes. And the crew of this ship, they have all been kind to me. They let me come on board, and they said I could hide in this cabin."
"... If that is indeed the truth, Miss Pavlova... ...it creates a most intriguing conundrum." Holmes said.
"Yes...it does. What do you think about it, Mr Naruhodo, Jared?" Susato asked, looking between Ryunosuke and I.
"Yeah." I said, grabbing Susato's hand.
"Me? Oh, well...yes... Of course... ...I think we should hear Miss Pavlova's explanation!" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'To what 'conundrum', I'm not sure, but…'
"Why not ask about why she ran away?"
"Miss Pavlova, allow me to pose you a riddle." Holmes said.
"..." Pavlova said, at a loss for words.
"According to this newspaper, it was only yesterday that you absconded from the ballet. Now, that being the case.." Holmes said, taking out the newspaper. "...it must have been last night that you boarded this vessel."
"However... ...the SS Burya stopped by no port last night."
"Ah! That's it! Of course!" Ryunosuke said, his eyes widening.
"So how is it, pray, that you come to be aboard?"
"..." Pavlova said, at a loss for words.
"Now that I think about it, the crewman outside the cabin acted very strangely when we mentioned that. It was just after we asked him about when the occupant of this cabin came aboard…" Susato said.
"... That is not your business." Strogenov said.
SS Burya, First-Class Cabin No. 2…
"Yes, you're right. He did seem to be hiding something." Ryunosuke said.
"... ... 'An angel descended from the heavens, bringing grace and beauty to the stage.'" Pavlova said.
"Sorry? What was that?" Ryunosuke asked.
"What was that?" I asked, letting go of Susato's hand.
"It is how the Russian newspapers described one of my performances. And that is how I came here, too. I descended from the heavens. Because I am an angel." Pavlova said.
"... Considering English isn't your mother tongue, your description is very vivid." Ryunosuke said.
"Mr Holmes once said, 'I never can resist a touch of the dramatic.' It seems Miss Pavlova is the same." Susato said, happily.
"'A genius descended from the heavens, bringing grace and beauty to detection!'" Homes said, excitedly.
"And Sherlock once said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'" I said, smiling.
" ...Words once said about myself and words once said by myself. A quote from a wonderfully extravagant advertisement for 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' in fact!"
"Yup." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Yes yes, Mr Showy... Anyway, it doesn't look like Miss Pavlova is going to tell us what really happened…'
"Time to ask about her friend." I said, as I looked down at the floor.
"So the 'friend' you mentioned is inside your travelling case, is that right?" Ryunosuke asked.
"I don't think animals are allowed on board, according to the Rules of Passage." Susato said.
"Oh please! Don't tell! Don't tell any of the crew! If they found my precious…" Pavlova said, sadly.
"...Then the burly Russians would bestir themselves in unison to throw you and your case overboard, no doubt." Holmes said.
"Nice going, Sherlock." I said, as I clutched the strap of my sling bag. "You sure reassured her."
"But what sort of pet is your friend? A little puppy? ...It is, isn't it?!" Susato exclaimed.
"..." Pavlova said, at a loss for words.
"Maybe an adorable little rabbit?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Hah! You credit Russia as a land with small rabbits, do you?" Holmes asked.
"Oh! Don't they have small rabbits there, then?" Ryunosuke asked.
"You may well ask. I have no idea!" Holmes said, excitedly.
"Haah…" Ryunosuke said, laughing a little.
"You three are miserable bunglers when it comes to understanding the nature of young ballerinas' friends! Isn't it obvious? It must be a chicken!"
"Really?!" Susato exclaimed.
"A chicken?" I asked, looking down at the floor. "How is it a chicken?"
"Consider the benefits: A rousing wake-up call, daily fresh eggs... ...and when adversity strikes, it could satisfy the needs of sustenance." Holmes said.
"...So you'd eat your friends. I'll remember that." Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"..." Pavlova said.
"Well, it would appear this friend's identity is a closely guarded secret not to be revealed! Ah ha ha ha ha hah!" Holmes said, laughing a lot.
"Not helping." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'She obviously doesn't quite trust us yet.'
"Jared, how do we get her to trust us?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Why not show her Kazuma's diary?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"This is the diary of my friend who passed away." Ryunosuke said, presenting Kazuma's diary.
"His diary?" Pavlova asked.
"Yes, and he wrote in it last night before he died. Something a little unusual." Ryunosuke said, opening Kazuma's diary. "It reads: '1:23 a.m. - I can hear a faint whistling sound.' And then a few minutes later: '1:35 a.m. - What looks like some sort of speckled band is dangling from the ventilator grille.'"
"A speckled band? I...don't understand…"
"It's strange, isn't it? But the ventilator he mentions joins to this cabin, you see. It's up there on the wall."
"In other words, this cabin and the victim's cabin are connected together." Susato said.
"Oh!" Pavlova said, her eyes widening.
"Miss Pavlova...? Has something occurred to you? Does the speckled band the victim mentioned mean something to you? Or the whistling sound, perhaps?"
"... No. I don't know anything."
"Oh…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"Shit." I said, hearing knocking nearby.
"Excuse me! Mr Roylott…" Strogenov said, opening the door.
"Yes? What?" Roylott asked.
"She's quick." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Wow, she's fast!'
"Captain would like to speak with you. You must come to captain's quarters at once! ...Please." Strogenov said.
"Alright. I will come now. ..." Roylott said.
"What?" Ryunosuke asked.
"You must leave. Now."
"Oh no, it's fine. Don't mind us."
"Yes, please don't worry yourself, Mr Roylott." Susato said, happily.
"Everything's fine." I said, smiling.
"GET OUT!" Roylott said, angrily.
"The passenger said, 'OUT'! Or you want me to throw you out?!" Strogenov exclaimed.
"Crap." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Ugh... It looks like we'll have to leave investigating this cabin until later.'
"What a pity." Susato said, annoyed.
"And so we lost our chance. Having still not managed to investigate Miss Pavlova's cabin, we were unceremoniously chased out. That is to say...we were quite literally picked up and thrown into the passageway outside." Ryunosuke said, as a voiceover.