"'Too busy on the floor'? Sorry, what were you doing?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Hunting for treasure." Korekuta said.
"Treasure?" Kazume asked.
"What kind of treasure?" I asked, placing a chocolate chip cookie into my mouth.
"Indeed! The Hoei-era koban! My prized coin!" Korekuta cheered.
Supreme Court of Judicature, Courtroom 2…
"Then this Hoei-era koban... Do, do you mean to tell me...?" The Judge asked.
"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "No no no! Please, why would Korekuta-san's koban... ...be sandwiched between the victim's beef steak and its plate? It makes no sense!"
"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "Which is why I'm asking to bring Korekuta-san back to the witness stand, so we can ask him!"
"Officer! Bring both witnesses that testified earlier back in here. Without a moment's delay!" The Judge said, angrily.
"We're getting close to the end of the trial." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I can't believe we've come back round to that pair again. But I have a hunch - a strong hunch... ...that if we chase down the real significance of this koban... ...we'll find that it's a key element in the case!'
"What's this all about? Why have I been called up again? Don't you realise that it's dinner time for little baby Aido? When my son's belly is empty, he's fiercer than a pack of wolves!" Nosa said, returning to the stand.
"Exploited by the police, we were. Like miserable dogs, forced to bear false witness. And when cast from this courtroom, myself, I became a ruined man in a trice. A worthless, withered antique. Nothing more I have to say. The sun has set on this Rasu-tei shop owner's existence…" Korekuta said, returning to the stand.
"Be that as it may, Korekuta-san, something has come to light that requires your clarification. As far as your 'Rasu-tei' memory serves, have you ever seen this koban be…" The Judge said, holding up the koban coin.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! That's... Yes... That's it! The one! The very one! The very exact one that it is! The resplendent, splendiferous Hoei treasure that my rusty bones managed to misplace that fateful day!"
"It can't be...!" Auchi said, at a loss for words.
"Hm, as I thought." Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"Young man! Enlighten this decrepit old fool! Put me out of my misery! Where? Where was my treasure? Where was it dropped?" Korekuta asked.
"Oh! Um... I'm not sure if it was 'dropped' anywhere."
"We found your coin sandwiched between a beef steak and its plate, soaking in the seasoned meat's juices." Kazuma said.
"S-S-S-Sandwiched?! S-S-S-Soaking?! S-S-S-SERIOUSLY?!" Korekuta exclaimed.
"Clearly, it couldn't have fallen there by accident. Which means...somebody must have hidden it there on purpose."
"Somebody concealed my Hoei treasure...between a slab of meat...and a metal plate...? WHO would do such a thing?! Such an unconscionable thing?!"
"......" Auchi said.
"......" The Judge said.
"Excuse me... Could I say something?" Hosonaga asked.
"Yes, of course!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"Sure." I said, smiling.
"Proceed, Inspector Hosonaga." The Judge said.
"...... I mentioned this earlier on in the trial, but... ...I was working undercover in the restaurant in order to investigate another case." Hosonga said.
"Ah, yes, that's right. The secret undercover operation."
"La Carneval is a high-class Western cuisine restaurant. It attracts wealthy diners, including many foreigners. Recently, there's been a run of similarly executed thefts targeting the restaurant's rich clientele. A number of such incidents have been reported to the police bureau."
"Hmmm... Wicked crimes indeed."
"We wanted to nip the case in the bud quickly. Especially with so many foreigners being affected."
"So that's why you were sent in undercover, is it?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Yes. I took on the job of waiter at the restaurant in order to flush out the criminal. It seems likely...that this koban incident is the work of the same thief." Hosonaga said.
"Hm, so unbeknownst to us, there was a master thief at work in the restaurant on a regular basis. The place was already the scene of several crimes, it seems." Kazuma said.
"I don't know about the master thief part, but... The identity of the person who stole and hid Korekuta-san's koban is all too clear." Ryunosuke said.
"What?" Auchi asked.
"WHAT?!" Korekuta exclaimed.
"I think the court would like to hear the defence's view on this matter. Tell us, who is the despicable scoundrel that stole Korekuta-san's koban and hid it under the steak!" The Judge yelled.
"Ryunosuke." I said, looking at Iyesa Nosa. "It was him."
"Take that!" Ryunosuke said, presenting Iyesa Nosa's profile. "Obviously...it can only be you... ...Sergeant Iyesa Nosa!"
"Wha...? How... How dare you, you, you... You monster!" Nosa said, angrily.
"I stole that koban, did I? I'm the master thief of La Carneval, am I? You're seriously accusing ME of these crimes, cadet? But it wasn't me. It was Aido! Aido is the mastermind behind all this!"
"......" Auchi said.
"......" The Judge said.
"You would push the blame for your crimes onto your own son, an innocent little baby?! It's you who's the monster, Sergeant Nosa!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Nosa said, breaking down. "Nippon Imperial Army, Sergeant Iyesa Nosa, preparing to stand down in the Supreme Court, sir! Do any of you know... ...of the extraordinarily low wages the Nippon Imperial Army pays those it expects to keep our country safe?"
"I understand that the temporary increase in taxation owing to the recently ended conflicts remains in place. And I have heard it's hard for lower ranking soldiers to make a living, yes." The Judge said, sadly.
"All I want...is to put a hot meal on the table for my son!"
"Is that why you were stealing things at the restaurant?" I asked, looking down at the ground.
"The place is heaving with money! Every three days, I'd go there and do reconnaissance for a target. And I'd enjoy chomping my way through a good steak at the same time!" Nosa said, worried.
"That's horrible." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'It sounds like he doesn't bother with a knife and fork, even. Which...is worryingly believable…'
"And your 'target' that day was the old man and his koban?" Kazuma asked.
"...... Yes...sir. He...was an easy mark. I...slipped the coin into my pocket without any trouble at all." Nosa said, letting out a sigh.
"Hmmm... A veritable phantom thief, you are…" Korekuta said.
"I was all set to leave the steak I was halfway through devouring, when it happened."
"Yes, when the professor was shot." Ryunosuke said, his eyes widening.
"I knew that if the police conducted a search and found the coin in my pocket, I'd be finished. Aido, too. So I hid the incriminating evidence as fast as I could. On the double! I slipped it under the steak...hoping that I'd be able to rendezvous with it again at a later date." Nosa said.
"......" The Judge said.
"......" Korekuta said.
"......" Auchi said.
"......" Kazuma said.
"That's awful." I said, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"......" Brett said, scoffing. ...This is ridiculous... Perhaps you could carry on with this absurd prattling in your own time?"
"Well, Miss Brett…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"Oh, of course, dear lady, of course! How rude of us! I'm quite sure there's no need to detain you any longer at all. May the esteemed gentlewoman PLEASE be excused, Your Excellency?!" Auchi exclaimed.
"Hm, indeed... The theft of the koban was clearly perpetrated by this... 'baby-saddled' sergeant. It would certainly appear to be unrelated to Dr Watson's murder." The Judge said.
"Of course it is. Hiding a coin under a lump of meat? The sheer nonsense of such an idea astounds me." Brett said.
"N-Nonsense, is it...?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Ah, um...well... Oof…" Nosa said, sadly.
"And as for picking up your steak and biting into it without using a knife and fork... It's beyond nonsense. It's pure madness!" Brett said, looking at Nosa.
"Very well. Now that all questions concerning this witness's testimony have been answered... ...I see no further justification for detaining her. Miss Brett, you are free to leave." The Judge said.
"Thank you, Your Excellency. Good luck, everyone. ...And good day."
"......" Ryunosuke said, in awe.
"Ryunosuke! What's the matter with you? This is no time for daydreaming!" Kazuma said, worried.
"Oh! No, it's just... ...something about Miss Brett's parting words there got me thinking." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'I can't quite work out what exactly. But something she said jarred with me. I feel like there was a contradiction in there somewhere. Something didn't quite add up…'
"If that's the case, don't just stand there thinking! Make your voice heard!"
"You can think later. But if you don't call out now, it'll be too late. The trial will be over!"
"Kazuma's right, there's still a contradiction somewhere! Stop her!" I cried, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "The trial can't end here!"
"Hold it." Ryunosuke said, doing the hold it pose. "Wait! Miss Brett!"
"What is it now?" Brett asked.
"I'm afraid...just one last time... There's something I'd like to ask you. I'd like you to explain the contradiction in your parting words from just a few moments ago."
"What are you talking about? What contradiction?"
"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "What new student nonsense is this?"
"Well? What parting words are you talking about, Ryunosuke?" Kazuma asked.
"Hiding a coin under a lump of meat? The sheer nonsense of such an idea astounds me. And as for picking up your steak and biting into it without using a knife and fork... It's beyond nonsense. It's pure madness!" Brett cooed.
"Ryunosuke, figure it out." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Yes, I'm right. What she said there exposed an undeniable contradiction!'
"I'm going to need to see evidence, Counsel. If Miss Brett's words truly are contradictory, where is the evidence to prove it?" The Judge asked.
"Take that!" Ryunosuke said, presenting the Plate of Steak.
"The steak that Miss Brett had been eating before the professor was killed, yes. Go on."
"More accurately, Your Excellency... ...the steak that was on the victim's table just before the professor was killed."
"Now you're just splitting hairs!" Auchi yelled.
"......" Brett said.
"Not true. Doesn't something about this steak strike you as very unnatural?" Ryunosuke asked.
"'Unnatural'? What on earth do you mean?" Auchi asked.
"It's extremely obvious. I'm talking about the shape of the edge where it's been eaten."
"...!" Brett said, in awe.
"I see you've noticed it too, Miss Brett." Ryunosuke said, smirking.
"Noticed what exactly, Counsel?" The Judge asked.
"Just a few moments ago, Miss Brett claimed... ...no Englishman could even contemplate picking up a steak and biting into it without using a knife and fork."
"Of course she did! She's a refined English gentlewoman herself!" Auchi said, worried
"Then take a good look at this steak. In particular, the edge where it's been eaten. As you can see, there are clearly defined 'barbaric' teeth marks there!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.
"Oh!" The Judge said at a loss for words.
"...... ...Ah!" Brett said.
"It looks like Miss Brett has realised something." Kazuma said.
"So! If the witness, as she claims, wouldn't contemplate eating anything without using a knife and fork... ...there shouldn't be teeth marks in the steak at all!" Ryunosuke said.
"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "But... What is your actual point? Perhaps the delightful Miss Brett was ravenously hungry and couldn't help her…"
"Shut up!" Brett cried. "......"
"Oh, um... Whatever you say, dear lady!"
"As I said, I really must be leaving now. Afternoon tea with the Minister of Justice cannot possibly wait any longer."
"Of course, of course! This will all be over in the blink of an eye! Rest assured, I'm about to put this rookie in his place! Just leave everything to…"
"Shut up!" Brett said, annoyed. "I've heard enough... You irritating little spectacled samurai relic!"
"Of, of course...dear ladyyyyyyyy!" Auchi said, worried.
"What's the matter, Miss Brett? Have we ruffled your feathers?" Kazuma asked.
"Ooo. We've made the Englishwoman angry." I said, happily.
"Clearly, the witness knows what this means. She's realised the catastrophic implications these teeth marks in the steak have for her!" Ryunosuke said, smirking.
"Ryunosuke! Do you know where you're going with this?" Kazuma asked.
"Good luck, Ryunosuke." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Yes. Now at last, it's all come together. The mysterious teeth marks in a steak that had allegedly been eaten with cutlery... The reason why the bloodstain I know I saw somehow seems to have disappeared... And most importantly... The evidence that proves once and for all... who shot Dr Watson that day!'
"I accept that these teeth marks in the steak are a little... 'unnatural', as you put it, Counsel. But what exactly are you suggesting that tells us?" The Judge asked.
"...Everything, Your Excellency." Ryunosuke said.
"Everything?!" Auchi exclaimed.
"Yes, I believe that these 'barbaric' teeth marks in the steak here... ...amount to conclusive evidence in this case. Evidence that will prove beyond any doubt who shot Dr Watson!" Ryunosuke yelled.
"Shut up!" Brett said, angrily. "Conclusive evidence? How many times have I heard that today? You wouldn't know the meaning of the phrase! Typical Japanese empty threats!"
"How can you be so sure?" Kazuma asked.
"Oh, it's quite simple. If you really had such conclusive evidence, you would have presented it to the court long ago!"
"Actually, the evidence I'm talking about hasn't been brought before the court yet." Ryunosuke said, smugly.
"Hasn't been...? What?!" Auchi exclaimed.
"But just because it hasn't been shown yet, doesn't mean that the evidence does not exist."
"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "This is absurd! The trial has run several hours already! And you say there's evidence yet to be brought forward? There can't be! I don't believe you have it!"
"Objection." Ryunosuke said, doing the Objection pose. "I don't! But there is someone who does have it! Someone in this very courtroom!"
"...!" Brett said, at a loss for words.
"And if that person is willing to submit the piece of evidence I'm referring to... ...it will solve every remaining mystery about this case!"
"Very well... I have a feeling this will be my last request of the defence in this trial. Who possesses the conclusive evidence that will reveal the truth about this whole affair?" The Judge asked.
"It's the inspector." I said, smiling.
"Take that!" Ryunosuke said, presenting Satoru Hosonaga's profile. "The answer is obvious! It's Inspector Hosonaga!"
"What?! I, I have it?" Hosonaga asked.
"Yes." Ryunosuke said.
"You, you think I've been withholding conclusive evidence? That's ridicul- Ahem! Ahem! Ahem, AHEM!"
"No no no no! I'm not saying that! Everyone's attention has been focused on this steak with the teeth marks."
"Yes…" The Judge said, sadly.
"Now, earlier this afternoon, Sergeant Nosa told the court the following: 'I'd enjoy chomping my way through a good steak.' And as well as admitting to stealing Korekuta-san's coin, he told us that he 'slipped it under the steak.'" Ryunosuke said.
"You, you watch it, cadet! I'm a superior officer! Nosa yelled.
"Sergeant Nosa, could you please confirm something for me? Was the steak that you put the coin under... in fact, your own steak?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Teeen-shun! Affirmative, of course! I might be a soldier in the Imperial Nippon Army, but still... ...I'm not brave enough to ask a foreign gentlelady if she'd mind me manhandling her meal to hide something in it!"
Supreme Court of Judicature, Courtroom 2…
"In other words, the steak that the detective submitted as evidence earlier... ...was in fact Sergeant Nosa's meal." Ryunosuke said.
"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "But...that makes no sense! That plate was taken from the victim's table."
"Objection." Ryunosuke said, doing the Objection pose. "Yet the gentlewoman doesn't take bites out of her steak, nor did she have any opportunity to steal the coin."
"Of course I didn't steal it! To even suggest such a thing would be...an affront to the entire British Empire!" Brett cried.
"Well then...how do you explain this paradox?" The Judge asked.
"Exactly! Surely you're not going to suggest... ...that the sergeant switched the two steaks over?" Auchi asked.
"......" Ryunosuke said.
"......" The Judge said.
"......" Nosa said.
"...... You DID switch the plates?" Auchi asked.
"Why did you switch the plates? Um, that's a vital piece of evidence." I said, letting out a sigh.
"...... Well...after it happened... The, um…" Nosa said, guiltily.
"When I saw the civilian had been murdered right in front of my eyes like that, I panicked. As I said, I immediately lifted my steak and hid the coin underneath it. But then when the waiter announced he was an undercover policeman, I thought I'd had it! If he decided to investigate my slab of meat, that'd be it. I'd be getting my marching orders! So when the cadet here was arrested and taken off to the kitchen, I seized my chance. With military precision and timing...I switched my steak with the one on the foreign lady's table!" Nosa said, terrified.
"What?! You can't have! I, I never saw you do such a thing!" Brett said, worried.
"It was called 'Operation Lightning Bolt'. There was no time for strategic planning. It was do or die, I tell you! So yes! I did what had to be done!"
"Un... Unbelievableeeeeeeee!" Auchi cried.
"However! Fear not, Prosecutor-san!" Nosa yelled.
"What now?"
"I swear on the brass buttons of my uniform... that is all I did! Sir!"
"'All you did'?! That's plenty, Sergeant!"
"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "So, if Sergeant Nosa switched the plates over... ...it means he took Miss Brett's steak - and the plate it was on - back to his own table."
"Yes, that follows." The Judge said.
"Inspector Hosonaga!"
"Yes?" Hosonaga asked.
"Earlier in this trial, you told the court this: You said that you had not only taken Miss Brett's steak after the incident, but also the sergeant's. That to preserve evidence, you had taken both." Ryunosuke said.
"Ah!" Auchi said, his eyes widening.
"...!" Brett said, at a loss for words.
"That's correct." Hosonaga said.
"Then please present it to the court now. The plate that was actually on the victim's table at the precise moment he was shot!" Ryunosuke said.
"Shut up!" Brett said, angrily. "What can that possibly tell us now? I mean, a cold slab of tough meat? It can't have the slightest bearing on the case!"
"Objection." Kazuma said, doing the Objection pose. "No! You're not wriggling your way out of it this time, lady!"
"I, I beg your pardon...?"
"Surely you're not that forgetful. Surely you remember the reason why this steak pan promises to prove such a problem for you...no?"
"Hmph! You're the ones who decided it was a problem, not me."
"The reason the defence asked to see that plate was to confirm something the defendant remembers seeing."
"Tsk! THINKS he remembers!"
"I'm quite sure of what I saw, Miss Brett. On the side of the plate that was on the table directly behind Dr Watson... ...there was a clear spattering of blood from the gunshot wound to the victim's chest." Ryunosuke said.
"I believe the defendant's memory serves him well." Kazuma said, smirking.
"It really does!" I said, excitedly.
"...!" Brett said, speechless.
"And now we have the evidence to prove it! The plate you were eating from, Miss Brett!" Kazuma yelled.
"Let us not prolong this any further. Inspector, you will show the evidence to the court. Present the beef steak and plate that was originally on the victim's table at the time of the incident!" The Judge said, angrily.
"Yes, siiir!" Hosonaga said, leaving the courtroom.
I took out my iPhone 15 Pro Max and looked down to see that I got a phone call from River Song.
"Hello, darling." River said, her voice coming out of my phone.
"River. Not now." I said, rolling my eyes. "I'm in the middle of a court case."
"A court case? Which one?"
"'The Adventure of the Great Departure'."
"I see. So the first trial of Ryunosuke Naruhodo."
"Yeah." I said, ending the call. "I got to go. Talk to you later, Mels."
"Talk to you later, darling." River said, and I placed my phone back inside my pocket.
"Sorry for keeping you. Here is the other steak and its plate. Please, feel free to examine it." Hosonaga said, entering the room with the other steak on the plate.
"Look, Ryunosuke!" I cheered, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "The bloodstain is visible!"
"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "Now this makes everything clear. The blood you can see on the side of the plate... ...shows that at the moment the victim was shot, he was facing the table, with his back to me."
"In other words! It's impossible for Naruhodo-san to have shot the victim!" Kazuma said, angrily.
"Agh!" Brett cried.
"It, it can't be…" Auchi said, at a loss for words.
"In fact, there's only one person who could possibly have shot Dr Watson from the front. I'm sure everyone knows by now who that person is." Ryunosuke said.
"...Ugh...um…" Brett said, sadly.
"That's right... Miss Jezaille Brett... It's you!"
"...... Outdone...by a Japanese? Me? By a Japanese schoolboy? No... No... NO…" Brett said, breaking down. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH….!" She started to calm down. "Please excuse my...little outburst. I briefly lost my composure. Most unbecoming behaviour for an English gentlewoman. Forgive me."
"Well, Miss Brett... ...I think it's time you told the court what actually happened that day. The truth, this time." The Judge said, looking at Brett.
"...... Gladly, Your Excellency." Brett said, frowning. "...It was I who took the professor's life, using curare. As you surmised, I chose that particular day for one very important reason... The professor had a dental appointment for the extraction of one of his teeth in the morning."
"So you planned to kill the professor, knowing that no trace of poison would be found in his water. Because curare is unheard of here in Japan." Kazuma said.
"Yes. Of course, I never intended to remain at the restaurant for as long as I did. I only needed to see the professor take one tiny sip of his water, and it would be all over. I would place the steak I had ordered in front of him to make it appear as though he had been dining alone... ...and leave immediately. However... ...before any of that happened, there was an unexpected visitor at the professor's table."
"That would be me...I suppose?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Yes, you." Brett said, scoffing. Who else? Such a trifling matter. But the fact that you'd decided to come over to greet the professor... ...meant that I had lost my chance to slip away unnoticed. In due course, the professor took a sip of his water and was paralysed. I made sure he was sitting in his chair such that he wouldn't fall. There was no going back at that point. So I concocted a plan on the spur of the moment."
"A plan to pin Dr Watson's murder on this innocent man." Kazuma said.
"...... I happened to know that the professor always carried a gun. I decided to use that fact to my advantage. I had the bottle of curare in my handbag. And...my own pistol concealed under my skirt."
"Well, John always had his gun on him." I said, looking down at the floor. "He was an army doctor."
"U-Under you…" Auchi said, gulping. "…skirt...?"
"So I was right. There were two guns." Ryunosuke said.
"...Yes." Brett said, frowning.
"And then I finished my coffee and got up to leave. That's when I noticed the professor's gun, which you had presumably placed on the floor. Placed where you were sure that I would notice it."
"And everything went according to plan. You noticed the gun, as I'd intended. And then, just as you bent down to pick it up…" Ryunosuke said, thinking about the gun shot noise. "That's when you shot the professor with your own gun. Even though at that point, he was already dead."
"Naturally, the gunshot caused a commotion, at which point the waiter appeared." Brett said.
"Obviously, I assumed Naruhodo-san was the culprit and apprehended him. I took him to the pantry that adjoins the kitchen and locked him inside." Hosonaga said.
"That's when I took the opportunity to turn the professor and his chair around."
"Because, of course... ...you needed to make it look like the defendant had shot Dr Watson from where he'd picked up the gun." Kazuma said.
"......" Brett said, looking at us. "...So there you have it. That is the entirety of my...misdemeanour."
"......" Ryunosuke said.
"......" Auchi said.
"......" The Judge said.
"Your Excellency…" Brett said, looking at the Judge.
"I wonder... ...might I speak with you in private later?"
"I shall call on you."
"Thank you. Good day then, everyone. I hope you can forgive me...Naruhodo-san." Brett said, leaving the witness stand.
"It would seem... ...this trial has finally run its course. I presume the prosecution is in agreement?" The Judge asked.
"This, this can't be... Taketsuchi Auchi does not lose! Not to the likes of this, this...ROOKIE STUDENT!" Auchi yelled.
"You'd better start getting used to tough opposition." Kazuma said, smirking.
"ARRRRRRGH! Ryunosuke Naruhodo!"
"Wha- Yes?" Ryunosuke asked.
"This insult to the Auchi family name... will NEVER be forgotten!" Auchi said, angrily.
"You've become conceited with age, Counsel. But the old have to stand aside and make way for the new. It's the way of the world. ...May you never forget that! A thousand millenia may pass, and still the Auchi clan will never measure up to the Naruhodo clan!" Kazuma said, looking at Auchi.
"This trial, in the Supreme Court of Japan... ...will, I believe, go down in history as the start of a new chapter in our country's judicial system. Despite being summoned as the accused, you, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, presented an excellent case." The Judge said.
"I... Thank you, Your Excellency!" Ryunosuke said.
"The use of evidence and deduction to unravel the truth is a modern methodology. After all, it has only been a few short decades since our country opened its doors to the wider world. But the Western ideas of 'science' are rapidly gaining acceptance here. I feel sure that science will soon bring new methods of investigation, and new procedures of justice. A new future of law awaits. But what it will look like, I cannot begin to imagine. That is for the young to pursue. Kazuma Asogi…"
"Yes?" Kazuma asked.
"After this trial, you are set to embark on a journey of discovery, to the illustrious British Empire. Learn all you can. Absorb everything of the wider world that you are able to. And do not forget...to fulfill the mission imposed upon you."
"...... I understand...Your Excellency."
"Crap." I said, looking down at the floor again.
"What was that about? Why do the both of you look so grave all of a sudden?" Ryunosuke asked, looking between Kazuma and I.
"Ah... Never mind." Kazuma said, sadly.
"It's nothing." I said, laughing a lot.
"As for you, Ryunosuke Naruhodo." The Judge said.
"Oh! Yes?" Ryunosuke asked.
"In you, I sense - how can I put it? - unusual potential. I very much look forward to seeing how you carry that onwards."
"Thank you, Your Excellency!"
"It is time to deliver the final verdict. I hereby find the defendant, Ryunosuke Naruhodo…Not Guilty. This court is now adjourned!" The Judge said.
22nd November, 2:46 p.m.
Supreme Court of Judicature, Defendants' Antechamber 5…
"Nice job, Ryunosuke. Congrats." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I can't believe it. I can't believe what's happened. I made it! I defended myself and made it through that horrendous trial!'
"Ryunosuke! You finally pulled it off! Congratulations!" Kazuma said, excitedly.
"Well, I couldn't have done it without the both of you. Thank you, Kazuma, Jared." Ryunosuke said, looking between Kazuma and I.
"It's not a problem." I said, happily.
"Ha ha ha ha hah! No no, it was a pleasure to watch you at work. So, you owe me an extra large sukiyaki from the place on Yumei University Street. Don't forget!" Kazuma cheered.
"Good afternoon. All your hard work has certainly paid off." Susato said, entering the room. "Congratulations to the three of you for proving Naruhodo-san's innocence."
"Ah, our trusty judicial assistant. You worked hard for that result, too, you know." Kazuma said, smiling.
"Oh no. I didn't do anythi…"
"Thank you so much! If we hadn't had that research paper of Miss Brett's, I don't know how things would have turned out." Ryunosuke said.
"Your kind words should really be for my father. I was simply doing as he asked. It was his idea for me to go to the university and investigate."
"Your father...?" Ryunosuke asked, as he thought this to himself. 'Ah yes, of course…'
"Forgive me for intruding on court proceedings, Your Excellency. Susato Mikotoba, judicial assistant to the defence." Susato said.
Supreme Court of Judicature, Defendants' Antechamber 5…
"Still, Susato." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Speaking of Mikotoba…'
"Ah, there you are. I believe congratulations are in order!" Mikotoba said, entering the room. "Naruhodo... You did an excellent job."
"Th-Thank you, Professor." Ryunosuke said, looking at Mikotoba.
"Oh no, it is I who should be thanking you. After all…" Mikotoba said, letting out a sigh. "...your efforts exposed the true criminal that took the life of my good friend."
''Good friend'?' Ryunosuke asked, thinking this to himself, before speaking aloud. "Oh yes, you mentioned that before. It was you who actually invited Dr Watson to Yumei University, wasn't it?"
"Yes, that's right."
"Professor Mikotoba studied overseas himself. He went to study forensic medicine in Great Britain. Presumably that's when you met Dr Watson?" Kazuma asked.
"Exactly. In those days, we worked together in the same hospital." Mikotoba said.
"Oh, you worked together?" Ryunosuke asked.
"I've never heard you mention that before." Kazuma said.
"Well, it was a long time ago now." Mikotoba said, sadly. "Jared, when did you meet Dr Watson?"
"The same place you did. Great Britain." I said, looking down at the floor. "But it was with your old friend. It was in the future. The early 21st century. We solved cases together for years."
"I see, so you got to know him too. Besides... ...it's your turn, Asogi." Mikotoba said.
"...!" Kazuma said, at a loss for words.
"Great Britain is a magnificent country. It leads the world. In science, medicine, engineering, culture... And, of course, in law. Watch and learn, my boy. See what's happening in the world's largest melting pot!" Mikotoba said, excitedly.
"I will. I'll learn all that I can. I swear on this, the spirit of the Asogi clan!"
"You're not taking that sword to Great Britain, are you?" Ryunosuke asked, looking down at Kazuma's sword.
"Of course I am. A Japanese man's katana is his soul. This blade shows me where I need to go. And cuts down anything that's in my way." Kazuma said, happily.
"It reminds me of another friend of mine." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Yes, I've definitely seen how sharp it is already with my own eyes…'
"That reminds me, what's happened to the woman? To Jezaille Brett, I mean. After all, she's guilty of murder." Kazuma said.
"Ah yes, her. It's not easy to tell you this, but…" Mikotoba said.
"What do you mean? Surely she's going to face trial herself now. She's the true culprit, after all." Ryunosuke said.
"She will be leaving Japan in the very near future. For Shanghai."
"What? Shanghai?"
"......" Kazuma said, at a loss for words.
"Jezaille Brett will not appear in court again in this country. I'm certain of that." Mikotoba said.
"What? But why not?" Ryunosuke asked.
"It's a matter of consular jurisdiction." Hosonaga said, entering the room.
"Inspector Hosonaga!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"It was a hard-fought battle in the courtroom today. Very impressive to watch. I must congratula…"
"But, but what's all this about consular jurisdiction?"
"We cannot try this particular foreigner for her crimes here in Japan."
"What...? We can't try her? But then, who? Who's going to bring her to justice?"
"A British consular court will hear her case. Somewhere far away, where our voices can't be heard." Kazuma said, letting out a sigh.
"God, I hate knowing things sometimes." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'But why a consular court...?'
"Professor, I simply don't understand. I thought consular courts were a thing of the past now that we've signed the friendship treaty." Kazuma said, looking at Mikotoba.
"Yes, in normal circumstances, you're right." Mikotoba said, sadly.
"Then, so long as this is not a serious incident of a highly political nature to our respective governments... ...they can't invoke a consular court just like that!"
"Oh... Can't they?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Yes, she's a student, but it doesn't justify our governments making secret agreements about her fate, does it? Something strange is going on!" Kazuma said, worried. "Jared, do you know what's going on?"
"Spoilers." I said, looking down at the floor. "I wish I could tell you why, but I can't."
"......" Mikotoba said, guiltily.
"It sucks. I know." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So Miss Brett can't be held accountable for her actions here in Japan…'
"I'm afraid that for the young student... ...today's trial was nothing more than a game all along. There was never any danger of comeuppance for her." Mikotoba said.
"I don't believe it…" Ryunosuke said.
"The British government's foreign affairs ministry has demanded that we hand over custody of Miss Brett. They're obviously taking this case of a foreign student committing murder very seriously." Hosonga said.
"...... But it's all going to change from now on. We can make it change. This is a time of great turmoil, this new era heralded by the start of the twentieth century. One day, I have no doubt... ...that woman will receive the judgment she deserves." Mikotoba said.
"Yes, change is coming. And we're the ones driving it." Kazuma said.
"Well, I think that's enough seriousness for now. This evening calls for a celebratory drink!" Mikotoba cheered.
"But Professor…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.
"You're right. This is no time for gloomy faces! We should be celebrating Ryunosuke's not guilty verdict! Let's start having some fun!" Kazuma said, excitedly.
"In that case, might I suggest La Carneval? As the head waiter, I should be delighted to provide you with ample food and drink!" Hosonaga said, excitedly.
"Um...you're a detective, Hosonaga-san. ...Aren't you?" Ryunosuke asked.
"Ahem! Ahem! Let's not worry about details for now. To La Carneval! Will you accompany us, Professor?"
"Of course! La Carneval's food is second to none!" Mikotoba cheered.
"I'm not a fan of fancy food too much." I said, sadly. "I prefer cheap and affordable food. Sometimes comfort food."
"I shall go and attend to the paperwork for Naruhodo-san's release." Susato said, walking away from us.
"Oh, yes... Thank you." Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'So Jezaille Brett won't be tried here. I, I suppose that means I'll never know. I'll never find out why she killed Dr Watson…' He then spoke aloud. "Kazuma…"
"Yes, Ryunosuke?" Kazuma asked.
"I just wanted to say thanks again, that's all. You really saved my skin today." Ryunosuke said.
"Ha ha ha ha hah! I didn't do a thing! You were the lawyer in there, weren't you? That defence was all your own work."
"Your skills made the difference, though. One day, I bet you'll be the best lawyer in the world."
"Hm, I'm not so sure about that."
"To be honest, something kept occurring to me over and over again during that trial. I couldn't help thinking that maybe you're the one destined to become a great lawyer, not me."
"Wha...? Come on, be serious!" Ryunosuke said, terrified.
"If I helped you today, it was only right at the very start of the trial. But you have a natural talent for it. For being a defence lawyer, I mean." Kazuma said.
"Oh no! Not me! All that tense verbal combat? I never want to go through that ever again! I just... I did what you told me to do, that's all. Because I knew I could trust you."
"That's the point."
"Sorry? What do you mean, 'that's the point'?"
"Listen, Ryunosuke... Do you know what the most crucial weapon is that any lawyer needs in order to win?" Kazuma asked.
"Um...knowledge of the law?" Ryunosuke asked.
"No. The ability to believe."
"To believe? To believe what?"
"A defence lawyer has to fight for his clients. He has to believe in them at all times."
"Like you and Jared believed in me when I said I didn't do it." Ryunosuke said, happily.
"Of course we believed in you, Kazuma." I said, smiling. "We're human, just like you. Neither of us have the supernatural ability to know the truth. It's literally impossible."
"Jared's right. But you have to make a choice about what to believe in and stick to it when you're defending someone. Sometimes in the courtroom, you can really be backed into a corner. But being able to remain faithful to what you chose to believe in even then... Well, that's not something that anyone can do. It takes a special kind of person." Kazuma said, looking at Ryunosuke.
"Hm, believing in your client…" Ryunosuke said, his eyes widening.
"Just look at today's trial. I'm a student lawyer with precious little real experience, but you never stopped believing in me." Kazuma said. smirking.
"Well, I…"
"You faced seemingly hopeless situations time and again, but you never stopped looking for the truth. And in the end, you found it. Through your own efforts. And because you never stopped believing in me."
"Thanks, Kazuma."
"...... There's something I want to ask you, actually, Ryunosuke. Well, it's a favour, really. Something very important to me."
"It sounds serious. What is…"
"Ah! You're still here, are you?" Hosonaga asked, entering the room.
"Oh! Inspector Hosonaga!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.
"I've arranged some rickshaws for us. Let's go!"
"Okay." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "So no taxis then."
"Thank you. We'll be right there. Let's pick up this conversation again later. We should be celebrating right now. Your first court victory!" Kazuma cheered.
"And YOUR study tour to Great Britain, don't forget!" Ryunosuke yelled.
"Ah yes. That too."
"So my very first trial came to an end. Kazuma... Professor Mikotoba... Jared… Susato-san, who acted as my assistant... Inspector Hosonaga...who didn't really play much of a part, but still... It was because of the help and support of all these people that I managed to get through that trial. But more importantly... Kazuma hadn't yet managed to ask his favour of me. Little did I realise... ...just how much it would change my life." Ryunosuke said, as a voiceover.